Chapter 4

“Anna, I must admit, your boys are the most challenging children I’ve ever encountered, but very dear to me. I don’t need an evening away from them. Thank you.”


“No buts about it. You go ahead with your husband to the Granger’s holiday ball next Saturday evening. I’ll be fine here with the boys.”

“Hazel, our head housekeeper, has offered to stay with the boys for that night. You are coming with William and I and that is my final word on this.” Anna took Scarlet’s hand and added, “You’ve worked too hard over the past few weeks and deserve an evening of frivolity. Besides, Margaret Granger informed me she had sent you an invitation as well, but you replied you couldn’t attend. But now you can, no excuses. Besides, you’ve been here nearly two months and have attended only a few social events.”

Scarlet smiled. “You are right. I haven’t been to a ball this season yet. You don’t happen to know who all will be in attendance, do you?”

“As a matter of fact, Margaret shared her guest list with me.”

Listening as Anna rattled off a host of names, mostly eligible bachelors, Scarlet noticed dryly, her heart sped up when Anna said the Duke of Danescliffe. Hugh would be there! Of course, he would. He was very eligible, desirable—a fine catch for a woman.

Immediately, her mind started going through the gowns in her closet and she thought about the sapphire blue cut velvet she had yet to wear; a gift from her grandfather shortly before his death. It would be perfect for the occasion.

Scarlet smiled at her friend when Anna finally took a breath, and said, “My time here is almost done, you know.”

Anna gave Scarlet a sheepish smile. “You know, you were right about William.”

Scarlet raised her brow at her pretty, long-time friend. “Right about what?”

“About how I mustn’t devote so much time to the children at the expense of ignoring my husband.” Anna’s cheeks grew pinker as she covertly glanced around the room. “He’s come to my room several times over the past few weeks, and we’ve...well...we’ve been...” She sighed in bliss. “Our time together has been as wonderful as just after we first married. And now I truly believe that he loves me and was only stepping out with his friends because I wasn’t giving him the time and attention he needed.”

“I’m so glad,” Scarlet replied, her own cheeks feeling warm.

Some of her work involved learning about personal, even intimate things, between a husband and wife. Anna had been forthcoming about her and William’s marital problems. Their three sons, aged four to seven, were overly rambunctious and therefore occupied much of Anna’s time. The couple had taken to separate bedrooms since their youngest tended to sleep between them. Soon William found himself replaced by his son and ended up many nights sleeping in a guest bedroom.

Weeks would pass, Anna had said, without her husband asserting his marital rights. She had been hurt by this, with no idea how to approach him, not realizing that her rapt attention on their children could be the problem. He had grown so distant that he spent most evenings away at his men’s club.

Within a few weeks of Scarlet’s arrival to take the boys in hand, the relationship between husband and wife had repaired itself. The two were again sharing the same bedroom.

“I must admit I am worried, though, about the new governess who’ll take your place when you go.”

“Oh, no need to worry. You saw how the boys took to Mrs. McCarty from the moment they met her.”

“Yes, I did. You were right. Since the boys don’t have grandparents, Mrs. McCarty is the perfect substitute. She is rather lovely, isn’t she?”

“She’s absolutely perfect.”

Millicent McCarty was a godsend as far as Scarlet was concerned. She’d started seeking a permanent governess to replace her almost as soon as she arrived. When her sister said their aging cook, Millicent, was looking for work that wouldn’t include cooking, Scarlet immediately thought she would be wonderful with the Rothman children. Tomorrow was her last day working in the Rothman household. She looked forward to returning to her own home, but she knew it wouldn’t be long before another wife came knocking on her door, wanting her to snoop on her suspicious husband.

She admitted, though, she was reluctant to accept another position—and not simply because Hugh demanded her not to—and after much careful thinking, she wasn’t certain she wanted to cross that line with him again. He’d been furious and disappointed in her. Also, she sensed he was falling in love with her. She sighed. She wanted love, passion, romance and marriage in her life—but was uncertain about her feelings for Hugh. Would he be the absolute disciplinarian in their household? She sensed he would, and that his word was law, and final. But she was an able-thinking, smart woman and used to making her own decisions in life. Could she really follow his rules?

