Chapter 3

Much to Scarlet’s annoyance, James hired two men he knew and trusted to guard her on her travels. Jed and Clive Corbette were brothers, both of them old enough to be her father. They were big, strong men, currently without work, and they looked utterly silly dressed in fine livery. The two traveled faithfully with Scarlet to and from her destinations and thus far, no one else had attacked her.

The men who had ambushed Scarlet’s coach were identified, but since the duke had sent them to their ‘maker’ the reason for the attack went to their graves with them—likely a robbery, the duke had decided since neither man’s marriage had been ruined by ‘the sleuth’ as he called Scarlet.

Upon occasion, the duke had made himself her unofficial protector, and twice had accompanied her, insisting on calling for her in his own coach and transporting her to her destination. Initially, she had resented his presence, since his interference was the cause of her losing her independence. But if it hadn’t been for his interference, she’d likely be dead.

Over the past several weeks, she grew to know him, and her feelings toward him had thawed; she had learned to respect him and appreciate his assistance. She also realized something else; she was more than a bit smitten with him, though she kept it her secret. She was not of noble blood, but the granddaughter of a common though educated man, therefore, she couldn’t afford to lose her heart to a man she couldn’t have—a man who would eventually marry a blueblood.

But then, the more she thought about him, she knew she’d lose all of her independence being married to a man like the duke. She loved being accountable to herself, and no man. If she married it would be to a man who would allow her to continue her work in helping women, something she guessed the duke would not allow.

Now the duke sat beside her in his coach, on the way to her next assignment, as governess in William and Ann Rothman’s home. Sitting so close to him, she felt the masculine warmth of him and edged even closer to stave off the chill. Winter had arrived, and the air had turned frigid, yet no snow had fallen yet to blanket the earth. She decided she could sit in this coach with him for hours on end, feeling his warmth, and listening to his comforting tone of voice.

She was glad she had worn her best day dress, a claret red woolen gown with a matching coat. They were old, purchased seven years ago, but still in fine shape. And the outfit gave her curvaceous body more of a streamlined appearance.

For years she’d hated her curves, but after all these years knew there was just no way to change them. She went through a period of time during her late teen years when she ate so sparingly she would grow ill, and hardly lost any of the weight. She finally realized her shape was her shape and there truly wasn’t much she could do to change it.

Her black kid gloves fit her hands perfectly and kept them warm. Looking at the duke, she appreciated the fine cut of his chocolate brown coat and his beaver-skin top hat, which made him look formidable and aristocratic, but then he smiled his devil’s smile, his brown eyes lighting up as they gazed down at her. She felt delightful shivers up her spine and returned his smile.

“So, how long do you suspect it will take for you to ferret out Rothman’s infidelity?”

Scarlet sighed. “I have no idea. Perhaps he’s innocent.”

Hugh raised his brow. “You’ve yet to find one innocent man in your crusade.”

“Unfortunately, you are correct.”

“How long have the others taken you?”

“A fortnight or so.”

“I’ve a favor to ask of you, Scarlet.”

Scarlet loved hearing the sound of her name on his lips. They’d grown to known each other well, and it had seemed ridiculous for each of them to refer to each other so formally, so they’d come to an agreement to call each other by their Christian names.

“What is it?”

“Make this your last assignment in helping the good married ladies in London.”

She frowned. “I wish I could.”

“Why can’t you?”

“Many of these women are my friends. I can’t not help them when they ask.”

He took her hand and said earnestly, “I worry about your safety.”

“I’m sorry, but I cannot let them down. Besides, I do now have Jed and Clive.”

Hugh scoffed, “I would not count so heavily on those two for your safety. If I’d been the one in charge of hiring someone to guard you, it wouldn’t have been either of them.”

“No, it would have been you,” she snapped.

He grinned. “How well you have learned to know me.”

Her laughter subsided and she softly inquired, “Why have you made yourself my protector?”

Hugh raised his brow. “Why…why, that’s a rather silly question.”

“Silly, how?”

“Alright, not silly then, but dangerous. Because of your crusade I feel compelled to protect you because I ca—I agree with what you are doing—somewhat.”

“You do?” Her eyes widened.

“Of course. Do you think I delight in seeing how men—some of them friends and acquaintances—treat their wives so poorly? I abhor men’s weakness of the flesh and have decided I am duty-bound to help you any way I can. And one way is to provide you protection.”

“I see.” She eyed him carefully, noticed how he had lost his earlier humor. “And all because you agree with me?”

