With this book, our seventh together, I am once again indebted to my agent, Regina Ryan, who from the very beginning has steadfastly believed in and supported my vision as a writer. I am deeply grateful to Melanie Kroupa, who saw me through the first draft, instilling it with her wisdom. I am thankful to my editor, Erica Zappy, who loves Dickens, and her colleagues at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for embracing this project and bringing it to life. I will always be grateful to Pat and Jack Ricard, who conspired to get me to London, which in turn made this book possible, and I’m thankful to Patti Hoddinott, who tramped around that fascinating city with me and took a lively interest in my research. Of invaluable help was the great British Library, where the dedicated staff offered this Yank research assistance with source material I would not have found in United States libraries. Finally, to my family: you are the inspiration that keeps me grounded and lets me know that all will be well, even when dark overshadows the light, and for that and all else, I love you.