Abciximab 465, 469
abdominal wall 512, 513, plate 9
ABC transporters 25
examples 25
ABO blood groups 41
absence seizures 788
absorptive epithelia 57
acamprosate 792
ACE inhibitors 457–8
acetabulum 622
acetaminophen (paracetamol) 746, 850
acetazolamide 498
acetoacetate 124
acetone 124
acetylcholinesterase 228, 230
acetyl-CoA 104–5, 117, 124, 32
acetyl-CoA carboxylase 121
N-acetylglucosamines 40
N-acetyl-glutamate 154
N-acetyl-glutamate synthase 154
acid–base balance 178, 484
acidosis 114, 124, 136, 152, 498, 503, 607
acromegaly 592
acromioclavicular joint 282
acrosome 630
acrosome reaction 638
actin 4, 60, 258
action potential 222, 228–58, 396, 422, 426, 428, 549, 716, 723, 742, 752, 758, 764
in the heart 426–7
activation energy 16–17, 4
active transport 46
active site 18, 22, 78, 120, 196, 466
acute disseminated encephalomyelitis 262–3
acute stressors 615
acyclovir 814
acyl carnitine 116
acyl carnitine translocase 116
acyl carrier protein 120
acyl-CoA synthetase 116
adaptive immunity 824
addiction 790–1
mechanisms 792
Addison’s disease 598–9
adductor canal 334
adenosine 96–7, 444
adenosine nucleotide translocase 132
adenylate cyclase 132
adenylation 8, 194
adherens junctions 54
adhesion molecules 44
adipose cells 269
adipose tissue 102
ADP 96, 112, 152
adrenal cortex 598
adrenal gland 598
adrenaline 104, 114, 120, 126, 132, 136, 142, 242, 244, 589, 598
adrenal medulla 598
tumours of 598
adrenarche 644
adrenoceptors 240, 243
adrenocorticotrophic hormone 114, 590
adult respiratory distress syndrome 402
aerobic exercise
long-term 168
short-term 168
aerobic oxidation 136
affinity chromatography 912
afterload 438, 448, 458
agarose gel 200
agarose gel electrophoresis 897
ageing 778, 868
aggrecan 37
agonists 82–3
α and β agonists, therapeutic uses 244, 440
in cell signalling pathways 50
concentration–response relationship 80–1
GnRH agonist 646
in ligand binding 79
µ-opioid receptor agonists 792
muscarinic agonists, clinical use 238
airways resistance 380
alanine 6
alarm reaction 615–16
albendazole 819
albumin 114, 578
alcohol 148, 175, 792
detoxification 577
metabolism 582
alcoholism 136
aldosterone 32, 598–9
alkaline phosphatase 176
alkalosis 496, 498, 503
allantois 677
alleles 184
allopurinol 347, 848
allosteric changes 8
allosteric effectors 18
allosteric effects 98
allosteric regulators 132
α-1-antitrypsin 578
alpha-adrenoceptor antagonists 242–3
therapeutic uses 244
alpha-helixes 24
alteplase 469
altitude 407
alveolar gases 384
alveolar lining fluid 26
alveoli 374
Alzheimer’s disease 72, 795
amenorrhoea 592
amiloride 498, 764
amino acids 2–3, 6, 164
carbon skeletons 152
coding 42
metabolism 150, 156
synthesis 38
see also proteins
aminopeptidase 150
amino sugars 2–3
aminotransferases 152
amiodarone 430–1
amitriptyline 783
amlodipine 457
ammonia, toxicity 154
ammonium ion 152
anterograde 776
retrograde 776
amnion 650
amniotic cavity 650
amount of drug 88–9
AMP 8, 96, 112, 132
amphetamine 792
amphotericin B 817
amplification cascades 98
AMP-sensitive kinase 120
ampulla 624, 762
amygdalae 615, 732, 735, 766, 774, 780, 784, 790, 792
amylopectin 34
amylose 34
anabolic reactions 60, 100
anabolism 96
anaerobic conditions 130
anaerobic exercise 168
anaesthesia 224, 746
general anaesthetics 224, 746
local anaesthetics 224, 746
anal canal 523, 538
analgesia 224, 746, 780
anal triangle 622
anaphylactic shock 244
anapleurotic reactions 104
anatomical snuffbox 304
anatomical terms 943
anchoring junctions 54
androgens 598–9, 631
angina 132, 242, 418, 436, 452, 460, 462
angina pectoris 132
angiontensin I 457–8, 500, 614
angiotensin II 242, 442, 457–8, 496, 500, 614, 618
angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) 440, 457, 463, 500