He nodded. “Absolutely, and…”


“I’ve grown rather fond of you, Scarlet,” he murmured.

If she were to read his mind, she’d learn how he’d been a confirmed bachelor until she appeared in his life.

“And I of you, your grace,” she whispered, feeling heat in her cheeks.

Hugh was such a kind and gentle man, beneath a fine veneer of strength and arrogance. He was also very easy on the eyes, and seemingly everything she dreamed of in a man—a husband, in particular. Sadness filled her heart then for she knew, due to society’s rules, they could never marry.

“Excellent, so then, if I ask another favor of you, you will oblige me.”

She smiled. “Depends on the favor.”

“When you are finished at the Rothman’s I’m telling you to give up your crusade, once and for all.”

Frowning, she met the determined look in his eyes. “What? But you just said you think what I’m doing is righteous,” she blustered.

“Again, I reiterate,” he said with a scowl, “it is, but it is not safe. Since your brother-in-law cannot convince you of it, I plan on doing so.”

She lifted her brow. “But James hired those men to travel with me.” She sniffed and added, “As I said earlier, I am perfectly safe.”

“You think those two buffoons are the reason you’re safe?” he asked. At her slight nod he added, “Every time you’ve gone off in the coach with your bodyguards, the only reason they stay sober is because I’ve been tailing your coach, and they know it.”

“Of all the nerve…” she sputtered. Then, leaning further away from him she looked down her nose at him. “I will continue my life as I have been doing and there’s nothing you can do to convince me to stop.”

“If I have to take your coach away, I can—I will,” he said coolly.

“That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard,” she announced. “And you think you can get away with that, do you?”

Uncrossing his arms from his chest, he swiveled to face her. “I do.”

“How, pray tell? Even if you use your strength and authority to take it, I can always purchase another coach, or hire one from someone.”

“You will not, because if you do I will toast your delectable bottom, with my hand, Scarlet.”

Scarlet gulped, her eyes widening on him as she examined his face. “You…you cannot be serious,” she gasped, even at the same time wondering how she ever thought him reasonable and gentle.

“Do not doubt me. I am deadly serious.”

She tried staring him down but finally lifted her chin and looked away. His hand settled on her chin and she stiffened her neck in order not to look at him, but he was much stronger as he turned her face to him.

“Tell me you will stop.”

Fury unlike any she’d ever felt engulfed her, and she jerked her chin from his grasp, rose and bounced to the seat across from him. Under her breath she murmured a simple “No.”

He growled, yes, growled at her. “You were warned.”

He leaned forward with his long arms, grasped her waist and settled her with remarkable ease face down across his knees.

Scarlet couldn’t believe his intentions—couldn’t believe this wasn’t a mere threat. He meant to spank her!

“Stop!” She shouted, then, “Help me, driver! Stop the coach!” Kicking her legs up and down, she squirmed to try and escape his hold on her. but it was futile. He had his left arm in the middle of her back, holding her down, and had trapped her legs between his.

“He won’t stop unless I tell him to,” the duke said between gritted teeth, even as he smacked his hand across the center of her buttocks.

Deep humiliation swept through her, even though she hadn’t really felt any pain, for all her skirts. “You brute!” she protested. “How dare you.”

He smacked her again and again. Finally, she settled down when she realized she couldn’t escape his hold, and wasn’t feeling much of anything, anyway, so she would just be mute and let him finish his dastardly deed. Once she was free of him, she’d bring charges of assault against him, she decided.

She lay there, limp over his lap.

She had lost count of how many times he’d spanked her but finally, she found her voice. “Please,” she managed to whisper. “Please, your grace, stop.”

“I see I have your attention now.”

“I can’t believe you…that you…,” she said, her voice wavering, unable to complete the sentence.

“That I disciplined you? Yes, I dared, and you deserved this reprimand, and more, if you don’t stop this dangerous behavior.”

With that he quickly pulled her up to sit on his lap.

She sniffed, wiped her tears but wouldn’t look at him—she couldn’t. She felt humiliated and unbelieving that this man she thought was so understanding and gentle would do this to her. She’d never been spanked in her life—never—and she didn’t want to be again. But the longer she sat on his lap, gaining control over her body, the more she longed to stay there, even as a tingling sensation seeped into the very center of her womanhood.

She frowned, wondering what in the world was wrong with her, as a quivering, sweet sensation overwhelmed her.

