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Page numbers in bold type indicate a short biography of a person.

Abercrombie, Lascelles Mary and the Bramble, 82n; Sale of St Thomas, 82n; men. 82, 146, 182

Abortion 297

Acland Nursing Home (Oxford) 304, 330–1, 398, 413, 420, 427, 428–9

Acropolis, The 397

Acts of the Apostles 54

Adam 69, 129, 136, 189, 198, 199, 313

Adams, Fr Walter 235–6

Addison, Joseph 78

Addison’s Walk 78n, 114, 122, 156, 201

Adonis 116

Aeschylus Prometheus Bound, 26

Aesop 322

Agrippa, H. Cornelius De Occulta Philosophia, 391

Alden, Lewis (‘Octie’) 11–12

Aldiss, Brian 123–4

Aldwinckle, Elia Estelle ‘Stella’ 271–7

Alexander, Samuel Space, Time and Deity, 99–100, 221

Alfred, King 63, 350

Algebra xxi, 30, 36

Allah 333

Allegory 127–8, 131, 132, 135, 137–9, 282, 323, 347, 358–9

Allen, Arthur Clement 12, 16

Allen, Edward 367

All Souls College (Oxford) 71, 86n

Amis, Kingsley 123–4

Anderson, Edward 17

Anglican (and Church of England) xvii, xviii, 24n, 82n, 132–3, 154n, 160, 166, 173, 220–1, 222, 227–8, 240, 253, 262–4, 283, 291–2, 293, 295, 337, 354n, 374–5, 376–7, 381–2, 383, 387–9, 417, 421–2, 423–6

Anglo-Saxon (Old English) 62n, 63, 64, 65, 66n, 79, 81, 87, 89, 92, 123, 147, 157, 164, 406

Anscombe, G.E.M. An Introduction to Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, 289n; Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Mind, 289n, 290–1

