Laws Concerning Character Traits and Laws Concerning Repentance:
Trans. by Raymond L. Weiss, based on the Bodleian manuscript containing Maimonides’ autograph, ed. by Moses Hyamson, Sefer ha-Mada‘ Jerusalem: Boys Town Press, 1962); supplemented by the Constantinople edition of 1509, ed. by S. Lieberman (Jerusalem: Mossad Harav Kook, 1964).
Eight Chapters:
Trans. by Charles E. Butterworth and Raymond L. Weiss, based on a Yemenite Judeo-Arabic manuscript dating from the period 1240-1340, ed. by Joseph Kafih, Mishnah ‘im Perush Rabbeinu Mosheh ben Maimon (Jerusalem: Mossad Harav Kook, 1963-68); supplemented by M. Wolff, Acht Capitel (Leipzig: H. Hunger, 1863).
On the Management of Health:
Trans. by Charles E. Butterworth, based on the Arabic text ed. by Hermann Kroner, F Tadb
r A
at (Leiden: Brill, 1925); supplemented by Manuscript EMC 789 of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, a Judeo-Arabic manuscript dating from the sixteenth century (cited in the notes as JTS); and by Manuscrit Hébreu 1202 of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, a Judeo-Arabic manuscript dating from 1466 (cited in the notes as BN).
Letter to Joseph:
Trans. by Charles E. Butterworth and Raymond L. Weiss, based on the critical Judeo-Arabic edition of David Baneth, Iggrot ha-Rambam (Jerusalem: Mekize Nirdamim, 1946).
Treatise on the Art of Logic:
Trans. by Charles E. Butterworth, based on Israel Efros’ revised edition of the Judeo-Arabic text, “Maimonides’ Arabic Treatise on Logic,” in Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, XXXIV (1966); supplemented by Mubahat Türker, “Ms
ibn-i Meym
n‘un al-Mak
‘at al-Man
ik,” in Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Co
rafya Fakültesi Dergisi, XVIII (1960).
Pereq eleq:
Trans. by Raymond L. Weiss, based on the Judeo-Arabic text in Joseph Kafih, Mishnah ‘im Perush Rabbeinu Mosheh ben Maimon (Jerusalem: Mossad Harav Kook, 1963-68).
Laws of Kings and Their Wars:
Trans. by Raymond L. Weiss, based on the Warsaw-Vilna edition; supplemented by the Rome edition of 1480, ed. by J. Maimon (Jerusalem: Mossad Harav Kook, 1954); and by the Venice edition of 1574, ed. by D. Aramah (Jerusalem: Alumot, 1965-67).