

BLACK GARLIC: Garlic that is fermented in its skin, black garlic takes on a deep caramel flavor; buy it in vacuum-sealed bags at Japanese markets, some Trader Joe’s locations, or online.

FONIO: An ancient, tiny grain of West Africa, a cousin of millet; fonio has the potential to become a staple grain. Find it in specialty stores and online.

GREEN PEPPERCORNS: Pickled green peppercorns can occasionally be found in the pickle section of the grocery store and should not be confused with capers, which look similar. Order them online.

HARISSA: A chile and spice paste or dried spice blend that usually includes ground red chiles (mild or hot), cumin, caraway, cinnamon, black pepper, and garlic; available at some grocery stores in the spice or condiment aisle or online.

HIBISCUS FLOWERS: The red petals of the flowers in dried form; they can be found pulverized in tea bags or whole.

STICKY RICE: Not to be confused with other short-grain rice varieties, sticky rice, aka glutinous rice or sweet rice, is grown in Southeast Asia. The grains look opaque or matte. Find it at Asian, especially Thai, grocery stores or online.

TAMARIND: The sticky contents of seeded tamarind pods, tamarind paste tastes like sour molasses, and lime juice is a common, though less interesting, substitution.

