Chapter Two

The wine arrived and the young girl gave a lingering look at Bradley, then drifted away.

Jordon was glad for the interruption. Their conversation had taken a serious turn. Did she really want things “hot” this weekend, or just enough smooching to make Tom think she was in love? Hell, she wasn’t sure.

“I feel so much better knowing that I have you by my side.” She swirled her glass around, watching the deep red wine lace the side of the glass. “It’s going to be awful facing Tom and his bride, but with your support I know I’ll get through it.”

“We’ll have fun, or at least as much fun as this awful situation will allow. Why did you agree to come to this welcoming party?”

“My sister asked that too. As you know his family owns the winery, but they would have excused me. My stupid pride got in the way. I don’t want any of them to know how devastated I was. I am,” she correctly automatically.

“He sounds like a jerk,” Bradley muttered.

“He’s not. Once you meet him, you’ll probably like him.”

“Can’t see that happening.” He sipped his wine, then lifted the glass. “Not bad. What is it?”

“Martello 2010 Pinot Noir.” She lifted her own glass and gave it a sniff. “I know this wine very well. It’s light but beautifully balanced, with the flavor of Bing cherries, vanilla and mocha. Divine.”

Bradley raised a brow. “No wonder you do their marketing. You’re good at it. Makes me want to buy a case, just watching your expression.”

“I should be good. Been at this job for nearly five years now. Doubled their bottom line too.” She shrugged. “Anyway, we don’t have to waste too much time getting acquainted since we already know each other’s history, but the Martello’s will be quizzing you, wanting to know when we met. We need to come up with a believable story.”

“You don’t think they’d believe the truth?”

“I’m sure they might, but some secrets are better not shared.” She bumped shoulders with him and her nose twitched as she breathed in his scent. Working at the winery had heightened her ability to identify various aromas. His was sexy.

“What are you wearing?” she asked and sniffed again. It was both provocative and alluring. A little spicy, with a hint of lavender, a blend of lime, and what else? Orange, and possibly cinnamon.

“Jeans. The instructions were to be casual for the ride out.”

She smiled. “Sorry, I meant your cologne. It’s nice.”

“Oh. Armani.”

“I like Armani.” She felt her cheeks warm, and her pulse race. Pretending to be hot for each other shouldn’t be too big of a stretch this weekend, but why did her reaction to him feel so real? He was scrumptious looking, but so what?

He wasn’t interested in her. He probably flirted with every woman he dated, and knew just how to make them feel attractive and desired. It was probably a trick he’d learned during his illustrious escort career. Maybe he’d used it on her that first night they met, and that’s why she’d ended up under the covers with him.

He said he didn’t sleep with women while he was working for the agency. But that certainly didn’t stop him from sleeping with them when he wasn’t!

She pushed her hair out of her eyes and fanned her face. “Maybe it’s the wine, but I feel warm. Flustered. Nervous as hell. I’ve never lied to anyone, or pretended to be happy, or in lust or love…” She glanced away. “What if I can’t do this?”

“Just relax and let me lead. It’s not as difficult as you might think.”

“Really? You can pretend to be in love with just anyone?”

His jaw clenched. “I’ll convince everyone that I’m mad about you. That’s what you want, right?”

“Yes. Of course. I’m just not sure how you can do it so easily, that’s all.”

“I’m a professional, and I make sure that I do everything well.”

“Everything?” She knew he did some things very, very well. What else did he do, she wondered.


She released the breath she was holding. “Okay then.” Smiling, she leaned back in her seat, putting a little distance between them. Unfortunately, it also allowed her to see him better. Dammit, but he had a cleft on his chin. That should not be allowed. This guy was darn near irresistible. And yet, resist she must. He had already refused to go to bed with her, and she wasn’t desperate enough to pursue that subject again!

She rolled her shoulders and forced herself to relax. “So, Bradley, tell me more about yourself while we sip on our wine.”

