Is this the crucial clue?
The bug-like trilobite
I bought from a slippery gypsy
in Prague,
still staring through its crystalline eyes
from the floor of an extinct sea.
I am spooked
by the abysmal depths
of my own life’s mystery.
Like a belly-up Christie village
I’m nipped by the red herrings
of every pyrrhic victory.
Can I pocket and know this sunset
flaring over the rollers
of the cold Bass Sea?
No photograph, no poem
will make it anything
but a still-born cliché.
Is murdering time
the most true and convincing
perfect crime?
I tangle in the plot
chasing the hit-and-run driver
of my careless past tense.
Why does my childhood swimming pool
now stagnate darkly
behind a high wire fence?
I rub my clever egg head
and show off my waxed
O Agatha, what fun playing
to douse my fear in farce!
But how can I make
my solution ship arrive?
To what shimmering port
will it take me?
Or is it just an easy exile
from blind faith and wishful talk?
Death Comes as the End –
Agatha, you threw out cosy
when you served up dread.
As surely as my trilobite
with the right time, place
and gritty clout,
may I be preserved
as insoluble enigma
when a killer comet snuffs me out.