angiotensinogen 614
angiotensin receptor antagonists 457–8
animal experiments 934
ankle joint 316
movements 319
ankyrin 44
antagonists 82
chemical 83
competitive 82–3
irreversible competitive 82–3
non-competitive 82–3
physiological 83
reversible 82
anterior pituitary 590, 592
anterior urogenital triangle 622
antibiotics 6, 108, 196, 571, 804, 806
allergy and drug toxicity 804
mechanisms of action 805
pharmacodynamics 804
pharmacokinetics 804
resistance 805
antibodies 4, 642, 832–3
anticipation 185, 207
anticoagulants 469
anticoagulation plasma proteins 578
antidepressants 783
antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) 494, 500, 591, 737
anti-dysrhythmic drugs 430–1
antifungals 816–17
antigen detection 922
antigen presentation 823
antigen presenting cells 826
antigens 824
antihistamines 851
antihypertensive drugs 242
anti-inflammatory drugs 850
antimicrobials 818–19
anti-Müllerian hormone 628, 678
antiplatelet agents 469
antiport 46–7, 57
antithrombin III 578
antithrombotics 437
anti-TNF-α therapy 866
antivirals 814
aorta 268, 300, 355, 358, 372, 374, 432, 416–18, 476, 478, 524, 528, 532, 624, 626, 662, 664, 666
aortic arches 664
aortic valve 417, 432, 434, 869
APC genes 878
apical ectodermal ridge 658–9
apical membranes 56–7
apolipoproteins 114
apoprotein B-48, 114
apoptosis 74, 794–6, 868
appendix 534, 537
aquaporins 48, 56, 564
arachidonic acid 27
metabolites 847
arcuate artery 484
arcuate vein 484
arginine 6, 154
argininosuccinase deficiency 154
argininosuccinate synthetase 154
argininosuccinate synthetase/argininosuccinase deficiency 154
arm bones 278–9
arrhythmia 426, 460, 869
arteries 32, 242, 276, 300–1, 342, 345, 355, 358, 367, 364–5, 432, 448, 478
in blood supply and lymphatic drainage 476
and blood supply of the spleen 543
blood supply to brain 692–3
and blood transportation 442, 481, 514, 624, 669
bronchial arteries 374, 524
coronary arteries 418–19, 460, 462–3, 664
development of the great arteries 665
major arteries of lower limb 331
major arteries of upper limb 301
and pregnancy 638
and pulmonary embolism 406
and pulmonary perfusion 386
retinal arteries 706
vasodilatation, during exercise 454
vitelline arteries 662
arterioles 386, 438, 448, 450, 476, 542, 591, 614
afferent arterioles 484, 486, 500
efferent arterioles 484, 486
arteriosclerosis 448, 457
arthritic joint disease 346
artificial insemination 630
ascending reticular activating system 768
ascorbic acid 20
aspartate 6
aspirin 74, 81, 85, 87, 90, 93, 463, 465, 469, 471, 556, 746, 850
associative learning 777
asthma 400–1
astrocytes 214, 720
ataxia–telangiectasia 864
ATB binding cassette (ABC) proteins 8
atenolol 242
atherosclerosis 32, 72, 160, 460–1
pathogenesis 444, 452, 457
Atkins diet 102
atlas 336, 684, 689
atovaquone 819
ATP 24, 60, 96, 132, 158
ATPase 24, 44, 46, 57, 68, 108, 110, 220, 248, 428, 440, 490, 494, 496, 503, 554, 561, 564–5, 594, 599
ATP-dependent potassium channels 604
ATP synthase 110–11
ATP synthase protein 108
ATP synthesis 108–9
control 112
proton motive force 110
atracurium 224, 230
atrial fibrillation 430
atrial natriuretic peptide 614
atrioventricular canal 666
atrioventricular node 254, 256
atrioventricular valve 417, 422, 432, 434
atrium 254, 416, 417, 420, 426, 432, 434, 468, 662, 666
atrophy 868
atropine 238, 430
atropine methonitrate 238
auditory system 758–9
see also ear
autocrine system 73, 588
autoimmunity 860
autonomic nervous system 218
ganglionic synaptic transmission 236
autophagy 160
auto-phosphorylation 144
axial mesoderm (notochord) 652
axilla 304, plate 2
axis 336, 684, 689
axon hillock 723
axons 213, 716
azathioprine 600, 840, 861
B-1 B-cells 834
