THANKS AGAIN TO PAMELA for saving my bacon with your insight and wisdom. I will forever be grateful, and I’m so glad our paths crossed, sister.
Thanks to Sheri, Ginelle, Kristine, May, Rachel, Laura Jean, and Laura C.E. for finding my oopsies! My bunny brain can’t keep track of all these characters!
Thanks to Theo, God of Grammar, for wielding your magical red pen of shame on my manuscript.
Thanks to Deb, PA Goddess, for keeping my head on straight and taking care of important tasks, so I can focus on my books.
Finally, thanks to my readers, for supporting this series so that I can pay my mortgage, and for patiently waiting for Tatiana’s muse to speak to me. This year has been pretty hellish, as I’m sure it has for many of you, delaying every deadline, as my nightmarish family drama has trapped me in my own personal Hoia Baciu. I hope my book provides a needed escape for you. It certainly has for me.