   (with P. Geach) Three Philosophers, 289n; men. 289–90

Anselm, St 253

Anstey, F. In Brief Authority, 371

Only Toys!, 307

Vice Versa, 8, 364; men. 150

Anthroposophical Society, The 29n

Anthroposophy 29n, 59n, 85–6

Antichrist 324

Antioch 49

Apollo 394, 397

Apollonius Rhodius Argonautica, 28

Apostles, The 189–90

Applegarth School 420, 429

Apuleius The Golden Ass, 351; men. 211

Arbuthnot, John 162

Argonauts 322

Arius 254

Ariosto, Ludovico Orlando Furioso, 152, 186, 211, 212, 370, 371, 417

Aristotle 26, 85, 125, 142, 161, 410

Army Service Corps (later Royal Army Service Corps) 23, 87

Armour, Margaret (trans.) Richard Wagner 14, 20

Arnold, Edwin Lester Lepidus the Centurion, 209, 210

Arnold, Matthew Sohrab and Rustum, 12; men. 65n, 91, 142

Arras, Battle of 42–3

Artemis 73

Arthur, King 3, 26, 209

Arthurian Cycle 3, 48, 207, 322, 325

Artzbasheff, Boris 293

Arvieux, Laurent, Chevalier d’ 412, 414

Ashton Court (Bristol) 46, 47

Askins, Dr John Hawkins (‘the Doc’) 70

Askins, Mary Emmet Goldsborough 70n

Askins, Peony 70n

Askins, Rev. William James 233

A Square Flatland, 368

Assisi 306

Athanasius, St The Incarnation of the Word of God, 113–4, 247; men. 351

Athens 392, 393, 394

Atlantis 8, 86, 209, 210

Atonement, The 244, 253

Auden, W.H. 84, 178, 260, 293, 373–4

Augustine of Hippo, St City of God, 184

Confessions, 130; men. 142, 190, 200, 254

Austen, Jane 159, 350, 364

Avoca House Hotel (London) 338, 348–9

Ayres, Sergeant 42

Babbage, D.W. 369

Babylon 322

Bacchus 50, 116, 322

Badenoch, Sir John 413, 414–15, 429

Bailey, Cyril 50

Bailley, D.M. 285–6

Bailey, George ‘In the University’, 124

Baker, Eileen Brookes 59n

Baker, Leo Kingsley 59–60, 73

Baker Street Irregulars 371

Balaam 269

Balder 6, 14, 15, 116

Balliol College (Oxford) 24n, 50n, 74n, 75, 76n, 81n, 154n, 160n, 167n, 177

Baltimore 176

Barbour, Brian ‘Lewis and Cambridge,’ 345, 361

Barnes, Bishop Ernest William Rise of Christianity, 175n, 289; men. 175

Barfield, Lucy 306

Barfield, Maud 29n, 77

Barfield, Owen ‘Foreword’ to All My Road Before Me, 56–7

   History in English Words, 29n

   Owen Barfield on C.S.Lewis, 29n

   Poetic Diction, 29n

   Saving the Appearances, 29n

   Worlds Apart, 29n

   men. 29, 59–60, 62, 71, 77, 87, 91, 101, 105, 108, 110, 112, 120, 122, 126–7, 127, 130, 136, 158, 159, 161, 171, 233–4, 237, 261, 280, 284–5, 375, 417, 419

Barkway, Bishop James Lumsden 286

Barrie, J.M. Mary Rose, 356

Peter Pan, 10

Barth, Karl 267

Battle Abbey xx

Baudelaire, Charles 31

Baum, Vicki Grand Hotel, 220

Baxter, Mrs E.L. 297, 303

Baxter, Richard Church-history of the Government of Bishops, 246–7, 267

Saints’ Everlasting Rest, 246; Bayley, Peter 367

Baynes, Pauline 309, 312–13

BBC 105, 162n, 174, 240–2, 245–50, 252–9, 264–6, 297, 419

BBC Archive Centre 248

Beacon, The 72, 126

Becker, Wilhelm Charicles, 13

Beeching, H.C. 238

Beethoven, Ludwig van 219

Belfast xviii–xxii, 1, 38, 41, 47, 77, 86n, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 118, 177, 209, 331, 337

