
Martin Buber wonders

why at the opening of the Book of Genesis

did God ask Adam,

“where are you?”

this question concerns all of us

it challenges us

to take responsibility for our own existence

at each moment the biblical text raises the question

where are you?

endlessly preoccupied with changing the world and things

with submitting them to their own design

human beings are oblivious of themselves

they go through life

without ever raising the essential question

what is the being of the one who is constantly busy?

when meditation is considered a technique

a skill to be mastered

it simply becomes a means of projecting oneself
into the future

into the imaginary

when meditation is made to serve an ideal

the practitioner searches for himself

where he is not

in calmness and peacefulness

when experiencing fatigue, agitation, and worry

meditation becomes a place where one loses oneself

it is only possible to find oneself

within the reality of what is happening

at each moment

the spiritual path is an invitation
to reveal ourself

but it can also be a means of escape

by getting lost in an ideal of perfection

to which we aspire ever more strongly

as we try to evade ourselves

the meditator’s being is at stake in meditation

if he is willing to hear the question

where are you?

to consider meditation as a technique

is another means of hiding behind an activity

Stanislavski recounts that during rehearsals

of Molière’s Tartuffe

an actor, who had enthusiastically engaged
in the discussions about the various characters

showed great resistance to going onstage

to inhabit his character forced him to reveal himself

he preferred to hide in glib conversation

it is common to go through life

endlessly obsessing about an unfinished work

death does not attend upon our uncompleted tasks

that is what philosophy teaches us

in this endless busyness

the essential is forgotten

the very being of the one who struts and frets

meditation unveils this being

it does not require inactivity

but another way of being in action