Name: Todd Albrecht
Relation: Boss
Interviewer: Suze
Date: July 11, 1991
Suze: When was the last time you saw Dee?
Todd: God, it had to have been almost a week and a half ago.
Suze: How many hours was she working here?
Todd: Oh, maybe ten to fifteen.
Suze: Do you remember the last time she worked?
Todd: I can check. But off the top of my head, I think it was July first. She told me she wanted to reduce her hours here the last time she was in.
Suze: Did she say why?
Todd: Yeah, uh. Something about wanting more time to paint. And she had some hotshot boyfriend who was taking care of her.
Suze: She told you that?
Todd: In not so many words. She told some of the other girls. Her boyfriend bought her things. Took her out. I think she thought they might get married. Or that’s what she told the other girls, like I said.
Suze: Did you ever meet this guy?
Todd: Not directly, no. He came by here a couple of times to pick Dee up after work.
Suze: What was your impression of him?
Todd: Looked like a real Guido type if you ask me. I think she could have done better. But he was clearly crazy about her.
Suze: Why do you say that?
Todd: Oh, I don’t know. He did a lot of totally pussy-whipped shit. Over-the-top gifts. Like he was scared to lose her.