back muscles 290, 340–1
blood supply 342
extrinsic 340
intrinsic 340
baclofen 796
classification 801
growth 800
pathogenesis 802
structure 798–9
bacterial artificial chromosomes 200
bacterial cell wall 18
bacterial culture 923
bacteriophages 200, 798
bad cholesterol 32
bare lymphocyte syndrome 864
baroreceptor reflex 449
Barr bodies 62
Barrett’s oesophagus 75
basal ganglia 726, 730, 739
basal metabolic rate 172
basolateral folds 55
basolateral membranes 57, 127
basophils 414
B-cells 832
Becker muscular dystrophy 350
Beer–Lambert Law 928
bendroflumethiazide 457, 498
benzoate 154
benzothiazepines 457
beta-adrenoceptor antagonists 242–3
therapeutic uses 244
beta-blockers 457
beta-lactam antibiotics 150
β-oxidation 116–17
bethanechol 238
biceps tendon 304
bicuculline 725
bilaminar germ disc 650
bile acids 161
bile salts 26, 32, 114
bile secretion 558
biliary system 544
bilirubin 582
biliverdin 582–3
bioactive amines 589
biochemical reactions 16
biomolecules 3
formation of 3
biotin 20, 148
bipolar depressive syndrome 782
bipolar phospholipids 44
bismuth salicylate 568
bitemporal hemianopia 592
bladder 480
anatomical relations 480
blood supply 481
formation 677
innervation 481
lymphatic drainage 481
blastocoele cavity 650
blastocyst 638, 650
blastodisc 652
blastomere 650
blind spot 754
blobs 754
blood: important numbers 944
blood–brain barrier 25, 84, 214, 224, 238, 396, 690, 720, 795
blood cells 413
important numbers 944
blood components 408
see also individual components
blood flow resistance 448
blood groups 40, 410
ABO 41
incompatibility 41
rhesus system 410
blood islands 662
blood pressure
determination 448
monitoring 448
reflexes 450
blood supply
back muscles 342
head and neck 692, 692, 693, 694, 695, plates 10–13
heart 418–19
lower limb 330–1
lungs 355
spinal cord 345
thorax 358
upper limb 300
blood–testis barrier 630
blunt ends 200
body energy supplies 102
body fat distribution 180
body fluid compartments 944
body mass index 181
body movements 287
Bohr effect 391, 394
bones 12, 271
compact 272–3
lower limb 306
structure 271
upper limb 278–9
bosentan 457
botulinum toxin 230
Bowman’s capsule 482, 486
brachial plexus 296–7
bradycardia 430
bradykinin 846, 851
brain 710–12
ammonium production 152
glucose use 127
see also central nervous system
brainstem death 771
branching enzyme 140
breasts 626, 642–4
acini 642
alveoli 642
galactopoietic units 642
lactiferous ducts 626
lactiferous glands 642
lactiferous sinuses 626
secretory alveoli 626
breathing 381
regulation 396
BRL 37344: 244
Broca’s area 758
bromocriptine 593
bronchitis 401
bronchospasm 230, 242, 400
brown adipose tissue 111
Brunner’s glands 522
buccopharyngeal membrane 652
buffers 48, 176, 394, 396, 502, 552, 561, 720, 897
bulbospongiosus 624
bulbo-urethral mucous secreting glands 624
bundle of His 254, 422, 432
β-bungarotoxin 230
Ca2+-ATPase 24
cabergoline 593
Ca2+-calmodulin CaM kinase II 144
cachexia 849
cadherins 44
caecum 534, 537
calcaneous bone 310
calcitonin 594, 613
calcitonin gene-related peptide 745
calcium 612
hormone control 612
intra-mitochondrial 104
mitochondrial uptake 110
calcium antagonists 457–8
caldesmon 260
calmodulin 4, 142
calponin 260
cAMP 114
intracellular 132
Camper’s fascia 512
canal of Schlemm 238
cancellous bone 272
cancer 72
chemotherapy 72, 880
molecular mechanisms 876
morphology 872–3
nomenclature 870–1
registries 888
capillaries 407, 442, 521, 720, 818, 874
adipose tissue capillaries 170
alveolar capillaries 390, 402
chylomicrons in 561
fetal capillaries 638
peritubular capillaries 484, 496
pulmonary capillaries 374, 383, 386
capillary tufts 484
capping 194
captopril 500
carbamazepine 747, 789
carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 154
