Annotated Bibliography
of Kentucky Cookbooks

This bibliography served as a checklist of resources while researching this book. It is subdivided by decades, and many of the entries are annotated. Included are a variety of different kinds of cookbooks. The most prevalent are those prepared for fund-raising purposes by Kentucky organizations such as churches, homemaker groups, hospital auxiliaries, schools, medical associations, parent-teacher groups, community centers, women’s clubs, garden clubs, volunteer fire departments, museums, historic homes, and Junior Leagues; there is even one prepared by the staff of a prison. In addition, there are a number of cookbooks written by professional food writers, caterers, chefs, and restaurateurs.

The starting point for this list was my own collection, augmented by the discussion of cookbooks in John Egerton’s Southern Food: At Home, on the Road, in History (1993, 359–61) and Margaret Cook’s America’s Charitable Cooks: A Bibliography of Fund-raising Cook Books Published in the United States (1971). I also used “An Incomplete List of Kentucky Cookbooks” prepared by Donna B. Miller (2008), which was posted on the Internet. I obtained many of the citations from the online catalogs of university and public libraries. The collegiate libraries included those at the University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, Morehead State University, Murray State University, Western Kentucky University, Eastern Kentucky University, Northern Kentucky University, Kentucky State University, University of Pikeville, Alice Lloyd College, Miami University, Transylvania University, and Berea College. I also searched the online catalogs of the Clements Library at the University of Michigan and the David Walker Lupton African American Cook Book Collection at the University of Alabama. For the public libraries I used the Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives’ directory of public libraries, which provides links to the individual library websites. The public libraries’ online catalogs were a valuable source of information, especially for community cookbooks. The Lexington Public Library, the Louisville Free Public Library, and the Clark, Kenton, and Jessamine County Public Libraries have significant collections. Also useful was the Kentucky Historical Society’s library. In addition, I consulted the websites of fund-raising cookbook publishers, including Fundcraft (by far the publisher of the largest number of Kentucky cookbooks), Cookbooks by Morris, Wimmer Cookbooks, and Cookbook Publishers; unfortunately, these sites do not include publication dates. Finally, I looked at the auction and sale listings on Ebay. Ebay sellers usually list the title and publication date and a short description of the content, but little else. I followed up some leads with work at a number of libraries. These included the University of Kentucky, Eastern Kentucky University, Berea College, Clark County Public Library, Lexington Public Library, Louisville Free Public Library, Mason County Public Library, McCracken County Public Library, Jessamine County Public Library, and Paul Sawyier Public Library (Frankfort).

Although I found many cookbooks, I am sure I missed many more. It seems that every time I look, I find new ones. Also, because of my reliance on online catalogs, libraries without this resource were not searched. So, although this list is long, it should not be considered complete. It you have additions or corrections, let me know at

In most cases, a source for the book is indicated in parentheses at the end of the citation. I did not list all the sources for each book. A useful online tool for checking availability is WorldCat. Some of the earlier cookbooks can be read or downloaded online from sources such as the Internet Archive (, a not-for-profit organization that provides online texts and other media at no cost; it receives support from the Library of Congress and other institutions. The following abbreviations are used to identify sources:


Private collection of Betty Abdmishani


Clements Library, University of Michigan


Eastern Kentucky University


Kentuckiana Digital Library


Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives


Kentucky Historical Society


Louisville Free Public Library


Library of Congress


Lexington Public Library


Private collection of Julie Maruskin


Personal collection of the author


Public Library


University of Kentucky Library, Special Collections


University of Louisville


Western Kentucky University

Antebellum Period

Bryan, Lettice. 1839. The Kentucky Housewife. Cincinnati, OH: Shepard and Stearns. (UKSC). Egerton cites this important cookbook in the bibliography of his classic work Southern Food: “it’s a gem: nearly 1300 recipes, many of them painstakingly detailed, embrace the heart and soul of Southern cooking in the decades before the Civil War” (1993, 360). The version I have is an undated facsimile edition produced by Applewood Books, probably sometime in the 2000s. This edition can be read online at Google Books. A facsimile of the 1839 edition was also published in 1970 by Collector Books of Paducah, Kentucky.

_____. [1839] 1991. The Kentucky Housewife. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press. (LPL). A useful introductory essay by Bill Neal is included in this facsimile edition.

_____. 1841. The Kentucky Housewife. Cincinnati, OH: Shepard and Stearns. (LoC, Clements). I have no information about the differences between the 1839 and 1841 editions.


Presbyterian Church, Paris, Kentucky, Ladies. 1875. Housekeeping in the Blue Grass. Cincinnati, OH: Robert Clark. (PC, Internet Archive). This is the first Kentucky community fund-raising cookbook included in this list. It was produced in a number of later editions, including 1876, 1878, 1881, 1888, 1896, 1898, and 1905 (Cook 1971, 90). The original 1875 edition can be downloaded from the Internet Archive website in various formats, including PDF. This edition was also reissued by Kentucke Imprints of Berea. I have the 1875 and 1888 editions in my collection. This book is included in Egerton’s bibliography of Kentucky cookbooks (1993, 359).


Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Maysville, Kentucky, 1884. The Kentucky Home Cook Book. Nashville, TN: Southern Methodist Publishing House. (Cook 1971).

_____. 1885. The Kentucky Home Cook Book. Rev. ed. Nashville, TN: Southern Methodist Publishing House. (UKSC). Subsequent revised editions were published in 1890, 1899, 1906, and 1911, and there may be more. Cook (1971) lists this title as well as The New Kentucky Cook Book.

White, Mrs. Peter A. 1885. The Kentucky Housewife: A Collection of Recipes for Cooking. Chicago: Belford, Clarke. (Miami University, EKU, PC). Although it has the same main title as Lettice Bryan’s 1839 volume, this is a different cookbook. For later editions, the title was changed to The Kentucky Cookery Book: A Book for Housewives. Apparently, it was also republished in 1903 as The Bluegrass Cook Book, by Genevieve Long, although the headers still read “The Kentucky Housewife.” Egerton points out that the work’s Kentucky connections are not clear, but it is definitely southern (1993, 360). It seems that Mrs. White was born in Lexington and lived in Cincinnati when she wrote the book. It may have been republished on microfiche by Lost Cause Press in Louisville.


Benedict, Jennie C. 1897. A Choice Collection of Tested Receipts. Louisville, KY: J. P. Morton. (UKSC). This is the first edition of what eventually became The Blue Ribbon Cook Book. It can be downloaded from the Internet Archive in various formats. Benedict was an important Louisville businesswoman, restaurant owner, social activist, and cookbook author.

Carlisle, Mrs. John G., et al. 1893. Mrs. John G. Carlisle’s Kentucky Cook Book: Containing Original Recipes Never before Published. Chicago: F. Tennyson Neely. (UKSC). This is the first “celebrity” cookbook on the list. Mrs. Carlisle’s husband was Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (1883–1889) and secretary of the treasury (1893–1897). There is an elementary school in northern Kentucky named for him. Mrs. Carlisle was the former Mary Jane Goodson. This book is included in Egerton’s bibliography of Kentucky cookbooks (1993, 360). It can be downloaded for free at Google Books and the Internet Archive.

Coombs, Mary Rochester. 1894. Kentucky Cook Book. Bowling Green, KY: C. M. Coombs. (WKU). This rare book includes two signed recipes that could be from African American cooks, which would make them the earliest signed recipes from African American cooks that appear in this list.

First Christian Church (Louisville) Young Ladies’ Missionary Society. 1890. The Louisville Cook Book, Containing over Five Hundred Receipts, Some of Them Original, Many New, and All Thoroughly Tested. Louisville, KY: Guide Printing and Publishing Company. (UKSC). This book contains advertisements for various products, including Bridgeford and Company woodstoves made in Louisville, and endorsements for the Dr. Price’s line of flavoring extracts and baking powder. In addition, the recipes mention a few other brand-name products, including Coleman’s mustard, Nelson’s gelatin, and Durkee’s salad (dressing?). The recipes are signed by their contributors and are presented in block format; some of them use obsolete measures such as the “teacup.” The one recipe for mince pie that does not use meat is called “imitation mince” pie. In contemporary cookbooks, the term mincemeat is used, even though it generally does not contain meat. This represents a minor turning point.

First Presbyterian Church, Ladies’ Society (Owensboro). 1890. Women’s Wisdom: A Collection of Choice Recipes. Owensboro, KY: O. T. Kendall. (EKU). Some recipes include brand-name products such as Cleveland’s Superior baking powder, Chalmer’s gelatine, Fleischman’s yeast, and Baker’s chocolate.

Johnson, Nannie Talbot. 1899. What to Cook and How to Cook It. Louisville, KY: Pentecostal Herald Press. (PC). Mrs. Johnson was from Bourbon County. Besides writing cookbooks, she also taught cooking and owned the Cherokee Inn in Louisville. While teaching a cooking course for the Bay View Association Chautauqua near Petoskey, Michigan, one of her students was Irma Rombauer, who wrote The Joy of Cooking. Subsequent editions of Johnson’s book were published as late as 1923. In the version in my possession, the first few pages are missing, along with the publication date. The cover of the 1899 edition states that it is the seventh enlarged edition, although it is usually described as the first edition. The 1899 edition can be downloaded in various formats from the Internet Archive. Johnson’s title has been used more recently for other cookbooks.

Perkins, Mrs. Annie T. 1894. The Ten’s Recipe Book. Henderson, KY: Henderson Journal Print. (Cook 1971). This book was compiled for the benefit of the First Presbyterian Church in Henderson.

Portland Methodist Church (Louisville). 1898. The Epworth League Cook Book: Dedicated to the Epworth Leagues of America. Louisville, KY: Pentecostal Publishing. (University of Chicago Library). The Epworth League is a national organization for Methodist young adults. Many local chapters produced Epworth League cookbooks.


Benedict, Jennie C. 1904. The Blue Ribbon Cook Book: Being a Second Publication of “One Hundred Tested Recipes,” Together with Many Others which Have Been Tried and Found Valuable. Louisville, KY: J. P. Morton. (WKU). There may have been two 1904 editions. In addition to the one listed here, a “third publication” was published by Standard Printing. The 1922 edition of this classic was reprinted by the University Press of Kentucky.

The Best Yet Cook Book: An Everyday Guide, for the Millions, to Economical and Practical Cooking: A Large Variety of Domestic Recipes, Selected and Tested by a Committee of Kentucky Women Experienced in the Science of Cooking. 1907. Marietta, OH: S. A. Mullikin. (UKSC). This book was published for the benefit of the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Baptist Church of Madison, Georgia. Other than the reference in the long subtitle, the relationship to Kentucky is not clear.

Christian Church (Bowling Green). 1909. Cook Book Arranged by the Ladies of the Christian Church of Bowling Green, Kentucky. Bowling Green, KY: Times- Journal Publishing Co. (Miller 2008).

Farnham, Mrs. G. R. 1904. Evergreen Cook Book. Louisville, KY: Baptist Book Concern. (Cook 1971).

Fox, Minnie C. 1904. The Blue Grass Cook Book. New York: Fox, Duffield. (PC). The University Press of Kentucky reprinted this volume with an interesting introductory essay by Toni Tipton-Martin that explains the role of African American cooks in the development of these recipes. This cookbook is also closely related to Housekeeping in the Blue Grass, in that it shares some recipe donors and is based in Paris, Kentucky. Egerton points out that Fox “gathered recipes from about fifty of her friends to augment her own” (1993, 359). A facsimile of the original can be downloaded from the Feeding America website at the Michigan State University library.

Frazer, Mary Harris. 1903. Kentucky Receipt Book. Louisville, KY: Bradley and Gilbert. (UKSC). This book includes recipes from Virginia, New Orleans, and France as well as Kentucky. The introduction notes that Frazer lived in Louisiana as a child and then resided in Virginia and Kentucky. This cookbook exhibits the Gulf Coast influences that are apparent in some of today’s Louisville cookbooks. This cookbook can be downloaded in various formats from the Internet Archive. A number of the recipes on the Old Louisville website ( are from this cookbook. Old Louisville is a neighborhood with many stately Victorian-era homes.

Ladies’ Aid Society, Lawrenceburg Baptist Church. 1906. The Lawrenceburg Cook Book. Lawrenceburg, KY: Anderson News. (UKSC). The recipes, signed by their contributors, are presented in block format. The book contains numerous advertisements from businesses in the region.

Long, Genevieve. 1903. The Blue Grass Cook Book: A Manual of Useful Information for Housewives. Chicago: W. B. Conkey. (UKSC). This cookbook is identical to Mrs. Peter A. White’s The Kentucky Housewife, published in 1885. For a discussion of this oddity, see the note by Lynn Nelson, “A Prattle on Three Cookbooks. Or Is It Two?” in the On Food and History blog ( This book should not be confused with Minnie C. Fox’s historically important cookbook with the same main title.

Methodist Episcopal Church South, Ladies, Maysville. 1906. The Kentucky Home Cook Book. 2nd ed. Nashville, TN: Publishing House of the M. E. Church, South. (Ebay). The first edition was published in 1884. The recipes are presented in block style, as is typical of cookbooks from this era. It also includes household hints and home remedies.

Methodist Episcopal Church South, Young Ladies’ Aid Society (Russellville). 1906. A Feast of Good Things. Adairsville, KY: Enterprise Printing. (Cook 1971).

Peyton, Miss Atholene. 1906. The Peytonia Cook Book. Louisville, KY: Marshall Publishing. (LFPL). This is the earliest Kentucky cookbook written by an African American. Atholene Mary Peyton was a domestic science teacher at Central Colored High School in Louisville, where she had been a student. She also taught cooking at the Neighborhood Home and Training School for Colored Boys and Girls in Louisville, which was supported by the Neighborhood Circle of the King’s Daughters. She lived in Louisville until her death in 1951.

Shelby, Agnes Scott. 1908. Easy and Practical Cooking. Lexington, KY: Transylvania Press. (Clements). Transylvania Press produced a number of cookbooks before the First World War.

St. James’ Parish Church, Ladies’ Guild (Pewee Valley). 1900. Favorite Food of Famous Folk. Louisville, KY: John P. Morton. (UKSC, Google Books). This fund-raising cookbook consists of recipes submitted by celebrities of the day, including James Lane Allen, Charles Dana Gibson, and Mrs. Potter Palmer, as well as various church people. Pewee Valley, which is in Greater Louisville, was a rural area at the time of the book’s publication. The cookbook can be downloaded from Google Books.

St. Peter’s Evangelical Church, Ladies (Louisville). 1906. Old Kentucky Cook Book. Louisville, KY: C. T. Dearing Printing Co. (LFPL).


Bardstown Woman’s Club. 1913. Bardstown Cook Book. Bardstown, KY: Department of Home Economics of the Woman’s Club. (Kenton County PL). This is a microfiche published by Lost Cause Press in 1974.

Bridgeport Public Schools. 1916. Bridgeport Remadi, School, Home and Community: School and Community United. Bridgeport, KY: Bridgeport Public Schools. (KHS). School staff compiled this little volume from recipes submitted by parents. The recipes provide limited instructions.

Brooksville Methodist Church, Ladies. 1912. Brooksville Cook Book. Brooksville, KY: Ladies of the Methodist Church. (Clements).

Colville, Jessie Henderson. 1912. A Kentucky Woman’s Handy Cook Book. Cincinnati, OH: Printed for the author by Jennings and Graham. (Kenton County PL). This is the publication information on Google Books; Miller (2008) also lists a Caxton Press publication in 1923.

Dunlap, Lina. 1910. Candlelight Tea: A Book of Recipes. Lexington, KY: Press of the Transylvania Printing Company. (Internet Archive).

_____. 1910. Heart of the Wheat: A Book of Recipes. Lexington, KY: Press of the

Transylvania Printing Company. (Internet Archive).

_____. 1910. Out of the Blue Grass: A Book of Recipes. Lexington, KY: Press of Transylvania Printing Company. (Internet Archive). All three Dunlap volumes are short, little more than hardcover pamphlets, but they have an attractive design. They can be downloaded from the Internet Archive.

Hayes, Mrs. W. T. (Emma Allen). 1912. Kentucky Cook Book: Easy and Simple for Any Cook. St. Louis, MO: J. H. Tomkins Printing Company. (PC). African American Emma Allen Hayes was born in Kentucky but lived in Kirkwood, Missouri, when she copyrighted this volume. It is cited in Egerton’s bibliography of Kentucky cookbooks (1993, 360) and can be downloaded in various formats from the Internet Archive.

Johnson, Mrs. W. A. (Nannie Talbot Johnson). 1912. Cake, Candy, and Culinary Crinkles: A Companion of What to Cook and How to Cook It. Louisville, KY: Pentecostal Publishing. (Internet Archive). This is both a cookbook and a guide to the culinary arts. A copy of this specialty volume can be found in the Irma S. Rombauer Papers at Harvard Library (Rombauer took cooking classes from Johnson), and it can be downloaded in various formats from the Internet Archive.

Junior Hospital Circle. The Junior Hospital Circle Cook Book. 1913. Louisville, KY: Standard Printing. (LFPL). This book was produced to benefit the Children’s Free Hospital of Louisville.

Ladies’ Aid Society, Lawrenceburg Baptist Church. 1913. The Lawrenceburg Baptist Cook Book. Rev. ed. Louisville, KY: Pentecostal Publishing. (UKSC).

McCulloch-Williams, Martha. 1913. Dishes and Beverages of the Old South. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. (PC). The author lived in Clarksville, Tennessee, which is close to the Kentucky border. The recipes are accompanied by a rich narrative. The University of Tennessee Press’s 1988 edition includes an introductory essay by Kentucky food writer John Egerton. A PDF of the original book is available at the Feeding America website at Michigan State University.

Mendelsohn, Felix. 1912. A Cook Book: Containing Recipes of Quality. Newport, KY: G. Wiedemann Brewing Company. (WKU).

Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Maysville, Kentucky. 1911. The Kentucky Home Cook Book. Nashville, TN: Publishing House of the M. E. Church, South. (LFPL).

Paducah Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy. [1916?]. Milady’s Own Book. Paducah, KY: United Daughters of the Confederacy. (Miller 2008). This title was used for numerous books in both the North and the South. It appears to be a fund-raiser, with block-formatted recipes and a number of pages of advertising from local merchants.

Presbyterian Church, Somerset, Kentucky, The Ladies Society. 1912. The Somerset Cook Book. 2nd ed. Somerset, KY: Times Printing. (UKSC). This is included in Egerton’s list of noteworthy Kentucky cookbooks (1993, 361).

Presbyterian Woman’s Missionary Society (Smiths Grove). [1910?]. Southern Kentucky Cook Book. Smiths Grove, KY: Times Publishing Co. (WKU). Cook (1971) lists two other editions—1913? and 1915.

Smith, Elizabeth W. 1911. The Model Housekeeper. Louisville, KY: Pentecostal Publishing. (UKSC).

Sweeney, Mary E., and Linda B. Purnell. 1918. War Cook Book. Louisville, KY: Mayes Print. Co. (LFPL). Sweeney was the head of the Home Economics Department at the University of Kentucky and Purnell was an assistant in food and nutrition at the university.

Wehrley, Mattie Lee. 1916. Handy Household Hints and Recipes. Louisville, KY: Breckel Press. (LFPL). The recipes are presented in an interesting narrative style.


Benedict, Jennie C. 1922 [2008]. The Blue Ribbon Cook Book. 4th ed. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. (PC). The first edition of this cookbook, published in 1897, had a different title, as did the 1904 editions. The University Press of Kentucky’s 2008 reprint of the fourth edition is augmented by an interesting introduction by Louisville food writer Susan Reigler. The 1938 version of this book is probably the last, but there may be others. The book can be read online and downloaded in various formats from the Internet Archive. Egerton wrote, “The recipes in this collector’s dream of a cookbook are a blend of Southern and cosmopolitan, from spoonbread and sugar pie to lamb chops” (1993, 359).

Benge, Martha Berkeley. 1927. Home Made Candies: For the Family, for Pin Money, for the Home Made Candy Shop. Manchester, KY: Southern Cook Book Co. (UKSC).

Calvary Episcopal Church, Woman’s Auxiliary (Louisville). 1923. A Book of Favorite Recipes. Louisville, KY: Woman’s Auxiliary of the Calvary Episcopal Church. (LFPL).

Christian Church, Ladies’ Aid Society (Irvine). 1926. Collection of the Best Recipes by the Best Cooks in Estill County. Irvine, KY: Christian Church. (UKSC).

Colville, Jessie Henderson. 1923. A Kentucky Woman’s Handy Cookbook. N.p.: Caxton Press. (UKSC). First published in 1912 by Jennings and Graham.

Ellis, [James] Tandy. 1923. Camp Cooking. N.p.: n.p. (UKSC). This thirty-four-page booklet is the first cookbook listed in this bibliography that was written by a man. Ellis’s recipe for burgoo is included in Marion Flexner’s Out of Kentucky Kitchens (1949). Ellis, who was born in Carroll County, wrote short stories and poetry. He died in 1942.

Flexner, Marion W., and Isabel McLennan McMeekin. 1929. Food for Children and How to Cook It: With an Article on Inducing Them to Eat It. New York: Henry Holt. (UKSC). This was apparently the first cookbook by Marion W. Flexner, an important Louisville cookbook author. The Kentucky Encyclopedia contains a biographical essay about her.

Nazareth Academy (Nazareth, KY) Alumnae. 1923. Nazareth Alumnae Cook Book. Louisville, KY: Slater Printing Co. (KDL). Nazareth Academy was a Catholic girls’ boarding school in Nelson County. A PDF of this cookbook can be downloaded from the Kentuckiana Digital Library.

Wednesday Sewing Club. 1923. Cook Book. Williamsburg, KY: Republican Printing. (UKSC).

Women’s Guild of the Christ Church Cathedral, Lexington. 1920. A Book of Recipes. Lexington, KY: James M. Byrnes. (UKSC).

_____. 1926. A Book of Recipes. 2nd improved ed. Lexington, KY: James M. Byrnes. (UKSC). This was the first vintage cookbook in my collection. It has numerous pasted-in and written-in recipes, including recipes for deviled oysters and Woodford pudding. The formatting of the recipes and the measures are quite modern.