Initially, she was ready to file a complaint to the police, but upon some investigation and speaking confidentially with her attorney, who was shocked when she confessed the details of the event, but pragmatic, it was uncertain whether the law would actually side with her. Especially when Hugh could very well site that she was in danger if she continued, and he was just trying to keep her safe.

Hugh returned to Edinburgh to attend to estate business. He’d been gone from London five weeks already, and still had much to do. Each week, he braced himself for a report from his man, Godfrey, who would send news on Scarlet. He was pleased to hear, thus far, she’d not taken any other positions, and he knew soon she’d be leaving the Rothman’s. There was still time for her to accept another position, if offered, though. Even though he’d be disappointed, scared for her and furious if she did, he had to admit turning her over his knee once more would be a welcomed diversion.

Just thinking about turning her plumb buttocks pink again made his cock harden.

That evening, as he sat down to dinner with Victoria, he was surprised to see her husband, Jeremy.

“Surprised to see you here, Jeremy,” Hugh drawled, “it’s been a month since you joined us at the dinner table.”

Jeremy dropped his fork, and Hugh saw color flush Jeremy’s cheeks.

“Is there some problem me being here for dinner, your grace?”

“Now, Jeremy…” Victoria chided.

Jeremy glared at her. “Do not patronize me, dear wife. My question is not for you.”

Victoria’s eyes flashed in anger, but she bit her lip and didn’t reply.

Hugh snapped, “Yes, I do have a problem with it.” He tossed his linen napkin on the table. “You should spend every night with your wife, not just an occasional one. The two of you are newlyweds, for God’s sake, yet you behave as though you have been married for years!”

Jeremy scrambled from his chair and swept an errant blonde lock of hair back from his forehead, his face screwed up in rage. “Maybe if you weren’t here each evening, I would spend more time with Victoria!”

“What are you saying? Are you accusing me of keeping you away from your wife, is that it? Or is this just a different excuse than the last one you used? And need I remind you this is my home, not yours?”

“No reminders are necessary, your grace,” Jeremy snarled. “Just seeing you each day is reminder enough.”

Jeremy turned on his heel and started to leave.

Victoria started after him, pleading, “Please, Jeremy, don’t leave.”

He paused, his back to her. “Then come with me. I want to show you something, anyway.”

She caught up with him. He took her hand and they left the dining room.

Hugh watched the two of them head down the hallway, then he heard the front door slam shut. Anger simmered inside him. How dare that young pup make him feel guilty! But he shouldn’t have damaged the young man’s pride. Something was different about Jeremy in the last few days. He was around more often, and more attentive to Victoria. If Jeremy had had a mistress, then they must have parted ways, was all Hugh could figure.

Later, Hugh sat in the library at his desk, looking over the estate accounts when someone knocked on the door. “Come in,” he called.

Victoria entered, looking angry. She stopped directly before him and jammed her hands on her hips. “Thanks to you, Jeremy is spending the night at White’s and won’t return until morning. Why did you say those things to him? You hurt his pride, Hugh.”

Hugh sighed as he stood up and ambled around his desk. He took her shoulders in his hands, kissed her forehead, and released her. “You are right. Tomorrow, I shall apologize to him. I admit my feelings were honest, however. I was surprised to see him as he’s been gone nearly every night for the past several weeks.”

Her frown dissipated, and a small smile formed on her lips. “He has, and tonight he revealed where he’s been.”

Raising his brow, he leaned back against his desk and waited to hear her news.

“We took a coach ride to his family’s estate, about an hour’s drive from here. Have you ever been to Hawthorne Place, Hugh?”

Hugh nodded. “Several years ago. It is a vast holding.”

“Well, Jeremy has taken up his father’s offer to accept the land that is his rightful due and build a home for us on it.”

“Won’t that be rather close to the Hawthorne estate and his father for Jeremy?”

“Actually, the house will be constructed on the farthest west corner of the estate.” She grinned. “Jeremy and I sat down with his father for over two hours and discussed this. I am so excited, and cannot wait to move into my new home, though I know it’ll be some time for it to be built.”

