

The low hum of chatter dulled James’s senses as he sat in the far booth at Piston’s Bar. The dark light and secluded table helped him feel safe—something that was a constant struggle for him now, after…

Clearing his throat, James reached out and grabbed the glass of whisky. He muscled down his memories as if that was the answer to dealing with his past.

He could almost hear his therapist, Dr. Georgina, as she repeated the words she said during every one of his sessions.

“You need to face your past. Running from it will only ensure that it stays with you.”

James closed his eyes as his frustration at what had happened in his past threatened to bubble over. Dr. Georgina didn’t understand. How could she? She hadn’t been there. She had no idea what it felt like to be that alone.

“Hey, man.”

James opened his eyes to see Juan, his best friend, drop into the seat across from him. His dark hair was swept to the side, and he looked as if he’d run all the way here.

“You okay?”

Juan shrugged. “Yeah. Just family issues.”

The waitress stopped by and Juan ordered a pint. Once she was gone, James straightened in his seat, grateful for the distraction his friend’s problems were sure to give him.

“Layla?” James asked. Layla was Juan’s younger sister, who always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Juan shrugged. “Something like that.”

James furrowed his brow as he stared at his friend. What did that mean?

Juan waved away James’s questioning gaze as the waitress dropped off his beer. After a long drink, Juan glanced at James. “It’s okay. We’ll be fine.”

James’s phone rang. He studied his friend, but from the look in his eye, he really wasn’t going to share anything more. So he shifted and grabbed his phone from his pocket.

It was Jonathan.

“It’s my brother,” he said, holding his phone up. Juan nodded as James brought the receiver to his ear.

“Hey,” he said.



“It’s Jonathan.”

“I know.”

“Tell him.” James could hear his mother’s pushy voice on the other end of the call.

“Hey, Ma,” he said as he fought the urge to smile. His mom was nosy, but she loved her kids.

“Hey, James,” Sondra called, the sound of her voice growing louder as she got closer to the phone.

“Can I talk to him now?” Jonathan asked.

Sondra muttered something as her voice grew fainter.

“Sorry. You know Mom,” Jonathan said.

James nodded. “She doesn’t change.” He cleared his throat. “What’s up?”

Jonathan paused. “I’m getting married.”

James furrowed his brow. “You’re what?”

“I’m getting married!”

“To who?”

“What do you mean, to who? To Tiffany.”

James sat back, leaning against the booth. “Congrats, man. That’s amazing.”

“And I want you to be my best man.”

James reached out and drummed his fingers on the tabletop. “Sure. Of course. I’d be honored.”

He could hear Jonathan blow out a breath on the other side. “Perfect. We’re planning it now. You’re coming here, right?”

It wasn’t like he had much else to do, so James said, “I’ll pencil you in.”

“Perfect. I’ll call you later with more details.”

“Yep.” James couldn’t help the smile that formed on his lips. “Hey, Jonathan?”


“Congrats. I’m really happy for you.”

“Thanks. Talk to you later?”


They said their goodbyes and James hung up. He slipped his phone back into his pocket and glanced up at Juan, who was studying him.

“Which brother was that?”

“Jonathan. He’s getting married.”

Juan nodded. “Wow. That’s exciting.”


The table grew quiet as they sat there. James cleared his throat and shoved his hands through his hair. “I’m happy for him, you know? He deserves to find that one girl to spend his life with.” When he met Juan’s gaze, he couldn’t help but feel as if his best friend was studying him.

James sighed. “What?”

Juan shook his head. “Nothing.” Then he leaned forward. “Maybe it’ll inspire some people.”

James snorted as he shook his head. He knew what Juan was getting at. “Yeah. Not all of us are blessed with finding the perfect girl.” He nodded toward the ring on Juan’s left hand.

Juan leaned back in the booth and shrugged. “She’s out there for you, man. You just need to be more open to letting it in.”

James swallowed as he emptied his drink. He wanted to say that Juan was right. That he still believed in fate, but the truth was he didn’t.

Happiness just wasn’t in the cards for him, and he needed to accept that. Besides, no woman wanted a broken man. And he was pretty sure he couldn’t be pieced back together.

Not by Dr. Georgina, and definitely not by some woman.

James Braxton was meant to live alone. Forever.


Want MORE Braxton Brothers Romance?

Read James and Layla’s Story

Escaping to Honey Grove


Missed the first Braxton Brothers Romance?

Josh and Beth’s story

Coming Home to Honey Grove


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She's an IRS auditor desperate to prove herself.

He's a cowboy trying to hold onto his ranch.

Love was not on the agenda.