
Name: Leif Gunnarson

Relation: Peg’s boyfriend

Date: July 29, 1991

Interviewer: Peter

Location: Milwaukee County Jail

Leif: Where’s Peg?

Peter: I’m asking the questions. When was the last time you saw Dee?

Leif: July Fourth.

Peter: What did you do on the Fourth?

Leif: Dee called Peg crying the day before because Frank was cheating on her. So Peg invited her to spend the Fourth with us. I worked third shift that night, as usual, but we stayed up and celebrated the Fourth together.

Peter: Celebrated how?


Leif: Sparklers and apple pie and shit. You know.

Peter: Why did Dee leave?

Leif: She walked in on Peg and me having sex. They got into a fight. Dee left.

Peter: Did she say where she was going?

Leif: No.

Peter: Look, cut the crap, Leif. I know you guys dropped acid. Did Dee do it too?

Leif: I don’t know. I think so.

Peter: You think so.

Leif: I was tripping.

Peter: What about your brother?

Leif: What about him?

Peter: Peg says he’s missing?

Leif: Seems that way.

Peter: And? Dee too? Doesn’t that seem odd to you? Were they spending a lot of time together?

Leif: Look. The shit Erik’s going through . . . It’s got nothing to do with Dee.

Peter: Why do you say that?

Leif: Erik’s . . . a troubled kid, okay? Dee’s got none of those kind of problems.

Peter: Where is he?

Leif: Like I said, I don’t know. I wish I did. But I’m telling you. This is normal behavior for him. He runs away. Disappears all the time. He always shows up again.

Peter: When he does, you let him know we need to talk to him.

Leif: Sure. He doesn’t know anything about this stuff with Dee, though. I guarantee you.

Peter: Who, in your best estimation, might know?

Leif: I’d be knocking down Frank’s door if I were you guys. I met the guy, and he is a real piece of work.

Peter: We can’t find him either.

Leif: Jesus, everybody’s got the idea to disappear except me, I guess.