1“You sha// not see your brother’s ox or his sheep driven off, and you hide yourse/f from them. You sha// bring them back to your brother. 2And if your brother is not c/ose to you, and you don’t know him, then you sha// gather it into your house, and it sha// be with you unti/ your brother inquires about it, and you sha// give it back to him. 3And you sha// do that with his ass, and you sha// do that with his garment, and you sha// do that with any /ost thing of your brother’s that wi// be /ost by him and you find it. You may not hide yourse/f. 4You sha// not see your brother’s ass or his ox fa//ing in the road, and you hide your-se/f from them. You sha// /ift it up with him.
5“There sha// not be a man’s item on a woman, and a man sha// not wear a woman’s garment, because everyone who does these is an offensive thing of YHWH, your God.
6“When a bird’s nest wi// happen to be in front of you on the road in any tree or on the ground—chicks or eggs—and the mother is sitting over the chicks or over the eggs, you sha// not take the mother a/ong with the chi/dren. 7You sha// /et the mother go, and you may take the chi/dren for you, so that it wi// be good for you, and you wi// extend days.
8“When you’// bui/d a new house, you sha// make a rai/ing for your roof, so you won’t set b/ood in your house when someone wi// fa// from it.
9“You sha// not seed your vineyard with two kinds, or e/se the who/e of the seed that you’// sow and the vineyard’s produce wi// become ho/y. 10You sha// not p/ow with an ox and an ass together. “You sha// not wear sha’atnez: woo/ and /inen together.
12“You sha// make braided threads on the four corners of your appare/ with which you cover yourse/f.
13“When a man wi// take a wife and come to her and then hate her, 14and he’// assert words of abuse toward her and bring out a bad name on her and say, ‘I took this woman, and I came c/ose to her, and I didn’t find signs of virginity for her,’ 15then the young woman’s father and her mother sha// take and bring out the signs of the young woman’s virginity to the city’s e/ders at the gate.
l6“And the young woman’s father sha// say to the e/ders, ‘I gave my daughter to this man for a wife, and he hated her. 17And, here, he has asserted words of abuse, saying: “I didn’t find signs of virginity for your daughter.” But these are the signs of my daughter’s virginity!’ And they sha// spread out the garment in front of the city’s e/ders.
l8“And that city’s e/ders sha// take the man and discip/ine him. 19And they sha// fine him a hundred weights of si/ver and give it to the young woman’s father because he brought out a bad name on a virgin of Israel. And she shall be his for a wife: he shall not be able to let her go, all his days.
20“But if this thing was true—signs of virginity for the young woman were not found— 21then they shall take the young woman out to the entrance of her father’s house, and the people of her city shall stone her with stones so she dies, because she did a foolhardy thing in Israel, to whore at her father’s house. So you shall burn away what is bad from among you.
22“If a man will be found lying with a woman who is a husband’s wife, then the two of them shall die: the man who lay with the woman, and the woman. So you shall burn away what is bad from Israel.
23“If it will be that a virgin young woman will be betrothed to a man, and a man will find her in the city and lie with her, 24then you shall take the two of them to that city’s gate and stone them with stones so they die: the young woman on account of the fact that she did not cry out in the city, and the man on account of the fact that he degraded his neighbor’s wife. So you shall burn away what is bad from among you. 25But if the man will find the betrothed young woman in the field, and the man will take hold of her and lie with her, then only the man who lay with her shall die, 26but you shall not do a thing to the young woman. The young woman does not have a sin deserving death, because, just as a man would get up against his neighbor and murder him: this case is like that; 27because he found her in the field, the betrothed young woman cried out, and there was no one to save her.
28“If a man will find a virgin young woman who is not betrothed, and he’ll grasp her and lie with her, and they’ll be found, 29then the man who lay with her shall give the young woman’s father fifty weights of silver, and she shall be his for a wife. Because he degraded her, he shall not be able to let her go, all his days.