Women’s Missionary Society of the Jonesville Methodist Episcopalian Church, South. 1928. Jonesville Cook-Book. Jonesville, VA: Jonesville Methodist Episcopalian Church, South. (PC). This may be a Virginia cookbook, but Jonesville is very close to Middlesboro, Kentucky, in Bell County. In fact, the merchant ads in the book include some from Middlesboro.


Booth Memorial Hospital Auxiliary (Covington). [1930s?]. Booth Hospital Cook Book. Covington, KY: William Booth Memorial Hospital, Women’s Auxiliary. (Kenton County PL).

Breckenridge, Robert J. 1936. From Soup to Nuts: Old Time Recipes that Have Made Kentucky and Louisiana Foods and Liquids Famous, Dinner Service, Celebrations, Toasts, and Helpful Hints. Lexington: Kentucky Cardinal Series. (UKSC). This work includes stories about burgoo, mint julep, and other iconic Kentucky preparations from sources such as Tandy Ellis.

Cobb, Irvin S. 1936. Irvin S. Cobb’s Own Recipe Book. Louisville, KY: Frankfort Distilleries. (PC). This pamphlet was sold by mail for ten cents. It contains an essay on whiskey accompanied by a number of recipes for cocktails. It was also published in 1934 and 1943 and was intended to promote the sale of whiskies produced by Frankfort Distilleries after repeal of the Volstead Act; these included Four Roses, which at the time was a blended whiskey. Cobb was a well-known humorist from Paducah.

National Council of Jewish Women, Louisville Section, Ways and Means Committee. 1935. Just a Few Selected Recipes. Louisville, KY: The Committee. (LFPL).

Old Crow Distillery Company. [1930s?]. Old Crow Collection of Great Bourbon Drink Recipes. Frankfort, KY: Old Crow Distillery. (Clements).

Order of Eastern Star, Naomi Chapter No. 14. 1931. Our Cook Book. St. Matthews, KY: Masonic Home Printing Office. (PC). This sixty-four-page pamphlet contains both signed recipes and many advertisements from Louisville businesses. Apparently, it was distributed free to Masonic families in Louisville.

South Frankfort Presbyterian Church, Circle No. 3. [1935?]. My Favorite Recipes. Frankfort, KY: South Frankfort Presbyterian Church. (PC). Although it is undated, an introductory essay about the history of the church indicates that it was published in 1935.

Wednesday Bridge Club. [ca. 1938–1942]. Recipes from the Blue Grass: Published by the Wednesday Bridge Club for the Benefit of Charity. Winchester, KY: Wednesday Bridge Club. (Maruskin). Apparently, this book was intended to benefit the Bundles for Britain program, which raised money to help the British deal with the ravages of war prior to America’s official involvement.

Wehrley, Mattie Lee. 1930. Handy Household Hints and Recipes. Louisville, KY: Western Recorder. (Clements). This includes information on nutrition and fireless cookery as well as recipes, some of which are described as international. The publication was sponsored by the Asher Business Women’s Council of Louisville. Virginia Asher, an evangelist, created these groups in various cities to further her spiritual goals.

Whitley Pack Horse Library. 1938. Mountain Receipts. Williamsburg, KY: WPA District No. 3, Pack Horse Library. (LFPL). This brief pamphlet is a typescript.

Woman’s Club of Louisville. 1938. Favorite Recipes. Louisville, KY: Geo. G. Fetter. (UKSC). This includes an early compilation of recipes for entertaining. I consider it a prototype for the Junior League cookbooks of Kentucky.

WPA [Works Progress Administration] Pack Horse Library–McKee-Jackson Co., Kentucky, District No. 3. [1930s?]. McKee, KY: WPA District No. 3. (KDLA). This handwritten pamphlet contains “Auld Tyme” cooking and canning recipes. It is not dated but is similar to the Whitley Pack Horse Library’s Mountain Receipts; both were developed as library materials for distribution by the Pack Horse Library program. This New Deal program provided home delivery of reading materials by librarians who traveled on horse and mule to isolated homes in a number of eastern Kentucky counties.


Allen, Emma Powell. 1941. Query Club Recipes. Louisville, KY: John P. Morton. (EKU). This short pamphlet is composed of recipes from upper-income and socially prominent persons. The recipes are a mixture of Louisville standards and the more exotic. Two of the recipes appear in Marion Flexner’s classic Out of Kentucky Kitchens (1949). The Query Club described itself as a literary club.

Bethel Evangelical and Reformed Church. 1948. Bethel Cook Book. 2nd ed. St. Matthew’s, KY: n.p. (PC). This slender volume depicts the important contributions made by classic German recipes to Louisville foodways. There are recipes for kuchen, springerles, anise platzchen, hasenpfeffer, German potato salad, sour sweet cabbage, and spaetzle alongside recipes for cornbread, corn pudding, jam cake, and chicken and dumplings.

Bowman Memorial Methodist Church, Women’s Society of Christian Service, Hazard, Kentucky. 1942. Hazard Cookbook. Hazard, KY: The Society. (UKSC).

Bundles for Britain, Paducah Chapter. [1941?]. Bundles for Britain Cook Book, Tested Recipes from Kentucky Homes, Including Signed Recipes from Famous People. Paducah, KY: Paducah Printing. (UKSC). This small comb-bound cookbook was produced and sold for one dollar to support Bundles for Britain, an organization that raised money for British relief early in World War II. There were chapters throughout the country, including in Paducah and Winchester. The book itself was “dedicated to the brave women of Britain.” Some of the famous people contributing recipes included Deanna Durbin, Mary Pickford, Rudy Vallee, Edward G. Robinson, Joan Fontaine, Bud Abbott, and Lou Costello. There were also recipes from Paducah and nearby areas.

Christ Church Cathedral, Woman’s Endowment Association (Louisville). 1949. The Heritage Cook Book of the Woman’s Endowment Association: Christ Church Cathedral, Louisville, Kentucky, 1822–1949. Louisville, KY: Christ Church Cathedral, Woman’s Endowment Association. (UKSC).

Christian Church, United Christian Missionary Society (Midway). 1944. Selected Recipes from the Blue Grass. Midway, KY: Christian Church. (PC). This slender volume is a revision of a cookbook published in 1923.

Flexner, Marion W. 1941. Dixie Dishes. Boston: Hale, Cushman and Flint. (EKU). This is the earliest narrative-type cookbook in the bibliography. Flexner provides biographical details and cultural content for both southern and Creole recipes.

_____. 1949. Out of Kentucky Kitchens. New York: Bramhall Press. (UKSC). This is a classic Kentucky cookbook. Egerton notes, “In a state noted for its cuisine and its cooks, this little volume holds a place of honor” (1993, 361). It has been reprinted by the University Press of Kentucky.

Jennie C. Benedict Circle of the International Order of King’s Daughters and Sons. 1948. The Jennie’s Cook Book. Shelbyville, KY: Jennie C. Benedict Circle of the International Order of King’s Daughters and Sons. (LFPL).

_____. 1949. A Selection of Favorite Recipes Offered by Members and Friends of the Jennie C. Benedict Circle of the International Order of King’s Daughters and Sons, Shelbyville, Kentucky. Shelbyville, KY: The Circle. (WKU). Today, this group continues the charitable work of Jennie Benedict.

Mandeville, Minn-Ell Sherley. 1940. Random Recipes. Louisville, KY: John P. Morton. (PC). The author was a prominent Louisville club woman. Her recipe for persimmon pudding can be found on the Internet and appears in various editions of the Kentucky Heritage Cook Book. Marion Flexner also included some of Mrs. Mandeville’s recipes in her books.

Methodist Church, Martin, Kentucky. 1940. Our Favorite Recipes Compiled and Published by Elliot Bible Class Methodist Church, Martin, Kentucky. Martin, KY: Methodist Church. (Maruskin).

Senior Women’s Club and Younger Women’s Club. 1948. Favorite Recipes of the Senior Women’s Club and the Younger Women’s Club. Central City, KY: The Clubs. (UKSC).

Sutterlin, Violet C. 1949. What’s Cooking in Frankfort: A Book of Traditional Recipes by Frankfortians Past and Present. Frankfort, KY: Frankfort Chapter, National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. (Lee County PL, EKU). Many of the recipes are signed by the contributors. The cookbook is dedicated to Cissy Gregg.

Temple Adath Israel, Junior Sisterhood. 1947. Selected Recipes. Louisville, KY: Junior Sisterhood of Temple Adath Israel. (LFPL).

University of Kentucky Women’s Club. 1948. Stay for Tea. Lexington: University of Kentucky Women’s Club. (UKSC). This is the first in a series compiled and published by the University of Kentucky Women’s Club. The first three volumes in this series are included in Egerton’s list of noteworthy Kentucky cookbooks (1993, 361). The most recent volume, the fourth, was published in 2010 (after Egerton’s list was published).

Weidemann Brewing Company. 1940. The Weidemann Book of Unusual Recipes. Newport, KY: George Weidemann Brewing Company. (Ebay).

Younger Woman’s Club of Barbourville. 1948. What’s Cookin’ in Barbourville? Barbourville, KY: Younger Woman’s Club of Barbourville. (Filson Historical Society). There is also a more recent edition.


Annville Institute Senior Class. 1953–1954. Kentucky Favorites: Cook Book. Annville, KY: Annville Institute. (Berea College). This cookbook includes a number of classic mountain recipes such as soup beans, apple dumplings, baked possum, hominy, and fried dried apple pies. The text attempts to mimic local speech; for example, the recipe for jam cake calls for “agg yellers.” The Annville Institute, which included a high school, was first established as a mission of the Reformed Church in America in 1909. Although the institute closed in 1978, a number of religious activities continue in its name. Its records are housed at the Berea College Library.

Bridwell, Margaret M. 1953. Kentucky Fare: A Recipe Book of Some of Kentucky’s Mouth Watering Specialties. Louisville, KY: Author. (UKSC). This twenty-eight-page pamphlet, published to be sold in gift shops, contains many classic Kentucky recipes, including one of the few published recipes for “Rolled Oysters, Louisville Style.” The author was the art librarian at the University of Louisville from 1957 to 1970; the art library there is now named for her. She also worked on historic preservation, especially in the part of the city called Old Louisville.

Buckeye High School Parent Teachers Association. [ca. 1955]. Tasty Treats. Lancaster, KY: Buckeye High School Parent Teachers Association. (PC). Though the cookbook itself is undated, it contains an ad placed by the Lancaster Ford Dealer that states, “See the 1955 Ford with ‘Thunderbird’ Styling.” The book seems to be a letterpress production.

Cabbage Patch Circle. 1952. Famous Kentucky Recipes. Louisville, KY: Cabbage Patch Circle. (PC). There are at least three versions of this charity cookbook classic: one (the original) with a dark green cover (1952), one with a black cover (probably 1954), and one with a white cover (1956; see below). There is a hardcover version of the 1952 edition, which is the only one that does not have Cabbage Patch as the main title. I have seen copies published with imprints as late as 1972. Egerton describes this book as “a highly regarded collection of recipes and menus” (1993, 359). The Cabbage Patch was a low-income neighborhood of Louisville. The Cabbage Patch Circle supported a settlement house there, for which this cookbook was a fund-raiser. Most of the recipes are from members, but there are also some from well-known restaurants and cookbook authors. The settlement house still functions and makes important contributions to social welfare in Louisville.

_____. 1956. Cabbage Patch: Famous Kentucky Recipes. Louisville, KY: Cabbage Patch Circle. (LPL, UKSC, PC). Cabbage Patch cookbooks are consistently available on Ebay.

Calvary Baptist Church, Class Seven. [ca. 1950]. Class Seven Cook Book. Lexington, KY: Calvary Baptist Church. (PC). This short cookbook includes ads that feature five-digit telephone numbers, which dates it. The book itself is undated.

Carrollton Methodist Church, Young Adult Circle of the WSCS. 1950. Cooking around the World and at Home. Carrollton, KY: Carrollton Methodist Church. (Maruskin).

Centerville Methodist Church. 1952. Centerville’s Treasure of Personal Recipes. Kansas City, MO: Bev-Ron Publishing. (Clark County PL). This Bourbon County church recently celebrated its centenary.

Colonelettes of Louisville, Kentucky. 1955. The Colonelettes in the Kitchen. Louisville, KY: Colonelettes. (UKSC). The Colonelettes were the wives of members of the Louisville Junior Chamber of Commerce. They called themselves Colonelettes because their husbands dressed as Kentucky colonels at the group’s national convention.

_____. 1955. Kentucky Cooking New and Old: A Collection of Mouth Watering Dishes in the Fine Food Tradition of the South. Louisville, KY: Colonelettes. (LFPL).

_____. 1958. Kentucky Cooking New and Old: A Collection of Mouth Watering Dishes in the Fine Food Tradition of the South. 2nd ed. Louisville, KY: Junior Chamber of Commerce. (UKSC). The second edition includes a brief congratulatory foreword by Cissy Gregg and was offered as a sales premium by General Electric.

Fariston Christian Church (Laurel County). 1955. Cook Book. Marceline, MO: Walsworth Brothers. (UKSC).

Flexner, Marion W. 1951. Quick Cooking from the Top of the Stove. Greenwich, CT: Fawcett Publications. (LFPL).

_____. 1955. Cocktail Supper Cookbook. New York: Bramhall House. (PC). This book is organized around menus and offers a 1950s Louisville take on gourmet dining.

_____. 1958. Cooking the Smart Way. New York: M. Barrows. (LFPL).

Gregg, Cissy. 1953. Cissy Gregg’s Cook Book and Guide to Gracious Living. Vol. 1. Louisville, KY: Louisville Courier-Journal. (LFPL). Cissy Gregg was the food editor for the Louisville Courier-Journal. Unfortunately, this cookbook is hard to find, although Gregg’s recipes do appear elsewhere, including in a number of community cookbooks. According to Egerton, “The gospel according to Cissy is still invoked around Kentucky—a tribute not only to her chatty and highly readable style but also her expert touch with the food Kentuckians have loved for generations” (1993, 359). In addition to Gregg’s two books from the 1950s, Egerton mentions the 1981 reissue and Lillian Marshall’s edited cookbook (1971), which includes many of Gregg’s recipes.

_____. 1959. Cissy Gregg’s Cook Book. Vol. 2. Louisville, KY: Louisville Courier-Journal. (UKSC). This cookbook was printed on newsprint and distributed with the Sunday paper. It is hard to find.

The Guild Christian Church, Bardwell, Kentucky. 1952. Cook Book. Bardwell, KY: Carlisle County Museum and Library. (WKU).

Harrison County Homemakers Club. 1954. Harrison County Homemakers Club Recipes. Cynthiana, KY: Harrison County Homemakers Club. (UKSC). This is the earliest of the homemaker club cookbooks in this bibliography.

Hines, Duncan. 1953. Adventures in Good Cooking (Famous Recipes) and the Art of Carving in the Home. Bowling Green, KY: Adventures in Good Eating. (UKSC). This cookbook contains only a few Kentucky recipes. It was apparently first published in 1939, intended as an annually revised series; thus, there are a number of earlier editions, as well as some later ones. This is a companion to Hines’s more well known restaurant guide Adventures in Good Eating. Duncan Hines Dessert Book was published in 1955. Both cookbooks were republished in 2002 in volumes edited by Louis Hatchett, Hines’s primary biographer.

Hougen, Richard T. 1955. Look No Further: A Cookbook of Favorite Recipes from Boone Tavern Hotel, Berea College, Kentucky. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press. (PC). This is the first of three cookbooks by Richard Hougen, manager of the Boone Tavern at Berea College.

Nelson County Extension Homemaker Association. [1950s?]. My Old Kentucky Home Recipes. Lexington, KY: Thoroughbred Press. (UKSC). There is also a 1960 edition.

Old Yellow Creek Baptist Church, Woman’s Missionary Union. [1958?]. Personal Recipes by W.M.U. Old Yellow Creek Baptist Church. Middlesboro, KY: Old Yellow Creek Baptist Church. (Maruskin).

Order of Demolay, Mother’s Circle, Shawnee Chapter. [1950s?]. Favorite Recipes of Mother’s Circle, Shawnee Chapter, Order of Demolay. Louisville, KY: The Circle. (LPL).

Order of the Eastern Star. Grand Chapter of Kentucky. 1951. Kentucky Golden Jubilee Cook Book. Louisville, KY: Gibbs-Inman. (UKSC). The recipes were contributed by members of the order, with each local chapter having at least one recipe. There are advertisements.

Owingsville Woman’s Club. 1954. Cook Book. Marceline, MO: Walsworth Brothers. (PC). Included is a recipe for the uncommon Cold Brown sandwich—the companion to the ubiquitous Hot Brown. The contributor of the recipe, Mrs. D. C. Dotson, noted, “This used to be my favorite food at the old Brown Hotel Pastry Shop. It’s a full meal by itself.” It is basically sliced chicken or turkey on rye with sliced tomato and Russian dressing. Owingsville is the county seat of Bath County, which is considered an Appalachian county.

Paris Christian Church, June Stanley Missionary Circle. [ca. 1958]. Cookbook Compiled by June Stanley Missionary Circle of Paris Christian Church. Paris, KY: Paris Christian Church. (Maruskin).

Queen’s Daughters (Louisville). 1957. The Queen’s Daughters’ Recipes. Louisville, KY: Queen’s Daughters. (LFPL). The Queen’s Daughters is a Catholic social service organization.

Sacred Heart Model School. 1954. The Model School Cook Book: Over 600 Choice Recipes. Louisville, KY: Sacred Heart Model School. (LFPL).

Scott County Homemakers Association. 1957. Let’s Cook with the Scott County Homemakers. Georgetown, KY: The Association. (LFPL).

St. Paul Methodist Church, Woman’s Society of Christian Service. 1950. What’s Cookin’ at St. Paul. 1st ed. Louisville, KY: Woman’s Society of Christian Service, St. Paul Methodist Church. (LFPL).

_____. [1950s?]. The Tower of St. Paul: Cookery. Louisville, KY: Woman’s Society of Christian Service, St. Paul Methodist Church. (LFPL).

Strathmoor Presbyterian Church. 1953. Out of Strathmoor Kitchens. Louisville, KY: Women of the Church, Strathmoor Presbyterian Church. (LFPL).

Trinity Methodist Church, Loyal Worker’s Class (Latonia). 1950. Latonia’s Favorite Recipes. Kansas City, MO: Bev-Ron Publishing. (Kenton County PL). This is the earliest cookbook in this bibliography produced by Bev-Ron, which specialized in fund-raising cookbooks. The company is no longer in business.

Williamsburg Woman’s Club. [1950s?]. Favorite Foods of Williamsburg. Marceline, MO: Walsworth Brothers. (LFPL).

Woman’s Civic Club (Mt. Sterling). 1955. Cook Book. Mt. Sterling, KY: Woman’s Civic Club. (UKSC).

Woman’s Society of Christian Service, Methodist Church, Nepton, Kentucky. 1950. Tasty Treats from Neighborhood Kitchens. Nepton, KY: The Society. (LFPL).

Woodford Memorial Hospital Auxiliary (Versailles). 1959. Woodford Recipes: Women’s Hospital Auxiliary. Louisville, KY: Grimes Press. (Kenton County PL).

Young Women’s Christian Association (Owensboro). 1954. The Y.W.C.A. Presents Personal Recipes of Owensboro, Kentucky. Kansas City, MO: North American Press. (UKSC).


Barr, Jo Ann, and Georgina Strickland. 1968. A Kitchen Affair: Loved Recipes. Lexington, KY: Unitarian Church. (UKSC).

Charity League of Paducah. 1967. A Collection of Recipes from the Charity League. Paducah, KY: Charity League. (McCracken County PL). The Charity League functions much like a Junior League, in that it sponsors an array of community projects based on fund-raising efforts such as seasonal dances, cookbook sales, and other activities. Like Junior League cookbooks, this one contains a fair number of recipes for entertaining, as well as cosmopolitan dishes. This is a revision of a cookbook published in 1954, which was printed from handwritten originals. The 1967 version uses typeface.

Christ Church Guild (Bowling Green). 1967. Christ Episcopal Church Cook Book. Kansas City, MO: Bev-Ron Publishing. (Miller 2008).

Demos, Stanley. 1961. The Stanley Demos Cookbook. Cincinnati, OH: J. C. Krehbiel. (LPL). Stanley Demos was the owner-operator of the Stanley Demos Restaurant in Lexington, which is now closed. This hardbound volume was reprinted a number of times, until at least 1976. It is possible that one printing had a different title.

Dick, Erma Biesel. 1962. The Old House Cookbook. Louisville, KY: House of Donahoe. (UKSC). Erma Dick operated the Old House Restaurant at 432 South Fifth in Louisville from 1946 to 1979. The restaurant continued to operate under various owners until 1995.

_____. 1969. The Old House Holiday and Party Cookbook. New York: Cowles Book Co. (KDLA). This cookbook has a midcentury gourmet orientation and includes recipes for onion soup au gratin, vichyssoise, béarnaise sauce, coq au vin, and sole Veronique, as well as a few German recipes.

Episcopal Church of St. Michael the Archangel. 1963. Favorite Recipes. Lexington, KY: Church of St. Michael the Archangel. (UKSC).

Favorite Recipes of Kentucky-Tennessee; Contains 600 Recipes from Women’s Club Leaders in Kentucky, Tennessee. 1966. Louisville, KY: Favorite Recipes Press. (LFPL). The Berea College library lists a 900-recipe version published in 1964.

First Church of God (Mt. Sterling). 1968. Missionary Society Cook Book. Lexington, KY: Uldean W. Johnston. (Maruskin). This cookbook was printed at least three times. The recipes are signed. The transitions between sections are often marked by drawings and poetry, both signed and unsigned.

First Methodist Church, Emily Mae Sunday School Class, Corbin. 1962. Corbin Cookery. Corbin, KY: First Methodist Church. (Boyle County PL).

Flatwoods Woman’s Club. 1966. Cooking Favorites of Flatwoods. Flatwoods, KY: Flatwoods Woman’s Club. (UKSC). Flatwoods is in Greenup County.

