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“You’re sure you can do this without sedation?” Raven gave Malyk a dubious look as they stood outside Ares’ enclosure.
“I wouldn’t put your or he in danger,” Malyk said firmly, his hand already on the gate latch. “He trusts me. If you insist on giving him a once-over to make sure he didn’t hurt himself last night, then I’ll keep him calm while you do.”
“He heard us.” She felt the panther’s approach long before she could see him. “He’ll be here in a minute or two.
Malyk’s brow quirked up, and he glanced over at her. “How do you know that? I can’t see him at all.”
“You’re going to laugh at me.” She gestured for him to head through the gate, her hand resting on the tranquilizer pistol in her jacket pocket. As he stepped inside and closed the gate, her pulse picked up again. He moved with such grace for a large man, and with his hair tied back the chiselled lines of his face stood out. He literally stole her breath away.
“No, I’m not going to laugh at you.” Malyk stood just inside the gate, looking entirely too relaxed for a man who’d just walked into a panther’s turf without so much as a pocket knife to defend himself.
“It’s a family thing.” Raven decided to come clean, after all, he was going to be around for a while, and most of her volunteers had at least an inkling of what she could do. “I’m sort of a cat whisperer. I can sense their thoughts and feelings. It helps me work with them, and usually, I can tell when they are hurt or sick. Ares is tough, though. He won’t let me in. He’s too stubborn to let me help him.” She watched Mal’s face, waiting for his reaction with something akin to dread.
“So that’s how you found him last night. You weren’t tracking him in all that rain and wind, you were sensing his thoughts. I wondered how you had managed it.” He flicked her a quick grin, apparently unconcerned by her explanation. “Is it only cats you can connect with?”
She released the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding when he took her explanation in stride. “It works best with cats, but sometimes I can connect with other animals too. It’s different with them, less a connection and more of a quick read of what they’re feeling.”
“And that’s why your grandmother started this sanctuary. Who better to deal with wounded animals than someone with not just the compassion to help, but the ability to actually know what they were feeling.” His eyes warmed with approval, and he seemed about to say more, but a low growl announced Ares’ arrival.
“Manners, Ares.” Mal’s voice was low but firm as he crouched down and faced the big cat. “That’s no way to say hello.”
Raven just watched, aware that whatever gift she had, Malyk’s was clearly stronger. The normally vicious panther actually lay down at Mal’s feet and then rolled onto his back, one massive paw reaching up to swat playfully at Mal’s hand. She’d never seen anything like it.
After a moment of play, Malyk lifted his gaze to Raven and nodded. “You can come in, he’ll behave.” As if to confirm it, Ares sprawled onto his side and yawned.
Avoiding sudden moves, she let herself in and crouched down beside Malyk. She let her mind touch the panther’s, and for the first time she met no resistance. Instead of the barrier of fear and pain, she found nothing but contentment and a trace of hunger. She ran her hands over his black coat, finding no new injuries or concerns. In fact, she was certain he’d had more scar tissue before, but instead, she found nothing but healthy flesh and soft fur.
Ares lay still and quiet for the entire exam, moving only when Malyk coaxed him to so that Raven could check another area. When she was done, she rocked back on her heels and shook her head in amazement. “He’s fine. He’s better than fine actually. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he’s never had an injury in his life.”
She caught the wry wince Mal tried to hide at her words and she cocked her head in question. “So what did you do to him exactly? It’s your turn to confess. Yesterday this animal had scars, a few half-healed injuries and a really lousy disposition. Today he’s a big pussycat, and I can’t find a thing wrong with him.”
Mal gave the panther one last pat and stood up, offering his hand down to Raven as she did the same. “Like you, I have gifts from my family,” he told her as he helped her to her feet and then tugged her into his arms, his eyes boring into hers as he continued his explanation.
“I can sense things from all living creatures, and if they allow it, I can sometimes heal them of their hurts. I could sense Ares last night while I was out walking and I knew your sanctuary was down this way, so I came to make sure everything was alright.”
“So you’re a freak too,” she murmured in understanding.
“I’m not a freak, and neither are you. My family all have gifts and talents, some in common, many not. You only think you’re different because there are no others who share your abilities. But what you can do does not define who you are.”
“If you say so.” She tried and failed to keep the doubt out of her tone. “But believe me, there are plenty of people who would think we’re both freaks. Talking to animals and claiming to be able to heal with a touch.” She couldn’t keep the note of envy out of her voice. “I wish I could do what you can do. I couldn’t get through to Ares, and I couldn’t heal him.”