They sat back and exchanged background information on their families and friends, and even made up a few stories about how they met and fell in love. By the time the wine was finished, they knew enough about each other that Jordon felt confident they could wing the rest.

Besides, for her, the attraction was real enough, and it would be easier to convince the Martello’s of that, than to act indifferent to his many charms.

Once the bill was paid, they left the restaurant, ready to make the short trip to the winery. They were in Geneva, a small town in the Finger Lakes district of upstate New York, and after five years of working here she still loved to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the wide open spaces. She kept an apartment in the Gramercy area of Manhattan, but once she and Tom became romantically involved, she spent more and more time here than in the city.

Things would change now that Tom had a wife. Jordon would no longer feel comfortable making their home her part-time residence. She’d have to rent a room in the nearby town or quit. But that was not a decision she had to make right now.

She gave her hair a toss, wiped moisture off her brow, and sucked in a few deep breaths. She could and she would maintain her dignity this weekend. They didn’t need to know how deeply she was hurting inside.

Jordon marched toward her Prius, clicked the lock, then grabbed her overnight bag before following Bradley to his car.

“Is this yours, or did you rent it for the weekend?” she asked, admiring the silver Jaguar sedan. It was sleek and beautiful, quite like him.

“What do you think?” He strode to the car with an elegant gait, looking like a man used to the very finest of everything.

“It’s yours.” She brushed against him as she passed, and her entire body began to hum. She couldn’t remember Tom making her body hum, but it must have. At least at the beginning of their affair. Then work problems had diminished some of the ardent desire, or had it been the fact they’d been working together day in, and day out? Had boredom settled in?

Is that why he’d gone off to Italy, and fallen head over heels in love? Perhaps his young bride would be everything she wasn’t—hot-blooded, exciting, adventurous.

Jordon knew she wasn’t any of those things. She was clever, driven in what she chose to do, practical and focused, and didn’t that just sound like the most boring person in the world? No wonder Tom found somebody else, and that she’d only had short term boyfriends in high school and college. She didn’t know how to be like her sister: teasing, tantalizing, fun.

Oh, but how she wanted to be. If only for this one weekend—she wanted to shine and dazzle and be the brightest version of herself. Could Bradley bring out the best in her? She wasn’t sure what she’d call their hook-up. It was certainly inspired. She had turned from Miss Professional goody-two-shoes into Vamp for the night.

“Can you do something for me this weekend?” she asked, eyes straight ahead, hands clasped in her lap. “Make me sparkle.” She tossed her head back, as if shaking off the remnants of her Catholic girl image. “I want to look like I’m having the time of my life. But I don’t know how to sparkle.”

“Sure you do.” He turned on the ignition, spearing her with another quick look. “I saw it that one night. Not just back at your place, but at the bar when you first bought me that drink. You were beautiful and tantalizing without even knowing it. This weekend I’m going to make you believe it.” He backed out of the parking lot and headed for the main road.

“Thank you.” Tears pricked the back of her eyelids. “I wonder what she’s like. This captivating woman who stole Tom’s heart.” She bit her bottom lip. “When I meet her, I’m not going to fall apart. I’m going to smile and act friendly—even if it kills me.”

“She can’t possibly hold a candle to you. Guy couldn’t get that lucky.”

She rolled her eyes. “You say the nicest things. If you keep that up, I might make it through the weekend without bawling like a baby.”

“You will not, under any circumstance, shed one tear. Not one. If you even feel remotely like it, you grab on to me, and I’ll make sure I put a smile back on that pretty face.”

She put her sunglasses on, her mouth drying at the ways he could make her smile. “Will you kiss me?”

His handsome face creased with a grin. “Probably, but I might not. Depends on the circumstance, but whatever I do it’ll be appropriate and unapologetic.” He edged the car out into traffic.

“Hmm. Sounds good, but maybe we should practice some of this stuff beforehand. Got to make sure we get it right, you know?” She watched the muscle flex in his thigh as he stepped on the gas.