Flemingsburg Evening Homemakers Club of Fleming County. 1962. What’s Cooking in Fleming County. Kansas City, MO: Circulation Service. The collection starts with a number of recipes contributed by celebrities, including Mrs. John F. Kennedy’s recipe for Baked Seafood Casserole and a recipe for Bacon and Egg Pie (looks like quiche to me) contributed by the wife of Senator John Sherman Cooper. The recipe for “our favorite corn pudding” contributed by Mrs. Wilson W. Wyatt (wife of Kentucky’s lieutenant governor at the time) includes the traditional instructions to cut and then scrape the corn and to stir, taste, and add sugar or milk when partially cooked.

Frankfort Younger Women’s Club. 1961. Favorite Recipes. Frankfort, KY: The Club. (UKSC).

_____. 1967. Capital Kitchens. Frankfort, KY: Hulette Printing. (UKSC).

Harbeson, Nan. 1968. A Book of Favorite Recipes. Kansas City, MO: Circulation Service. (UKSC). Nan Harbeson compiled these recipes with the help of members and friends of the Washington Presbyterian Church.

Hayes, Irene. 1965. What’s Cooking in Kentucky. Hueysville, KY: T. I. Hayes Publishing. What started as a church fund-raiser turned into a Kentucky classic that is still in print. It is based on contributed recipes. There have been a number of other editions, including 1970, 1979, 1982, 1984, and 1994, with different publishers. Egerton notes, “From its roots in eastern Kentucky, this book has grown through reprints and revisions into an all-Kentucky favorite” (1993, 361).

High Street Christian Church, Women’s Council, Esther Circle. 1963. Favorite Recipes from the Bluegrass. Lexington, KY: High Street Christian Church. (PC). The recipes are signed and are supplemented with household hints and guidance for cooking for large groups of people; many pages are embellished with inspirational or humorous sayings. There are a few recipes from restaurants, including Beaumont Inn and Boone Tavern. The recipe for Three Bean Salad is presented as “Garry Moore’s favorite” (Moore was a famous TV personality at the time).

Hougen, Richard T. 1960. Cooking with Hougen. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press. (Miller 2008). This is the second of three cookbooks by Hougen, manager of the Boone Tavern at Berea College.

Kappa Kappa Gamma, Lexington Alumnae Association. 1962. Key to Kentucky Kitchens. Lexington, KY: The Association. (UKSC, PC). The contributed recipes are signed and are presented in the typical contemporary format. The cookbook is enhanced by well-executed pen and ink drawings of selected contributors’ kitchens. There are a few recipes from Hougen’s Look No Further cookbook (1955).

Louisville Times. 1962. Time-Tested, Tried and Tasted Recipes, Compiled from the Louisville Times. Louisville, KY: Louisville Times. (UKSC).

Menifee Extension Homemakers. 1968. Family Favorite Recipes. Vol. 2. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (Menifee County PL).

National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. 1963. The Liberty Hall Cook Book: Receipts and Recipes. Frankfort, KY: National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. (UKSC). Liberty Hall is a historic home in Frankfort. Its library includes manuscript cookbooks from the nineteenth century.

Nelson County Homemakers Clubs. 1960. My Old Kentucky Home Recipes. Lexington, KY: Thoroughbred Press. (PC). The signed recipes are organized in sections marked by verses and lyrics from selected Stephen Foster songs.

Order of the Eastern Star, Chapter No. 289 (Hickman). 1960. Robert E. Lee and Natchez on the Mississippi, Hickman, Kentucky. Hickman, KY: Order of the Eastern Star. This slender volume includes a brief history of Hickman, the county seat of Fulton County in far western Kentucky. The title is simply the caption that appears on the cover along with a reproduction of two riverboats. The recipes, which are signed, include one for Kentucky Barbecue Sauce for basting that fits the western Kentucky pattern of vinegar-based dips with almost no sugar in them.

Queen’s Daughters (Louisville). 1960. The Queen’s Daughters’ Recipes. Louisville, KY: Queen’s Daughters. (UKSC). The Queen’s Daughters is a charity and social service organization of Catholic women. There are similarly named groups around the country.

_____. 1969. Entertaining the Louisville Way. Louisville, KY: Queen’s Daughters. (UKSC). The suggested menus include ones for Derby Breakfast, Easter Brunch, and Sunday Nite Supper, as well as many others.

Russellville–Logan County Chamber of Commerce. 1969. The Logan County Cook Book. Kansas City, KS: Cookbook Publishers. This book includes drawings of Logan County sights.

Schweder, Eve M. 1968. The Best from the Blue Grass: Diamond Jubilee Cookbook. Louisville, KY: Gibbs-Inman. (EKU). The book was reprinted in 1974 and 1981.

Southern Hills Methodist Church (Lexington) Senior High Methodist Youth Fellowship. [1960s?]. Good Cooking. Kansas City, MO: North American Press. (UKSC).

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (Anchorage). 1965. Anchorage Fare. Anchorage, KY: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. (UKSC). This cookbook, from a prosperous Louisville suburb, is based on a reproduction of handwritten recipes.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. 1961. Open House for Gourmets. Louisville, KY: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. (LFPL).

Treasure of Personal Recipes: Pineville, Kentucky. 1963. Kansas City, MO: Bev-Ron Publishing. (Harlan County PL).

Trinity Episcopal Church. 1962. What’s Cooking in Danville. Kansas City, MO: North American Press. (UKSC).

_____. 1969. What’s Cookin’ in Danville. Danville, KY: Trinity Episcopal Church. (Montgomery County PL).

Willett Distilling Company (Bardstown). 1967. Old Bardstown Bourbon Recipes. Bardstown, KY: Willett Distilling Company. (KHS). This is a pamphlet. Woman’s Club of Louisville. 1968. Favorite Fare. Louisville, KY: The Club. (UKSC).

Woodford County Hospital Auxiliary (Versailles). 1967. Woodford Recipes. Versailles, KY: Woodford County Hospital Auxiliary. (UKSC). Maruskin has a 1961 edition.

Younger Woman’s Club of Barbourville. 1964. What’s Cooking in Barbourville. Barbourville, KY: Younger Woman’s Club of Barbourville. (UKSC).

Younger Woman’s Club of Louisville. 1966. Party Cook Book. Louisville, KY: Younger Woman’s Club of Louisville. (UKSC). The foreword refers to an earlier version, probably published in 1958, and states, “We are convinced that parties thrive on a well prepared hostess and good but not necessarily elaborate food served with a minimum of fuss.” This book has a comprehensive selection of recipes, including the most complicated (though charming) recipe for roasting a turkey I have ever seen. It states: “This turkey is work. It demands more attention than the average six-month-old baby” (88).


Alpha Chi Omega, Louisville Alumnae Club. [1970s?]. Belles of Louisville. Louisville, KY: The Club. (LFPL).

Arena, Susan P., ed. 1974. Kentucky Living Cookbook: Bicentennial Edition. Shelbyville, KY: Landmark Community Newspapers. (Shelby County PL).

Athens Christian Church, Dorcas Circle. 1976. What’s Cooking at Athens: 1776 Bicentennial Edition 1976. Iowa Falls, IA: General Publishing and Binding. (PC).

Barnard, Robin, Barbara Hale, Roxanna Jones, Peggy Lewis, and Judy Sackett. 1979. A Kentucky Sampler: Recipes from the University of Kentucky Library Staff. Lexington, KY: n.p. (UKSC).

Barnes, Bertha. 1973. Rebecca Boone Cook Book. Harlan, KY: Durham Printing. (WKU). The Internet lists a paperback version published in 1980.

_____. 1974. Antique Cook Book: All Recipes over 100 Years Old. Harlan, KY: Durham Printing. Barnes lived in Winchester when this forty-eight-page pamphlet was published. The recipes are presented in block format and are accompanied by some historical discussion.

_____. 1976. Pioneer Desserts. Richmond, KY: Author. (Alice Lloyd College).

Beattyville Woman’s Club. 1976. A Book of Favorite Recipes. Beattyville, KY: Woman’s Club. (Lee County PL, UKSC).

Beechwood PTA (Fort Mitchell). 1976. Fort Mitchell’s Finest Recipes. Fort Mitchell, KY: Beechwood PTA. (Kenton County PL).

Beechwood School (Fort Mitchell). [1979?]. Beechwood Cooks. Fort Mitchell, KY: Beechwood School. (Kenton County PL).

Bell County Homemakers. 1977. Mountain Laurel. Pineville, KY: Bell County Homemakers. (UKSC).

Beta Sigma Phi. 1979. Fun in the Kitchen. Lawrenceburg, KY: Lawrenceburg Printing Co. (UKSC).

Boyle County Extension Homemaker’s Association. 1971. The Best of Recipes from Boyle County Homemakers. Boyle County, KY: Boyle County Extension Homemaker’s Association. (UKSC).

Burgin Get-Together Homemakers. 1971. Burgin Get-Together Homemakers Presents a Collection of Mercer County’s Favorite Recipes. Kansas City, KS: Bev- Ron Publishing. (UKSC).

Caldwell County Homemakers Organization. 1971. Favorite Recipes from Caldwell County. Princeton, KY: Caldwell County Times. (UKSC).

Casey, W. B., and Lucy M. Casey. 1979. Sermons and Servings. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers (PC). This unusual volume is a combination of sermons and recipes by a Baptist minister and his wife. They retired from Boone Creek Baptist Church in Lexington in 1979.

Charity League of Paducah, Kentucky. 1978. Seasons of Thyme. Paducah, KY: Charity League. (UKSC).

Cooper, Dorothea C., ed. 1976. Kentucky Hospitality: A 200-Year Tradition. Louisville: Kentucky Federation of Women’s Clubs. (PC, UKSC). This bicentennial cookbook includes a number of very good essays on Kentucky foodways as well as many noteworthy recipes. Egerton observes, “Few food books are as well conceived as this one—or as well executed” (1993, 360). There is also a follow-up cookbook, published in 2002, with a similar title.

Corbin Woman’s Club. 1976. Historical Cook Book, 1976. Corbin, KY: Corbin Woman’s Club. (LPL). Corbin is the largest town in Whitley County.

Crescent Hill Woman’s Club (Louisville). 1971. Derbytown Winners Cookbook. Louisville, KY: Crescent Hill Woman’s Club. (UKSC).

Daviess County Extension Homemakers. 1975. Golden Anniversary Cookbook, 19251975: Favorite Recipes. Owensboro, KY: Daviess County Extension Homemakers. (PC). The cookbook is dedicated to Ida Jo Burg, who was the county extension agent for home economics. At that time, there were fifty- three homemaker clubs in Daviess County. In the recipe for tacos entitled “The Wright Family’s Mexican Food,” the contributor, Linda Wright Barnes, reflects on the tortilla supply situation in the mid-1970s: “Tortillas which come in a can are what we prefer to use, but they are difficult to find at the grocery lately” (78). Old El Paso brand canned tortillas were discontinued in the 1990s. None of the recipes expresses the Owensboro barbecue tradition, although there is a recipe for barbecue beef that seems to be in the sloppy joe genre.

Durham, Glenn. 1978. Kentucky State Parks Cookbook: Recipes from Kentucky State Parks and Other Sources. Harlan, KY: Glenn Durham in cooperation with Kentucky Department of Parks. (UKSC).

Elsmere Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary. 1976. The Bicentennial Story of Elsmere, Kentucky, 17761976. Elsmere, KY: National Consumers Research. (Kenton County PL).

Epworth United Methodist Church, Irene Dorsey Circle. 1972. Epworth United Methodist Church Cookbook. Iowa Falls, IA: General Publishing and Binding. (UKSC).

Estill County Homemakers. 1977. Family Menu Favorites from the Estill County Homemakers. Irvine, KY: Estill County Citizen Voice and Times. The recipes are signed, and the club affiliation is indicated. Reflecting the times, there are two recipes for Water Gate Cake, both of which make use of Duncan Hines white cake mix, pistachio pudding, and club soda.

The Farmington Cookbook: A Cookbook in Two Parts. 3rd ed. 1971. Louisville, KY: Farmington House. (PC, UKSC). Farmington House is a historic home in Louisville. The first version of this cookbook was published in 1968; subsequent editions appeared in 1969, 1971, 1973, and 1979 (there may be others). The cookbook contains much information about cooking technique.

The Farmington Cookbook: A Cookbook in Two Parts. 5th ed. 1979. Louisville, KY: Farmington House. (LPL). This edition claimed to be the Official Hostess and Entertainment Guide of the Kentucky Derby.

Fayette County Homemakers Association. 1974. Homemakers in the Kitchen. Lexington, KY: Fayette County Homemakers Association. (UKSC, Maruskin).

Fayette County Public Schools. 1974. What’s Cooking in Fayette County Schools. Lexington, KY: Fayette County Public Schools. (UKSC).

First Baptist Church (Fisherville). 1977. Sesquicentennial: Floydsfork Baptist, 1827: First Baptist of Fisherville, 1977. Fisherville, KY: First Baptist Church. (LFPL).

First Baptist Church (Leitchfield). 1974. New Cookbook of Fine Old Recipes: Every Recipe Perfected in Our Church Family. Iowa Falls, IA: General Publishing and Binding. (UKSC).

Fourth Avenue Methodist Church (Louisville). [1970s?]. Favorite Food from Fourth Avenue Women. Louisville, KY: Fourth Avenue Methodist Church. (LFPL).

Frankfort Younger Woman’s Club. 1974. Capital Kitchens. 2nd ed. Frankfort, KY: Kentucky Investors. (Kenton County PL).

Gainesway Homemakers. 1972. Gainesway Goodies. Lexington, KY: Gainesway Homemakers. (PC). The recipes are signed and accompanied by drawings. The book was produced “in-house.” It includes a recipe for “Kentucky Derby Pie,” which resembles the copyright-protected Derby Pie.

George Rogers Clark High School, Academic Boosters. 1977. Clark County Cooks. Pleasanton, KS: Fundcraft Publishing. (UKSC).

George Rogers Clark High School, Band Boosters. 1978. The GRC Company Front Cookbook. Winchester, KY: George Rogers Clark High School, Band Boosters. (Maruskin).

Grayson County News-Gazette. 1978. Country Kitchen Cookbook. Leitchfield, KY: News-Gazette. (UKSC).

Harlan Woman’s Club. 1978. A Book of Favorite Recipes. Shawnee Mission, KS: Circulation Service. (UKSC).

Hayes, Irene. 1970. What’s Cooking in Kentucky. Hueysville, KY: Hayes Publishing. (LPL, PC).

Historic Homes Foundation (Louisville). 1976. Kentucky Heritage Recipes. Louisville, KY: Historic Homes Foundation. (UKSC). This publication was created to benefit two historic homes: Farmington and Locust Grove. It is a small but valuable collection of traditional Kentucky recipes, some of which were selected from earlier cookbooks, including those of Jennie Benedict, Marion Flexner, and Cissy Gregg. This is the earliest edition, but there were others in 1977, 1978, 1980, and 1988.

Hodgenville Woman’s Club. 1976. Larue County Kitchens: A Larue County Bicentennial Cookbook. Elizabethtown, KY: Hub City Printing. (UKSC, PC). This massive collection was still in print in 2010.

Hopkins County, Kentucky, PTA. 1973. A Book of Favorite Recipes: Hopkins County Kentucky PTA Cookbook. Madisonville, KY: Hopkins County, Kentucky, PTA. (WKU).

Hougen, Richard T. 1971. More Hougen Favorites. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press. This is the third cookbook from the manager of the Boone Tavern.

Hunting Creek Garden Club. 1976. Hunting Creek Garden Club Cook Book. Prospect, KY: Hunting Creek Garden Club. (LFPL).

Hustonville Christian Church, Women’s Fellowship. 1976. Favorite Hometown Recipes. Hustonville, KY: Christian Church. (Maruskin).

Jefferson County Medical Society, Women’s Auxiliary. 1979. Prescriptions for Cooks. Louisville, KY: Jefferson County Medical Society. (WKU). This is a reprint, with some additions, of a cookbook originally published in 1962. It was intended to raise funds to renovate the old buildings of the University of Louisville Medical School.

Junior League of Louisville. 1978. The Cooking Book. Louisville, KY: Junior League of Louisville. (WKU). This is the first cookbook published by a Kentucky Junior League. It was designated the “Official Kentucky Derby Festival Cookbook.” Egerton notes that this volume “blends old recipes and a little history with modern design and contemporary dishes” (1993, 359). It makes extensive use of photographs from the University of Louisville’s archives and was reprinted into the 1980s. Since 1978, the Junior League of Louisville has published a number of other cookbooks. Interestingly, there is a website devoted to Junior League cookbooks (

Kelley, Kathleen. 1976. Historic Camp Nelson Cookbook. Lancaster, KY: Kentucky Valley Press. (Pulaski County PL). This collection includes recipes from Marilyn Stefanski.

Kentucky Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives. 1973. 25th Anniversary Cook Book: 250 Best Recipes from the First 25 Years of Rural Kentuckian Magazine. Louisville, KY: Kentucky Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives. (KDLA). The title of Rural Kentuckian was later changed to Kentucky Living.

Kentucky DAR Cookbook: A Selection of Recipes Chosen from Favorites of the Members of the Kentucky Chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution. 1970. Lexington, KY: Daughters of the American Revolution. (UKSC, Madison County PL). Second and third editions were published in 1972 and 1975. The sale of the book benefited the DAR’s Duncan Tavern site. This volume is included in Egerton’s list of Kentucky cookbooks (1993, 360).

Kentucky Pork Producers & Porkettes. [1978?]. Kentucky Style Pork Cooking. Shelbyville, KY: Kentucky Pork Producers & Porkettes. (Marion County PL).

Kremer, Elizabeth C. 1970. We Make You Kindly Welcome. Harrodsburg, KY: Pleasant Hill Press. (UKSC). This is included in Egerton’s list of noteworthy Kentucky cookbooks (1993, 361). Kremer was the executive in charge of the restaurant at the Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill for a number of years. At the time, Shaker Village was derelict and in need of much work. Creating a regional dining destination was an important aspect of the program of restoration and preservation.

_____. 1977. Welcome Back to Pleasant Hill. Harrodsburg, KY: Pleasant Hill Press. (UKSC). This is the second and last cookbook written by Kremer.

Lancaster Women’s Club. 1973. A Treasure of Personal Recipes. Kansas City, KS: Bev-Ron Publishing. (UKSC).

Layton, Pat. 1971. Kentucky’s Capital City Cookbook. Frankfort, KY: Roberts Printing Company. (UKSC). Egerton lists a 1982 version in his list of Kentucky cookbooks (1993, 360).

Lewisport Woman’s Club. 1978. Lewisport Woman’s Club Presents the Court House Cookbook. Iowa Falls, IA: General Publishing and Binding. (Ebay). The recipes from club members are signed. The cover features a drawing of the Hancock County courthouse.

Lexington School. 1979. Scrumptious Soups and Salads: A Collection of Favorite Recipes from the Lexington School. Lexington, KY: Lexington School. (UKSC). This cookbook was part of a series that was presumably annual. It included Just Desserts (1975), With Spirits (1976), Casseroles, of Course (1977), Supersaladishes (1978), Scrumptious Soups and Salads (1979), Hey Mom, What’s for Supper? (1980), and Let’s Entertain (1981). I own a copy of the 1981 volume. They are punched for insertion in a ring binder and were marketed as the Christmas Corner Collection.

Lexington 3rd Ward Relief Society. 1973. What’s Cookin’ in Lexington, Kentucky. Kansas City, KS: Bev-Ron Publishing. (Russell County PL).

Licking Valley Senior Citizens. 1978. Oldies but Goodies from SNAP. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (PC). SNAP is a nutritional program for persons older than sixty years in Bracken, Fleming, Lewis, Mason, and Robertson Counties.

Long, Marlys, Grace Schmit, and Janet Taylor. 1978. Home on the Run. Louisville, KY: Edward D. Donahoe Publishing. (UKSC).

Louisville Bar Association Auxiliary. 1977. You Be the Judge. Kansas City, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

Marshall, Lillian, ed. 1971. The Courier Journal & Times Cookbook; Including 91 Favorite Cissy Gregg Recipes and 61 Photographs in Full Color. Louisville, KY: Pegasus. (UKSC). Lillian Marshall drew on the recipe files of the Louisville Courier-Journal, where she was food editor.

McBrayer, Emma Lee, and Ann McBrayer Garrison. 1978. A Taste of Mama’s Cooking: Special Recipes of Emma Lee McBrayer. Lawrenceburg, KY: A. M. Garrison. (UKSC).

Meadow Heights Woman’s Club. 1973. Daisy Delights: A Delightful Collection of Favorite Recipes. Louisville, KY: Meadow Heights Woman’s Club. (LFPL).

Midway-Pinkerton International Alumnae Association (Midway). 1977. Our Favorite Recipes. Pleasanton, KS: Fundcraft Publishing. (UKSC).

Millersburg United Methodist Church. 1977. Our Favorite Recipes. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (UKSC).

Mills, Frances Jones. [1979?]. Festive Cooking with Frances Jones Mills. Fulton, KY: Citizens for Frances Jones Mills. (WKU, Kenton County PL). France Jones Mills held various public offices in Kentucky, including three terms as state treasurer. This cookbook was produced as part of her election efforts.

Monroe County Homemakers. 1979. Monroe County Homemakers Favorite Recipes. Tompkinsville, KY: Monroe County Homemakers. (Abdmishani). The cookbook includes a section of county extension agents’ favorite recipes, as well as recipes from the homemaker clubs. One recipe for barbecue sauce fits the Monroe County style. Its basic ingredients are vinegar, pepper, cayenne, butter, and lard. Because of the fat, the sauce needs to be heated before use. The cookbook also includes a short essay on the history of the clubs.

Montgomery County Homemakers. 1976. Montgomery County Homemakers Cookbook. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Montgomery County PL).

