Ji Gong is recalled to Linan; Cloud Dragon Hua looks into a sedan chair and sees a victim
THE story goes that for some time Ji Gong had been at leisure in the Zhao home in Kunshan prefecture. He had completely cured the old lady’s eyes and repeatedly he had asked to leave. However, he was urged to stay by the second Zhao Yuanwai, prefect of Kunshan and younger brother to the first Zhao Yuanwai, high protector of Linan, the Southern Sung capital. In the library each day, the second Zhao Yuanwai and Ji Gong talked of poetry and essays. Ji Gong was eloquent, and the Second Yuanwai looked upon him with increasing respect, saying, “How hateful it will be not to see Ji Gong. I must see you again soon, and the letters must be long.”
Without realizing it, Ji Gong had passed a hundred days there. On the hundredth day someone came in, bringing two headmen from the high protector of Linan. They stood before Ji Gong and greeted him respectfully. “Holy monk, during these days while you have been away from Linan, there has been mischief that has offended heaven and appalled earth. We two are here especially to invite you, sir, to come.”
When the monk asked the two headmen what had happened, the two explained all from beginning to end. A major riverene robber from Four Rivers had come to everyone’s attention. His surname was Hua and his personal name was Jong, but he was called Yun Long (“Cloud Dragon”). He was also nicknamed “the Robber Rat of the Universe.” He had fallen into the Greenwood when he was eighteen, and for a long time he had been among the followers of the sinister ghost, Reng Tian Shou.
They all lived in the farming country at Jen Mountain, where there were leopards. They had many friendly connections, but there were only five intimates who were actually members of the Greenwood, whom people called the Five Ghosts. Among them were the Kaifeng Ghost, Li Zhaoming; the Cockcrow Ghost, Chuan Deliang; the Tangled Hair Ghost, Yun Fang; and the Black Wind Ghost, Jang Ying. People who knew of them spoke of the five ghosts that made up the Long Dragon. Because the gang leader who had protected and sheltered them moved away from Four Rivers and they had no place to go, the ghosts scattered, four of them finding other relatives and friends. As for Cloud Dragon, he was accused of nine cases of rape and murder. Local officials had dispatched deputies to search for signs of him and to bring him back at once.
As soon as Cloud Dragon realized that he could not long remain there, he left Four Rivers. When he reached Yushan prefecture in Kiangsi province, he heard people say that there was a prominent official named Yang Ming in charge of armed escorts for travelers and merchants. People spoke of him as one who could quell disorders in every direction. Yang Ming was a brave man himself, and he liked to form friendships with men who were talented, intelligent, and courageous.
At Ruyi Village in the Phoenix Mountain Range area, Cloud Dragon went to pay his respects. In response to Yun Long’s request, the household servant went inside to announce him. As soon as Yang Ming heard who it was, knowing that Cloud Dragon was a dissolute thief who some said had committed rape, he told the servant that he would not see him. The servant went outside and said, “Our master is not at home.”
There was nothing else Cloud Dragon could do, so he went away. After several days someone mentioned that Yang Ming was at home. Again Cloud Dragon went to visit him, but was not admitted. Altogether Cloud Dragon went three times to see Yang Ming, and on this third occasion Yang Ming invited him in to talk.
Hua Yun Long was by nature a person who could converse easily. He saw that Yang Ming was tall with a slender waist, that he wore a blue silk kerchief tied around the knot of hair at the base of his head with a golden ornament in the shape of two dragons contending for a jewel, an embroidered blue silk robe, a sash with the male and female phoenix, and brocade slippers. His head was erect and his features pleasant. His beard divided into three parts as it fell toward his chest.
Cloud Dragon was filled with both admiration and envy as he said, “This younger brother has heard of Older Brother’s great name and deeply longed to see you. Now it is my great good fortune to meet you—truly good fortune enough for three lives.”
Yang Ming replied, “As ignorant as I am, what can I do to serve you? I am honored by your refined attention and surprised that we have not met before.”
And so the two made several polite remarks.
Then Cloud Dragon went on. “I am but a guest in a place strange to me, young and knowing nothing. Perhaps Elder Brother could advise me.”
Yang Ming was pleased that Cloud Dragon could make polite conversation, and detained him in the great hall to eat and drink. During the meal, Yang Ming remarked that it had been said that while Cloud Dragon was in Four Rivers he had been involved in a case of flower plucking. Hua Yun Long regretted what he had done. Yang Ming wished to turn him from his vicious ways. He might play among the flowers but he was not to pluck them. Hua Yun Long was willing to follow Yang Ming’s advice.
Thereupon Yang Ming sent out invitations. Altogether there were thirty-six brave men who came, including the young Chen Liang, who had hoped to become a follower of Ji Gong, with his friend Lei Ming. They all welcomed Cloud Dragon and congratulated him upon his rehabilitation. After they had drunk wine with blood to show their brotherhood, they departed.
Hua Yun Long remained at Yang Ming’s home. When he had nothing to do, he sometimes visited the town with Yang Ming. He learned to throw the javelin and studied the art of sword fighting. And so he passed three years there, until one day he felt a desire to go to the capital, Linan. Yang Ming gave him one hundred ounces of silver for traveling expenses, cautioned him against getting into trouble, and urged him to return soon safely.