“You did all you could, that’s more than many would have done.” He slid an arm around her waist and hugged her closer to him for a moment before letting her go. “If we’re done confessing secrets for now, I believe someone else is coming up the driveway. Shall we go see what they want?”
Raven laughed. “Well, now I know how you knew Carter was coming this morning. It’s not your hearing at all, you could sense them!” She slipped out the gate first and secured it once Mal joined him on the outside. “You sir, are a cheater!” She checked her watch and glanced up toward the house. “That should be Dana. She comes by in the afternoons a few days a week and helps me prepare the food and dispense the medications. Shall I go make introductions?”
“I am not a cheater! I am simply terribly talented.” He took her hand and started up the path. “I’m happy to meet anyone who helps you run this place. I was wondering how you managed it all by yourself.”
She kept talking as they walked. “Oh, I have help, volunteers who either love animals or are looking for something different to put on their resume. Dana helps with meal times, Mike does most of the heavy lifting and keeps the enclosures clean and in good repair, and Samantha helps me with fundraising and paperwork. Her husband’s an accountant, but he does my books for me for free.”
“Busy place,” Mal commented. “You are sure none of them are helping Carter?”
“What?” Raven nearly stumbled as the impact of his question hit her hard. She turned and stared at Malyk, horrified at the idea. “You don’t think any of them would? Do you?”
“I think that some people have a price, even for betrayal. I don’t know these people Raven, are there any of them you think could do such a thing? Anyone new?”
“Just Dana. She’s only been on the island two months. She’s working at the wildlife rehab center on the other of the island mostly, but she heard about my sanctuary and offered to help out. She’s an aspiring veterinarian, just building up her resume. She loves animals, Mal, I can’t see her doing anything like setting Ares free. She knows what would happen to him if he hurt anyone.”
“Then likely it’s none of them.” He offered. “But maybe keep the fact someone let the animals out just between us for now.”
“Alright.” She hated the idea that one of her friends and supporters could do anything to hurt the sanctuary, but Mal did have a point, it couldn’t hurt to be cautious.
* * * *
The moment he laid eyes on her, Mal knew Dana for what she was, and it didn’t bode well for Raven. Though she would appear normal to any mortal who looked at her, daemons could not hide their nature from each other, and he could clearly see the delicately spiralled horns that curved up out of Dana’s blonde hair and the green shimmer to her skin. Her energy signature gave her away immediately, and he nearly cursed aloud. An avarice daemon, just what he needed.
Dana paused at the top of the pathway, her eyes widening as she recognized him as well. He saw her grin slightly, her gaze bouncing between himself and Raven as they walked up to meet her.
This is going to be interesting,
He covered the last few steps between them and stopped just behind Raven.
“Hey, Dana, nice to see you.” Raven reached back and took his hand, drawing him closer to her. “I’d like you to meet Malyk. He’s going to be helping me run things here from now on.”
“Really? I didn’t know you were looking for more help.” Dana smiled up at Malyk and held out her hand. “It’s so nice to meet you, Malyk.” She lingered over the syllables of his name.
“Nice to meet you too, Dana.” He shook her hand, already trying to figure out a way to get her off the property and away from Raven. Avarice demons lived off of feelings of greed, and if there was one here, he just bet she was tangled up with Carter and his plans.
“I don’t remember Raven mentioning you before. You must be new to the island?” Dana purred her words, clearly enjoying the game the two of them were playing.
“I have family here,” he told her, his warning clear. “I met Raven, and I believe in what she’s doing. I offered her my help.”
“That’s really nice of you. With all that’s been going on around here, we could sure use all the help we can get.” Shall I go start on meal prep?” Guileless green eyes glanced over to Raven. “I bet they’re all going to be hungry soon.”
* * * *
Raven felt a bitter spike of jealousy pierce her soul. She could tell she was missing something, somewhere in the undertones of the conversation going on around her. “Sure Dana, you head over to the barn, and I’ll be there in a minute. I just need to talk to Mal first.”
Dana bounced off down the path with a nod and a wave. “See you later Malyk.”
When she was gone, Raven turned to Mal. “What did I miss? You two were acting weird. Have you met her before?” She winced as a thought occurred to her. “Please tell me you didn’t hook up with her before you met me.”
“I’ve never met her before.” Malyk squeezed her hand and laughed. “And believe me, little bird, she is most definitely not my type.”
“I think you might be hers,” she muttered and glanced over at Dana’s retreating back.
