How to do it...

To complete this recipe, please perform the following steps:

  1. After logging in, you will be taken to the main page of Jelastic, as shown in the following screenshot:
  1. First things first: click on the Settings button (top right). This will open the User Settings section (bottom left):
  1. Click on Public inside SSH Keys and upload your public SSH key:
  1. Make sure your SSH key has been uploaded; otherwise, you won't be able to log into the platform using SSH:
  1. At the top of the page, click on the Marketplace button. Find the Docker Engine CE option. Then, click on Install:
  1. Give this environment a name and click on Install. The following screenshot shows the Docker Engine CE configuration pop-up:

Wait until the installation is complete:

  1. Once installed, a pop-up will appear and provide you with the command you'll have to use to log into the platform. Copy it. The following screenshot shows the installation confirmation pop-up and the commands for connecting:
  1. When you are back on the dashboard, click on Engine Node and then the Config icon:
  1. This will open a tab panel at the bottom of the page. Click on the SFTP/SSH Gate tab. Copy the command from the SSH Gate Command field:
  1. Open Terminal (or Command Prompt) on your machine and paste it in:
  1. Now, you can just run your command to create a container:
docker run -d --name gf-jakartaee-cookbook \
-h gf-jakartaee-cookbook \
-p 80:8080 \
-p 4848:4848 \
-p 8686:8686 \
-p 8009:8009 \
-p 8181:8181 \

  1. Check out the container log's output:

This is similar to if you were running in your local machine, but you are running on the Jelastic platform.

  1. Now, if you go back to the main page, you will see your environment up and running with the node you created:
  1. Under the Docker Engine CE label, you can find the URL of your environment. Just click on it and add /app to the end of it:

If you can see this page, then congratulations! Your application has been deployed on Jelastic.