Sean Adams
History Department, University of Florida
energy and politics
Patrick Allitt
Department of History, Emory University
religion and politics since 1945
John Ashworth
School of American and Canadian Studies, University of Nottingham
Democratic Party, 1828–60
Dean Baker
Center for Economic Policy and Research, Washington, D.C
economy and politics since 1970
Paula Baker
Department of History, Ohio State University
campaign law and finance to 1900;
campaign law and finance since 1900
James M. Banner Jr.
National History Center
Federalist Party
Lois Banner
Department of History, University of Southern California
Kyle Barbieri
Hillsborough Community College and Polk Community College, Florida
Republican Party, 1968–2008 (coauthor)
Stephen Bates
Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies, University of Nevada-Las Vegas
political advertising
David H. Bennett
Department of History, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Edward D. Berkowitz
Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University
Social Security
Frederick J. Blue
Department of History (emeritus), Youngstown State University
Free Soil Party
Stuart M. Blumin
Department of History, Cornell University
antiparty sentiment
Matthew Bowman
Department of History, Georgetown University
conservative third parties since the New Deal;
Electoral College; inaugural addresses of U.S.
presidents; Libertarian Party; party nominating
Amy Bridges
Department of Political Science, University of California-San Diego
cities and politics
Stephen Brooks
Department of Political Science, University of Windsor
foreign observers of U.S. politics
Joshua Brown
American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning, Graduate Center, City University of New York
W. Elliot Brownlee
Department of History, University of California-Santa Barbara
taxation since 1913
Frank M. Bryan
Department of Political Science, University of Vermont
New England
Richard Buel Jr.
Department of History (emeritus), Wesleyan University
War of 1812
Paul Buhle
Departments of History and American Civilization, Brown University
Charles W. Calhoun
Department of History, East Carolina University
Republican Party to 1896
Christopher Capozzola
Department of History, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
World War I
Daniel Carpenter
Department of Government, Harvard University
Robert W. Cherny
Department of History, San Francisco State University
the Great Plains; the Pacific Coast
Elisabeth S. Clemens
Department of Sociology, University of Chicago
interest groups
Dorothy Sue Cobble
Department of Labor and Employment Relations, Rutgers University
women and politics, 1920–70
Michael Cornfield
Graduate School of Political Management, George Washington University
Internet and politics
Edward Countryman
Department of History, Southern Methodist University
colonial legacy
Matthew J. Countryman
Department of History, University of Michigan
race and politics since 1933
Douglas Craig
School of Social Sciences, Australian National University
radio and politics
Joe Creech
Lilly Fellows Program and Christ College, Honors College of Valparaiso University
religion and politics, 1865–1945
Joseph Crespino
Department of History, Emory University
South since 1877, the
Donald T. Critchlow
Department of History, Saint Louis University
conservatism (coauthor)
Elliott Currie
Department of Criminology Law, and Society, University of California-Irvine
John Patrick Diggins, deceased
Graduate Center, City University of New York
liberal consensus and American exceptionalism
John Dinan
Department of Political Science, Wake Forest University
state constitutions
Ellen Carol DuBois
Department of History University of California-Los Angeles
woman suffrage
Gerald Early
American Culture Studies, Washington University in St. Louis
popular music and politics
Max M. Edling
Department of History, Uppsala University
Constitution, federal
Rebecca Edwards
Department of History, Vassar College
gender and sexuality
Robin L. Einhorn
Department of History, University of California-Berkeley
taxation to 1913
Richard E. Ellis
Department of History, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Democratic Party, 1800–28
Nicole Etcheson
Department of History, Ball State University
Midwest, the
Michael W. FIamm
Department of History, Ohio Wesleyan University
conservative ascendancy, 1980–2008
Maureen A. Flanagan
Department of History, Michigan State University
progressivism and the Progressive Era, 1890s-1920
Anne L. Foster
Department of History, Indiana State University
Spanish-American War and Filipino Insurrection
Steve Fraser
New York University
business and politics
Kevin Gaines
Department of History, University of Michigan
African Americans and politics
Michael A. Genovese
Department of Political Science, Loyola Marymount University
presidency to 1860
Michael Gerhardt
School of Law, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Steven M. Gillon
Department of History, University of Oklahoma
Democratic Party, 1932–68
Marcia Tremmel Goldstein
Department of History, University of Colorado
Rocky Mountain region (coauthor)
Lewis L. Gould
Department of History (emeritus), University of Texas-Austin
Gilded Age, 1870s-90s; Republican Party;
Republican Party, 1896–1932
Amy S. Greenberg