“Doesn’t matter if I were her type, I’m not available.”
“No?” Raven’s heart skipped a beat as he leaned in and brushed a kiss to her cheek before moving back just enough to meet her eyes.
“No. I’m here to take care of you Raven. You, and only you.” His lips turned up in a smile. “And your menagerie too of course.”
“My very own guardian angel,” she joked.
“You have no idea.” He laughed and hugged her to him, his eyes on the barn where he knew Dana had gone. “Why don’t you go give Dana a hand? I need to make a phone call.”
“Sure thing, just come down to the main barn when you’re done. This isn’t a quick process, or a tidy one.” She kissed him and then headed down the path to the barn, certain that Dana had a thousand questions for her, all of them about Mal.
* * * *
Malyk headed back to the house and stepped inside. Once he was sure he was alone, he simply willed himself home, feeling the familiar tingle as he stepped through the veil that separated his world from Raven’s. He needed to figure out how to deal with Dana, or whatever her real name was. Things were getting complicated.
He barely let his feet touch the ground outside his personal dwelling before he was gone again, transporting himself to the home of the one person he knew would have the insight he needed, his mother.
“Malyk!” Molla beamed as she opened the door, her pleasure clearly visible in the glow that radiated softly around her body. “I was wondering when you were going to come visit. How are things at Keri’s?”
“Hello, mother.” Malyk couldn’t help but smile at the diminutive woman who had been his parent, advisor, and friend for thousands of years. It was from her he had gotten his blonde looks, amber eyes, and daemon type, and there were times when he was hard pressed to see any of his father in himself at all.
He stepped inside and glanced around, clearly looking for someone. “Is Annoch here?”
“He’s gone to council. They’re still in a bit of a flap over the whole issue of Alistair and his capture and the fact your father took action without their permission. You know how they get when they’re not included in such things.” She shook her head and then hugged him hard. “But you didn’t come back to hear about that. So, what are you here to talk about?”
“There’s an avarice daemon on the island, and she’s causing trouble.” Malyk began, and soon he was telling his mother everything about Raven, the sanctuary, the threats, and finally Dana’s arrival.
When he was done, Molla tapped her fingers to her lips in thought and then smiled. “You need to talk to Finn. This sort of thing is his idea of fun.” She threw up her hands in despair. “He gets it from his father, not me, I swear.”
Malyk laughed. “You like to pretend you’re the sweet one mother, but we know better.”
“You go find your brother and stop picking on me.” She stood and shooed him toward the door. “And Malyk, It’s good to see you smiling again. You keep this Raven woman safe, alright? She’s good for you.”
He threw up his hands in surrender and backed toward the door. “Don’t start mother, I’ve only known her a day!” He teleported himself away before he even reached the door. If his mother had an opinion on Raven, he wasn’t ready to hear it.
* * * *
“So, Malyk’s hot.” Dana grinned at Raven as she finished stuffing another chicken carcass full of vitamins and other supplements for one of the residents. “Are you two an item?”
“No, maybe, I’m not really sure.” Raven sighed and waved a hand vaguely.
“Maybe? A man that good looking there shouldn’t be any maybe involved!” Dana giggled as she dumped the chicken into the right bin and started counting out the dosage for the next one. “Is he staying here?”
“Uh huh.” Dana flashed Raven a knowing look. “Is he sleeping on the couch?”
Raven hesitated before mumbling a terse, “No.”
“See? You’re an item. Simple,” Dana sniggered.
“If only it were that easy,” Raven commented as she hauled the filled bins over to the cart they used to haul the meals around the sanctuary.
“You think he’s maybe working with that Carter guy? You know, spying? He’s brand new to the island, you don’t know him at all, and he appears just as things are getting ugly.” Dana shrugged her shoulders. “You never know.”
“Things with Carter aren’t ugly, Dana. He came by this morning and told me he’s giving up for now. He’s gone back stateside, so maybe everything will go back to normal now.”
Dana’s brows shot up in surprise at Raven’s statement, and she dropped her eyes to the chicken on the work surface in front of her, “I hope so. You’ve been so stressed about it all. I was starting to wonder if maybe you should sell and start again. If the offer was good enough, you could just start again somewhere else, and I bet you’d have enough money left over to live really comfortably too. You could have a place like this and not have to worry about bills or anything. Maybe even take a vacation sometimes. It hasn’t been good for you, all this pressure, I’ve seen the toll it's taking.”
She tossed Raven a sly grin. “But I bet Malyk is great at relieving all sorts of pressure.”