carbidopa 795
carbimazole 597
carbohydrate-free diets 102
carbohydrates 34, 102
as conjugates 40
dietary 175
digestion and absorption 560
as metabolic precursors 38
structural 36
carbon dioxide
dissociation curve 394–5
transport 394–5
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 498
carboplatin 880
γ-carboxylglutamyl residues 578
carboxypeptidase 150
carboxyeptidase A 18
carboxyhaemoglobin 392
carcinogenesis 883
in situ 872–3
invasive 872
microinvasive 872
see also cancer
cardiac action potential 426–7
cardiac arrest 244
cardiac cycle 433
cardiac dysrhythmias 428
treatment 430–1
cardiac glycosides 430, 440
cardiac muscle 113, 254
action potentials 254–5
excitation–contraction coupling 257
structure 254
cardiac contraction 255
cardiac output 390, 434, 438, 448, 450, 454, 457, 486, 506, 594, 614, 616
cardiac remodelling 438
cardiac rhythm 426
cardiovascular system development 662
changes at birth 666
cardioversion 430
carnitine 116
synthesis 156
carnitine acyl transferases 116, 120
carnitine deficiency 116
carotid bodies 396, 705
carpal bones 280–1
carpal tunnel 304–5
carrier proteins 46
carriers 3, 44
cartilage 270
cartilage extracellular matrix 36
carvedilol 440
caspofungin 817
catabolic reactions 60, 100
catabolism 96
catalase 161
catalysts 3–4, 16
catalytic triad 18–19
cataracts 134
catecholamine 244, 422, 598, 605, 618
catechol-O-methyl transferase 240
causes of disease 887
C cells 594
cDNA 902
cDNA library 200
cell body 213
cell–cell interactions 648
cell cycle 70–1
control 72
phases of 70
cell growth 73
growth factors 73
growth inhibitory factors 73
cell-mediated immunity, deficiency of 863
cell membranes 3
organization 48–56
antigen presenting cells 826
B-cells 832
blood cells, origin 413
cell–cell interactions, in embryological development 648
cell cycle 70–1
cell cycle control in human disease and disease treatment 72
cell growth 73
cell involvement, in regulation 852
cell membranes, organization 48–56
cell signalling pathways 50
cell structure and function, macromolecules in 3
cellular energy 96
cellular events in asthma 401
cellular mediators of inflammation 844
cellular metabolic response to exercise 168
cellular metabolic response to fasting and starvation 166
cellular metabolic response to feeding 164
cellular metabolism 95–181
cellular structure and function 1–93
cell wall 798
chief cells 555
connective tissue cells 269
endocrine D cells 555
epithelial cell specializations 55
foam cells 462
ganglion cells 215
glial cells 214
intracellular milieu 48
mammalian cells 47
mast cells 269, 844
mucous cells 556
natural killer cells 412, 823
of nervous system 212
Paneth’s cells 522
parietal cells 554
photoreceptive cells 750
protection, against reactive oxygen species 162
Purkinje cells 718
pyramidal cells 717
red blood cells 40, 62, 127, 408–9
Schwann cells 214
spiny stellate cells 717
T-cells 828–31
white blood cells 408, 412
cell signalling pathways 50
cell soma 716
cell structure and function 1–93
cell surface receptors 3
cellular energy 96
cellular metabolic response
exercise 168
fasting and starvation 166
feeding 164
cellular metabolism 95–181
cellulase 34
cellulose 34–5
central nervous system 212, 710–15
demyelination 262
spinal cord damage 266, 345, 714–15
central pathways 744, 754–5, 765–6
central pontine myelinosis 262–3
central synaptic transmission 723
cerebellum 730, 739
cerebrosides 30–1, 40
cerebrospinal fluid 344, 691
cerebrum 710
cervical plexus 702–3
cervical vertebrae 338, 684, 689
cervix 626
CFTR protein 185
cGMP 50, 246, 452, 469, 500, 750
channels 24, 44
potassium 426, 604
sodium 57
chaparonins 66
Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease 263