Department of History, Pennsylvania State University
Mexican-American War
Eric Allen Hall
Department of History, Purdue University
sports and politics (coauthor)
Richard F. Hamm
Department of History, University at Albany, State University of New York
Prohibition and temperance
Stanley Harrold
Department of Social Sciences, South Carolina State University
D. G. Hart
Intercollegiate Studies Institute
religion and politics to 1865
David C. Hendrickson
Department of Political Science, Colorado College
Articles of Confederation
William James Hull Hoffer
Department of History Seton Hall University
Supreme Court
Susan Hoffmann
Department of Political Science, University of Western Michigan
banking policy
David A. Horowitz
Department of History, Portland State University
Jane Armstrong Hudiburg
Annapolis, Maryland
Andrew Hunt
Department of History, University of Waterloo
Sarah E. Igo
Department of History, University of Pennsylvania
public opinion polls
Maurice Isserman
Department of History, Hamilton College
communism; era of confrontation and decline, 1964–80; New Deal Era, 1932–52
Meg Jacobs
Department of History, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
consumers and politics
Dennis W. Johnson
Graduate School of Political Management, George Washington University
campaign consultants
Robert D. Johnston
Department of History, University of Illinois-Chicago
class and politics since 1877
Jeffrey P. Jones
Department of Communication and Theatre Arts, Old Dominion University
television and politics
Stephen Kantrowitz
Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Reconstruction Era, 1865–77
Michael B. Katz
Department of History, University of Pennsylvania
Michael Kazin
Department of History, Georgetown University
Americanism; Democratic Party, 1800–2008; populism
Alexander Keyssar
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Michael Kimmage
History Department, Catholic University of America
politics in the American novel
Michael J. Klarman
Harvard Law School
segregation and Jim Crow
Jennifer Klein
Department of History, Yale University
economy and politics, 1945–70
James T. Kloppenberg
Department of History, Harvard University
Gary J. Kornblith
Department of History, Oberlin College
class and politics to 1877
J. Morgan Kousser
Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology
race and politics, 1860–1933
Alan M. Kraut
Department of History, American University
European immigrants and politics; health and illness
Kathleen Smith Kutolowski
Department of History, College at Brockport, State University of New York
Anti-Masonic Party
David E. Kyvig
Department of History, Northern Illinois University
amendment process
Matthew D. Lassiter
Department of History University of Michigan
suburbs and politics
Mark Lause
Department of History, University of Cincinnati
Greenback-Labor Party
Steven F. Lawson
Department of History, Rutgers University
civil rights
Allan J. Lichtman
Department of History, American University
elections and electoral eras; presidency, 1860–1932; presidency, 1932–2008
Patricia Nelson Limerick
Center of the American West, University of Colorado
Rocky Mountain region (coauthor)
James Livingston
Department of History, Rutgers University
economy and politics, 1860–1920
John Majewski
Department of History, University of California-Santa Barbara
economy and politics to 1860
Chandra Manning
Department of History, Georgetown University
Civil War and Reconstruction; sectional conflict and secession, 1845–65
Glenna Matthews
Independent Scholar, Laguna Beach, California
women and politics since 1970
Joseph A. McCartin
Department of History, Georgetown University
labor movement and politics
Stuart McConnell
History, Pitzer College
Lisa McGirr
Department of History, Harvard University
conservative interregnum, 1920–32
Alan McPherson
School of International and Area Studies, University of Oklahoma
foreign policy and domestic politics, 1865–1933
Yanek Mieczkowski
Division of Social Sciences, Dowling College
Republican Party, 1932–68
David Montejano
Department of Comparative Ethnic Studies, University of California-Berkeley
Latinos and politics
Kathleen M. Moore
Religious Studies Department, University of California-Santa Barbara
Muslims and politics
James A. Morone
Department of Political Science, Brown University
political culture
Kevin P. Murphy
Department of History, University of Minnesota
Teresa Murphy
Department of American Studies, George Washington University
women and politics, 1828–65
Mark A. Noll
Department of History, University of Notre Dame
Protestants and politics
James Oakes
Graduate Center, City University of New York
race and politics to 1860
David O’Brien
History Department, College of the Holy Cross
Catholics and politics
Peter S. Onuf
Department of History, University of Virginia
Jeffrey Ostler
Department of History, University of Oregon
Native Americans and politics
Meredith Oyen
Department of History, Georgetown University
Asian immigrants and politics
Jeffrey L. Pasley
Department of History, University of Missouri
era of new republic, 1789–1827
William Pencak
Department of History and Religious Studies, Pennsylvania State University
Middle Atlantic, the
Michael Perman
Department of History, University of Illinois-Chicago
Democratic Party, 1860–96
Elisabeth Israels Perry