Moore, Matilda B. 1972. Out of the Kitchen into the House: Receipts of Elizabeth Kinkead Battaile. Rev. 2nd ed. Lexington, KY, and St. Paul, VA: Clinch Valley Publishing. (EKU, PC). “Bets” Battaile, as she was known, worked as a cook at various Lexington locations, including the Green Tree Shop, described as “a fashionable tearoom located on East Main street, in a little court, between Walnut and the Esplanade.” The cookbook, which includes many Green Tree Shop recipes, was compiled by Battaile’s granddaughter and was intended as a remembrance for her family. The collection includes one recipe from Nannie Talbot Johnson, from whom Battaile took cooking lessons.

Muhlenberg County 4-H Council. 1977. A Helping of 4-H Hospitality. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Muhlenberg County PL).

Nelson County Extension Homemakers. 1979. Favorite Recipes. Bardstown, KY: Nelson County Extension Homemakers. (Ebay).

Northern Kentucky University. 1978. Favorite Recipes of Faculty/Staff and Students at Northern Kentucky University. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Kenton County PL).

Ole Time Cookbook: Recipes of Yesterday for Today’s Menu. 1975. Harlan, KY: Durham Printing and Offset Co. (UKSC). This is a facsimile reprint of The Harlan Cook Book, published in 1935 (the header reads “HARLAN COOK BOOK”). The recipes are signed and are presented in the “standard” format. Most of the contributors are from “Harlan and surrounding towns.” The recipe instructions reflect a transitional period in the use of kitchen appliances. Cooking instructions vary from nominal oven temperatures to actual degrees. A recipe called “Frozen Salad” instructs the cook to put the mixture of mayonnaise, cream cheese, and whipped cream “in a tray and let freeze 3 hours in an electric refrigerator” (35).

O’ Neal, Mary, and Paula Mueller. 1973. From Park’s Kitchen Kupboard. Lexington, KY: Park Methodist Church. (UKSC).

Payne, Ruth. 1976. The Kentucky Bicentennial Cookbook: Famous Historical Kentucky Recipes, 17761976. Harrodsburg, KY: Roberts Printing. (UKSC). This comprehensive volume was produced in conjunction with the Mercer County Humane Society.

Pikeville Woman’s Club. 1973. Our Heritage Cookbook. Kansas City, KS: Bev-Ron Publishing. (KDLA). Apparently, the first version of this cookbook was published in 1960.

Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church, United Methodist Women (Philpot). 1978. Cherished Recipes: A Collection of Recipes. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (UKSC).

Port Royal Homemakers. 1977. Port Royal Homemakers Cookbook. Port Royal, KY: Port Royal Homemakers. (Henry County PL).

Ravenna Christian Church. 1979. Christian Women’s Fellowship Cookbook. 3rd ed. Ravenna, KY: Ravenna Christian Church. (Estill County PL).

Sawchak, Cathy. [1970s?]. Appalachian Sampler. David, KY: St. Vincent’s Mission, Home Economics Program. (UKSC).

Scott County Senior Citizens (Georgetown). 1976. Cookbook. Georgetown, KY: Georgetown News and Georgetown Times. (UKSC).

Second Baptist Church, Baptist Young Women (Greenville). 1979. A Book of Favorite Recipes. Kansas City, MO: Circulation Service. (Muhlenberg County PL).

Settle, Cherry, Tommy Settle, and Edward G. Klemm Jr. 1979. The Claudia Sanders Dinner House of Shelbyville, Kentucky Cookbook. Los Angeles, CA: Crescent. (LPL).

St. Elizabeth Hospital, Women’s Guild. 1974. Kentucky Heritage ’74. Covington, KY: St. Elizabeth Hospital, Women’s Guild. (PC). St. Elizabeth Hospital was established in Covington in 1861 and is now active throughout northern Kentucky.

St. James United Methodist Church (Bowling Green). 1977. Sharing Our Best: St. James United Methodist Church, Bowling Green, Kentucky. Pleasanton, KS: Fundcraft Publishing. (WKU).

St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church (Louisville). 1979. Favorite Recipes. Louisville, KY: St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church. (LFPL).

Stone, Michelle. 1973. Merry Christmas from Kentucky. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (Kenton County PL).

Sulpher Well Homemakers. 1977. Homemaker’s Delight. Kansas City, MO: Circulation Service. (Metcalfe County PL).

Tates Creek Pentecostal Church Auxiliary (Richmond). 1978. A Collection of Recipes. Collierville, TN: FundCraft Publishing. (UKSC).

Trigg County Homemakers Association. 1978. Favorite Recipes. Cadiz, KY: Broadbent B&B Food Products. (UKSC).

United Methodist Temple, Russellville, Kentucky. 1975. Taste and Tell Cook Book. Kansas City, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (WKU).

University of Kentucky, Cooperative Extension Service. [ca. 1979]. Knox County, 4th Annual Extension-Homemaker Cookbook. Lexington: University of Kentucky, Cooperative Extension Service. In contrast to other homemaker association cookbooks, this one seems to have been printed by the university. The recipes, which are signed, include one for a dump cake companion called pig pickin’ cake tired mama pie.

University of Kentucky Women’s Club. 1975. Stay for TeaAgain. Lexington: University of Kentucky Women’s Club. (UKSC). This is one of an irregular series that started in 1948; the most recent volume was published in 2010. The 1975 cookbook includes the recipe for Maxwell Place Spiced Tea from Frances Jewell McVey, whose death was observed in the 1948 edition of Stay for Tea. Her husband, Frank McVey, was president of the university. There are a number of recipes from Emily Lihani, who was important in developing the University of Kentucky Library’s cookbook collection.

Versailles Baptist Church. 1976. Versailles Baptist Church Cookbook. Waterloo, IA: G&R Publishing Company. (PC). This project was undertaken by the Youth Council to finance a mission trip. Versailles is in Woodford County, in the heart of the Bluegrass. The book includes two dump cake recipes but none for Woodford pudding.

Wayne County High School, Junior Class. 1972. Rootin’ Tootin’ Recipes. Monticello, KY: Wayne County High School. (Private collection of Rona Roberts). The cookbook contains a recipe for Molasses Crinkles contributed by Mrs. Lisle Roberts. This cookie recipe and some of its history are featured in Sweet, Sweet Sorghum: Kentucky’s Golden Wonder by Lisle’s daughter Rona. Rona Roberts also produces the noteworthy food blog Savoring Kentucky.

Winchester Mrs. Jaycees. 1975. Mrs. Jaycees Spice Centennial Cook Book. Winchester, KY: Winchester Mrs. Jaycees. (Clark County PL). This bicentennial cookbook includes a recipe from President and Mrs. Gerald Ford.

Woman’s Club of Marion. 1976. Historic Cookbook1776–1976. Marion, KY: Marion Woman’s Club. (Crittenden County PL).

Women’s Guild of the St. Elizabeth Medical Center. 1977. A Day of Wine and Roses, 1977. Covington, KY: Women’s Guild of the St. Elizabeth Medical Center. (UKSC).

Woodford County Fire Department, Ladies Auxiliary (Versailles). 1976. Historic Cookbook. Versailles, KY: Woodford County Fire Department. (UKSC).

Woodland Christian Church (Lexington). 1977. Treasured Recipes of Woodland Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Lexington, KY: The Church. (UKSC).

Young, Mary Catherine Kirtley. 1975. The Cherokee Triangle Olde Time Cook-book. Louisville, KY: Cherokee Triangle Association. (University of Alabama). The book has illustrations and includes a poem by Mary Young Martin. Cherokee Triangle is a historic preservation district.

Younger Woman’s Club of Berea. 1978. Berea’s Best. Lexington, KY: Grable Printing. (Kenton County PL). The Younger Woman’s Club of Berea produced other versions with the same title in 1965 and 1985.


Allender, Mary. 1989. The Hamilton Cooks of Kentucky. Columbus, KY: Creations by Mary Allender. (LPL).

Allender, Mary, and Maxine Walker, eds. 1982. Southern Kentucky Cook Book: A Selection of Recipes Chosen from Favorites of Those Interested in the Preservation of the Trabue-Russell House. Columbia, KY: Adair County Heritage Association (South Central Printing). (Harlan County PL).

American Cancer Society, Kentucky Division. 1980. Kentucky County Fare. Memphis, TN: Wimmer Brothers Fine Printing and Lithography. (UKSC).

_____. 1982. Partytime in Kentucky. Memphis, TN: Wimmer. (WKU). This includes a foreword by Anita Madden, a famous Lexington horsewoman and party giver.

_____. 1987. Capital Eating in Kentucky. Louisville, KY: American Cancer Society, Kentucky Division. (UKSC).

Anderson, Janet Alm. 1986. A Taste of Kentucky. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. (UKSC). This volume contains snippets of Kentucky folklore in addition to a few recipes.

AORN Bluegrass Chapter of Central Kentucky. 1983. Just a Sampling: A Collection of Favorite Recipes Compiled from the Members of A.O.R.N. Bluegrass Chapter of Central Kentucky. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC). AORN is a professional association of operating room nurses.

Arlington Christian Church (Lexington). 1989. Recipes Compiled by Chi Rho & CYF Arlington Christian Church. Waseca, MN: Walter’s Cookbooks.

Barren County Homemakers. 1980. From the Kitchens of Barren County Homemakers. Glasgow, KY: Barren County Progress. (KDLA, PC). This compilation includes signed recipes contributed by members of the twenty-six homemaker clubs of Barren County.

Bath County Homemakers. 1982. Nature’s Bounty. Owingsville, KY: Bath County Homemakers. (Clark County PL).

Behringer-Crawford Museum. [1980s?]. Behringer-Crawford Museum Cook Book. Covington, KY: Behringer-Crawford Museum. (Kenton County PL).

Bell County Extension Homemakers. 1984. Mountain Laurel Encore: A Collec tion of Recipes. Pineville, KY: Bell County Extension Homemakers. (UKSC, Clark County PL). There was an earlier edition.

Bell County Women’s Club. 1980. Home Town Recipes of Bell County Senior Citizens. Middlesboro, KY: Women’s Club. (Harlan County PL).

Bethel Presbyterian Church Women’s Group. 1989. Bethel’s Bicentennial Cooking. Waseca, MN: Walter’s Cookbooks. (UKSC).

Bethlehem Christian Church, Christian Women’s Fellowship. 1984. Give Us Our Daily Bread. Pleasanton, KS: Fundcraft Publishing. (Bath County PL).

Blue Grass Trust for Historic Preservation. 1989. Carriage House Cooks at the Bluegrass Trust. Lexington, KY: Blue Grass Trust. (Miller 2008).

Boone Manor Nursing Home. 1981. Boone Manor Nursing Home Cookbook: Featuring Time Tested, Ageless, New and Treasured Knox County, Ky. Recipes. Shawnee Mission, KS: Circulation Service. (Harlan County PL).

Booth Memorial Hospital Auxiliary (Covington). 1988. Booth Memorial Hospital Auxiliary 50th Anniversary Cookbook, 19381988. Florence, KY: Booth Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. (UKSC).

Bourbon County Extension Homemakers. 1985. Bourbon County Homemakers: 50 Years of Cooking. Paris, KY: Bourbon County Extension Homemakers. (Miller 2008).

Calloway County Homemakers. 1981. In Good Taste: 5th Annual Cookbook. Murray, KY: Calloway County Homemakers. (PC). This mimeographed publication includes signed recipes representing the many homemaker clubs of Calloway County. There is a recipe for homemade hominy as well as a short section on microwave recipes.

Carroll County Public Library. 1987. Once upon a Time: A Collection of Carroll County Recipes. Carrollton, KY: Carroll County Public Library.

Cedar Creek Community School. 1986. The Monterey Cookbook: Recipes from Monterey, Kentucky. Owenton, KY: Cedar Creek Community School. (UKSC).

Chittenden, Russ. 1989. Uncle Russ Chittenden’s Good Ole Boys Wild Game Cookbook: Or How to Cook ’ Possum and Other Varmints Good. Paducah, KY: Image Graphics. (UKSC).

Christ Episcopal Church (Bowling Green). 1984. The Spirit of Cooking: Favorite Recipes from Christ Episcopal Church. Bowling Green, KY: Christ Episcopal Church. (WKU). The volume includes original artwork.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 1982. Favorite Recipes from Winchester. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Clark County PL).

Clark County Homemakers Association. 1989. Favorite Recipes from Clark County Homemakers. Winchester, KY: Clark County Homemakers Association. (Clark County PL, UKSC).

Clear Run Baptist Church (Ohio County). 1987. Clear Run’s Cooking. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing.

Convent Cookery. 1980. Crescent Springs, KY: St. Walburg Convent. (Kenton County PL).

Country Squares Homemakers Club (Richmond). 1980. Kissin’ Wears out, Cookin’ Don’t! Lenexa, KS.: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

Danville Hospital Auxiliary. 1987. History Making Recipes. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Boyle County PL).

Davidson, Tupper, Gwen McKee, and Barbara Moseley. 1988. Best of the Best from Kentucky: Selected Recipes from Kentucky’s Favorite Cookbooks. Brandon, MS: Quail Ridge Press. (UKSC). Quail Ridge Press publishes a series of Best of the Best state cookbooks, as well as some other cookbooks and nonfiction. The enterprise started with a cookbook that had been rejected by the University of Mississippi Press because it did not meet the criteria for publication. Another edition of the Kentucky volume was published in 2005, by the same authors.

Dedman, Mary Elizabeth, and Thomas Curry Dedman Jr. 1983. Beaumont Inn: Special Recipes. 2nd ed. Harrodsburg, KY: Beaumont Inn. (PC). The Dedman family founded this important Kentucky restaurant. The recipe for corn pudding may hold the record for being reprinted in the most cookbooks. There may be an earlier, undated version of the Beaumont Inn cookbook.

Echols, Madonna Smith, and Martha Layne Collins. 1986. The Crowning Recipes of Kentucky. Louisville, KY: Marathon International Publishing. (UKSC). The crown in the title refers to the world of beauty pageants,

Evans, Mrs. Wilson, and Mrs. Peter H. Steenbergen. 1980. Kentucky DAR Cookbook. 4th ed. Berea, KY: Order to Mrs. Wilson A. Evans. (UKSC). A 1970 version also exists.

_____. 1982. Kentucky DAR Cookbook. 5th ed. Berea, KY: Order to Mrs. Wilson A. Evans. (UKSC).

Farr, Sidney Saylor. 1983. More than Moonshine: Appalachian Recipes and Recollections. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press. (LPL). This narrative cookbook draws on Farr’s early life in Bell County, where she was raised at the foot of Black Mountain. She worked for many years as a special collections librarian at Berea College’s Hutchins Library and was also the editor of Appalachian Heritage. Her life was documented in her memoir My Appalachia. Farr died in 2011.

Favorite Southern Recipes. 1981. Danville, KY: n.p. (PO Box 483, Danville, KY 40422). (UKSC).

Fayette County Homemakers Association. 1988. Food for Friends. Lexington, KY: Fayette County Homemakers Association. (UKSC).

Finley, John, ed. 1985. The Courier-Journal Kentucky Cook Book. Louisville, KY: Courier-Journal and Louisville Times Company. (LPL). This includes a selection of Cissy Gregg’s recipes, among others. The introduction provides documentation of the Courier-Journal’s food editors.

First Baptist Church (Owensboro). 1981. Pass the Plate with Supper 8. Owensboro, KY: First Baptist Church. (Daviess County PL).

First Presbyterian Church (Owensboro). 1984. Favorite Recipes. Owensboro, KY: First Presbyterian Church. (Daviess County PL).

First Presbyterian Church (Somerset). 1983. Presbyterian Potluck. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (PC). The cookbook contains a short essay on the history of the church. The recipes, which are signed, include two for tabouli.

First United Methodist Church (Winchester). 1983. Butter ’ n Love Recipes. Pleasanton, KS: Fundcraft Publishing. (Clark County PL).

First United Methodist Church, Frankfort Women. 1982. Cookbook 1982. Frankfort, KY: First Methodist Church. (UKSC).

First United Methodist Church, Shalom Fellowship (Hopkinsville). 1984. Methodist Bicentennial Cookbook, 1784–1984. Waseca, MN: Walter’s Publishing.

Fleur de Lis Garden Club. 1982. Garden of Eatin’. Owensboro, KY: Fleur de Lis Garden Club. (UKSC).

Flexner, Marion W. 1989. Out of Kentucky Kitchens. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. (LPL). This is a republication of the 1949 edition.

Florence, Elizabeth Vater. 1982. Kentucky Cooking at Its Best. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. This may be from Cold Spring in western Kentucky.

Franklin County Homemakers. 1988. Favorite Recipes from Franklin County Homemakers. Franklin County, KY: Franklin County Homemakers. (UKSC).

Fraser, Kathryn. 1983. By the Seasons: Cookery at the Homeplace1850. Golden Pond, KY: Tennessee Valley Authority. (PC). According to the preface, this is a “history book masquerading as a cook book.” The recipes, which are arranged in seasonal sections, were prepared at the historic reconstruction of a western Kentucky farm from the 1850s. They are accompanied by essays about 1850s farm life, based on historical research.

Friends of the Withers Memorial Public Library. 1986. Friends Favorites. Nicholasville, KY: Withers Memorial Public Library. (Jessamine County PL). The Withers Memorial Public Library was renamed the Jessamine County Public Library in 2001. The cookbook is printed on index cards held together by a single metal ring.

Garden Club of Lexington. 1985. Bluegrass Winners: A Cookbook. Lexington, KY: Garden Club of Lexington. (PC, UKSC). This well-presented collection of more than 400 recipes includes color photographs and some horse farm history.

Gay Twenties Homemakers (Lexington). 1983. Recipes from the Cookin’ Twenties. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

Gill, Donna. [1985?]. Donna Gill Recommends. Shelbyville, KY: Science Hill Inn. (UKSC). Donna Gill, chef at the Science Hill Inn in Shelbyville, produced a number of small, undated cookbooks. Based on the brief foreword in one of them, the series apparently started in 1980 with a volume titled Georgian Room Favorite Recipes. The restaurant has a tearoom ambience, and when I eat there, I order the shrimp and grits.

Gill, Donna, Ellen Gill, and Terry Gill. [1980s?]. What I Like Best about Dining with the Gills. Shelbyville, KY: Science Hill Inn. (PC, Owen County PL). The same title was used for third and fourth editions published (according to WorldCat) in 1990 and 1996.

Glenn, Camille. 1983. A Special Collection of Salads, Soups, and Stews. Louisville, KY: Nana Publications. This was published for the benefit of the Louisville Fund for the Arts. Camille Glenn worked as a caterer, wrote about food for the Courier-Journal, and taught cooking in Louisville.

_____. 1986. The Heritage of Southern Cooking. New York: Workman Publishing. (PC). Although very much a southern food writer, Camille Glenn has strong Kentucky roots. She was originally from Dawson Springs, and many of the recipes in this attractive narrative cookbook are Kentucky classics.

Godbey, Marty. 1985. Dining in Historic Kentucky: A Restaurant Guide with Recipes. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (LPL).

Grace, Curtis. 1985. Cooking with Curtis Grace: A Collection of Favorite Recipes from Curtis Grace and His Ninth Street House Restaurant. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC). The Ninth Street House Restaurant (now closed) was near downtown Paducah, in what was called Lower Town. It was known for its zucchini bread and California chicken salad. These dishes are now presented by House of Grace, a restaurant owned by Curtis Grace’s son.

_____. 1989. Cook Talk with Curtis Grace and Friends: A Collection of Favorite Recipes from Curtis Grace and His Ninth Street House Restaurant. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC).

Greenville Volunteer Fire Department Ladies’ Auxiliary, Muhlenberg County. 1982. A Book of Favorite Recipes. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (Muhlenberg County PL).

Greenville Woman’s Club. 1986. Club House Cookbook. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Muhlenberg County PL).

Gregg, Cissy. 1981. Cissy Gregg’s Cook Book, with an introduction by Deni Hamilton. 2 vols. Louisville, KY: Foodwork. (UKSC, LFPL). It states, “These two volumes are reproductions of Cissy Gregg’s cookbooks that were pub lished in the 1950’s by the Courier Journal without the advertisements and photography.”

Grove Ridge Baptist Church, Women’s Missionary Union. 1988. Book of Favorite Recipes. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (Casey County PL).

Hamilton, Deni, ed. 1986. The Official 1985 Kentucky State Fair Cookbook. Louisville, KY: Foodwork. (UKSC). The cookbook contains hundreds of recipes (listed by food and competitor categories) for prizewinners at the 1985 State Fair. Foods judged only on appearance are not included. Deni Hamilton, a former food editor at the Louisville Courier-Journal, wrote an introductory essay that discusses the competition. Also included are essays written by winners of sweepstakes awards.

_____. 1988. The Official 1986/1987 Kentucky State Fair Cookbook. LaGrange, KY: Foodwork. (LoC).

Harvest Daze Committee. 1989. Home Town Recipes. Poole, KY: Women’s Club Publishing Company. (Webster County PL).

Hayes, Irene. 1984. What’s Cooking for the Holidays. Hueysville, KY: T. I. Hayes Publishing. (UKSC). Hayes also compiled What’s Cooking in Kentucky (1965, 1970, and later editions). A revised edition of the holiday foods cookbook was published in 2000.

Henry County Historic Society. 1987. Our Favorite Recipes: Good Country Cooking. Henry County, KY: The Society. (UKSC).

Holy Cross Parish (Latonia). 1982. From Our Oven to Yours. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Kenton County PL).

Hospice of Clark County. 1986. Winchester’s Favorites. Hartwell, GA: Calico Kitchen Press. (Clark County PL).

Hutchison United Methodist Church. [ca. 1985]. Book of Favorite Recipes Compiled by United Methodist Women of Hutchison United Methodist Church. Paris, KY: Hutchison United Methodist Church. (Maruskin).

Ison, Valeria. 1981. Mountain Recipe Collection. Hazard, KY: Ison Enterprises. (UKSC). A “Memorial Edition” was published in the same year.

Jarrell, Michael S., and Shirley Robinson. 1982. Kentucky Cooks at GTE. Lexington, KY: General Telephone Company of Kentucky, Public Affairs Department. (UKSC).