Beloit College 294–5

Belloc, Hilaire 48, 65

‘Belsen’ see Wynyard School Benecke, Paul Victor Mendelssohn 153, 155, 156

Benedictines, The 351

Bennett, Henry Stanley English Book and Readers 1475–1557, 369

   men. 341, 343, 369

Bennett, Joan 369

Bennett, John Arthur Walter Humane Medievalist, 173n

   men. 58n, 173, 291, 341n

Benson, Frank 16

Beowulf 28, 123

Berkeley, George 100

Bernardus Sylvestris De Mundi Universitate, 184–5

Bertram, Fr Jerome 281

Betjeman, (Sir) John A Few Late Chrysanthemums, 79n

   Ghastly Good Taste, 79n

   Old Lights for New Chancels, 79n

   men. 79, 86–7, 151

Biaggini, E.G. The Reading and Writing of English, 277

Bible, The 120, 141, 148, 205m, 323, 325, 409, 422

Bide, Rev. Peter William 378–9, 381

Bird and Baby see Eagle and Child

Blackfriars (Oxford) 167

Blackfriars 131–2

Blackie’s Christmas Annual 321

Blackmore, R.D. Lorna Doone, 77

Blake, Leonard 235, 292

Bleiben, Rev. Thomas Eric 216, 227

Bles, Geoffrey 218n, 219–20, 236, 237, 282, 310, 311–12, 355

Blunden, Edmund Charles 146

Bob Jones University 295

Bodleian Library 50, 64n, 90, 92n, 135, 160n, 173, 174, 176n, 224–5

Boehme, Jacob Signatura Rerum, 104

Bois de Pacaut 43

Bolshevists see Communism

Bookman, The 14

Book of Common Prayer 234–5, 390, 417, 424

Books and Bookmen 358

Borron, Helie de Tristan, 28

Boswell, James Life of Samuel Johnson, 26, 51, men. 87

Bottomley, Gordon ‘Babel,’ 205

King Lear’s Wife, 152n

   Poems in Thirty Years, 152n

   men. 152, 183

Bournemouth 83

Bower, J. Dykes 389

Boxen characters 83

Boy’s Own Paper 9

Bradbury, Ray 211

Bradley, Andrew Cecil The Masque of Balliol, 86

Shakespearean Tragedy, 138

Bradley, Francis Herbert 100

Brady, Charles A. 187

Brasenose College (Oxford) 74n, 78, 139n

Brett-Smith, Herbert Francis 66

Brewer, Derek Stanley Chaucer and his World, 148n

   Chaucer in his Time, 148n

   A New Introduction to Chaucer, 148n

   men. 148–51, 290

Bridges, Robert 48, 159

Brightman, Frank Edward The English Rite, 154n

   men. 154

British Academy, The 157, 340, 344, 347, 431

British Cemetery (Pargny) 46n

British Council of Churches 379n

British Expeditionary Force 126–7, 175, 226–7

British Interplanetary Society 204, 210–11

British Library 407

British Museum 64, 363, 407–8

Bristol 38, 39, 40, 52 Broadsheet (Cambridge) 408–9

Brontë, Emily, Wuthering Heights, 53

Browne, Sir Thomas 148

Bryson, John Norman 75–6, 90, 182

Buckle, H.T. History of Civilization in England, 25

Buddha 31

Buddha of Kamakura 112

‘Bultitude, Mr’ 115

Bultmann, Rudolf 423

Bunyan, John Grace Abounding, 93

Pilgrim’s Progress, 127–8, 323, 332

   men. 131

Burke, Edmund 178

Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley 78

Burnet, J.F. 369

Burns, Howard 409

Burroughs, Edgar Rice 186, 310

Burton, Robert Anatomy of Melancholy, 26

Butcher, S.H. (with Andrew Lang) Odyssey, 371

Butler, Samuel The Way of All Flesh, 59n

Brynhild 21

Byron, George Gordon, Lord 83

C.S.Lewis Foundation 96n

Caesar, Julius De Bello Gallico, 7

Caine, Sir Thomas Henry Hall The White Prophet, 9

Calais 175

Calvin, John 369

Camoëns, Luis de Lusiads, 152

Campbell, John Edward 36

Campbell, Roy Flaming Terrapin, 170

Flowering Rifle, 170

   men. 84, 170–1, 174

Camberwell House Asylum 11n

Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union 365

Cambridge Review, The 365–6

Cambridge University Library 196

Campbell, J.E. 34

Campbell College (Belfast) 11–12, 61n, 209n

Capron, Ellen Barnes 8n

Capron, Eva 8n

Capron, John Wynyard 8n, 10

Capron, Norah 8n

Capron, Rev. Robert (‘Oldie’) 8–10, 11

Captain, The 9

Carew, Richard 61n

Carlingford Mountains (Co. Louth) 391

Carmel College 418

Carpenter, Bishop Harry 376–7, 379, 381

Carpenter, Humphrey The Inklings, 62n, 376n

   J.R.R.Tolkien A Biography, 62n

   men. 376–7

Carpenter, Urith Monica 376n

Carrickfergus (Co. Down) 86n, 87

Carritt, Edgar Frederick Philosophies of Beauty, 52n

   Theory of Beauty, 52n

   men. 52, 60, 71–2, 73, 99

Carroll, Lewis Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 307, 323, 326

Through the Looking-Glass, 323

   men. 3, 155

Casa Buoni Fanciulli (Verona) 294

Catholic Church (and Catholicism) xx, 62n, 119, 127n, 132–3, 166, 167, 173, 200, 222, 246, 247, 253, 262–5, 280–1, 289n, 290, 292–4, 295, 374, 376, 382, 383, 397, 424–6

