Nick Harrison for always believing in this story and me

Chip MacGregor, agent, for always challenging,

encouraging, and offering sage wisdom

Barbour Publishing for their energy and inspiration

Acquisitions Editor Annie Tipton for listening to Abby’s voice

Holly Lorincz and Joanne Simmons for their insightful editing

Beth Greenfeld and Kitty Eisele, my writing group

Fred Ricker, John Enloe, and Bruce Stewart, all Clock Docs

Michelle Albanese, for her unfailing support, encouragement, and GPS

Gilda Carter, a friend who loves unconditionally

Barb Boughton, my friend and sister in Christ

Lori Galloway, for sharing her journey to hope

on the anniversary of her daughter’s death

Shaunna Bohan for helping with Discussion Questions

The Writers Center, Bethesda, Maryland

Lake Forest Park Presbyterian Church who made God’s house feel like home

Marvin Wayne, for medical information in Blaine, Washington

The Pink Brains Book Club, my favorite book club that never actually bowled

Will Stewart for supporting my writing

Julia Stewart and Christine Stewart, our beloved daughters

Charlie Baxter, my UM professor for “Seeing from the Balcony”

Alyson Hagy for continued friendship

and support beyond being my UM professor

Bill and Ruth Roetcisoender, I love you both so much

James Scott Bell, Lydia Harris, Catron Enloe,

Robert Burroughs, Sherry Larson

My heavenly Father who carries me now and forever