Junior League of Louisville. 1988. Cordon Bluegrass: Blue Ribbon Recipes from Kentucky. Memphis, TN: Wimmer Brothers. (UKSC). Starting in 1968 with The Cooking Book, the Junior League of Louisville initiated a series of noteworthy fund-raising cookbooks. The 1988 volume includes a series of menus and recipes organized around the Derby as well as other classic Kentucky foods. One interesting recipe for mint juleps includes how to impart “mintification” and the correct bourbon–simple syrup ratio.

Junior League of Owensboro. 1984. To Market, to Market. Owensboro, KY: Junior League of Owensboro. (UKSC). There have been a number of printings. As of the fifth printing in 1993, the Junior League of Owensboro had sold 75,000 copies, and this cookbook was selected as a Southern Living Hall of Fame cookbook. It is still available through the Junior League of Owensboro’s website. The cookbook includes wonderful pig-themed illustrations by Katie Cox Shively. The most interesting recipe, however, is titled Daviess County Barbecued Mutton. It includes general instructions for constructing a concrete block pit and firing it with hardwood, as well as a recipe for the barbecue sauce used to baste the slow-cooked mutton. The Junior League also has a more recent cookbook entitled Home Again, Home Again (2004).

Kentucky Derby Museum. 1986. The Kentucky Derby Museum Cook Book. Louisville: Kentucky Derby Museum Corp. (UKSC).

Kentucky Historical Society. 1988. The Kentucky Historical Society Cookbook. Frankfort: Kentucky Historical Society. (UKSC).

Kentucky Mountain Club. 1986. Kentucky Mountain Club Cook Book. Lexington: Kentucky Mountain Club. (Pike County PL).

Kentucky Rural Letter Carriers Association Auxiliary. 1980. A Blend of Old and New Cook Book. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Ebay).

Kirksville Christian Church, Christian Women’s Fellowship. 1989. Historical Cookbook. Kirksville, KY: Kirksville Christian Church. (UKSC). Kirksville is located in Madison County. This is a reprint, with additions, of a cookbook originally published in 1929.

K-Wives Association. 1985. Cats Cuisine. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

Lafayette Band Association (Lexington). 1980. Lafayette Band Cookbook: Pride of the Bluegrass. Nashville, TN: Favorite Recipes Press. (UKSC).

Lansdowne Cumberland Presbyterian Sanctuary Choir (Lexington). 1987. The Chefs of Lansdowne. Iowa City, IA: General Publishing and Binding. (UKSC).

Latonia Baptist Church (Kenton County). 1987. A Collection of Recipes. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Kenton County PL).

Lewis County Extension Homemakers Association. 1986. Favorite Recipes of Lewis County Homemakers. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (PC).

Lexington Herald-Leader. 1981. What’s Cooking in the Blue Grass: A Kentucky Cookbook. Lexington, KY: Sunday Herald-Leader. (Miller 2008). This Sunday supplement was also published in 1982 and 1989.

Lexington School. 1981. Let’s Entertain: A Collection of Favorite Recipes from the Lexington School. Lexington, KY: Lexington School. (UKSC). This is part of a series of cookbooks that began in 1975. The recipes are very cosmopolitan and include gazpacho, spanakopita, empanadas, sauerbraten, and spaghetti alla carbonara.

Liles, Glennis Stuart, and Chuck D. Charles. 1989. The W-Hollow Cookbook. Ashland, KY: Jesse Stuart Foundation. (UKSC). This cookbook contains recipes collected from family members of noted Kentucky author Jesse Stuart. Most of the contributors are from northeastern Kentucky, including Greenup and Ashland, but there are also contributions from Ohio, West Virginia, and other states. The recipes have a clear Kentucky connection, and the book includes essays about Kentucky foodways. Glennis Stuart Liles is Jesse Stuart’s sister, and W-Hollow is Stuart’s residence.

Louisa Elementary Parent Teacher Organization. [1983?]. The Art of Cooking in Louisa. Louisa, KY: Louisa Elementary PTO. (Clark County PL).

Lyons, Benita McCoy. [1980s?]. Scratch Cooking. Lexington, KY: Real McCoy. (UKSC).

Lyons, Rex, and Rose Lyons. 1988. The Holly Hill Inn Cookbook. Lexington, KY: Cider Press. (UKSC). The authors were the original owners of the Holly Hill Inn, which is now owned by Ouita and Chris Michel.

Macedonia Christian Church. 1988. A Recipe Sampler from the Macedonia Christian Church. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

Magoffin County Historical Society. 1989. Olde Tyme Cookbook. Salyersville, KY: Magoffin County Historical Society. The Magoffin County Historical Society cookbooks are notable examples of community-based recipe collections coupled with rich historical and family narratives. This was reprinted in 1999, 2003, and 2007.

Manchester Younger Woman’s Club. 1986. Berry-Good Recipes from the Manchester Younger Woman’s Study Club. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (UKSC).

Marshall, Lillian Bertram. 1980. Cooking across the South: A Collection and Recollection of Favorite Regional Recipes. Birmingham, AL: Oxmoor House. (PC). Lillian Marshall was the Louisville Courier-Journal food editor following Cissy Gregg. Although this is a southern cookbook, it includes many Kentucky recipes.

Maysville Younger Woman’s Club. 1985. A Taste of Maysville. Maysville, KY: Standard Quick Print. (UKSC). The Maysville Younger Woman’s Club also published A Taste of Maysville II in 1994.

McHugh, Frances, and Carol Ann Georges. 1985. Through the Iron Gate to Kentucky Cooking. Maysville, KY: Standard Quick Print. (UKSC). The Iron Gate is a gift shop in Washington, Kentucky, in Mason County. This was prepared with a young audience in mind.

McIntosh, Lou Delle. 1980. My Old Kentucky Homes Cookbook. St. Paul, MN: Cartwheel Publishing. (UKSC, EKU). This is a pamphlet.

McNamara, Marsha, and Martha Moore. 1986. Holy Chow. Frankfort, KY: Church of the Ascension. (UKSC).

Mengel, Frances Harding, and Barbara Harding Mengel. 1984. Fillies Flavours: A Fantastic Celebration of the Sumptuous Flavours Surrounding the Kentucky Derby Festival. Louisville, KY: The Fillies. (UKSC).

Middletown Woman’s Club. 1987. Second Helpings with Middletown Woman’s Club. Middletown, KY: Middletown Woman’s Club. (LFPL).

Moonlite Bar-B-Q Inn (Owensboro). 1988. MoonliteBar-B-Q Inn Collection of Recipes. Rev. ed. Owensboro, KY: Moonlite Bar-B-Q Inn. (Daviess County PL).

Morris, Myrle. 1980. Down Home Cookin’. Booneville, KY: Author. (Berea College). This is located in the library’s Mountain Collection.

_____. 1986. Down Home Cookin’: Book 2. Booneville, KY: Author. (UKSC).

Mount St. Joseph Academy, West Louisville. [1980s?]. From Watermelon and Buttermilk: Mount Saint Joseph Ursuline Family Recipes. Adamsville, TN: Keepsake Cookbooks. (Daviess County PL).

Mt. Carmel Christian Church (Winchester). 1983. Yesterday’s Treasures, Today’s Memories. Pleasanton, KS: Fundcraft Publishing. (Clark County PL).

Murray Woman’s Club. 1982. Favorite Recipes from the Murray Woman’s Club. 6th ed. Atlanta: Jan Clopton Composition. (Kansas State University).

Nelson County Extension Homemaker Association. 1988. My Old Kentucky Home Recipes. 50th Anniversary ed. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (UKSC). This is dated as 1938 and 1988 in the Nelson County Public Library online catalog.

Nelson County Extension Homemakers. 1985. Favorite Recipes from Nelson County, Kentucky: 1785–1985. Bardstown, KY: Nelson County Extension Homemakers. (Maruskin).

Nickell, Estelle B. 1981. My Favorite Molasses Recipes. Shawnee Mission, KS: Circulation Service. (Morehead State University). Estelle Nickell is from West Liberty, Kentucky.

Noel’s Chapel First Church of God (Liberty). 1987. Feed My Sheep. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Casey County PL).

Northfield Garden Club. 1985. Our Favorite Recipes. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (Ebay).

Okolona Woman’s Club. 1982. Okolona’s Wilderness Road Cook Book. Louisville, KY: Okolona Woman’s Club. (LFPL).

Order of the Eastern Star, Rose of Sharon Chapter No. 570 (Hindman). [1984?]. A Book of Favorite Recipes: Knott County Centennial, 1884–1984. Shawnee Mission, KS: Circulation Service. (Berea College).

Order of the Eastern Star Cookbook. 1983. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Mercer County PL).

Owen County Extension Homemakers. 1986. Favorite Recipes of the Owen Co. Homemakers. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Kenton County PL).

Pack, Mary Frances. 1982. Lunch-upon-a-Time: Simple Favorites Requested from the Strawberry Patch. 2nd ed. Middletown, KY: n.p. (UKSC). Strawberry Patch was a tearoom in Middletown, located in Jefferson County.

Paintsville Lions Club. 1987. Kentucky Apple Festival of Johnson County Silver Anniversary Apple Cook Book. Paintsville, KY: The Club. (UKSC).

Parker Seal Company (Berea). 1984. A Collection of Recipes. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Berea College). The recipes were compiled by a committee of employees, chaired by Pauline Lakes. The cover title is What’s Cookin’ in Berea Kentucky.

Patteson, Charles, with Craig Emerson. 1988. Charles Patteson’s Kentucky Cooking. New York: Harper and Row. (Pike County PL). The recipes are accompanied by a historical narrative focused on foodways. The book is illustrated with attractive drawings.

Perryville Homemakers. 1987. Out of Perryville Kitchens: Old and New. Perryville, KY: Perryville Homemakers. (Maruskin).

Primrose Volunteer Fire Department, Ladies Auxiliary, Beattyville, Kentucky. [1980s?]. Burnt Offerings. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Clark County PL).

Red Bird Mission, Early Childhood Development Program. 1981. Heavenly Recipes. Beverly, KY: Red Bird Mission. The Red Bird Mission online store lists two cookbooks and a holiday cookbook with similar titles. The mission is now a program of the United Methodist Church.

Saint James Court Association. 1980. A Walking Tour and Cooking Guide of Saint James Court. 2nd ed. Louisville, KY: Saint James Court Association. (UKSC). Saint James Court is a historic neighborhood in Old Louisville. The first edition, published in 1976, was produced in conjunction with the Saint James Art Fair and the nation’s bicentennial.

Scott County Homemakers Association. 1980. Martha Barrow Jenks Memorial Cookbook. Georgetown, KY: Scott County Homemakers. (UKSC).

Sheft, Lori Diane, ed. 1985. The Park Hills Cookbook. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Kenton County PL).

Smith, Dorothy W. 1986. Cooking along the Old Buffalo Trace. Maysville, KY: Standard Quick Print. (UKSC).

Snider, Laurinda, and Carolyn Goodman. 1983. Leaves of Gold: Favorite Recipes of the Area (Bloomfield Tobacco Festival). Bloomfield, KY: Sutherland and Sons. (Nelson County PL).

Snow, Kimberley. 1980. The Capall Club Cookbook: Recipes and Observations. Lexington: Kentucky Horse Center. (UKSC). Kimberley Snow was the chef at the Kentucky Horse Center, where she developed the recipes for this book. Capall means “horse” in Gaelic.

Somerset Lioness Club. 1984. Lions’ Favorites. Somerset, KY: Somerset Lioness Club. (Pulaski County PL).

South Elkhorn Christian Church (Lexington). 1982. Bicentennial Recipes 17831983. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

Southern Legislative Conference, Kentucky Host Committee. 1988. Kentucky Sampler: A Collection of Favorite Kentucky Recipes Compiled for the 1988 Southern Legislative Conference. Lexington, KY: The Committee. (UKSC).

Springfield Woman’s Club. 1987. The Springfield Woman’s Club Presents a Tasting Tour through Washington County, Kentucky. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

St. Mark United Church of Christ (Covington). 1988. St. Mark U.C.C. 80th Anniversary Cookbook. Covington, KY: St. Mark United Church of Christ. (Kenton County PL).

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Women. 1984. Saint Mary’s Cookbook. Middlesboro, KY: St. Mary’s Church. (Harlan County PL).

St. Patrick Catholic Church (Mt. Sterling). 1988. A Collection of Recipes. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Montgomery County PL).

Stephensburg Homemakers Club. 1986. Stephensburg Homecoming Recipes. 5th ed. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

Stone, Martha Jane. 1988. Life Is so Daily: A Collection of Recipes from the Kitchen of Ada Belle Stewart Stone. Lexington, KY: Poole Press. (Trigg County PL).

Summit Heights United Methodist Church (Louisville). 1985. Family Favorites. Louisville, KY: Summit Heights United Methodist Church. (Miller 2008).

Sutton, Virginia. [ca. 1981]. Favorite Recipes of Renfro Valley. Renfro Valley, KY: n.p. (UKSC, EKU). The cookbook contains recipes that are reportedly the favorites of performers at Renfro Valley. For example, the zucchini casserole is cited as the favorite of Lilly May Ledford Pennington.

Telephone Pioneers of America, Kentucky Chapter. 1985. Kentucky Kitchens. Vol. 1. Louisville, KY: Southwestern Publishing Group. (UKSC).

_____. 1989. Kentucky Kitchens. Vol. 2. Louisville, KY: Southwestern Publishing Group. (UKSC).

Tesseneer, Laura F. 1984. The Wyman Sisters Cookbook. Crescent Springs, KY: L. F. Tesseneer. (KDLA). This cookbook contains recipes from the eight Wyman sisters (Annie, Ruby, Pearle, Nelle, Alma, Flossie, Cate, and Bernice), who grew up in Lowes, a small town in western Kentucky.

Thomas-Bridges Association. 1983. The Thomas and Bridges Family Cookbook. Cadiz, KY: Thomas-Bridges Association. (Trigg County PL).

Tompkinsville Elementary PTA. 1987. “Another” Cookbook This One by Tompkinsville Elementary PTA. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Abdmishani).

Transylvania University Women’s Club. 1980. The Bicentennial Cookbook. Lexington, KY: The Club. (UKSC, Transylvania University).

Trigg County Extension Homemakers Association. 1986. Sharing Recipes. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (Trigg County PL).

United Church of Christ Women’s Guild. 1982. A Book of Favorite Recipes. Paducah, KY: Unity Church of Paducah. (McCracken County PL).

United Methodist Temple (Russellville). 1985. Taste & Tell Again Cook Book. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (WKU).

University of Kentucky Women’s Club. 1983. Stay for Teaand More. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Women’s Club. (UKSC). This is part of an irregular series that started in 1948; the most recent volume was published in 2010.

Wallace Woods Neighborhood Association. 1984. Whooo’s in the Kitchen. Covington, KY: Wallace Woods Neighborhood Association. (Kenton County PL).

Warren County Homemakers Association (Bowling Green). 1981. Warren County Favorites. Vol. 2. Bowling Green, KY: Cooperative Extension Service. (WKU).

Wayne County Extension Homemakers. 1987. Lake Reflections: Favorite Recipes from Our Best Cooks. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. This nicely composed collection includes short histories of the local homemaker clubs of Wayne County and a section on microwave recipes. It was reprinted, with additions, in 2000.

Webster County Homemakers. 1986. Webster County Homemakers Cookbook. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Webster County PL).

Weisenberger, Phil, and Susan White. [1980s?]. The Weisenberger Cookbook. Midway, KY: Weisenberger Mills. (LFPL). Weisenberger Mills produces a wide range of flours and flour-based mixes sold in central Kentucky.

White, Susan. 1989. Weisenberger Cookbook II. Midway, KY: Weisenberger Mills. (WKU).

Winchester Fire Department. 1982. Winchester Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary [Cookbook]. Winchester, KY: Winchester Fire Department. (WKU).

Woman’s Club of Louisville. 1984. Favorite Fare II. Louisville, KY: The Club. (Department of Defense, Fort Knox). The club originally used the title in 1968.

Woodford County Hospital Auxiliary (Versailles). 1982. Woodford Recipes. Versailles, KY: Woodford County Hospital Auxiliary. (UKSC). According to Maruskin, this contains the original cookbook published in 1961; there were supplements in 1967 and 1982.

_____. 1986. Woodford Recipes. Iowa Falls, IA: General Publishing and Binding. (UKSC).

Wortham, Barbara. 1983. A Taste from Back Home. Louisville, KY: Marathon International Publishing. (UKSC, KDLA).

Younger Woman’s Club of Berea. 1985. Berea’s Best. Berea, KY: Berea College Press. (UKSC).


Ables, Glenda D. C. 1994. Tastefully Sharing Our Family Roots: The Henson Family Cookbook. Ashland, KY: Designs on You. (Casey County PL).

Acton Retreat Center, Campbellsville, Kentucky. 1996. Generations: A Collection of Recipes. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Russell County PL).

African-American Heritage Center (Franklin). 1998. Heritage Cookbook: A Collection of Recipes. Franklin, KY: African-American Heritage Center of Simpson County. (KHS). This cookbook is listed in the Lupton Collection of African American Cook Books at the University of Alabama. It is available for purchase at the Heritage Center in Franklin.

Agape Lincolnettes. 1995. Agape Lincolnettes Cookbook. Middlesboro, KY: Agape Lincolnettes. (Harlan County PL).

Allender, Mary. 1990. Something Sweet from a Kentucky Kitchen: A Collection of Cookies and Candies. Columbia, KY: Creations by M. Allender. (UKSC).

Allison-Lewis, Linda. 1998. Kentucky’s Best: Fifty Years of Great Recipes. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. (UKSC). Allison-Lewis served as food editor for Kentucky Living magazine, published by the Kentucky Association of Electrical Cooperatives.

Applegate, Catherine. 1998. To Feed Our Flock: Catherine E. Applegate Liver Transplant Club. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Mason County PL).

Arnold, Jessie. 1997. Family and Friends Cookbook: A Cookbook with a Spiritual Flavor, Memories of Yesteryear, and Great Recipes. Nicholasville, KY: Arnold Publications. (UKSC).

Baker, Brenda. 1998. Simply Country. Kearney, NE: Cook Books by Morris Press. (McCreary County PL). This book may focus on McCreary County.

Baldwin Ruritan Club. 1997. Baldwin Says Let’s Eat. Baldwin, KY: Ruritan Club. (Madison County PL).

Basberg, Lani, and Jeanne Jennings. 1990. Lexington in Good Taste: A Restaurant Guide with Menus and Recipes. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC).

Beech Fork Methodist Women (Helton). 1993. Our Favorites. Helton, KY: Beech Fork United Methodist Church. (Ebay).

Benham Elementary School (Harlan County). 1991. Favorite Recipes and Remedies from Benham Elementary School. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Miller 2008). The school, which is now a bed-and-breakfast, is located near Benham’s Coal Museum.

Bethany Christian Church (Lexington). 1996. CWF Cookbook. Audubon, IA: Jumbo Jack’s Cookbooks. (UKSC).

Bethel Baptist Church (Frankfort). 1992. Bethel Baptist Church Recipes. Waseca, MN: Walter’s Cookbooks. (Clark County PL).

Bethlehem Christian Church (Mt. Sterling). 1990. What’s Cooking at Bethlehem. Mt. Sterling, KY: Bethlehem Christian Church. (Clark County PL).

Birge, Jerry, and Mag Birge. 1996. The Joanne & Rick Pitino Wildcat Cookbook. Owensboro, KY: Birge Publishing. (UKSC).

Blue Grass Baptist School (Lexington). 1994. Taste & See that the Lord Is Good. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (UKSC).

Blue Grass Trust for Historic Preservation, Gratz Park Neighborhood Association. 1995. The Blue Grass Trust for Historic Preservation’s 40th Anniversary Cookbook. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

Boone County. 1998. Bicentennial Cookbook, Boone County, Kentucky, 1799–1999. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Boone County PL).

Calvary Christian Church (Winchester). 1990. Calvary Christian Church Cook Book. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Clark County PL).

Cantrell, Rosemary. 1993. What’s Cookin’ on the Bookmobile. Harlan, KY: Harlan County Public Library. (Harlan County PL).

Castro, Joe. 1999. Cooking with Chef Joe. Louisville, KY: Camberley Brown Hotel. (PC). Joe Castro worked as the executive chef of the English Grill at the Brown Hotel.

Cathedral of the Assumption. 1997. Cathedral Cuisine: A Collection of Recipes Presented by St. Mary’s Basilica of the Assumption, Covington, Kentucky. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (UKSC).

Catholic Social Services Bureau. 1999. Bluegrass Bounty. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (Harlan County PL).

Christian Church Homes of Kentucky. 1991. Happiness Is Still Homemade. Nashville, TN: Favorite Recipes Press. (Mercer County PL).

Church of God Cathedral, Ladies Ministries (Winchester). 1995. A Collection of Favorite Recipes. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (Clark County PL).

Church of the Nazarene, Ladies Fellowship. 1993. Heavenly Recipes. Flemingsburg, KY: Church of the Nazarene. (Fleming County PL).

Circle, Alice. 1998. Heaven’s Bounty: 100 Years of Good Cooking. Paintsville, KY: First Christian Church. (Mason County PL).

Clark County Christian School, Parent Teacher Fellowship. [1994?]. Clark County Christian School Cookbook: A Book of Favorite Recipes. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (Clark County PL).

Clark County Homemakers. 1995. Home Cookin’. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Clark County PL).

Clark County School Food Service Association (Winchester). 1995. [Cookbook]. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Clark County PL).

Clay County Homemakers. 1992. Kentucky Bicentennial Cookbook. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (UKSC). This includes some older, traditional recipes.

Clifton, Beth, ed. 1997. Call to Post: Winning Kentucky Recipes. Lexington, KY: Lexington Hearing and Speech Center. (Casey County PL). This cookbook includes recipes from chefs, caterers, and home cooks.

Cornett, James W. 1995. Recipes from the 1800s. Burnside, KY: Jim Cornett. (Berea College).

Cornett, Jim. 1994. Stories about Blackey, KY. Burnside, KY: Jim Cornett. (Berea PL). The Berea College library notes a different title: Stories about Blackey and Jim’s Country Recipes. Blackey is in Letcher County, and the text has a strong aspect of local color. For example, beaten biscuits are called “beat-up biscuits,” and cooks are instructed to “put the dough through a meat grinder five times. (The old way was to give the dough a hundred licks with a flat iron!)” (44).

