
I’d like to acknowledge Joe Snyder, without whom the publication of this book would not have been possible. To my father, Edward Shaffer, whose support has made a massive impact in my life. To my brother, Bradley Uttley, whom I have always looked up to and would certainly be lost without.

People often tell you that life is what you make it, that it can either be easy or hard, put simply, the choices you make will define who you are, or who you will become. What they don’t tell you is that in life you can never predict what will happen. Though that is pretty much a given, nobody could ever predict what’s to come. Unless you’re one of those people who claim to be some sort of ‘Psychic’ then you have pretty much got it covered. Regardless of those facts, I knew one thing, my life pretty much sucked. You could argue that I’m simply overreacting, or that I have yet to see the good in my life or just flat out tell me to stop bitching and do something to change the way my life has turned out. Funny thing is, I’ve done just about everything I could think of to change it, yet it’s the same outcome. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, I suppose that it would be better to start from the beginning. Not down to the very day I was born of course, but more so back to the point where my life had begun to take a downward spiral straight into the depths of hell itself. I am Vega, the girl who once knew what she wanted out of life, and now, all that lies ahead is doubt and uncertainty.