“We got it a little too right the other night,” he said. “Not ravishing you will be the problem. Trust me, I won’t have to do much pretending this weekend.” His blond tousled hair caught the sun.

She laughed. “I knew I liked you, Bradley Langford. I’m so glad you agreed to be my date, even though you didn’t know it was me.”

He gave her a quizzical look. “I didn’t have a clue. What was with that photo? Didn’t look like you at all. Brown hair, different nose. Cute. But definitely not you.”

She looked away, busted. “I used my sister’s picture. But since I don’t ever intend to use this service again, there isn’t any point in telling her, is there?”

Bradley laughed. “I suppose not, but it’s probably best that you keep it to yourself.”

“That’s what I figured. What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, and I was afraid that if you recognized me, you wouldn’t agree.”

“I would have agreed.” He kept his eyes on the highway in front of them, his hands clasped firmly on the wheel, his jaw tense.

“Wow.” Her heart speeded up. “You wanted to see me again?”

“What do you think?” He shot her a quick glance and his eyes flashed something. What was going on? He didn’t think that night of sex meant anything, did he? No way could he feel what she had!

“I thought it was just a spur-of-the-moment, drunken crazy thing,” she said as if she didn’t care. “One night best forgotten.”

“Like hell you did. Or you wouldn’t have picked my photo out of the lot. Going to the trouble of switching pictures with your sister.”

She licked her bottom lip. “I figured having some kind of past together was better than none.” Her palms were sweaty and she wiped them on her skirt. “I knew this would be uncomfortable enough, but to do it with a stranger would be just awful. You, not so much. We had fun that night. And I liked talking to you.”

“Talking to me?” His lips turned up, and he chuckled. “I think you enjoyed a little more than that.”

She remembered them doing it against the wall, then again on her sofa, and lastly on her bed. And each time there had been stars and rockets exploding right along with her. She’d never experienced anything like it in her life. Certainly not with Tom.

Jordan crossed her knees to keep from squirming. “I admit it was wild. I’m usually not that way.”

“What way?” he asked.

“That way…you know…explosive.” He didn’t look at her so she continued, “Orgasmic. And not once, but every time.”

“Seriously?” His voice held a note of male triumph. “Don’t tell me that Tom didn’t pleasure you the way I did?”

She bit her lip. “Our relationship was about a lot more than that.”

He chuckled. “Glad to hear it. That’s real interesting news.” He kept his gaze on the road, but she could see his lips twitching as though holding back a smile. “How much further?”

“Not long. Just keep following the road and I’ll let you know when to turn.” During the remainder of the short drive she kept up a lively chatter about the family members that he’d soon meet. No more talking about orgasms.

“Michael’s twenty-one, and he’s the youngest son. He graduated from UCLA in June and then spent the summer in Napa, learning everything possible from their best wine makers.” She told him about the two younger sisters, Megan and Terri. “Megan’s twenty-three, really pretty, and a terrible flirt. Terri’s nineteen, and a little shy.”

“Do they also work at the winery?” Bradley asked.

“Terri goes to college, but she’s back for the weekend. Megan is struggling with what she wants to do. At the moment she’s helping out with the family business, but I don’t think her heart’s in it.”

“And Mr. and Mrs. Martello?”

“Mom and Pop are still very active. Ralph is a wiry sixty-year old, and loves to work the fields. He hand-picks the ripe grapes along with the rest of his family, and the hired workers. Marie, his wife, runs the gift shop, and yet somehow manages to still cook three meals a day for the family.”

He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, and turned his head slightly. “I can hear the admiration you have for all of them in the tone of your voice. You love your job, don’t you?” He shot her a glance. “How did they take the news about their son marrying a woman they haven’t even met?”

