adrenaline (uh-DREH-nuh-luhn)
a chemical the body produces when a person is excited, causing the heart to beat faster and giving more energy
assist (uh-SIST)
a pass that leads to a score by a teammate
center (SEN-tur)
position on a team usually held by the tallest player
dribble (DRIH-buhl)
to bounce the ball with one hand
key (KEE)
the marked area on a basketball court surrounding the basket
layup (LAY-up)
using one hand to push the ball up and bounce it off the backboard and into the basket
point guard (POYNT GARD)
position on a team that runs offense and makes sure the ball gets to the right player at the right time
post (POHST)
a player who is comfortable playing with his or her back to the basket
racist (RAY-sist)
cruel or unfair treatment of people because of their race
shooting guard (SHOOT-ing GARD)
player on a team whose main job is to score points and steal the ball on defense