Heat flared in Raven’s cheeks, and she slammed the last bin down onto the cart with a crash. “I’m going to go deliver these, you can get the last one ready, and I’ll be back for it.”
“Sure thing,” Dana answered, unperturbed.
Raven nearly bolted out the door, her mind awash with old doubts and new fears. Was Malyk working for Carter? Was she being foolish? The offer was really generous, had she made a mistake refusing Carter?
* * * *
“That wasn’t very nice of you, Dana,” Malyk’s voice came from a dark corner of the barn.
“Neither is eavesdropping,” Dana shot back, her voice full of venom.
“You need to find somewhere else to be, and it better be far away from here,” He informed her as he stepped out of the shadows, not hiding the hostility he felt for the other daemon.
“I have a job to do. I go when it’s done.” Dana crossed her arms over her chest, the butcher knife she’d been using still in her hand. “Why do you even care? She’s just a mortal, and if she’d take the offer, this would all be done and over with. Carter gets what he wants, I get what I need, everyone is happy. Are you like your half-brother? Going soft over a human?”
Malyk growled, “Stay away from her.”
“You don’t scare me Malyk, son of Molla and Nikos. You don’t even have my name. You’re no threat to me.”
“Oh, he is, but he’s not the one you need to worry about right now.” A new voice sounded just behind Dana and Malyk grinned as he watched her startle and jump. The new voice continued, “Pretty little thing like you shouldn’t be playing with knives, you could get yourself hurt.” A powerful hand clamped down on her shoulder, squeezing hard enough she winced.
Malyk cleared his throat and gestured to the man behind her. “Dana, this is my little brother, Finn. Well, half-brother really, but we’re not hung up on titles.”
“We’re family,” The new arrival agreed as he plucked the knife out of Dana’s hand and tossed it back on the work bench, revealing himself to her for the first time.
“Pain daemon,” She hissed as she recognized his daemon type.
“At your service.” Finn came around and bowed to her, his hand locked on her shoulder, his claws sinking in just a little. “My brother tells me you’re making trouble for a friend of his. I’m here to help him explain to you why that’s a bad idea.” Finn tossed his brother a grin. “She’s cute, can I keep her?”
“No!” Dana yelped and went pale. “You aren’t seriously going to give me to one of them are you, Malyk?”
Malyk repressed the urge to laugh and instead glared at Dana. “I’m considering it. Are you ready to rethink my suggestion to relocate?”
“I’m gone. You’ll never see me again. Just keep him away from me!” She moaned in horror as Finn leaned in close and nuzzled her hair, drawing back his teeth enough to let his fangs show.
“I bet she’s a screamer.”
“You win! My name is Nemara of the House of Auros and I give you my word I’ll leave Raven alone! Alright? Just get him away from me!”
Finn sighed with disappointment as he released his hold on her shoulder. “I guess this means I don’t get to keep her.”
The moment he let go of her she vanished, leaving the two brothers alone, and laughing.
“Can I keep her?” Mal grinned at his brother between bouts of laughter. “I cannot believe you said that!”
“The look on her face, that was priceless!” Finn grinned back. “The most fun I’ve had ages. When I mentioned screaming, I thought she was going to start wailing right then and there.”
A fresh round of laughter hit them both, with Mal recovering first. “You make a very scary threat little brother. I’m going to remember that the next time I need to intimidate someone.”
“You’re plenty intimidating Mal, you just don’t have my special charms.” Finn flashed his fangs, and for a moment his eyes went from brown to a blazing crimson. “It also helps she has no idea I don’t actually like causing pain.” He shuddered at the thought.
“Stereotypes are so ugly.” Mal quipped and ducked as his younger brother reached out to cuff him.
“Yeah, what would you know about it? You’re an angel, all glowing halos, musical voices, and love-dovey crap.”
“You’ve heard me sing, you know that isn’t true,” Mal muttered. “Much as I am enjoying your abuse, though, you should probably go before Raven gets back, she thinks Dana’s human. Hell, she thinks I’m human.”
“You haven’t told her? Any of it?” Finn shook his head. “Good luck explaining where Dana went then. I’ll get lost before you have to explain where I came from too.” He slapped his brother on the shoulder and grinned at him again. “But I get to be first to meet her once you do tell her about us.”
“Not happening.” The laughter dimmed in Mal’s eyes. “You know how it is with me.”
“I know how it was, Mal. Things change.” With that, Finn vanished, and Malyk headed out to find Raven. He had some explaining to do.