She nuzzled her nose against his chest and he settled his chin on her head. She sighed, enjoying his comfort, until anger rose in her once more as she thought about what he’d done. She couldn’t give up her crusade. It was a part of her life that was simply too important to her, yet she had no desire to be disciplined by him again. She’d make him believe that she’d given up, and promised herself to be quiet about her crusade in future.

Moving off his chest she lifted her gaze to him, met the gentle look in his eyes. The longer she looked at him, she saw another expression there as well—wariness and pain.

“After this job, I promise I will quit,” she intoned with no expression in her voice, keeping her face blank, and crossing her fingers behind her back.

He seemed to slump in the seat, obviously relieved. “Thank you, sweet Scarlet. I apologize for disciplining you, but I couldn’t find another way to convince you that your safety is that important to me.”

“I understand,” she murmured, keeping her anger in check. Oh, he would pay for this.

Hugh watched her expressionless face and knew he hadn’t convinced her to give up her sleuthing; knew that it would take a few more of these sessions over his knee, and if they didn’t work, he wasn’t certain what would. She was a headstrong woman used to being in control of her own life, but no more, for he’d found the love of his life and meant to marry her. But now wasn’t the time to ask for her hand. He had business back home at the estate in Scotland for the next month, yet his hired man, Godfrey, would keep an eye on Scarlet, unbeknownst to her, of course.

This disciplinary session he hadn’t enjoyed, but she had the build of a woman meant for breeding, meant to provide heirs—for him. He looked forward to when he made her his wife so that they could enjoy many conjugal moments of bliss, including a bit of playful paddling. For as far back as he could remember, spanking a woman was truly delightful. He’d spanked a fair number of women in life, including a few mistresses, but a wife was a completely different matter.

“But if I’m not helping these women, what am I to do with my time?” she asked, biting her lip, her gaze on her lap.

He settled her on the seat beside him but kept her snugly against his body. “I’m certain you have many talents that you don’t know of, but will soon discover them now that you will have the time.”

“Perhaps,” she said softly, finally looking up into his eyes.

“I am certain you will. Now then, I will be away from London for a month, and will reside at my home in Scotland. I will see you upon my return, agreed?”

She nodded. “Of course.” She gave him a small smile. “I wish you well in your travels home. I assume you have family there?”

“I do. A young sister and her husband reside with me. I’ll tell you more about them upon my return.”

The coach stopped, and Scarlet glimpsed the Rothman’s manor out her window. “Well, that was a short journey.”

“Time passed too quickly, in my opinion. I had thought to perhaps steal a kiss, which would have been decidedly better use of my time, than spanking you.”

“Don’t remind me,” she said.

He heard the grudging tone in her voice and raised his brow. “I am hoping you don’t require a reminder. Know that I will be keeping any eye on you and your behavior, while I’m gone.”

She scoffed, “What? Are you going to spy on me?”


Her eyes widened, and he smiled. “I take you at your word that you will not take on any more jobs after the Rothman’s. You can keep a promise, can’t you? Or do you require another reminder?”

“No! Yes, I mean, yes, I can keep my promise.”

Scarlet saw his eyes darken with passion as he leaned toward her, angling his head, his gaze dipping to her mouth. Oh, heavens! She’d awakened the beast in him, she supposed, but she wanted his kiss. No! She was furious with him, yet her body seemed to betray her when he slid an arm around her waist, taking possession of her, and pulled her closer to him, at the same time his lips pressed against hers.

Feelings, unlike any she had ever felt before, tore through her. She felt her body quivering as he kept his lips on hers and went limp when she felt his tongue parting them.

His lips were cool, smooth and heavenly, and she never wanted him to stop. Within too short a time, he ended the kiss, released his arm from around her and she caught his gaze filled with desire. Somehow, power and confidence filled Scarlet. She’d been kissed before, but never like this. It was apparent the kiss had consumed and pleasured him as much as it had her.

“That was…interesting,” he murmured.

“Interesting, as in good or…” she bravely started.

“As in very, very good,” he stated firmly as he released her. “I’d much rather please you and myself than discipline you,” he drawled.

He stared at her, even as he opened the coach door and came around to her side. Hugh took her hand with a broad smile and eased her outside to stand before him in the Rothman’s drive.

Scarlet had unbuttoned her coat before the dreaded spanking, and as she reached for the first button he brushed her hands aside and quickly performed the task. Her hands hung limply at her sides as she gazed up at him, his scent made her feel dizzy. When he finished he brushed a swift kiss on her lips then pulled her arm through his and lead her to the Rothman’s front door.