“Have things been so bad for you here, Victoria?” Hugh asked quietly, even as a dull ache settled in his heart. He had never lived alone before, and now, with Victoria leaving, the dreadful feeling of being alone encompassed him. It made him want to go out and find himself a suitable wife—and set up his nursery. He was thirty, plenty old enough to do so, yet he couldn’t think of a woman to marry that would suit him—with one exception—Scarlet Warden.

True, society would chide him for marrying a commoner, but he didn’t care. It was his life to do what he wished. Then he realized, with all his heart, he wished to marry her because he believed he was in love—for the first time in his life. Yes, he would marry the sleuthing Miss Warden, whom he’d convinced not to sleuth any more.

“Oh, Hugh! You’ve been good to us, even Jeremy cannot deny it. It’s just that his pride won’t allow him to be too gracious toward you.”

Hugh thought over her comments and excuses about Jeremy. While all of this news sounded plausible, none of it excused the fact Jeremy had been often gone of late. He initially thought, upon hearing this news, he would not pursue any investigation. But then, if he didn’t, he wouldn’t have any excuse for Scarlet to live with him.

The idea of having her come to his home and sleuth on the young couple had come to him in the middle of the night. What better excuse to keep her safe and under his roof, he mused? Not only would Jeremy be under her scrutiny, to protect his sister, in case of his wrong-doing, but it would give Hugh time to pursue the woman he believed he loved.

“How long before you leave then?” he asked.

“Not until next spring, at the soonest, I imagine. Oh! Jeremy asked me if you could recommend an architect.”

Hugh nodded. “Ask Jeremy to come and speak to me tomorrow on it. I have a few recommendations. By the way,” he waved at the chair positioned in front of the desk, “have a seat, Victoria. I’d like to discuss something else with you.”

She sat down in the chair near his desk and looked at him curiously. “Why I don’t think I’ve ever heard you so somber, Hugh. What is it?”

He scowled. “I think it’s time we found you a new lady’s maid.”

Her eyes widened. “And put poor Gretchen out like a horse to pasture? She’s been with me since childhood, Hugh. I couldn’t do that.”

“No, I don’t mean to rid you of your beloved Gretchen, but I’d like you take a certain woman under your tutelage and teach her proper etiquette and dress. I cannot think of a better place for this woman to learn these things than by working as your maid.”

Victoria grinned. “Now that sounds rather implausible, especially since I’d think a lady’s maid would know about those things. Is this someone you are interested in personally?”

“Hardly. She’s a commoner and not at all my type. No, a lady’s maid is at your beck and call to assist you in dressing and undressing, bathing and perhaps helping you with your hair. She wouldn’t necessarily know about etiquette and dress for herself.”

“Hmm, perhaps not for herself, as you say, but why this woman?” Victoria inquired.

“She is the sister of a friend and he’d like her married since she’s on the verge of spinsterhood. But she requires some finishing touches is all. And since you are always the belle of the ball, I thought you could help her.”

“Does the woman know and approve of this arrangement?”

“No. Her brother has asked me to ask the woman to be your maid, and not let on about helping her with dress and etiquette since it would embarrass her.”

“Yes, I can see it would.” Victoria frowned. “Somehow, deceiving her doesn’t feel right, but it sounds like it’s a worthy cause.”

Hugh thought her words an understatement. He was not comfortable deceiving both his sister and Scarlet, but it couldn’t be helped. Scarlet would believe she’s helping Victoria by spying on Jeremy, while Victoria believed she would be helping Scarlet with dress and deportment, which would enhance her chances at securing a husband.

Meanwhile, Hugh planned on wooing Scarlet into marrying him while living in his household.

“Who is this lady?”

“Scarlet Warden.” Hugh nearly laughed aloud at the astonished look on Victoria’s face.

“Why, I know about Miss Warden, the ‘sleuth’ of London. She is notorious and a commoner, correct?”

He did laugh then. “She’s more of a lady than any high-born, blue stocking woman I’ve ever known, yet her brother-in-law believes she requires some advice. Will you help me?”

“Of course! I’m looking forward to meeting her.”

“Excellent, then she shall be moving in with us in a fortnight.”