“They didn’t really discuss it with me, at least not at first, so I’m not sure how they took the news. Shocked, probably. Obviously uncomfortable around me, since I stayed here with him most of the time instead of going back and forth to the city. He has an apartment over the garage.” She fidgeted with her hands. “That’s where I stayed while he was in Italy. I wanted to be close to him, and staying with his family made it easier.”

“Shit. This must really be tough. You’re close to all of them, a part of the family.” He reached out and covered her hand. “I’m sorry.”

“Thank you.” She blinked rapidly. “They do love me, I know, but they would stand by their son no matter what he did. I assume they are happy for him.”

“Still, they must realize how awkward it is for you.”

“His sister tried to feel me out, but I acted like it had already been over between us and that I didn’t care. It was easier than telling her I was broken-hearted. I hated the way the Martello’s were tiptoeing around me, careful not to mention either Tom or his wife in my presence, so I made you up. Us.”

He nodded, his mouth grim. “I hope Tom will see what a fool he was to let you go.”

She smiled, but didn’t respond to his sweet words. “I need to warn you about the family. They won’t be ashamed to ask questions. So be prepared. They just might grill you. I’ll try to keep up to speed on your answers.”

“Well, if we contradict each other, hopefully, we can blame it on the wine.”

Jordan curled her hands over her knees, her body tingling with nerves. “We’re nearly there. Is there anything that you want to ask me?”

“Okay if I punch this guy Tom in the mouth?”

Her mouth dropped open and then she laughed. “Please, don’t! He’s not worth it. I don’t even want him anymore.”

His eyes quickly roamed over her. “I feel like I struck gold this weekend.”

She was about to ask him what he meant, but she’d been watching him instead of the highway and nearly missed the turn. “Right here,” she called in the nick of time. “It winds around, so just follow it past the vineyards.”

“Roger that.” The driveway was unpaved and the Jaguar hit a few potholes as it climbed the hilly terrain, but Bradley didn’t seem to mind. “Never been up here before,” he told her. “Napa a few times, and I visited the Hunter Valley in Australia. But this is my first trip to the Finger Lakes. It’s pretty.” He removed his sunglasses and put them in the center console. “How’s the wine? Should I stick to scotch this weekend?”

“Only if you want to offend the entire family. We were drinking their Pinot Noir at the tavern. What did you think?”

“Glad I didn’t order a case, but not bad. Very drinkable.”

“Good. You’ll get used to it quick enough.” She licked her lips. “By the way, I was thinking that tomorrow or Sunday, we could stage a fight. Not a public disturbance or anything, but some compelling reason for me to be upset. I could ask you to leave, and you could storm off, our relationship at an abrupt end.”

“What? You’ve only known me an hour and now you don’t want me as your boyfriend?” He ran a hand over his square jaw. “I’ll see what I can do. Obviously you don’t want to go on pretending to be in a relationship, and I’m sure this weekend set you back a few pennies.”

“You’re not a cheap date,” she agreed with a smile. “But then, I wouldn’t want to be hanging with a guy that was.”

They pulled into the small parking lot near the wine tasting cave, and they both grabbed their overnight cases. Jordon led them to the main house, where she knew the family would be gathered, anticipating her arrival.

Marie opened the door at her knock and pulled her into a hug. “So glad you could make it,” she said to Jordon, her eyes on Bradley. Hug finished, she grabbed Bradley’s hand and pumped it heartily. “So nice to meet you. You’re such a handsome devil, I’m not surprised Jordan kept you to herself.”

He laughed. “Hello, Marie. Thank you for inviting me. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you and the rest of your family. Jordon has told me so much about all of you.” He smiled fondly at Jordon, even slipped a hand around her waist.

She leaned into him and lifted her face to give him a warm smile. “As you see he’s as charming as he is handsome. He’ll have you all eating out of his hand in no time.” She moved from his arms, and immediately felt their loss. This staged fight better happen sooner than later, or she might want to keep him around for longer than a mere weekend. “He should come packaged with a warning. Especially with your two beautiful daughters around.”