Department of History, Saint Louis University
women and politics, 1865–1920
Christopher Phelps
School of American and Canadian Studies, University of Nottingham
Sarah T. Phillips
Department of History, Columbia University
economy and politics, 1920–45
Kim Phillips-Fein
Gallatin School, New York University
era of consensus, 1952–64
Dan Plesch
Center for International Studies and Diplomacy University of London
United Nations
Charles L. Ponce de Leon
Department of History, California State University-Long Beach
press and politics
Kevin Powers
Department of History, Georgetown University
cabinet departments; labor parties; Progressive parties
Richard Gid Powers
College of Staten Island, and Graduate Center, City University of New York
Jack N. Rakove
Department of History, Stanford University
Bill of Rights
Donald J. Ratcliffe
Faculty of History, University of Oxford
National Republican Party
Eric Rauchway
Department of History, University of California-Davis
assassination, presidential; globalization
William J. Reese
Departments of Educational Policy Studies and History, University of Wisconsin-Madison
education and politics
Brian Holden Reid
Department of War Studies, King’s College London
armed forces, politics in the
Joanne Reitano
Social Science Department, La Guardia Community College, City University of New York
tariffs and politics
Leo P. Ribuffo
Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University
Democratic Party, 1968–2008
Andrew Rich
Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute
think tanks
Randy Roberts
Department of History, Purdue University
sports and politics (coauthor)
Adam Rome
Department of History, Pennsylvania State University
environmentalissues and politics
Steven J. Ross
Department of History, University of Southern California
politics in American film
Doug Rossinow
History Department, Metropolitan State University
New Left
Adam Rothman
Department of History Georgetown University
Liberty Party; slavery
Andrew J. Rotter
Department of History, Colgate University
Vietnam and Indochina wars
Mark Rozell
School of Public Policy, George Mason University
Republican Party, 1968–2008 (coauthor)
Anne Sarah Rubin
History Department, University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Leonard J. Sadosky
Department of History, Iowa State University
Declaration of Independence; foreign policy and domestic politics to 1865
Nick Salvatore
Industrial and Labor Relations School and Program in American Studies, Cornell University
Elizabeth Sanders
Department of Government, Cornell University
agrarian politics
David Sarasohn
The Oregonian
Democratic Party, 1896–1932
Gregory Schneider
Department of Social Sciences, Emporia State University
Robert Schulzinger
Department of History, University of Colorado-Boulder
Korean War and cold war
Carlos A. Schwantes
Department of History, University of Missouri-St. Louis
transportation and politics
William G. Shade
Department of History (emeritus), Lehigh University
Whig Party
Robert E. Shalhope
Department of History, University of Oklahoma
Michael Sherry
Department of History, Northwestern University
war and politics
John Shy
Department of History, University of Michigan
war for independence
David J. Siemers
Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Stephen Skowronek
Department of Political Science, Yale University
presidency, the
Jason Scott Smith
Department of History, University of New Mexico
Bartholomew H. Sparrow
Department of Government, University of Texas-Austin
territorial government
Jeremi Suri
Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison
transnational influences on American politics
Jon C. Teaford
Department of History, Purdue University
local government; state government
Daniel J. Tichenor
Department of Political Science, University of Oregon
immigration policy
Anand Toprani
Department of History, Georgetown University
Iraq wars of 1991 and 2003
Frank Towers
History Department, University of Calgary
American (Know-Nothing) Party
Gil Troy
Department of History McGill University
Cyrus Veeser
Department of History Bentley College
Caribbean, Central America, and Mexico, interventions in, 1903–34
Penny M. Von Eschen
Department of History, University of Michigan
foreign policy and domestic politics since 1933
Samuel Walker
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Nebraska-Omaha
civil liberties
Irma Watkins-Owens
Department of History, Fordham University
Caribbean immigrants and politics
Harry L. Watson
Department of History and Center for the Study of the American South, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Jacksonian era, 1828–45
Robert Westbrook
Department of History, University of Rochester
Richard D. White Jr.
Public Administration Institute, Louisiana State University
civil service
John S. Whitehead
Department of History, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Alaska and Hawai’i
Stephen J. Whitfield
Department of American Studies, Brandeis University
Jews and politics
Allan M. Winkler
Department of History, Miami University
World War II
Rosemarie Zagarri
Department of History, George Mason University
women and politics to 1828
Julian E. Zelizer
Department of History, Princeton University
House of Representatives
Aristide R. Zolberg
Department of Political Science, New School for Social Research