Session One



Reread Chapter One of The Blessing Seer. What in this chapter stood out for you personally?


  1. Define the word blessing in your own words.


  1. Now utilize a dictionary, a Bible dictionary, and any other reference book to delve into the meaning of blessing even more. Record your findings.


  1. Make a list of twenty blessings God has granted you.



Just as Addy discovers, some blessings are just given to us by God while others require some action. This action might be obedience or following a directive given by God. Study your list of blessings. Are there any that required your obedience before receiving it? If so, place a star by that blessing.


Find what each of these Scriptures says about blessing.


Deuteronomy 11:26-27

Psalm 24:4-6

Proverbs 10:6-7

John 1:16

Ephesians 1:3

1 Peter 3:9



Have you taken the time lately to thank God for the blessings He has given to you? Take a moment to do so. You might write a thank you note to God. We can bless God in the form of praise.