“Speaking of which.” Marie turned. “Here they are. They’ve been dying to meet you as well, Bradley. Jordon only mentioned you last week.”

Jordon forced a smile. “Now, you know I don’t tell you everything about my private life.”

“Because we live in Deadsville, and everybody gets married here or you’re an old maid,” Megan said, shaking her long blonde hair off her bare shoulders, and easing up to Bradley. She was wearing a tube top and ragged jean shorts, and a big, brazen smile. “Hi. Wow. I’m Megan, and if ever, I mean ever, you decide Jordon isn’t the one, well, put me on your list.”

Bradley looked uncomfortable, unsure how to handle this vivacious, pretty young woman.

Jordon laughed and stepped closer to Bradley, linking her arm through his. “I told you she was adorable.”

“And I’m Terri,” the younger daughter spoke, looking at Bradley. She was attractive too, but not as outgoing as her blonde, curvy sister. Terri was a strawberry blonde with faint freckles, an easy smile, and a quiet demeanor. Blushing, she averted her eyes. “Ignore Megan. She’s a flirt.”

“I am not. You’re just jealous,” Megan shot back.

“Are too. You flirt with everyone. Doesn’t she, Mom?”

Megan tossed her mane of hair again. “I’m just friendly. You should try it. Maybe you’d get a date once in a while.”

Marie said, “Now, now, girls. You’re not giving Bradley a very good impression, are you? Oh, good, here’s Michael, my youngest son, and my Ralphie. We’ve been married thirty-three years. Where does the time go?” She gave her husband a loving smile. “I remember meeting him at a high school dance. I sat like a wallflower, hoping I wouldn’t be the last one asked to dance. After only a few minutes he came over to me, and that was that.”

Ralph shook Bradley’s hand. “Nice to meet you.” He nodded at Jordon. “We love this girl here. Hope you don’t plan on taking her away from us.”

“We haven’t decided anything yet, sir,” Bradley said with respect.

“Well, we’re big on weddings here, and like lots of babies too.” Ralph exposed his yellowed teeth in a friendly smile.

“Pa,” Michael said. “They only started dating. They’re not planning a wedding anytime soon. Right?”

“Right. We’ve only been seeing each other, what… a month now?” She hugged Brad’s arm. “And I have no immediate plans to leave,” she answered.

Ralph scratched his head. “Good. Place wouldn’t be the same around here without you.”

Michael made a snorting noise, drawing everyone’s attention. He was a nice looking man, with sandy brown hair, shining brown eyes, and a gentle smile. He glanced at Jordon and the color rose up his neck, deepening the ruddy complexion of his cheeks. “I can’t believe you have a boyfriend. I thought you and Tom…”

Silence fell heavy, and Jordan sucked in a quick breath. “Of course not! We were very close, but not like that.”

Jordan decided this might be a good time to escape. “Marie, Bradley and I would like to freshen up, then I thought I’d show him around. I need to check one last time and make sure everything is ready for the weekend.” She glanced at her watch. “Guests should be arriving in less than two hours, right?”

“No need to do anything, Jordon, my dear,” Ralph said. “You’ve done enough already. Tom is here. He’s helping out. You just entertain this young man of yours.”

Tom was helping out? She wasn’t needed any longer? I don’t think so! She squared her shoulders. “Really? I put a lot of hard work in making these arrangements. I hate to pass the buck now.”

She felt Bradley’s calming hand on her shoulder and forced herself to breathe.

Ralph headed toward the back door. “Nothing to worry about. The ponies are here. Arrived around ten this morning, and the face painting lady is coming in an hour. The tent’s been up since yesterday, and we’re set to have the wine tasting both there and in our tasting room. We have dozens of small tables and chairs along the lakeside. Don’t know who wants to sit outside in this heat. Damn near ninety degrees.”