charge relay network 18
Chédiak–Higashi syndrome 865
chemiosmotic theory 108–9
chemokines 400, 838
chemoreceptors 396–7
chief cells 555
chiral 2
chiral carbon 34
chlorambucil 72
chloramphenicol 804, 806
chlordiazepoxide 725
chloroquine 819
chlorpromazine 786
cholecystokinin 611
cholesterol 32, 26–7, 44, 114, 589
structure 33
cholesterol ester storage disease 160
choline 30
cholinergic transmission 229
chondroblasts 270
chondrocranium 674
chondrocytes 270
chondroitin sulphate 36
chorionic cavity 650
chorionic villi 638
Christmas disease see haemophilia
chromaffin cells 598
chromatin 62
chromatin packing 15
chromatography 914
chromosomal abnormalities 207
chromosomal sex 628
chromosomes 14, 60, 62, 184
chronic granulomatous disease 865
chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder 401–2
chronic stressors 615, 619
chylomicrons 26, 28, 32, 114
chymotrypsin 18, 150
chymotrypsinogen 150
ciclosporin 840, 861
cidofovir 814
cilia 55, 60
ciliary muscle 238, 258, 699, 706, 735
cingulate gyrus 732, 735, 774
ciprofloxacin 806
circle of Willis 692–3
circulatory system development 664
circumvallate papillae 764
cirrhosis 584
cisplatin 880
cisternae 60
citrate 120, 133
citrate activation 120
citric acid cycle see tricarboxylic acid cycle
citrulline 156
clathrin coated pits 68
clavicle 278–9
clearing factor lipase 126
cleavage 650
cleft lip/palate 674
clindamycin 806
‘clinical iceberg’ 892
clinical studies 940
clitoris 626, 680
cloaca 668
cloacal membrane 652
clonidine 244–5, 457, 792
clopidogrel 460, 465, 469, 471
clot-busters 469
clotting factors 578
clotting system productions 847
clozapine 786
coagulation 466–7
CoA-SH 104
cocaine 792
coccyx 338, 622
cochlea 704, 708, 758–9
codeine 400, 746
codons 184–5
coeliac disease 566
coelomic epithelium 628
coenzyme Q 106
co-enzymes 2, 20
co-factors 2, 20
co-immunoprecipitation 912
coitus 638
collagen 4, 8, 12–13, 268
type I 12
collecting system 676
collectins 820
Colles’ fascia 512
colon 535
colorimetric assays 928
colostrum 642
colour blindness 752
colour vision 750, 752
coma 771
combination chemotherapy 881
combined pill 646
common peroneal nerve 324, 327
compact bone 272–3
compartmentalization 60, 142
competitive enzyme inhibition 22
complement 820–1, 846
deficiency 866
concentration of drug 88–9
concentration–response relationship 80
condensation 16
condensation reaction 6
condensing enzyme 120
confocal microscopy 914–15
congenital malformations 648
conjugation 582
connective tissue 3, 160, 268
fibres 268
types of 269
connexins 54
connexons 54
Conn’s syndrome 599
consciousness 771
consensus sequence 40
constitutively active 185
constitutive secretion 66
cooperation 8
co-operativity, positive and negative 390–1
Cori cycle 98–9, 127
coronary arteries, blockage 32
corpus cavernosum 624
corpus luteum 634
corpus spongiosum 624
cortical collecting duct 484
cortical cords 678
cortical reaction 638
corticosteroids 148
corticotrophin-releasing hormone 590
cortisol 32, 590, 598, 618, 640
cosmids 200
cost of therapy 890
co-transmitters 218, 442
co-trimoxazole 806
cough 400
coumarin anticoagulants 469
countercurrent multiplier 495
covalent modification 98
cranial nerves 702
abducens 704
accessory 705
facial 704
glossopharyngeal 705
hypoglossal 705
oculomotor 704
olfactory 704
optic 704
trigeminal 704
trochlear 704
vagus 705
vestibulocochlear 704
cranial paraxial mesoderm 672–3
creatine 156
creatine kinase 176
creatine phosphate 156
creatinine 156
cristae 60
critical body mass 644
Crohn’s disease 566, 570–1
cross-linking 8
cruciate ligaments 314–15
crura 656
cubital fossa 304, 305, plate 3
cuboid bone 310
culture 923
cumulus oophora 630
cuneiform bones 310