Cloud Dragon left Ruyi Village and journeyed alone, sleeping during the day and traveling by night, eating when hungry and drinking when thirsty, until he reached Linan. He first stopped outside the Qiantang Gate. In the street he saw crowds of people and a great number of store-fronts. On the north side of the road he saw an inn named the Riverfront Tower. The piece of red cloth hanging by its corner showed it to be a wine shop, while the teapot sign announced food. On either side of the door were carved characters that read: The drunkard’s universe expands, while in the wine pot time extends.
Hua Yun Long thought that he would have a couple of cups of wine, and quickly entered. At first sight, he noticed that upstairs and downstairs were both busy. He went upstairs and found a table. Turning his head to the east, he saw seated beneath a window a man wearing a six-sided embroidered, and a dark-blue jacket with arrows on the sleeves, and a wide leather belt. The man’s eyes were rather strange and a narrow beard hung from his chin. He was sitting alone holding a cup of wine. Cloud Dragon recognized him and immediately went over to his table, saying, “I have not seen Elder Brother since we parted in Four Rivers, and never expected to meet here. Are you well?”
The man laughed and replied, “So it is my dear younger brother Hua. We indeed have come a thousand leagues to meet.”
Now this man was surnamed Wang, with the personal name of Tong. His nickname was “the Monkey with Iron Legs.” He had been, in fact, one of the chief robbers back in Four Rivers, and he had been a sworn brother of Cloud Dragon back in the Greenwood. The two had met many times before, and today, meeting in this way, each wanted to tell whatever had happened since they parted.
The two sat down together and again ordered wine and food. As they drank, Wang Tong asked, “Second Brother, since you and I parted in Four Rivers, where, dear brother, have you been preserving your body and what did you come here for today?”
Cloud Dragon told the whole story from beginning to end of how he had met Yang Ming in Jiangsi and about the thirty-six friends who had assembled to congratulate him upon his reform from vicious habits. Then he asked, “Did Elder Brother come here to see the sights, or are you about some business?”
“I came here because of a person against whom I have a grudge,” Wang Tong replied. “An elder brother in the provincial capital needed money and signed a note. Later, because he could not pay two hundred ounces of silver, this dog of an official threw my elder brother in jail, where he died. At that time I was not at home, and only learned about it when I returned. I went to find that dog of an official and avenge my brother’s wrong. Not knowing where the dog was to be found, I have just come here to Linan and have not yet found an inn. You and I can stay at the same place.”
“Good!” said Cloud Dragon. “I also have just arrived.”
As the two men were speaking, they heard a coughing sound from the stairway and a man came up carrying a wicker basket of fruit. He was about forty years old. He was wearing a blue kerchief on his head and a padded jacket and pants. His skin was yellow. His eyebrows were thin, and a small bird-beak of nose marked the center of his round face.
He wanted to drink some wine. After looking around the room, he quickly came up to Cloud Dragon’s table, put down his wicker basket, and said as he bowed toward the floor, “Ah, so, it is my two masters. This small person presents his respects.”
When Hua looked at him, he said, “Let me guess who this is. It is Liu Chang.” Liu Chang had been born in Four Rivers and for a very long time had associated with the men of the Greenwood as a dishwasher or servant. When it became known that he was connected to their affairs, he had run away to Linan and had become a peddler. Now he knelt in front of the two robbers.
“Get up, Liu Chang,” said Wang Tong. “What are you doing here? Where do you live and where are the fashionable and busy spots? Tell us and we will listen. We two have just arrived and are not acquainted with the people or places.”
“Then my two masters should go sightseeing at West Lake,” Liu Chang answered. “The three great avenues in town have every kind of merchant and shop. The West Lake has its ten famous views and the best hill of worship under heaven. All of these are busy and crowded places. Come with me, and in the evening you need not stay at an inn. I have a small building where you may stay.”
Upon hearing this, Cloud Dragon was very pleased. Liu Chang sat down and ate and drank with them. When the three had finished their meal, Wang Tong paid the bill and they went downstairs and out of the restaurant. In the street as they walked to City God Hill, the crowds of people seemed endless. The woods were beautiful and many people were walking to and fro under the trees. As they went on, they saw approaching them a sedan chair. In it was sitting a young woman with a face as lovely and delicate as a flower. No snowy heron in all its beauty could have compared with her. No jewels could have been compared to her eyes.
To Cloud Dragon she seemed hardly to be an earthly being. He followed the sedan chair back to the Qiantang Gate. He saw the sedan chair enter the Bird and Bamboo Nunnery. Looking back, he saw Wang Tang and Liu Chang, who had been walking behind him. When they had reached a place where there were no people, he asked Liu Chang, “Do you know where this woman comes from?”
Liu Chang said, “Master, you must not think about her. That is the daughter of Shao Tongpan. She was to be given to Son Taokang in marriage, but before she left the family’s gate the son of the Son family died. As soon as he died, the daughter of the Shao family went to pay her respects to the parents of the dead young man. Then she said, ‘I do not bear your son’s name, but our betrothal has made us the same as man and wife. Open the coffin and I will look at him.’ The Son family had someone open the coffin. Immediately, the girl cut off her hair. Although both the boy’s parents and her own have urged her against doing so, she is taking her hair to the Bird and Bamboo Nunnery and is going to become a nun. This is the young woman that you have just seen. Since the second master asked, I have to tell you that you must think of someone else. I am afraid this one cannot be for you.”
When Cloud Dragon heard, his heart leaped. He decided that, when night came, he would go to the nunnery and pluck that heavenly flower.