“I suggested it so people could watch the fireworks. It’ll be beautiful at night. Anyway, I’m sure people will be dressed for the heat,” Jordon answered, not ready to give up. She was responsible for making sure the weekend went without a hitch. Not Tom. “Did they bring the red, white and blue streamers and tablecloths I asked for? And the centerpieces for the tables?”

“Yup, got all of that.”

It was the Fourth of July holiday celebration and she’d decorated accordingly, wanting the place to be festive. Today the winery was hosting a big cookout for families to enjoy, and tomorrow evening it would be an elegant affair with music and dancing as Mrs. Tom Martello was officially introduced. “Good. How many tables inside?”

“There’s another twenty or so larger tables in and around the tent.” Ralph scratched his chin. “Hope that’ll be enough. Oh yeah, we’ve got a couple big barbeque grills and men doing the grilling. Serving up chicken, barbequed ribs, hamburgers and hot dogs, plus we have the biggest vegetable lasagna I’ve ever seen. And four turkey pies.”

“Perfect,” Jordan said, mentally ticking each thing off her list. “That sounds good. What about the salads and fruit, the desserts?”

“Everything came an hour ago and a bunch of women are arranging it.” Ralph stepped toward the door, looking out at the weather. “Supposed to be a nice moon tonight, and if these clouds blow away we’ll all get a chance to see it.”

Marie sighed. “It’s a lovely day that’s for sure. But with Michael here and Tom finally home, how could it not be perfect?”

Ralph nodded. “You’re right about that.” He gave his wife a hug, and turned to Jordon. “You just kick back and relax this weekend. We’ve got it covered.”

Bradley put an arm around her waist. “We’ll do that. Once we put our bags in our rooms, we’ll wander around. Don’t worry about us.”

Marie beamed. “Oh, we have you both in the larger guest room that faces the lake. No sense in putting you in separate rooms when we know you’d be sneaking down the hall, now is there?” She giggled. “It will be more romantic this way.”

Jordon gave an inward groan. She’d known this was likely to happen, but sharing a bed with Bradley, and keeping the “no sex clause” might be pretty hard to handle. She couldn’t help but wonder if he’d lied when he said he’d never broken those rules.

“Come, follow me.” Marie led the way up the staircase and down to the third door on the right. “We have six bedrooms up here, and four bathrooms. You won’t have to share with anyone, but it’s not connected from inside.” She shrugged. “An old farm house, what can I say? Told Ralphie we should renovate, but he says, why bother? With the Good Lord’s blessing, all our children will be happily married soon, and have their own homes, and it isn’t often we have overnight guests. But you two are special.” She smiled fondly at both of them. “Such a handsome couple. I hope to see your romance bloom. You would make beautiful babies. Might even start on one tonight.”

Jordon’s mouth dropped open, and slammed shut. She glanced at Bradley and saw the laughter in his eyes. His lips twitched.

“Oh, no, Marie, we wouldn’t do that,” Jordon replied rather breathlessly. “Not in your house. Your bed. Would we, Bradley darling?”

“Of course not. Wouldn’t think of it.” He winked at Marie. “Floor, bathroom maybe, but certainly not the bed.”

“You are a devil, aren’t you? But why not take advantage of the moment?” Marie let out an audible sigh. “You have a little terrace outside, a view of the lake, and no one close enough to hear.” She smiled. “We are so happy that our Jordon has met a nice fellow.”

Jordon took Marie’s shoulder and escorted her to the door. “Thanks for giving us this lovely room. And if you need me, just call. Happy to help out.”

“No, Jordon, dear. You’ve been working too hard the past few days. Everything is perfect, and we have you to thank for that.”

“Come darling,” Bradley said with a teasing grin. “Come lie down and rest for a while. You’ve been so busy that I’ve hardly seen you.”

Marie gave him a warm smile. “What a lovely idea.” She turned and left, closing the door firmly behind her. They heard her footsteps disappear down the hall.