Causality 74, 290

Cecil, Lord David Stricken Deer, 164n

   men. 163–4, 176, 178, 339

Centenary Press (London) 218n, 219–20

Centenary Stone, C.S.Lewis (Magdalen College) 78n

Cervantes, Miguel de Don Quixote, 351, 371

Chancellor’s English Essay Prize 57, 71

Chambers, R.W. 136, 138

Chamisso, Adelbert von 30

Chase, Rt. Rev. G.A. A Companion to the Revised Psalter, 389, 402

   men. 389, 418

Chaucer, Geoffrey Canterbury Tales, 62n

   Troilus and Criseyde, 62n, 63, 78, 104, 138

   men. 28, 64, 147, 150, 350

Chavasse, Rev. Claude 132

Cherbourg School 12–14, 24, 40–1, 45

Cherbourg School Magazine 16

Chesterton, G.K. The Everlasting Man, 100, 252

Orthodoxy, 126

   men. 65, 289

Chesterton Review, The 362

China 112, 120

Christ Church (Oxford) 29, 74n, 155, 403n, 431n

Christian Unity 294

Christina Dreams 59, 60, 85

Christ’s Hospital 391n

Church, Richard 160

Churchill, Winston 226, 266–7

Churchill Hospital 377, 392

Church Missionary Society 240n

Church of England see Anglican

Church of England Newspaper 286–7

Church of Ireland 38

Church Quarterly 236

Cinema 81

Clare College (Cambridge) 421n

Clarke, Arthur C. Childhood’s End, 211

   men. 204, 210–11

Clarke, Dr Robert 44n

Classical Honour Moderations 24n, 50, 53, 55, 57, 62n, 63, 69, 71, 86n

Clement XI, Pope 307n

Clergy Review 255

Clifton College 37

Coggan, Most Rev. F.D. 389

Coghill, Nevill ‘Approach to English,’ 65–6, 158, 385

Canterbury Tales (trans.) 62n

   Troilus and Criseyde (trans.), 62n

   men. 62, 65–6, 71, 73, 81, 83, 120, 136, 163, 165, 178, 182, 345, 411

Coldstream Guards 75n

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 7

Columbia University 334n

Commission to Revise the Psalter 364, 389–90, 392, 412, 418, 419

Communism 113, 334n, 356

Community of St Mary the Virgin 187n, 243

Como, James T. (ed) C.S.Lewis at the Breakfast Table, 180, 276n

   Congreve, William 158

Constable, John ‘C.S.Lewis From Magdalen to Magdalene,’ 341–5

Contraception 279, 297

Cork (Ireland) xvii, xviii

Cork Steamship Company xvii

Corneille, Pierre 368

Corpus Christi College (Oxford) 66n, 81n

Costello, Dr G.P. 292–3

Courtly Love 91, 135, 347

Covent Garden 127

Coverdale, Miles 389

Coward, Noël Cavalcade, 134

Cowie, Miss 12

Cowper, William 79

Craig, Col. James 41

Craigie, Sir William Alexander Scandinavian Folk-Lore; Specimens of Icelandic Rímur, 66n

   men. 66

Crete 392, 395

Crimean War xix

Crispin, Edmund Swan Song, 163, 193

   men. 193

Criterion, The 82, 125

Croce, Benedetto 125

CSL The Bulletin of the New York C.S.Lewis Society, 261, 270

Cupid 321, 351–9

Curtis Brown, Spencer 405–6

Cyclops 322

Daily Mail 377, 378

Daily Mirror 256

Daily Telegraph, The 74n

Dalziel, George Mother Goose, 3

Dane Court School 335n, 338, 380, 390, 398

Dante, Alighieri Divine Comedy, 135n, 212, 282

Inferno, 83, 193n, 212

Purgatorio, 193n, 425

   men. 124, 154n, 155, 167, 287,

Daphni 394, 397

David 274

Davidman, Helen Joy biography, 334; Anya, 334n

   Letter to a Comrade, 334n; ‘Longest Way Round,’ 334n, 335

Smoke on the Mountain, 335, 337

Weeping Bay, 334n

   and Childhood’s End, 211

   Tolkien on, 217

   Narnian title, 311

   writes to L, 330

   marriage and family, 334–5; meets L, 336

   break with husband, 337

   becomes Anglican, 337

   to England with sons, 338

   divorce; 348

   meets Dorothy L. Sayers, 348

   and Elliott family, 348–9; L’s inaugural lecture, 350–1; discusses Till We Have Faces with L, 353– 4

   her character in, 356

Till We Have Faces dedicated to, 357

   moves to Oxford, 360

   cannot renew passport, 373

   civil marriage, 373– 5

   cancer, 375– 6

   desires Christian marriage, 376– 8

   married in hospital, 379

   moves to Kilns, 380

   recovers from cancer, 380

   Tolkien not told of marriage, 381– 2

   her friends, 383

   meets Jean Wakeman, 383

   L accepts her pains, 384– 5

   honeymoon, 385– 6

   and Episcopal Radio-TV Foundation, 387– 9

   biography of Madame de Maintenon, 389

   their happy marriage, 390

   meets T.S.Eliot, 392

   cancer returns, 392

   trip to Greece, 392– 6

   is happy, 397

   meets Tolkien, 398

   last outing, 398

   her death, 399

   epitaph, 400

   men. 333, 403, 404, 405–11, 414

Davidman, Jeannette 348, 414

Davidman, Joseph 348, 414

Davies, R.T. 151

Davis, Norman (ed. with C.L.Wrenn) English and Medieval Studies Presented to J.R.R. Tolkien, 420