Cox, Elexene Mastin. 1998. First Ladies of Jessamine: Their Recipes, Their Homes, Their Histories. Jessamine County, KY: Jessamine County Bicentennial Committee. (Jessamine County PL).

Crittenden County Extension Homemakers Association (Marion). 1992. A Book of Favorite Recipes: Heritage Cooking—Crittenden County 1792–1992. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (PC).

Cunningham, Paula, and Meredith Eddy. 1997. Kentucky: Dining by the Lakes. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC).

The Cunningham Family Cookbook: Recipes from Our Cousins. 1997. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC).

Cynthiana Christian Church. 1992. Cynthiana Christian Church Cook Book. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Clark County PL).

Danville First Church of God, W.C.G. 1991. Seasoned with Love. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Boyle County PL).

DAV Auxiliary, Chapter 25 (Lancaster). 1991. A Collection of Recipes. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (UKSC).

Davis, Sandra P. 1990. That Special Touch, a Maker’s Mark Cookbook. Springfield, KY: Special Touch Publishing. (Jessamine County PL). A website features this cookbook (

Dexter-Hardin United Methodist Women. 1993. Cookbook. Waseca, MN: Walter’s Cookbooks. (Marshall County PL).

_____. 1997. Country Cooking. Dexter, KY: Dexter-Hardin United Methodist. (Marshall County PL).

Dobbs. Verne L. 1998. Deliteful Lowfat Cooking with Kentucky Author Verne Louise Dobbs. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (LoC).

East Cumberland Avenue Baptist Church (Middlesboro). 1997. A Matter of Taste: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (Harlan County PL).

Edmonton–Metcalfe County Chamber of Commerce. 1999. Celebrity Cooking with the Edmonton–Metcalfe County Chamber of Commerce. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Miller 2008).

Eliahu Parents’ Association (Louisville). 1994. Passover Potpourri. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (LFPL). These signed recipes, compiled at a Jewish school in Louisville, focus on foods associated with Passover.

Elliot County Woman’s Club (Sandy Hook). 1997. Elliot County Woman’s Club 1997 Edition Cook Book. Waseca, MN: Walter’s Publishing. (PC).

Epworth United Methodist Church (Lexington). 1990. 1890–1990 Epworth United Methodist. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

Faith Assembly of God (London). 1995. Taste and See. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (Miller 2008).

Faith Baptist Church, Women of Faith Sunday School Class (Georgetown). 1991. A Book of Favorite Recipes. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (UKSC).

Farr, Sidney Saylor. 1995. Table Talk: Appalachian Meals and Memories. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press. (Jessamine County PL). This volume includes extensive personal recollections from the author and other contributors, as well as recipes from Kentucky and elsewhere.

_____. 1997. Spoon Bread Cookbook. Berea, KY: Saylor-Farr Publishing. (Clark County PL).

Fayette County Medical Auxiliary. 1999. Creating a Stir in the Bluegrass and Beyond. Memphis, TN: Wimmer. (UKSC).

Finchville Baptist Church. 1993. Heritage Cookbook. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Ebay).

First Baptist Church (Winchester). 1993. First Baptist Church Cookbook. Winchester, KY: First Baptist Church. (Clark County PL).

First Christian Church (Frankfort). 1998. Feeding the Flock: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (Paul Sawyier PL).

First Presbyterian Church (Mt. Sterling). 1991. Special Offerings: The Sequel. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Montgomery County PL).

First United Methodist Church (Winchester). 1993. Heavenly Harvest. Winchester, KY: First United Methodist Church, Winchester. (Clark County PL).

First United Methodist Church, Seekers Sunday School Class (Mt. Sterling). 1995. Taste & See that the Lord Is Good. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (UKSC).

Flemingsburg Elementary School. 1994. Fleming County Cooking: A Book of Favorite Recipes. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (Fleming County PL).

Friends of the Owsley House. 1997. Then and Now: Garrard County, Kentucky, 1797–1997: 200 Years of History, Housekeeping and Recipes: A Bicentennial Publication. Lancaster, KY: Friends of the Owsley House. (LPL).

Galyen, Sandra, and Muhlenberg County Public Libraries Staff. 1998. Muhlenberg County Bicentennial Cookbook. Greenville, KY: Muhlenberg County Public Libraries. (WKU).

Garden Club of Kentucky. 1997. The Gourmet Gardener. Kuttawa, KY: Commonwealth Book Company. (UKSC, Campbell County PL). About half the recipes are from Kentucky contributors; the rest are from garden club members from other states. The book is formatted as a menu cookbook.

Glasgow Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Cookbook Committee. 1998. Our Favorite Recipes. Glasgow, KY: Jett Press Publications. (UKSC).

Glendale Christian Church, Ladies Circle. 1991. Treasured Family Favorites. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Miller 2008).

Glenn, Camille. 1996. Camille Glenn’s Old-fashioned Christmas Cookbook. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill. (PC). Camille Glenn, a Louisville native, includes Kentucky recipes in this southern-style holiday cookbook.

Godbey, Marty. 1992. Dining in Historic Kentucky: A Restaurant Guide with Recipes. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (Kenton County PL). The book discusses the history of a number of Kentucky restaurants, in addition to providing recipes from them. Although formatted in a similar way, the 1985 and 1992 editions have different content.

God’s Pantry Food Bank. 1998. The Taste of the Bluegrass. Lexington, KY: God’s Pantry Food Bank. (UKSC).

Grace, Curtis. 1992. A Little Touch of Grace. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC). Curtis Grace was the owner of the Ninth Street restaurant in Paducah (now closed).

_____. 1998. Encore: Collection from a Kentucky Cook. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC).

Grant County Extension Homemakers. 1991. Grant County Extension Homemakers Bi-centennial Cookbook 1992. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Grant County PL).

Grant County Extension Homemakers and Friends. 1992. A Collection of Recipes. Grant County, KY: Grant County Extension Homemakers and Friends. (Kenton County PL).

Grant County News Staff. 1998. Now You’re Cooking Grant County! Grant County News Cookbook. Williamstown, KY: Grant County News. (Grant County PL).

G. R. C. Boys’ Varsity Cheerleaders. 1994. Treasured Recipes. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Clark County PL). G. R. C. stands for George Rogers Clark High School, named for the American frontiersman.

Green Hill Baptist Church. 1997. Recipes and Remembrances: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (UKSC).

Harbin, Alma Louise. 1993. Fiddlin’ in the Kitchen. Audubon, IA: Jumbo Jack’s Cookbooks. (UKSC).

_____. 1997. Fiddlin’ in the Kitchen with Alma, Family, and Friends. Audubon, IA: Jumbo Jack’s Cookbooks. (UKSC).

Harlan High School Alumni Association. 1990. A Book of Favorite Recipes. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (UKSC).

Harmon’s Lick Free Pentecostal Holiness Church. 1996. Cooking with Love & Memories. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Madison County PL).

Harrodsburg Historical Society. 1991. A Taste of Harrodsburg. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (UKSC).

Hart County Historic Society. 1998. A Fort Craig Reader: Cooking and History in Hart County Kentucky. Munfordville, KY: Hart County Historic Society. (KHS, UKSC). This is a handsome and well-presented hardbound community cookbook enhanced by photographs and historical content.

Hazard Christian Academy. 1997. Unbearably Good: Education with Good Taste—A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press. (Perry County PL).

Hendren, W. S., ed. 1993. Aunt Ran’s Cook Book: Containing 200 Recipes. Nicholasville, KY: Jessamine County Bicentennial Committee. (Jessamine County Historical Society, LPL). This is a reprint of a 1910 cookbook offered for sale by the county’s Historical Society.

Hepburn Avenue Blockwatch (Louisville). 1990. A Book of Favorite Recipes. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (LFPL).

Hiestand House Museum. 1998. Taylor County Foods and Homes. Clinton, KY: Hiestand House Museum. (Taylor County PL).

Howard, Dulsie. 1996. Treasures from Heaven: A Collection of Recipes from Dulsie Howard. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Marshall County PL).

Irvington Woman’s Club. 1993. Our Cookbook. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

Ivie, Dottie A. 1998. Family Heritage Cookbook: A Collection of Memories and Family Recipes from the Residents of the City of Fort Thomas, Kentucky. Fort Thomas, KY: City of Fort Thomas. (Campbell County PL).

Jackson Women’s Club. 1999. Kitchen Classics. Jackson, KY: Jackson Women’s Club. (UKSC).

Jessamine County Extension Homemakers. 1990. More Delicious Recipes. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (UKSC).

_____. 1997. Heritage Recipes 1997. Nicholasville, KY: Jessamine County Extension Homemakers. (PC). This collection focuses on historical recipes. For instance, there are recipes for curing pork using brine and for making goetta, a German-inspired product made of pork, pinhead oats, and onions.

Jones, Snake C., and Desmond R. Layne. 1997. Cooking with Pawpaws. Frankfort: Kentucky State University Cooperative Extension Program, Pawpaw Research Program Bulletin. (Lupton Collection, University of Alabama). This is a short pamphlet.

Judd, Naomi. 1997. Naomi’s Home Companion: A Treasury of Favorite Recipes, Food for Thought, and Kitchen Wit and Wisdom. New York: GT Publishing. (LPL). This cookbook is illustrated with photographs and includes comments about the famous country singer’s life with her family.

Kabler, Jane Cline. 1999. Mason County’s Greatest Recipes. Waseca, MN: Walter’s Publishing. (Mason County PL).

Kelly Fork Church of God, Ladies Ministries. 1997. Kelly Fork Church of God Ladies Ministries Cookbook. Vol. 2. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Perry County PL).

Kentucky State Fair Board. 1996. Official 1994 and 1995 Kentucky State Fair Blue Ribbon Recipes. Louisville: Kentucky State Fair Board. (LoC).

Kentucky Wool Festival Cookbook. 1993. Falmouth, KY: Holland Printers. (UKSC).

Kenwood Elementary School (Louisville). 1997. The Dazzling Delicacies Cookbook: A Book of Family Favorite Recipes and Stories. Louisville, KY: Dazzling Sunbeam Press. (KHS).

Key Industries (Tompkinsville). 1994. The Key to Better Cooking. Glasgow, KY: Jett Press Publications. (UKSC).

Lakeside Presbyterian Church (Fort Mitchell). 1992. Note’able Recipes. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Kenton County PL).

Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, Division of Police. 1995. Cooking with the Cops: Recipes Compiled by the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Division of Police, Lexington, Kentucky. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

Lexington Singers. 1998. Lexington Singers 40th Anniversary Cook Book. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press.

Linn, Patti, and Donna Neary. 1999. Riverside Receipts. Louisville, KY: Jefferson County. (PC). This short pamphlet includes facsimiles of handwritten recipes from the Moreman family that were associated with Riverside, a nineteenth-century farmhouse at Farnsley–Moreman Landing. It was published in conjunction with the reconstruction of the farm’s detached kitchen. The authors make it clear that it is not a cookbook.

Lowery, Susan Spicer. 1994. Susan’s Kitchen. St. Francis, KY: Susan’s Kitchen. (LFPL).

Lundy, Ronni. 1991. Shuck Beans, Stack Cakes, and Honest Fried Chicken: The Heart and Soul of Southern Country Kitchens. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press. (PC). Ronni Lundy’s cookbooks are great for both reading and cooking. This one has a country music theme. Her descriptions of the cooking process are excellent.

_____. 1995. The Festive Table: Recipes and Stories for Creating Your Own Holiday Traditions. New York: North Point Press. (PC).

_____. 1999. Butter Beans to Blackberries: Recipes from the Southern Garden. New York: North Point Press. (PC). This is a classic narrative cookbook by an important Kentucky food writer.

Madison County Extension Homemakers (Richmond). 1997. A Taste of Tradition: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (Clark County PL).

Magoffin County Historical Society. 1997. A Joyful Cooking Journey with the Jenkins Family and Friends. Salyersville, KY: Magoffin County Historical Society. (PC). This book was published for the nineteenth annual Magoffin County Founders’ Day celebration.

_____. 1998. Cooking with Memories: Recipes and Stories of Magoffin County Kentucky Past and Present. Salyersville, KY: Magoffin County Historical Society. This cookbook contains materials relating to family history in the county.

Marion County Bicentennial Group. 1991. A Tasteful Tour of Historic Homes in Lebanon/Marion County. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Marion County PL). The library record includes this note: “A collection of recipes and selected histories of various old homes in Lebanon and Marion County. The stories are excerpts from those written by Florence Amelia Edmonds, a local historian and society editor for the Lebanon Enterprise a generation ago.”

Marshall County High School Concert Choir. 1995. Noted Recipes from Noteworthy Cooks. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Marshall County PL).

May, Carl. 1991. Cooking with the Cats: The University of Kentucky Sports Cookbook. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

Maysville Younger Women’s Club. 1994. A Taste of Maysville II. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Maysville Community and Technical College).

McAlpin’s (Lexington). 1993. McAlpin’s: Always “in Good Taste.” Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (UKSC).

McCracken County Homemakers Association. 1997. Best Recipes: McCracken County Homemakers Association. Paducah, KY: University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. (McCracken County PL). This very large volume is presented in a ring binder.

Messenger-Inquirer (Owensboro). 1997. Shared Favorites: A Collection of Favorite Recipes Shared by Messenger-Inquirer Readers. Owensboro, KY: Messenger- Inquirer. (Daviess County PL).

Midway Women’s Club. 1995. A Taste of Midway Cookbook. Waverly, IA: G&R Publishing. (LPL).

Monroe County Extension Homemakers. 1992. Home Cookin’ in Monroe County. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (Abdmishani). The signed recipes are from various communities in this southern Kentucky county.

Montgomery County Homemakers. 1992. Home Cookin’. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Montgomery County PL). There is a section on low-fat and low-cholesterol recipes developed under the aegis of the Working to Improve Nutrition (WIN) program of the Cooperative Extension Service of the University of Kentucky.

Morningview United Methodist Church. 1995. Recipes: From Our House to Yours. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Kenton County PL).

Morris Fork Crafts, Cook Book Committee (Breathitt County). 1994. Morris Fork Crafts Mountain Recipes. Booneville, KY: Morris Fork Craft Cooperative. (WKU).

Murray Woman’s Club. 1991. Murray Woman’s Club Cookbook. 7th ed. Murray, KY: Quickprint of Murray. (UKSC).

National Sweet Sorghum Producers and Processors Association. 1991. Sorghum Treasures: A Compilation of Recipes—Old and New. Audubon, IA: Jumbo Jack’s Cookbooks. (PC). This compilation includes recipes contributed by Kentuckians as well as those from other sorghum-producing states.

New Opportunity School for Women. [1994?]. Recipes from Our House to Yours. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (UKSC).

Newport Bicentennial Commission. 1995. Recipes and Remembrances: Newport Bicentennial 1795–1995. Newport, KY: Morris Press. (Campbell County PL).

Newton, Pat Porter, and Pat Strunk Estes. 1992. We Rememberthe Way It Was. N.p.: n.p. (UKSC).

North Metcalfe Volunteer Fire Department. 1991. A Book of Favorite Recipes. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (Metcalfe County PL). The recipes are signed. One recipe titled Easy Tupperware Bread includes special instructions for the use of the Fix-N-Mix Tupperware bowl. There is also a section of microwave recipes.

Northeast Area Extension Homemakers (Kentucky). 1999. From Our Table to Yours: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (Clark County PL).

Northern Kentucky Extension Homemakers. 1992. Sharing Recipes. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (Kenton County PL).

Olive United Methodist Church. 1997. Bread of Life. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Marshall County PL).

O’ Neal, Mary, and Paula Mueller. 1993. Cooking with a Light Heart: A Vegan Cookbook. Lexington, KY: Phoenix Institute. (UKSC).

Owensboro–Daviess County Hospital Volunteer Auxiliary. [1992?]. Sharing Our Best: Favorite Family Recipes from Owensboro–Daviess County Hospital. Owensboro, KY: Owensboro-Daviess County Hospital. (Daviess County PL).

Owenton Manor Health Care Center. 1998. Delights from the Manor’s Heart to Your Plate. Owenton, KY: Owenton Manor. (Owen County PL).

Owingsville United Methodist Church Women. 1994. Good Methodist Measure. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Bath County PL).

Patton, Floy. 1992. Favorite Foods by Floy. Hartwell, GA: Calico Kitchen Press. (Morehead State University).

P.E.O. Sisterhood, Lexington. 1994. Pleasures for Every Occasion. Kearney, NE: Morris Press. (Kenton County PL).

Pewee Valley Woman’s Club. 1997. The Valley Bountiful: A Collection of Recipes from the Pewee Valley Woman’s Club of Pewee Valley, Kentucky. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Nelson County PL).

Phi Upsilon Omicron, Iota Chapter, University of Kentucky. 1992. Campus Cuisine. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

Philpot School. 1992. Philpot Heritage Cookbook. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Daviess County PL).

Pikeville By-Pass Church of God. 1993. Seasoned with Love. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (UPike).

Pikeville Cheerleaders. 1998. How to Feed a Panther. Kearney, NE: Morris Press. (Sohn 2005).

Pikeville Main Street. 1997. Hillbilly Home Cookin’, Pikeville, Kentucky. Iowa Falls, IA: General Publishing and Binding. (UKSC).

Pikeville United Methodist Church. 1993. Heavenly Fare from Pikeville United Methodist Church. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Pike County PL, Berea College).

Pleasure Ridge Park Woman’s Club. 1999. Tastes of Tradition, Shades of Yesteryear: A Book of Recipes and History. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (LFPL).

Port William Historical Society (Carrollton). 1991. Port William Bicentennial Cook Book, 1792–1992. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (Kenton County PL).

Porter, Joann. 1992. Home Cookin’: Favorite Recipes Put on a Diet. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Fleming County PL).

Rankin, Jane Lee. 1998. Cookin’ up a Storm: The Life and Recipes of Annie Johnson. Louisville, KY: Grace Publishers. (LFPL). A second edition was published in 2003.

Rannells, Molly, with Rob Baker and E. Corbin Crutcher. 1996. The John Jacob Niles Cookbook: With Special Recipes by Mary Tippy Mullins. Lexington, KY: Watersign Press. (PC). Although John Jacob Niles had a reputation as a fine cook, it is likely that many of these recipes came from Mary Tippy Mullins, the cook and housekeeper at his Clark County home.

Reynolds, Mayme Miracle. 1993. Cooking with Love and Memories in Kentucky. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (Miller 2008).

Richardson, Shelley, and Bruce Richardson. 1994. A Year of Teas at the Elmwood Inn: Twelve Months of Menus and Recipes. Perryville, KY: Richardson. (UKSC).

Richardsville Elementary School (Bowling Green). 1997. Recipes from the Community. Glasgow, KY: Jett Press Publications. (UKSC).

Richmond Place: “Our Favorite Recipes.” 1991. Lexington, KY: Richmond Place. (UKSC). Richmond Place is a retirement community in Lexington.

Riverpark Center Volunteers, Owensboro, Kentucky. 1997. From Our Hands to Yours: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (Daviess County PL).

Ross, Elizabeth. 1996. Kentucky Keepsakes: Classic Southern Recipes. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC).

Ruggles, Mildred Sanders. 1990. The Kitchen Where It All Began. Lexington, KY: Miss Middie’s Ltd. (UKSC).

Russell County Deer Club. 1994. Recipes. Waseca, MN: Walter’s Cookbooks. (Russell County PL).

Scott, Pearlie B. 1993. Kentucky Classic Country Recipes. Nashville, TN: M. C. Art Co. (Pike County PL).

Smith Chapel Free Will Baptist Church. 1994. Recipes and Remembrances. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (PC). A recipe for the dump cake companion, pig pickin’ cake, is included. The recipe starts: “Put cake mix in bowl. Ignore directions on box” (62). The church is located in Webbville in Lawrence County, in eastern Kentucky.

Sohn, Mark F. 1996. Mountain Country Cooking: A Gathering of the Best Recipes from the Smokies to the Blue Ridge, with a foreword by John Egerton. New York: St. Martin’s Press. (LPL).

South Frankfort Presbyterian Church Youth Group and First Presbyterian Church Youth Groups. 1995. Our Best Home Cooking. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (PC). The book was published to help finance the youth groups’ travel to a retreat center.

Special Olympics Kentucky. 1998. Special Tastes: Recipes from Special Olympics Kentucky. Frankfort: Special Olympics Kentucky. (PC). The recipes were contributed by Kentucky Special Olympics athletes, parents, officials, and administrators.

Springfield Woman’s Club. 1992. A Tasting Tour through Washington County, Kentucky. Kentucky Bicentennial ed. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC). An earlier version was published in 1987.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. 1993. Good Eatin’ with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC). The history of the parish is reviewed in a short introductory essay. There are relatively few iconic Kentucky recipes.

St. Lawrence Church (Daviess County), 1822–1997: A Journey of Faith: Celebrating 175 Years Community Cookbook. 1997. Waseca, MN: Walter’s Publishing. (Daviess County PL).

St. Matthew A. M. E. Church, Lay Organization. [1993?]. Treasured Recipes: Celebrating Our Roots. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (PC). St. Matthew African Methodist Episcopal Church was founded in 1860 in Midway, in Woodford County. The Kentucky Historical Society marker notes that St. Matthew served as a recruitment office during the Civil War.

Staton, Vince. 1991. Jack Daniels’s Old Time Barbecue Cookbook. Louisville, KY: Sulgrave Press. (UKSC). Vince Staton owned a Louisville-area barbecue restaurant and also wrote a very useful guide to barbecue restaurants.

Stone, Barbara, and Mary Graham. 1990. Barbara and Mary’s West Kentucky Recipe Collection. Cadiz, KY: Authors. (Trigg County PL).

Stone, Michelle. 1998. Merry Christmas from Kentucky: Recipes for the Season. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (Clark County PL). This was reissued in 2007.

Sts. Boniface and James Parish (Ludlow). 1992. Denver Sweeties. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Kenton County PL).

Sutton Elementary School PTA. 1997. A Pinch of This—a Pinch of That! A Very Good Cookbook!!! Owensboro, KY: Sutton Elementary School PTA. (Daviess County PL).