Hugh made his plans to leave Edinburgh shortly, and would soon return with Scarlet. He had also learned Scarlet would be attending the Granger Ball with the Rothman’s, which would afford him an opportunity to begin wooing her.

On Saturday, William and Anna Rothman arrived at Scarlet’s home, on their way to the Granger Ball. Nothing would keep Scarlet away, now that she had heard Hugh would be attending. Would he be by himself, though, she couldn’t help but wonder?

“You look stunning, Miss Warden,” William Rothman said as he extended his hand and eased her from his coach. Grinning, he crooked his arms for his wife to take one, and Scarlet the other, and proudly escorted them up the stairs and inside the Granger’s mansion.

A fine layer of snow had fallen during the day, and the temperature had plummeted as evening arrived. Scarlet wore the sapphire blue gown with silver slippers on her feet. Thankfully, the Granger’s had set down a long carpeting from the front drive of their home to the entrance of the house so the guests’ feet would stay warm and dry upon entering their home.

Scarlet’s eyes widened on the number of guests who had already arrived. A hundred, at least. Her heart plummeted. How would she ever find Hugh in this crowd? A woman couldn’t gallivant around the ballroom, looking for people, after all. No, she would be obliged to sit with Anna and her husband and wait for Hugh to find her.

“I’ll fetch us some champagne, ladies, if you will excuse me?” William Rothman said.

“Of course, darling,” Anna said with a dimpled smile.

Scarlet lifted her hand to her lips to conceal her smile. Lord, but the two of them were smitten as newlyweds!

As she sat beside Anna, she smiled and nodded at acquaintances then felt something fall on her upswept hair. Reaching up, she swept her hand over her hair, came away with a pink rose petal and she dropped it to the floor. Looking up, she wondered from where the paper had fallen since there were no decorations hanging from the ceiling. Then her gaze caught a man standing on the second floor, grinning down at her from the balcony, a partially denuded pink rose in his hand.

Hugh! She grinned in return, even as he opened his hand and more petals fluttered down to her.

Her grin deepened at his playful antics and her heart raced when he pulled away from the balcony. She followed his big frame as he strode over to the stairs and took them down to the first floor, two at a time. His long-legged gait was confident and smooth and Scarlet noticed how people followed his movements.

Heat flooded her cheeks when she thought about how he’d spanked her in his coach, and how she couldn’t forgive him, but she had, seeing and understanding his reasoning. But if there were a next time she’d insist in discussing the problem, and only using physical punishment as a last resort. But then she thought about how her buttocks had felt afterwards; recalled the wet sensation between her legs and believed perhaps another spanking wouldn’t be so bad.

Anna gasped beside her. “Oh, Scarlet! Look! Isn’t that the Duke of Danescliffe?”

“Yes,” Scarlet said faintly, watching Hugh draw closer as he dodged easily between the guests. She noted how his gaze never left her face, saw his endearing smile for her.

“Have your card ready,” Anna said under her breath.

Then Hugh reached them. He stopped abruptly in front of her, presented a dashing bow. “Pardon my manners, ladies, but your dance card, Miss Warden, please?”

Embarrassment flooded Scarlet as she handed him her card for not a man had signed it yet. But then, she reasoned, she had only arrived. She watched him as he proceeded to write…and write…and write. He gave her back her card and she saw his scrawled signature beside every dance. Tears blurred his signature then and she sniffed, wondering at this man and his ways. He could be arrogant and bossy in one moment, then kind and protective in the next.

William returned at that moment with three glasses of champagne. Hugh reached out and rescued one from him and gave it to Scarlet. He looked at William and nodded. “Rothman.”

“Your grace,” William murmured and extended his hand.

The two men shook hands and then Hugh said, “Hope you don’t mind, but I won’t be visiting with you this evening, or anyone else that for that matter.”

William’s brow shot up. “Is that a fact?”

“It is,” Anna said with a laugh. “His Grace will be very busy this evening for he has signed every one of the dances on Scarlet’s card.”

“Well, bloody hell, you didn’t even leave one for me?” William joked.

“Sorry, not a one,” Hugh said with no regret. Music started playing and he reached down and gently pulled Scarlet to her feet, handing her glass to William. “Come, Miss Warden. This is my dance, I believe.”

