1And YHWH said to Moses, “Say to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to them: One shall not become impure for a person among his people 2except for his relative who is close to him: for his mother and for his father and for his son and for his daughter and for his brother 3and for his virgin sister who is close to him, who has not been a husband’s; he may become impure for her. 4He shall not become impure as a husband among his people, for him to be desecrated. 5They shall not make a bald place on their head and shall not shave the corner of their beard and not make a cut in their flesh. 6They shall be holy to their God and shall not desecrate their God’s name, because they are bringing forward YHWH’s offerings by fire, their God’s bread, so they shall be a holy thing. 7They shall not take a woman who is a prostitute and desecrated, and they shall not take a woman who is divorced from her husband, because he is holy to his God. 8And you shall regard him as holy because he is bringing forward your God’s bread. He shall be holy to you because I, YHWH, who makes you holy, am holy. 9And the daughter of a man who is a priest who will become desecrated, to whore: she is desecrating her father. She shall be burned in fire.
10“And the priest who is the most senior of his brothers, on whose head the anointing oil will be poured and who has filled his hand to wear the clothes, he shall not let loose the hair of his head and not tear his clothes 11and he shall not come to any dead persons; he shall not become impure for his father and for his mother. 12And he shall not go out from the holy place, so he will not desecrate his God’s holy place, because the crown with his God’s anointing oil is on him. I am YHWH.
13“And he shall take a woman in her virginity. 14A widow and a divorcee and a desecrated woman, a prostitute: he shall not take these; he shall take none except a virgin from his people. 15And he shall not desecrate his seed among his people, because I, YHWH, make him holy.”
l6And YHWH spoke to Moses, saying, 17“Speak to Aaron, saying: A man from your seed, through their generations, in whom will be an injury shall not come forward to bring forward his God’s bread. l8Because any man in whom is an injury shall not come forward: a blind man or a cripple or mutilated or has an elongated limb 19or a man who has a break of the leg or a break of the arm in him 20or a hunchback or a dwarf or who has a spotting in his eye or is scabbed or scurvied or has crushed testicles. 21Any man from the seed of Aaron the priest in whom is an injury shall not come near to bring forward YHWH’s offerings by fire. He has an injury in him. He shall not come near to bring forward his God’s bread. 22He shall eat his God’s bread, from the holies of holies and from the holies. 23Just: he shall not come to the pavilion, and he shall not come near to the altar, because he has an injury in him. And he shall not desecrate my holy places, because I, YHWH, make them holy.”
24So Moses spoke to Aaron and to his sons and to all the children of Israel.