Talcum Ladies Group. 1996. Talcum Tasties. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (LPL). The group is part of the Mennonite Church in Talcum, a locality in Knott County.

Telephone Pioneers of America, Kentucky Chapter. 1998. Kentucky Kitchens: I Hear You Calling Me. Nashville, TN: Favorite Recipes Press. (Miller 2008).

Thomas, Betty. 1992. Flapdoodle and Other Recipes for Poor People. Lexington, KY: Vanity Press. (UKSC).

Thomas, Susanna, Virginia Evans, Larrie Curry, and Thelma Linton. 1992. Thelma’s Treasures: The Secret Recipes of the Best Cook in Harrodsburg. Harrodsburg, KY: Little Barter Press. (UKSC). Thelma Linton was a highly regarded caterer in Harrodsburg and an important leader in the African American community.

Thompson, Sharon. 1993. Recipes from a Kentucky Blackberry Patch. Carlisle, KY: WindStone Farms. (LPL). This small-format cookbook is enhanced by illustrations by Susan Brubaker. Sharon Thompson is the food editor of the Lexington Herald-Leader.

_____. 1998. A Second Serving: Favorite Recipes. Lexington, KY: Herald-Leader. (UKSC). This is a supplement to the Sunday paper.

T. J. Samson Hospital, Ladies Auxiliary. 1994. Our Favorite Recipes. Glasgow, KY: Jett Press Quick Print. (UKSC).

Transylvania University Women’s Club. 1997. Simply Delicious Recipes. Waseca, MN: Walter’s Publishing. (UKSC).

Trigg County Extension Homemakers Association. 1991. The Good Cooks’ Cook Book: Our Favorite Recipes. Leawood, KS: Circulation Service. (Trigg County PL).

Trinity Episcopal Church, Women of Trinity. 1993. What’s Cookin’ in Danville. 2nd ed. Danville, KY: Women of Trinity Episcopal Church. (UKSC). The first edition was published in 1988.

Tullar, Patti. 1997. Miss Patti’s Cookbook. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC). This cookbook is from a Grand Rivers landmark: Patti’s 1880s Settlement Restaurant.

Vaughn’s Mill Church of God, Powell County. 1992. A Cookbook of Treasures. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (UKSC).

Webster County Homemakers. 1996. Webster County Homemakers [Cookbook]. Kansas City, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

Welcome House of Northern Kentucky (Crescent Springs). 1998. W.H.O.’s Cooking: A Collection of Heart Warming Recipes. Edgewood, KY: Inkwell. (Kenton County PL).

Western Kentucky University Home Economics and Family Living Alumni Association. 1992. The Heritage Collection. Nashville, TN: Favorite Recipes Press. (WKU).

Whitley County Public Library Bookmobile Service. 1993. Recipes from Our House to Yours. Williamsburg, KY: Whitley County Public Library Bookmobile Service. (Whitley County PL).

Winchester Council for the Arts. 1994. Theatrical Seasonings. Winchester, KY: Winchester Council for the Arts. (Clark County PL). This includes recipes from the Old South Inn restaurant and from a cookbook produced to support the Bundles for Britain program during World War II.

Winters, Tracy, and Phyllis Winters. 1997. Another Sunrise in Kentucky: More Recipes from Kentucky’s Finest Bed & Breakfast Inns. Greensburg, IN: Winters Publishing. (UKSC).

Women of Christ Church Cathedral (Lexington). 1996. Christ Church Classics: 200 Years of Favorite Recipes. Waseca, MN: Walter’s Publishing. (LPL, UKSC).

Women of Trinity. 1993. What’s Cooking in Danville. Danville, KY: Women of Trinity Episcopal Church. (UKSC).

Woodford County Homemakers. 1999. Best of the 20th Century Cookbook. Versailles, KY: Woodford County Cooperative Extension Service. (UKSC).

Woodford County Hospital Auxiliary (Versailles). 1999. Homemade with Love. Kearney, NE: Morris Press. (UKSC).


All Aboard for a Taste of Friendship. 2002. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Kenton County PL). This was published for the city of Erlanger.

Allison-Lewis, Linda. 2009. Kentucky Cooks: Favorite Recipes from Kentucky Living. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. (UKSC). Linda Allison-Lewis (now deceased) was the food editor of Kentucky Living, the membership magazine published by Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperatives.

Aurora Country Festival Cookbook: The Best of Western Kentucky. 2003. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Marshall County PL).

Auxier, Patty. 2008. Salt and Pepper Memories: Recipes and Stories of Growing up on Trace Fork of Licking River in Magoffin County, with a Little Sojourn in Breathitt County, Now My Feet Are Planted on Puncheon Creek. Prestonsburg, KY: Williams Publishing. (Rowan County PL). Patty Auxier was involved in various ways with the distinguished Magoffin County Historical Society cookbooks. This is a memoir with recipes rather than a cookbook.

Baker-Nantz, Jamie, ed. 2006. From Our Kitchen to Yours: The Grant County News, Celebrating 100 Years, 1906–2006. Williamstown, KY: Grant County News. (Grant County PL).

Bath County Agricultural Education and Marketing Center, Bath County Cooperative Extension Service. 2006. Family Favorites of Bath County Homemakers. Audubon, IA: Jumbo Jack’s Cookbooks. (Bath County PL).

Bed and Breakfast Association of Kentucky. 2008. Room at the Table: A Collection of Recipes from the Premier Bed and Breakfasts of Kentucky. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (LPL). This features recipes from forty-two bed-and-breakfasts and the photographs of Robin Goetz.

Beech Fork Community Center. 2005. Taste of Heaven. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Harlan County PL).

Bell Court Neighborhood Association. 2005. Seasons of Bell Court: A Collection of Recipes and Stories. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (LPL). Many of the recipes are accompanied by stories about their sources and other topics.

Bharatiya Temple and Cultural Center. 2005. Bluegrass Masala: Indo-American Vegetarian Cooking. Lexington, KY: Bharatiya Temple and Cultural Center. (PC). All the recipes are vegetarian and express the culinary traditions of various regions of India.

Biggerstaff, Pat. 2008. Pat and Travis in the Back to Basics Kitchen. Pineville, KY: Pine Mountain Shopper. (Harlan County PL).

Blaine Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. 2001. Old and New Family Favorites. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (PC). Blaine is located in Lawrence County, Kentucky.

Bosley, Patrick. 2005. Family Favorites from Moonlite: Recipes that Founded a Kentucky Tradition. Owensboro, KY: Moonlite Bar-B-Q Inn. (LPL). The cookbook is from the legendary Owensboro restaurant.

Bourbon County Extension Homemakers. [2005?]. Bourbon County Homemaker Clubs Cook Book. Paris, KY: Bourbon County Extension Homemakers. (Clark County PL).

The Bourland’s Feeding the Flock. Vol. 3. 2003. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (Marshall County PL). The other volumes of this series are undated.

Bowen, Edward L. 2008. Entertaining with Bluegrass Winners Cookbook: New Recipes and Menus from Kentucky’s Legendary Horse Farms. Lexington, KY: Garden Club of Lexington. (Kenton County PL). This appears to be a companion volume to the garden club’s Bluegrass Winners (1985).

Bowling Green Municipal Utilities. 2010. BGMU Cookbook: 2010. Bowling Green, KY: Bowling Green Municipal Utilities. (Clark County PL). This is apparently an annual publication.

Bradley Gap Free Will Baptist Church Ladies Auxiliary. 2005. A Taste of Heaven: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Lawrence County PL).

Breault, Joseph. [2003?]. Joseph’s Family Recipes. [Winchester, KY]: Author. (Clark County PL).

Brightside Community Garden Program. 2005. Brightside Community Garden Cookbook. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (LFPL).

Britthaven of Tri-Cities. 2005. Recipes to Remember: Britthaven of Tri-Cities Family Cookbook. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Harlan County PL). Britthaven is a chain of nursing homes in North Carolina and Kentucky.

Browning, Reba. 2001. Reba’s Left Handed Cookbook! Paris, KY: Browning’s Country Hams. (Miller 2008). This spiral-bound cookbook is printed so that the pages are in reverse order to accommodate left-handed cooks.

Buffalo Trace Area Agency on Aging. 2006. Best of Buffalo Trace: A Collection of Recipes. Maysville, KY: Buffalo Trace Area Agency on Aging. (Robertson County PL).

Burkhart, Greta Hipp. 2001. Kentucky Always in Season: A Recipe Collection. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC).

Byrd, Maryann. 2006. The Biscuit Dive Guide: Restaurants and Recipes. Breinigsville, PA: Byrdword Productions. (PC). This specialized cookbook includes some Kentucky-sourced biscuit recipes. It is useful because it shows the regional variation in biscuit-making strategies.

Calvert City United Methodist Church. 2010. The Fruit of the Spirit: A Collection of Recipes by Calvert City United Methodist Church. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Marshall County PL).

Caneyville Community Club. 2008. Caneyville Community Cookbook: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Grayson County PL).

The Carpenter’s Christian Church (Harrodsburg). 2004. Tasty Temptations: A Collection of Recipes. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Mercer County PL).

Carroll County Public Library in collaboration with Jefferson Community and Technical College–Carroll County Adult Education and Family Literacy Programs. 2008. Once upon a Thyme II: Bilingual Cookbook. Carrollton, KY: Carroll County Public Library. (Owen County PL).

Casey County Extension Homemaker Clubs. 2001. Our Favorite Recipes, Our Best to You: A Collection of Recipes. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Casey County PL).

Castro, Joe. 2000. From Barrel to the Table: Cooking with Classic Kentucky Bourbons. Louisville, KY: Camberly Brown Hotel. (Ebay). Joe Castro is a noteworthy Louisville chef.

Central Baptist Church, Women’s Mission Union (Winchester). 2009. What’s Cooking in the Kitchen? Vol. 2, Recipes & Remembrances. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Clark County PL).

Central Baptist Hospital. 2010. Beyond the Fence: A Culinary View of Historic Lexington. Lexington, KY: Central Baptist Hospital Foundation Cancer Program. (LPL). This fund-raiser provides a robust narrative featuring horse farms, restaurants, and historic Lexington. The recipes, which include many regional favorites, are presented as seasonal menus.

Central Christian Church (Lexington). 2007. Feeding Family and Friends of Central Christian Church. Lexington, KY: Central Christian Church. (UKSC).

Charity League of Paducah, Kentucky. 2000. Thyme to Entertain: Good Food and Southern Hospitality. Paducah, KY: Charity League. (McCracken County PL).

Clapp, Wilma, and Mary Davis. 2008. Bluegrass Treasures: A Guide to Extraordinary Lodging, Dining & Entertainment. Nicholasville, KY: Sunshine Publications. (Clark County PL). This is primarily a travel guide, but it contains some recipes.

Clark County Public Library. 2007. Eating Our Words: Clark County Public Library Cookbook. Winchester, KY: Clark County Public Library. (Maruskin).

Clark County School Food Service Association. 2002. Recipes to Remember. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Clark County PL).

Colombo, Alice S. 2011. Remember Me? A Collection of Recipes from My Years at the Courier-Journal. Shepardsville, KY: Publishers Printing. (UKSC). The author edited the long-running “Cook’s Corner Recipe Request” column in the Louisville Courier-Journal.

Commercial Bank of Grayson Employees, Relay for Life Teams. 2005. Recipes and Remembrances. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (PC). The Relay for Life is an activity organized in local communities to support the American Cancer Society. The cookbook was compiled by the employees of a bank in Olive Hill.

Commodore, Jerry D. 2007. Feeding the Flock while I Was on the River: A Collection of Recipes by Jerry D. Commodore. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Mason County PL).

Community Action of Southern Kentucky. 2003. Foster Grandparent Favorites: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (WKU).

Community Christian Church (Richmond). 2002. Feeding the Flock: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (UKSC).

The Cookbook Ladies. 2003. A Slice of Kentucky: Sharing Our Recipes. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC).

_____. 2004. Truly Kentucky, a Culinary Gift from the Bluegrass. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (EKU).

_____. 2008. Another Serving: The Kentucky Monthly 10th Anniversary Cookbook. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC).

Cornerstone Church. 2004. Food & Fun Cookbook: A Collection of Recipes. Edmonton, KY: Cornerstone Church. (Metcalfe County PL).

Country Cooking at Its Best: A Collection of Recipes by Young Caterers at Heart. 2004. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Nelson County PL).

Covington Catholic High School. 2000. Colonels Culinary Hints. Covington, KY: Covington Catholic High School. (Kenton County PL).

Crestwood Christian Church. 2002. Crestwood Cooks. Lexington, KY: Crestwood Christian Church. (UKSC).

Crittenden County Extension Homemakers Association. 2001. A Sesquicentennial Celebration Cookbook of Marion, Crittenden County, Kentucky: 150 years: A Collection of Recipes and Memories, by Current and Former Members of the Community. Marion, KY: Crittenden County Extension Homemakers Association. (WKU).

_____. 2004. A Taste of Crittenden County: Spotlighting Our Communities. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. Short descriptions and photographs of Crittenden County communities are included.

Cumberland County Public Library. 2002. Our Reading Friends Recipes. Burkesville, KY: Cumberland County Public Library. (McCreary County PL). Located in Burkesville, this library was originally established in 1938 as a Works Progress Administration project. The volume includes a history of the library.

Cunningham, Paula. 2008. Room at the Table: A Collection of Recipes from the Premier Beds and Breakfasts of Kentucky. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (Kenton County PL).

Cunningham, Paula, Michelle Stone, and Verne Dobbs. 2000. Derby Entertaining: Traditional Kentucky Recipes. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC). McClanahan published another book with the same title in 2008.

Cunningham, Paula, and Steve Vest. 2008. Another Serving: 10th Anniversary Cookbook, Kentucky Monthly Magazine. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (Miller 2008).

Daughters of the American Revolution, Louisa Chapter. 2001. A Taste of Freedom: A Collection of Recipes. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Lawrence County PL).

Daviess County Extension Homemakers Association. 2003. Favorite Recipes of Daviess County Extension Homemakers. Audubon, IA: Audubon Media. (UKSC).

Delmont Baptist Church (Cadiz). 2003. Our Favorite Recipes from Our Kitchen to Yours. Audubon, IA. Jumbo Jack’s Cookbooks. (Trigg County PL).

Derby Entertaining: Traditional Kentucky Recipes. 2008. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (LPL). McClanahan published a book with the same title in 2000.

Dixon, Dodd D., and Pauline G. Blair. 2004. Recipes Then and Now. Winchester, KY: Bluegrass Heritage Museum. (Clark County PL). This was published to commemorate the opening of the Bluegrass Heritage Museum.

Domine, David. 2007. Adventures in New Kentucky Cooking: With the Bluegrass Peasant. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC).

_____. 2010. A Feast for the Eyes: Recipes from America’s Grandest Victorian Neighborhood. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House.

_____. 2010. Splash of Bourbon: Kentucky’s Spirit. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House.

Dorton Freewill Baptist Church, Dorton, Kentucky. 2002. Come and Dine! Kearney, NE: Morris Press. (Sohn 2005).

East Pine Knot Tabernacle, Church of God. 2006. Favorite Recipes. Vol. 4. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. Some recipes have symbols signifying “in loving memory,” “low-fat,” “heritage,” or “quick & easy.” There is an extended section on preserving blackberries, as well as a history of the church. Pine Knot is located in McCreary County, about five miles from Stearns.

Edmonton Elementary School, 6th Grade Class, Faculty and Staff. 2005. Sharing Our Best. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Metcalfe County PL).

Edwards, Esther. 2001. Bailey Family Cookbook: In Loving Memory of Opal Bailey. Waverly, IA: G&R Publishing. (PC). The Bailey family is centered in Magoffin County.

El Bethel United Methodist Church, Winchester, Kentucky. 2005. Cookbook Album 2005. Winchester, KY: El Bethel United Methodist Church. (Clark County PL).

Embry Family. 2004. Recipes and Remembrances: A Collection by the Embry Family, 314 Overland Drive, Richmond, KY 40475. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (LPL).

Episcopal Church of Saint Michael the Archangel. 2005. Sharing Our Table 50th Anniversary: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (UKSC).

Estill County Historical and Genealogical Society. 2004. Recipes Old and New: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (PC). The recipes are signed, and a few include brief histories of the recipe’s source. The ratio of jam cake to stack cake recipes is 2:1. The compilation is enhanced by historical photographs.

Estill County Relay. 2010. Cooking for a Cure: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (PC). The cookbook supports the Estill County Relay for Life program, affiliated with the American Cancer Society.

Favorite Recipes: 1-320th Field Artillery Regiment Top Gun Family and Friends. 2008. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Kenton County PL).

First Assembly of God (Flemingsburg). 2005. Flemingsburg First Assembly of God Cookbook. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Fleming County PL).

First Baptist Church Gospel Choir (Frankfort). 2004. A Taste of Heaven: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Cookbooks. (Paul Sawyier PL).

First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ (Richmond). 2004. Our Favorite Recipes: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Madison County PL).

First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ (Winchester). 2006. Taste of FCC. Vol. 2. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Clark County PL).

First Presbyterian Church (Russellville). 2001. First Presbyterian Church Bountiful Blessings. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

First Presbyterian Church, Paris, Kentucky. 2009. Feeding the Flock: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (PC). This cookbook includes a brief history of the church. The church’s women’s group published Housekeeping in the Blue Grass in 1875—the earliest community cookbook in the state.

First United Methodist Church (Benton). [2000?]. The Fruit of Our Labor. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Marshall County PL).

First United Methodist Church (Mt. Sterling). 2007. Sharing Our Best. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Montgomery County PL).

First United Methodist Church (Winchester). 2006. Feeding the Flock: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Clark County PL).

Fox, Rita Mackin. 2003. Recipes, Stories, & Photos of the Mackin and Weathers Families of Kentucky. Paint Lick, KY: Rita Mackin Fox. (Marion County PL). This cookbook was produced for the 2003 Mackin-Weathers family reunion.

Frankfort Younger Women’s Club. 2002. Capital Cuisine II. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Pike County PL).

Friends of Sadieville Renaissance. 2010. A Culinary Train Ride 2010: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (LPL, Scott County PL). This includes four recipes contributed by Ouita Michel, chef at the Holly Hill Inn in Midway.

Fritschner, Sarah. 2004. Derby 101: A Guide to Food and Menus for Kentucky Derby Week. Louisville, KY: Butler Books. (UKSC). Sarah Fritschner was the food editor at the Louisville Courier-Journal.

_____. 2004. Sarah Fritschner’s Holidays: Menus and Recipes for the Fall and Holiday Season. Louisville, KY: Butler Books. (Miller 2008).

_____. 2006. Sarah Fritschner’s Derby: Start to Finish. Louisville, KY: Butler Books. (UKSC).

Fulton Library. 2003. Cooking with Friends: Collection of Recipes by Friends of Fulton Library. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Marshall County PL).

Garden Thyme Herb Club. 2004. Cookin’ Thyme: Selected Herbal Recipes from the Garden Thyme Herb Club. Irvine, KY: Garden Thyme Herb Club. (Maruskin).

Glier’s Meats. 2006. Glier’s Goetta Recipe Book: A Guide to Glier’s Goetta. Covington, KY: Glier’s Meats. (Boone County PL). Goetta is a ground pork–based product similar to scrapple.

Green, Maggie. 2011. The Kentucky Fresh Cookbook. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. (Estill County PL). This cookbook stresses local sources of food and seasonality.

Green County Public Library. 2002. Recipes to Remember. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Casey County PL). The recipes are signed.

Griggs, Sarah. 2007. The Bennett House Cookbook of Our Most Requested Recipes. Richmond, KY: Bennett House Bed and Breakfast. (Madison County PL).

Gruchow, Jeni. 2010. Fava’s Favorites. Georgetown, KY: Fava’s Restaurant. This cookbook was produced in anticipation of the Alltech World Equestrian Event in 2010, held at the Kentucky Horse Park. Fava’s Restaurant is on Main Street in Georgetown.

Hardin Church of Christ. 2005. From the Kitchens of Great Cooks. Hardin, KY: Church of Christ. (Marshall County PL).

Harper-Bach, Barbara. [2010?]. From My Mother’s Kitchen: Five Generations of Mother’s Cooking in Horse Country. Lexington, KY: Author. This brief collection includes a number of Bluegrass recipes from the 1940s.

_____. 2012. The Pure Kentucky Pie Clinic. Lexington, KY: Author. (PC). This volume contains extensive instructions for making pie crust, as well as numerous pie recipes.

Hatchett, Louis, ed. 2002. Adventures in Good Cooking, by Duncan Hines. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press. This volume and the one below are republications of the original cookbooks by Duncan Hines. Adventures in Good Cooking was apparently published periodically, with changes, starting in 1939. Louis Hatchett also wrote Duncan Hines, the Man Behind the Cake Mix (2001).

_____. 2002. The Dessert Book, by Duncan Hines. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press. (LPL). The original version was published in 1955.

Hellier Missionary Baptist Church. 2005. A Collection of Recipes by Hellier Missionary Baptist Church. Hellier, KY: Hellier Missionary Baptist Church. (Pike County PL).

Henry County Chamber of Commerce. 2006. Sharing Henry County’s Heritage. New Castle, KY: Henry County Chamber of Commerce. (Henry County PL).

Hitchens Freewill Baptist Church. 2004. A Taste of Heaven: A Collection of Recipes by Hitchens Freewill Baptist Church, Hitchens, Ky. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Clark County PL).

Holy Trinity Catholic Church (Fredericktown). 2003. Feeding the Flock: A Collection of Recipes. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Washington County PL).

Hopkins County Genealogical Society. 2011. Preserving the Past for the Future: Recipes, Family Photos and Historical Tidbits. Madisonville, KY: Hopkins County Genealogical Society. (PC). In addition to signed recipes, this book includes facsimiles of some local recipes. The narrative covers various topics, such as the recipes’ sources, serving ideas, and cooking hints.

Hughes, Lavece. 2003. Cooking with My Friends: Kentucky Recipes, Tried and True. Nicholasville, KY: Wind Publications. (UKSC).