She laughed as he whisked her out onto the floor.

“I prayed you wouldn’t hold a grudge against me, so your happiness at the sight of me has brought me immense relief.” Then, ducking his head, he whispered, “I should have controlled my anger with you and found another way to deal with you. My apologies.”

Biting her lip, she looked at the sincere expression on his face and nodded. “You are forgiven, your grace. I admit, initially, I spoke with my solicitor about what had happened and was advised to obey you and to let this go. My solicitor informed me you are a wise man, and was only looking out for my welfare. It took me a few weeks to believe that, understand it, but I think he was correct in his summation.”

He raised his brow in surprise. “Do I happen to know your solicitor?”

She nodded. “Likely, since everyone knows Maynard Gandt.”

Hugh grinned. “Of course, everyone knows your esteemed solicitor. You are lucky to have him, you know. He’s not easy to retain.”

“He’d been a friend of my grandfather, so I’ve known him all my life, and know that he is a truly sensible man.”

“As you appear to be a sensible woman,” he praised.

He swung her into a waltz then, smiling the entire time. She couldn’t recall when she’d last danced with a charming man such as Hugh, but she enjoyed every dance, until the end of the evening. At two in the morning, finally, the orchestra played the last song.

There were very few guests on the floor, except for Scarlet and Hugh, and two other couples. The dancing had turned into a competition of sorts, Scarlet saw, especially when the last two couples left Scarlet and Hugh as the only couple on the floor. The music ended, and applause resounded in the ballroom.

Scarlet looked around the edge of the dance floor where several guests applauded them.

Hugh looked chagrinned. “It seems we won at something.” He led her from the floor and to another room where he retrieved their coats.

As he tucked her into her black cloak and she pulled her gloves from her pocket, she watched him shrug into his own woolen coat. Hugh snatched up his gloves and top hat, then took her hand and pulled her from the room, allowing other guests to retrieve their belongings. It seemed everyone was leaving at the same time.

Suddenly, Melanie Ashworth appeared in front of Scarlet. The young woman grasped her hand and whispered in her ear.

Scarlet listened intently, then disappointment crossed her visage. It seemed Melanie’s husband had been staying out nights, all night, for the past several weeks and was asking for Scarlet’s help.

Hugh, a scowl on his face, sauntered over to them. “Is there a problem?” he inquired.

Scarlet saw Melanie’s face turned a brilliant red and she sighed. “Why don’t I come to your home tomorrow, late morning, shall we say? And we can discuss this further, in privacy?”

Melanie nodded quickly. “Thank you, Miss Warden. I do appreciate it.”

Scarlet watched Melanie rush away, and then cringed inwardly at Hugh’s words.

“You are not sleuthing for her, Scarlet. Remember our bargain.”

“Bargain!” Scarlet snapped. “We had no bargain. You chose to dictate to me.”

Hugh looked around swiftly, grasped her arm and dragged her outside. He hustled her over to his coach waiting for him, and lifted her inside, then slammed the door. Leaning into the window, he asked, “What happened to the sensible woman I spoke with and danced with all evening?”

“I came with the Rothmans and they will be looking for me.”

“Not for long,” he snarled, then tore from the coach just as the Rothmans were leaving.

Before Scarlet could lift her skirts to leave the coach the Rothmans were waving to her and calling good night. Then Hugh entered the coach again and settled down on the seat across from her.

“That’s settled now, madam. Explain the change of heart.”

“I can, at the very least, listen to the poor woman. Can’t I?”

Hugh growled. “Just listen, advise, but absolutely no sleuthing. Understood? Besides, you’re committed to me shortly.”

She sighed. “All right, I’ll listen to what she has to say, and perhaps I’ll come to another solution for the poor woman, but I could certainly help her out for this next week before we leave for your home in Scotland.”

He replied a simple, “No,” then looked out the window.

Disappointment set in and she shivered. He was angry with her, but then again, she was none too happy with him, either. Perhaps it was best he sat across instead of beside her. She forced herself to look out the window and pretend his aloofness now didn’t bother her.