Cushing’s syndrome 592, 598, 600–1
cyclopentalone 238
cyclophosphamide 840, 880
cysteine 2, 6
cystic fibrosis 185, 404–5
cystic fibrosis trans-membrane-conductance regulator 25
cytochrome C 106
cytochrome oxidase 106
cytochrome P450, 60, 159, 582
cytokines 838–9, 847
production 820
cytology 917
cytoplasm 4
cytoplasmic ribosomes 196
cytoskeletal elements 60
cytoskeletal extrinsic proteins 44
cytotoxic T-cells 830
cytotrophoblast 650
daclizumab 840
dalfopristin 806
dark current 750
ddNTP 202, plate 1
deamination 156
death certificates 888
debranching enzyme 140
decidual reaction 650
declarative memory 776
deep inguinal ring 517
deep vein thrombosis 406, 466
degenerative diseases 794
dehydroepiandrosterone 599
deletion, chromosome 207
Δ-F508 25
demyelination 262
central nervous system 262
peripheral nervous system 263
denaturation 8, 22
dendrites 212
dendritic tree 716
denervation 868
denial 893
dentate gyrus 724, 774, 778, 795
dependence 790
depolarizing blocking drugs 230
depression 782–3
dermamyotome 652
dermatan 36
dermatome 652, 655
dermis 275, 652, 655
descending motor pathways 726
desensitization 92
desmogleins 54
desmoplakins 54
desmosomes 54
dextrose 34
diabetes insipidus 494
diabetes mellitus 114, 124–5, 170, 605–6
complications 607
diagnosis 607–8
gestational 606, 608
risk factors 606
treatment 608
type 1: 170, 605–6
type 2: 170, 605–6
diabetic ketoacidosis 607
diabetic nephropathy 456
diacylglycerol 27
diagnostic testing 18, 133
diamorphine 746
diaphragm 359–S2.9, plate 7
diaphragmatic hernias 656
diarrhoea 568
diastole 254, 256, 418, 432
diazepam 224, 725
diclofenac 746
dideoxynucleoside triphosphate 202
diencephalon 710
diethylcarbamazine 819
differentiation 75
diffuse projection nuclei 730, 732–3
diffusion 382
digestion and absorption 560
digestive system 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518–68
digoxin 430, 440, 460
dihydropyridines 248, 457
diltiazem 457
2,4-dinitrophenol 108
dipeptidases 150
dipeptides 150
diphenoxylate 568
direct fluorescent antibodies 922
disability-adjusted life years 890
disaccharides 34
disc diffusion susceptibility testing 927
assessing the effectiveness of treatment 890
detection 888
measurement 887
dissociation constant 78, 82–3, 86
distal tubule 484, 496
disulfiram 792
disulphide bonds 4, 8–11
disuse atrophy 351
diuretics 457, 498
divalent metal transporter 580
DNA 3, 43, 188
cloning 200
condensation 630
damage/repair 65
fingerprinting 898
identification as hereditary material 188
mitochondrial 158
molecular structure 42
replication 200, 42, 63–5
sequencing 198, 202, 203, plate 1
techniques involving 898
DNA fingerprinting 898
DNA gyrase 64
DNA helicase 64
DNA ligase 64–5, 200
DNA microarrays 902
DNA polymerase 64–5, 200
DNA repair 63
DNA replication 200, 42, 63–5
dNTPs 64
dobutamine 244, 440
doctor–patient relationship 892
domains 4
dominant follicle 634
donepezil 795
dopamine 589
dorsomedial nuclei 615, 734
dose ratio 82–3
dosing 88
Down’s syndrome 76
test for 902
doxazosin 457
doxorubicin 72, 880
doxycycline 806
Dressler’s syndrome 860
drug absorption 86
drug addiction 790
drug administration 84
intrathecal 84
intravenous 84
locally acting preparations 85
oral/rectal 85
subcutaneous and intramuscular 84
drug distribution/clearance 88
drug interactions 93, 582
drug–receptor interaction 78
drug resistance 92
antibiotics 805
drug side-effects 84, 93, 230, 245, 458, 469, 498, 646–7, 784, 850, 880, 940
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 350
ductus arteriosus 665
ductus venosus 664
duodenal ulcers 557
duodenum 530
Duplex theory 758
dural venous sinuses 691
duteplase 469
dynamic mutations 185
dyspepsia 557
dysplasia 75, 872–3
dysrhythmias 428, 431