_____. 2005. Best Damn Desserts from Bear Wallow to Goosehorn: Delicious Southern Desserts and Delicacies. Nicholasville, KY: Wind Publications. (UKSC).

James B. Haggin Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. 2006. Cookbook. Waverly, IA: G&R Publishing. (Mercer County PL).

Jeffersonville Assembly of God. 2004. Favorite Recipes. Jeffersonville, KY: Jeffersonville Assembly of God. (Clark County PL).

Junior League of Louisville. 2000. Splendor in the Bluegrass, a Cookbook. Louisville, KY: Junior League of Louisville. (Kenton County PL). This won the Tabasco regional cookbook award.

Junior League of Owensboro. 2004. Home Again, Home Again. Owensboro, KY: Junior League of Owensboro. (UKSC). This is a follow-up to the earlier cookbook To Market, to Market (1984).

Keeton, Shawn. 2010. Keeton in the Kitchen. Morley, MO: Acclaim Press.

Kenton County Public Library (Covington). 2009. Covington Creations: A Recipe Book Made by and for the Staff of the Kenton County Public Library’s Mary Ann Morgan Library. Covington, KY: The Library.

Kentucky Cook Book. 2008. Phoenix, AZ: Golden West Publishers. (PC). Golden West produces a series of low-cost cookbooks, some of which are state focused. This volume includes many iconic recipes such as burgoo, mint julep, spoon bread, chicken and dumplings, Hot Brown sandwich, and jam cake. The recipes are signed by the contributors.

Kentucky Department of Agriculture. 2002. Kentucky’s Cookin’: A Collection of Recipes from the Employees, Families and Friends of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. Frankfort: Kentucky Department of Agriculture. (Mercer County PL).

Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives. 2003. Sharing Our Best: A Collection of Recipes. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (KDLA). This project contributed funds to a number of Kentucky charities. The collection includes a recipe for “Dr. Clark’s Coconut Cake,” which was served at the 100th birthday party of KDLA founder Thomas Clark, held at the department’s offices in the Clark-Cooper building in Frankfort. The original recipe is from Craig Claiborne’s Southern Cooking.

Kentucky Extension Associations of Family and Consumer Sciences. 2003. Pride of Kentucky: Great Recipes with Food, Farm, and Family Traditions. Franklin: Kentucky Extension Associations of Family and Consumer Sciences. (UKSC). This was the official cookbook of the 2003 Kentucky State Fair.

Kentucky Federation of Women’s Clubs. 2002. Kentucky Hospitality II: Continuing a 200 Year Tradition since 1775. Louisville: Kentucky Federation of Women’s Clubs. (Pulaski County PL). This is a companion to the 1976 book edited by Dorothea Cooper.

Kentucky Monthly. 2011. Seasoned Cooking of Kentucky: A Collection of Kentucky Monthly Recipes. Frankfort, KY: Kentucky Monthly. This attractive volume is beautifully illustrated with the food photography of Wales Hunter. Recipe contributors include chefs such as Kathy Cary and David Domine, various restaurants and bed-and-breakfasts, Kentucky Monthly recipe competition winners, and cookbooks published by McClanahan. Many of the recipes are iconic Kentucky preparations.

Kosair Children’s Hospital Auxiliary. 2002. Recipes to Remember: A Kentucky Cookbook. Louisville, KY: Kosair Children’s Hospital Auxiliary. (UoL).

Kroger Employees. 2000. Cooking at Our House: Recipes from Kroger Employees and Our Customers. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (UKSC).

Lake Cumberland Region Bookmobile and Outreach Service Librarians. 2008. Our Favorite Recipes. N.p.: Lake Cumberland Region Bookmobile and Outreach Service Librarians. (Casey County PL).

Line Creek Youth Ministry, Baptist Church (London). 2001. Recipes and Remembrances: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (UKSC).

Lone Oak High School Band Boosters. 2006. A “Taste of the Kentucky Colonels Marching Band Recipes”: Traditional Kentucky Recipes. Audubon, IA: Jumbo Jack’s Cookbooks. (McCracken County PL).

Lundy, Jonathan. 2009. Jonathan’s Bluegrass Table: Redefining Kentucky Cuisine. Louisville, KY: Butler Books. (UKSC). Lundy is the chef and proprietor of Jonathan’s at Gratz Park, a Lexington restaurant.

Lundy, Ronni, with John Stehling. 2004. In Praise of Tomatoes: Tasty Recipes, Garden Secrets, Legends and Lore. New York: Lark Books. (LPL). This book covers many aspects of tomatoes, as well as some recipes. Stehling is the proprietor of the Early Girl Eatery of Asheville, North Carolina. Lundy is a distinguished food writer with Kentucky roots.

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (Ashland). [2011?]. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Heavenly Delights Past & Present. Kearney, NE: Morris Press.

Lynn, Loretta. 2004. You’re Cookin’ It Country: My Favorite Recipes and Memories. Nashville, TN: Rutledge Hill Press. (UKSC).

Lyons, Benita McCoy. 2006. Scratch Cooking 2. Lexington, KY: Real McCoy. (UKSC).

Magoffin County Historical Society. 2000. Year 2000 Cook Book: Recipes and Stories of Magoffin County, Kentucky. Salyersville, KY: Magoffin County Historical Society. (PC). This family cookbook was published for the 2000 Magoffin County Founders’ Day celebration.

_____. 2003. Circle of Friends Cookbook. Salyersville, KY: Magoffin County Historical Society. (PC). This noteworthy collection of recipes, family photographs, and history was issued to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Magoffin County Historical Society.

_____. 2006. Good Times Cook Book: Now Being Served in Magoffin County. Salyersville, KY: Magoffin County Historical Society. (PC). Specifically, the focus is “good times” in Magoffin County.

_____. 2009. The Manns Clan Cook Book. Salyersville, KY: Magoffin County Historical Society. (PC). This family cookbook was published for the 2009 Magoffin County Founders’ Day celebration.

The Mahurin Family Cookbook. 2004. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Scott County PL).

Marshall County Extension Homemakers. 2003. WCBL & K95 Country Cookin’. 3rd ed. Audubon, IA: Jumbo Jack’s Cookbooks. (Marshall County PL).

Marshall County Public Hospital. 2006. Bon Appétit: A Collection of Recipes by Marshall County Public Hospital. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Marshall County PL).

Marshall County Service Unit. 2007. Home and Camping Cookbook. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Marshall County PL).

Mary, Queen of Heaven Roman Catholic Church (Erlanger). 2003. The Queen’s Cuisine: A Collection of Recipes. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Kenton County PL).

Mason County Cooperative Extension. 2000. Mason County’s Best: Recipes and Reminiscences of Mason County, Kentucky 1937–2000. Audubon, IA: Jumbo Jack’s Cookbooks. (Mason County PL).

Mason County History Center. 2004. A Taste of the Past …: Recipes, Historic Remedies, and Household Tips from the Collections of the Museum Center Archives. Maysville, KY: Museum Center. (Mason County PL).

Masters, Michael Edward. 2001. Col. Michael Edward Masters’ HospitalityKentucky Style: Simply Elegant Cooking and Entertaining. Bardstown, KY: Equine Writers Press. (UKSC).

_____. 2003. Hospitality—Kentucky Style: Kentucky Heritage Grand Tour: Kentucky Fine Foods and Spirits. Bardstown, KY: Equine Writers Press. (Washington PL).

Mayfield, Kathy, and Suzy Smith. 2010. Sterling Bits Cookbook-Sketchbook: Blue-grass Equestrian Experience. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC).

May’s Lick Asparagus Festival. [2011?]. Asparagus Festival Cookbook. May’s Lick, KY: May’s Lick Community Development. (PC).

McCauley, Emilie Hannigan. 2012. Lunch at the Glitz. Versailles, KY: Irish Acres. The Glitz is a restaurant located at the Irish Acres Antique Mall in rural Woodford County.

McCreary County Museum (Stearns). 2006. A Slice of Heaven. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (PC). Stearns is near the Big South Fork National River Recreation Area.

_____. 2012. A Taste of History: 100 Years of Cooking Heritage. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (PC). Similar in format to A Slice of Heaven, this book was published in observance of McCreary County’s 100th anniversary. McCreary County was formed from parts of Pulaski, Wayne, and Whitley Counties. The recipes are signed by the contributors, who hail from various communities in McCreary County, the state, and the country. The collection includes regionally iconic recipes such as chicken and dumplings, ethnic dishes such as chicken enchiladas, and classic convenience recipes such as dump cake.

McKee, Gwen, and Barbara Moseley. 2005. Best of the Best from Kentucky Cookbook. New ed. Brandon, MS: Quail Ridge Press. (PC). This is an anthology of recipes from various Kentucky sources.

Metcalfe County Extension Homemakers. 2004. Cooking up a Cure. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Metcalfe County PL).

Midway Christian Church. 2010. Welcome to the Table: Special Dishes and Memories from a Hometown Congregation. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (PC). The cookbook includes a brief history of the church, which was established in 1844. A number of the recipes were contributed by chef Ouita Michel of the Holly Hill Inn and Wallace Station, including “Holly Hill Inn’s Extra Creamy Cheese Grits.” Listed earlier is a cookbook from the 1940s published by the same church. Midway is in Woodford County, and appropriately, the cookbook includes a recipe for Woodford pudding.

Miller, Nancy. 2003. Secrets of Louisville Chefs. Louisville, KY: Tobe Pub. (UoL). This cookbook and the one that follows are products of a television program produced in Louisville and featuring well-known Louisville (and Lexington) chefs. There is also a website:

_____. 2005. Secrets of Louisville Chefs: More than 225 Great Recipes Plus Cooking Tips from the Chefs. Louisville, KY: Louisville Magazine. (Laurel County PL).

Mitchell, Kim, and Judith Ralph. 2006. Women, Words & Wisdom: A Kentucky Cookbook. Reynolds Station, KY: McClanahan Publishing/Hen House Press. (Clark County PL, UKSC).

Mt. Pisgah Christian Church (Morehead). 2007. Taste and See: That the Lord Is Good—Psalm 34:8. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Clark County PL).

Mt. Zion Baptist Church. 2002. Recipes and Remembrances: A Collection of Recipes by Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Grant County PL).

Muhlenberg County Extension Homemakers (Central City). 2000. Muhlenberg County Extension Homemakers Cookbook. Audubon, IA: Jumbo Jack’s Cookbooks. (Daviess County PL).

Myrtle Chapel Non-Denominational Community Church Ladies Auxiliary. 2009. Feeding the Flock: The Light at the Top of the Hill. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Grayson County PL).

Napier, Barbara. 2009. Hot Food & Warm Memories: A Cookbook from Snug Hollow Farm Bed & Breakfast. Irvine, KY: B. Napier. (Clark County PL). The bed-and-breakfast is located near Irvine in Estill County.

North Middletown Christian Church. 2009. From Our House to Yours III: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Clark County PL).

Northpoint Training Center (Danville). 2006. Recipes to Lock Away. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Mercer County PL). The training center is actually a medium-security prison.

Oakley, Kelli, and Jayna Oakley. 2004. Kentucky Talegating: Tailgaters’ Recipes and Traditions: Stories with Sauce. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (Miller 2008).

_____. 2007. Kentucky Talegating II: More Stories with Sauce. Sikeston, MO: Acclaim Press. (UKSC).

Ole Gospel Barn Victory Tabernacle. 2002. Come and Dine with Ole Gospel Barn Victory Tabernacle Family and Friends. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Casey County PL).

Owen County Extension Homemakers. 2006. Recipes from the Heart. Owenton, KY: Owen County Extension Homemakers/Extension Service. (Owen County PL). This cookbook was published to raise awareness and money to support those with congenital heart defects.

Owensboro Mercy Health Systems, Volunteer Auxiliary. 2003. Cooking Plain & Fancy. Owensboro, KY: OMHS Volunteer Auxiliary. (Daviess County PL).

Paris/Bourbon County Chamber of Commerce. 2004. Paris Winners: A Collection of Recipes from the Paris/Bourbon County Chamber of Commerce. Paris, KY: Paris/Bourbon County Chamber of Commerce. (Maruskin).

Penn, Sherrie. 2001. Fancy to Down Home. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC).

Perryville Homemakers. 2002. Cooking in Historic Perryville: Past and Present. Perryville, KY: Perryville Homemakers. (Boyle County PL). This revised edition was produced for the 140th anniversary of Perryville.

Phillips, Teresa. 2011. Amish Cooking with Sicily Yoder. Lawrenceburg, KY: CreateSpace. (Boone County PL). Sicily Yoder, the Amish food writer, is also known as Teresa Phillips of Lawrenceburg, Kentucky. This dual identity has led to a number of assertions, including that Yoder is a Canadian cooking show host, writes Amish-themed romance novels and cookbooks, and lives in Toronto and Lawrenceburg. There is also a Sicily Yoder website that mentions Kentucky locations, including Keene and Nicholasville.

Popyach, Barbara. 2004. Kentucky Authors Cook. Nicholasville, KY: Wind Publications. (Kenton County PL).

Port William Historical Society. 2009. Best Dishes from Our Kitchens to Yours: A Masterson House Cookbook. Fresno, CA: Cookbook Originals. (PC). This cookbook includes a section of “encore” recipes from earlier cookbooks. The historical society is located in Carroll County.

Porter, Juanita. 2007. Recipes from Porter Hill: A Kentucky Collection. Falls of the Rough, KY: Porter Hill Press. (Paul Sawyier PL, Grayson County PL).

Providence Montessori School (Lexington). 2004. Seasons of Taste: Recipes from Families of Providence Montessori School. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (PC).

Ralph, Judith, and Kim Mitchell. 2002. A Kentucky Gathering: Recipes & Remembrances. Reynolds Station, KY: Hen House Press. (UKSC). All the recipes were contributed by members of a large extended family from western Kentucky. The recipes are enhanced by family stories and photographs.

Rankin, Jane Lee. 2003. Cookin’ up a Storm: The Life and Recipes of Annie Johnson. Updated 2nd ed. Louisville, KY: Grace Publishers. (PC). I have made a number of recipes from this book. The outcomes were excellent, and the recipes were easy to follow. The book includes a brief foreword by John Egerton and a biography of Annie Johnson, a cook who worked for Rankin’s family in Louisville.

Ridenour, Carolyn. 2001. Inside Miss Jennie’s Kitchen: Recipes and Other Gifts from a Distinguished Southern Family. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (Miller 2008).

Robinson Creek Old Regular Baptist Church. 2001. Robinson Creek Old Regular Baptist Church Cook Book. Kearney, NE: Morris Press. (Sohn 2005).

Ross, Elizabeth. 2004. Cornmeal Country: An American Tradition. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (LPL). This is an important single-ingredient cookbook.

Sayre School Parents Club (Lexington). 2003. Secret Ingredients: Sayre School’s Recipes for Success. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (UKSC).

Schmid, Albert W. A. 2010. The Kentucky Bourbon Cookbook. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. (LPL). This prize-winning volume was compiled by the chair of Sullivan University’s National Center for Hospitality Studies in Lexington.

Sego, Idell. 2004. Dining at the Whistle Stop: Kentucky Recipes & Reflections. Glendale, KY: Grapevine Press. (UKSC, Green County PL). The Whistle Stop is a historic restaurant in Glendale in Hardin County.

Shelby Railroad Reunion Homecoming Host Committee. 2006. Shelby Country Cookin’: A Taste of Railroad Past. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Pike County PL).

Simpson, Geneva Ross. 2004. Granny’s Favorite Recipes. Hazard, KY: C. B. Simpson. (UKSC).

Smart, Rita. 2007. Bennett House Cookbook: Kentucky Delights. Richmond, KY: Bennett House Books, in association with McClanahan Publishing House. (UKSC).

Sohn, Mark F. 2005. Appalachian Home Cooking: History, Culture, and Recipes. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. (UKSC). Though not exactly a cookbook, this well-researched book about Appalachian foodways includes many recipes.

Springfield Woman’s Club. 2008. A. Lincoln Legacy Tasting Tour. Springfield, KY: City of Springfield. (Rowan County PL). This book includes historic photos of Washington County, as well as 800 recipes.

St. Dominic School: Nourishing Minds and Bodies for Seventy-Five Years, 1929–2004. 2004. Olathe, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Washington County PL).

St. Henry’s Catholic Church. 2000. Angel Food: A Collection of Recipes by St. Henry’s Catholic Church. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (Marshall County PL).

St. Hubert’s Episcopal Church. 2000. St. Hubert’s Hunt Country Cook Book Revisited. Lexington, KY: Printing Bids. (UKSC).

St. John’s United Church of Christ (Newport). 2007. Let’s Eat and Celebrate: A Collection of Recipes by St. John’s United Church of Christ, Newport, Ky. Kearney, NE: Morris Press. (Kenton County PL).

Stone, Michelle. 2007. Merry Christmas from Kentucky: Recipes for the Season. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. Michelle Stone is the current owner of McClanahan Publishing.

Sullivan-Hackley, Laura. 2000. Of Menus & Memory: A Memoir of Food & Family: Celebrating a Sense of Family on the Occasion of the Marriage of Susan Sullivan & Doug Bank. Tallahassee, FL: Harvest Printing. (KHS). This attractive family cookbook has roots in both Frankfort, Kentucky, and Tallahassee, Florida. The recipes are signed by family members and are interspersed with short essays about family experiences.

Sustainable Berea. 2009. Local Foods Cookbook: Recipes from Berea, KY and the Region. Berea, KY: Sustainable Berea. (PC). This community cookbook is a compilation of recipes from the first three 100-Mile Potlucks held by the organization. These potluck dinners are based on foods produced within 100 miles of Berea. The effort is part of the local food movement in central Kentucky. The cookbook includes a directory of local producers and suppliers.

Tastes for All Seasons. 2000. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (LFPL).

Tates Creek Christian Church, Woman’s Ministry (Lexington). 2003. Recipes to Remember. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Clark County PL).

_____. 2008. Bountiful Heavenly Recipes. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (PC). The recipes, which are signed, include six for corn pudding and one for Maryim’s Grandmother Margaret Moore’s Recipe for Pwolkogi (a Korean dish).

Thompson, Sharon. 2006. Flavors of Kentucky. Kuttawa, KY: McClanahan Publishing House. (PC). This collection provides contemporary recipes for many iconic Kentucky dishes. Sharon Thompson, food editor for the Lexington Herald-Leader, was raised in Clark County, and the selection has a Bluegrass orientation.

Tolson Creek Old Regular Baptist Church. 2002. Treasures from Heaven: A Collection of Recipes. Roxana, KY: Tolson Creek Old Regular Baptist Church. (Madison County PL).

Tullar, Chip. 2000. The Grace of Patti’s. Memphis, TN: Patti’s Publishers. (PC).

Turner, Ethel S. 2005. From Pilot Knob to Main Street: A Collection of Recipes and Stories from Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Bloomington, IN: Author- House. (WKU). Turner is from Crittenden County.

Union County Extension. 2006. Family Treasures Past and Present: A Collection of Recipes by Union County Extension. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Union County PL).

Unity Cumberland Presbyterian Church. 2007. Recipes from the Flock. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Marshall County PL).

University of Kentucky Women’s Club. 2010. Stay for Tea, the Centennial Edition. Lexington: University of Kentucky Women’s Club. (PC). This is the most recent version of Stay for Tea; the first was published in 1948. It is especially interesting because it includes many recipes from earlier editions that were revised to be healthier.

Wallingford Christian Church Ladies Auxiliary. 2003. Dinner on the Grounds with Wallingford Christian Church Auxiliary. Lenexa, KS: Cookbook Publishers. (Fleming County PL).

Walnut Street Missionary Church (Benton). 2003. Cookbook. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Marshall County PL).

Wayne County Extension Homemakers. 2000. Golden Memories of Lake Reflections: Favorite Recipes from Our Best Cooks. Monticello, KY: Wayne County Extension Homemakers. (WKU). In part, this is a reprint of the 1987 Lake Reflections cookbook.

Webster County Extension Homemakers. 2002. Tasteful Treasures. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Webster County PL).

West, Gary P. 2007. Eating Your Way across Kentucky: The Recipes: A Collection of Famous Favorites from the Best Selling Restaurant Travel Guide. Morley, MO: Acclaim Press. (UKSC). West’s guide to restaurants is useful when traveling around Kentucky.

Westbrook, Buddy. 2010. A Collection of Heirloom Kentucky and Southern Recipes: How Kentuckians Really Fry Chicken at Home. London, KY: Glenn H. Westbrook (Hotwire). (Laurel County PL). Some sources list alternative titles; for instance, in some cases, the subtitle is listed as the main title. Sample pages are available at the author’s website.

Whinnery, Pamela. 2010. Favorite Recipes of Kentucky Celebrities. Collierville, TN: Fundcraft Publishing. (Kenton County PL). This was compiled as a fundraiser for DAR projects.

White Oak First Church of God, Ladies Home Mission. 2001. A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris. (UKSC). The church is located in Irvine, Kentucky.

_____. 2002. Recipes and Remembrances: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (PC).

Williams, Charles Dowling. 2004. Out of Green River Kitchens: A Collection of Family Recipes. Munfordville, KY: Charles Dowling Williams. (UKSC).

Williams, Lonnie, Jr. 2013. Remember What Mama Said Recipes: Psalm 121. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (PC). This is one of the few contemporary Kentucky cookbooks compiled by an African American author. Reverend Williams is both a minister and a musician.

Winters, Tracy. 2000. Sunrise to Sunset in Kentucky: A Collection of Kentucky’s Finest Bed and Breakfast Recipes. Greensburg, IN: Winters Publishing. (Boyd County PL).

Woodburn Baptist Church. 2006. A Taste of Heaven: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (WKU).

Woodford County Woman’s Club. 2004. Recipes and Remembrances: A Collection of Recipes by Woodford County Woman’s Club, Versailles, Kentucky. Kearney, NE: Morris Press Cookbooks. (Owen County PL).

Word of Hope Lutheran Church (Lexington). 2000. Breaking Bread Together: A Collection of Recipes. Kearney, NE: Cookbooks by Morris Press. (PC).

Wylie, Sue. 2008. How to Throw a Great Derby Party. Lexington, KY: Eclipse Press. (McCracken County PL).