“It’s because you are too tempting, my dear,” he murmured.

She turned to him and frowned. “I beg your pardon?”

He sighed, leaned forward, and grasped her hand. “I’m sitting across from you and not beside you because you tempt me too much. I am very much afraid my thoughts are far from gentlemanly at the moment. I want to kiss you, thoroughly…and more.”

Her words trembled as they slid from her mouth. “I want you to kiss me. Thoroughly.”

“I am very afraid I wouldn’t stop with just a kiss.”

Her eyes went wide. “Oh.” She gave him a thoughtful look and added, “Then perhaps…you had better take me home quickly.”

He knocked on the roof and called out the Rothman’s address to his driver.

The coach started then, and Scarlet found his dark-eyed gaze still on her. Something was bothering him, she decided. He was so serious now when he’d been in the best of spirits all evening. Perhaps she shouldn’t have danced with him every dance. Heavens, she had never cared for society and its silly rules.

He seemed unsettled and quiet since they left the Granger’s home, and because she’d agreed to not sleuth for Miss Ashworth, she knew he was over that. Had he regretted showing so much attention to a common woman like her? Then she thought about how she would begin her position in his household next week, to which she’d readily agreed.

“Perhaps it wouldn’t be a good idea for me to start working for you next week after all,” she said softly.

With a deep scowl, he said, “Oh, no, you don’t, Miss Warden. You will not wheedle your way out of this agreement between us. I need you.”

“Yes, to find out if your brother-in-law is being unfaithful to your sister.” At his nod, she added, “I saw them together this evening and they seemed to behave as though they loved each other.”

“They did, which puzzles me since Jeremy’s been away from the house more than he’s been in. Frankly, it makes me even more suspicious of him.”

“Then you do want me to spy on him still?”

“Absolutely. I shall send a coach for you at the end of next week. Make sure you pack enough every day clothing.”

“Every day?” she asked, confused.

“No need bringing along any fancy clothing. My sister will wonder why her new lady’s maid is dressed better than her mistress.”

“I understand. Explain to me in more detail about your sister and her husband.”

“They reside with me. Victoria is nineteen, young, beautiful, vivacious and utterly in love with her husband, whom I believe has been unfaithful to her.”

“Nineteen, yes, she is young.”

“And so is her husband, Jeremy Porter.”

“Ah,” she said, “the former Earl of Edgemont.”

“The one and only. He did not take his departure from his home well.”

“I imagine having his elder brother return after being gone for several years, believed to have died, might have some reason for it.”

“Yes, Edward Porter, while in Scotland, had taken quite a fall, and in the midst of the highlands where no one knew him. He had lost all memory of his identity, for three years. Jeremy, being the second son, had gotten quite used to the idea of becoming the future ‘lord of the manor’.

“May I ask why they live with you? Has he no holdings of his own?”

“He does, but he declined accepting them. Not only has his pride hurt himself and his father, he has made my life miserable having to move in with me. I couldn’t, after all, leave my sister homeless.”

“Your grace? I think it’s time your brother-in-law learns to care for himself and his wife, don’t you?”

“Absolutely. If I knew the man had any prospects at making a life at anything, I’d toss him out on his bloody ear, but he doesn’t appear that he does.”

“Why do you believe he’s being unfaithful to your sister?”

“I’ve heard talk at my club, of which he is also a member.”

“Anything substantiated?”

Hugh shook his head. “Unfortunately, no, which is why I’d like you to spend some time sleuthing for me.”

“Do you want your sister to be rid of Jeremy then?”

Frowning, Hugh said, “Personally, yes. I don’t happen to feel he’s good enough for her.”

“Then why did you allow her to marry him?”

He gave her a sheepish look. “I’ve raised Victoria from the age of ten, after our parents passed away suddenly. I guess I was never able to deny her anything. And she wanted Jeremy.”

“Did Jeremy…”

“Want her?” At her nod he said, “That’s what I would like to truly know. I have a feeling being aligned with my family name had something to do with his marriage proposal.”

“Ah, he likely was looking to acquire wealth then?”

“No, as I mentioned earlier, he has plenty of money of his own, but he has, thus far, refused to accept it from his father. I believe he wants the notoriety of my family name and prestige of being married to my sister, to aid him in getting into the finest clubs, among other things.”

“But, how does he support himself and Victoria?”

“Thankfully, upon his maternal grandmother’s recent demise, he accepted his inheritance from her.” Dryly, he added, “Though upon that acceptance, that’s when he seemed to go astray.”

“If you discover he has been unfaithful, will Victoria divorce him, do you think?”

“No. It would make her quite unhappy. As I said, she loves the foolish man. Yet I cannot stand by while he dallies with others. I want to know the truth of the matter, catch him if I can, and try and convince him he’d best stay true to Victoria.”

“I see. Do you believe he loves her?”

“As much as he’s able, I suppose. He’s been quite the pampered younger son all of his life and has a tendency to think highly of himself.”

“Have you spoken to your sister about any of this?”

“I wanted evidence first before approaching her.”

“Won’t she wonder why I’m living in your household?”

“Yes, she will, but I certainly cannot tell her the truth, now can I?”

“Why not?”

“It would be utterly humiliating for her.”

“But I have never received that reaction from other women whom I have helped.”

“Those women wanted your help,” he reminded her. “Victoria would put up a bloody fuss, if I told her the truth.” He gave her a long, thoughtful look, his gaze moving swiftly over her body. “I have an idea as to what to tell her about your presence in my home, but I cannot tell you for fear of you slipping up and letting her know. Trust me on this, won’t you?”

His grin widened as he took her gloved hand in his and kissed it, his dark eyes steadily on hers—intimate.

Could she trust him? After a second’s thought only, she knew she could. “I do—trust you.” She groaned then, “Let us hope, for your sister’s sake, that Jeremy is innocent. They’ve only been married a short time, isn’t that right?”

“Six months. Believe me. I want him to be innocent as much as you do.”

“Just a thought, but has your sister heard of me and my reputation for spying? And if she has, wouldn’t she think it strange that I would be working as her maid.”

“You don’t know my sister. She is somewhat flighty and prone to only involving herself with people of means and in high society. No, I’m certain she’s never heard of you before.”

“What happened to your sister’s past lady’s maid?”

“Gretchen is eighty years old, and will still be attending Victoria, as she can. She is very frail now and cannot be on her feet for long. With Victoria’s many social engagements, she will need your assistance. And in between, you will spy on Jeremy.”

They arrived at Scarlet’s home. Just as the coach stopped, Hugh exited, came around to her side, and assisted her down. At her door, he stood over her in the cold, his eyes sparkling down at her. She was glad to see his humor had returned.

“So, then, tomorrow you’ll be meeting with Miss Ashworth?” At her nod, he added, “Guidance only, no sleuthing, Miss Warden,” he advised once more.

“Of course.”


She sighed. “Yes, though my words won’t be helpful to her, you know.”

“That’s all I’ll allow, unless you’d rather another trip over my knees?”

Scarlet felt heat in her face and murmured, “No, your grace.”

He gave her a satisfied look and nodded. “Well, then, a good night to you. It turned out to be a delightful evening.”

She curtsied prettily. “Thank you, your grace.”

“Hugh. Try it,” he said softly, gathering her into his arms.

Scarlet tilted her head back and whispered, “Hugh.”

Leaning down he gently kissed her lips and heat coursed through her body when she felt the hand he’d wound around her waist to pull her close slide intimately over her bottom. After a thorough kiss, he released her, then reached out and knocked on the door. Immediately, it opened, and a maid swept to one side to allow Scarlet to enter.

Scarlet picked up her skirts and entered her house. Once inside, she turned to Hugh with a smile. Softly, she said, “I feel like a princess newly arrived home from a ball. I had a wonderful time, Hugh.”

He took her gloved hand. Leaning over, he kissed it. Then he released her, tipped his top hat to her, then left. She watched his long stride easily cross the snow-covered walk and he paused at his coach door and looked at her.

“Remember now, I’ll fetch you in a fortnight.”

Before she could reply, he opened the coach, vaulted inside, slamming the door behind him.

A tiny voice inside her warned her to be careful around the Duke. He could easily break her heart.