   men. 341

Dawson, John Hill Mackintosh 74

Day-Lewis, Cecil Georgics, 178

   men. 178

Deane, A.C. 283

Death 27, 108, 284

Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions 133

Deirdre 21

De la Mare, Walter Behold the Dreamer, 81n

   Peacock Pie, 81n

   Return, 81n

   Songs of Childhood, 81n

   men. 81, 159, 218n

Dell, Rev. Edward T. 422–3

Delta 409–10

Democracy 261–4

Denecke, Margaret Paul Victor Mendelssohn Benecke, 153

Dent and Sons, J. M. 82, 131m 132

Derrick, Christopher 371, 416, 417

Deuteronomy 219

Devil see Satan Dial 82

Dias, R.W.M. 369

Dickens, Charles Bleak House, 410

   men. 150, 159, 312

Dictionary of National Biography 58n

Disney, Walt 224

District Model National School (Belfast) xviii Dixon, Arthur Lee 78, 155

Dobson, Henry Austin 159

Doctrines 87, 90, 100

Dodds, Eric Robertson Missing Persons, 61n

   men. 61

Dominicans (Order of Preachers) 167n

Donne, John The Second Anniversary, 64

The Soul’s Progress, 64

   men. 148, 183

Dorsett, Lyle And God Came In, 334n, 335n, 336–7, 338, 348, 354

Dowding, C.S. 43

Dowell, Rev. Joseph 253

Down, County 2, 32, 41

Downing College (Cambridge) 141

Downside Review 132

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan ‘Great Keinplatz Experiment,’ 196

Sir Nigel, 3

   men. 12, 175, 313

Dracula 415

Drayton, Michael 84

Drogheda 292–3, 304, 331, 404, 418

Dryden, John Marriage-à-la-Mode, 158

   men. 148

Dublin xviii, 11n, 15, 38, 292

Dunbar, Nan 369

Dunbar of Hempriggs, Dame Maureen Daisy Helen 38, 47, 50, 55, 58, 77, 88, 95, 106, 123, 216, 235, 292, 308, 428

Dundalk 337

Dundas-Grant, James 167, 178, 179, 411, 417

Dundas-Grant, Katherine 167n

Dundela Flats (Belfast) xxiiin Dundela Villas xxii, xxiiin, 1–2, 6

Dunkirk 126–7, 175, 226–7

Dürer, Albrecht 53

Dyson, Henry Victor Dyson ‘Hugo’ 62, 101, 114–16, 120, 124, 163, 165, 166, 169, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 182, 188, 225, 367

Eagle and Child (‘Bird and Baby’ pub), The 163, 171–2, 173, 177, 178, 179, 310, 367, 386, 397

Eastgate Hotel (Oxford) 123, 220, 336

Eddison, Eric Robert Egils Saga, 260n

   Fish Dinner in Memison, 260n

   Mezentian Gate, 260n

   Mistress of Mistresses, 260

Stybiorn the Strong, 260n

   Worm Ouroboros, 260, 371

   men. 260–1

Eden 6

Edwards, John Robert 51

Edwards, Rev. Maurice 242–3

Elder Edda 22

Elgin Marbles 73

Eliot, George 159

Eliot, Thomas Stearns ‘Dante’, 124

Four Quartets, 82n

   Poems, 82n

   Prufrock and Other Observations, 82n

   The Waste Land, 82n, 83

   men. 82–4, 124–5, 132, 160, 175, 260, 284, 293, 348, 364, 389–90, 392, 405–6

Eliot, Valerie 390, 392, 405–6

Ellis, Henry Havelock 388

Elliott, Rev. Leslie Llewelyn 348–9

Elliott, Mrs Leslie Llewelyn 348–9

Elliott, Paul 348–9

Elliott, Msgr. Peter J. ‘A Child’s Memories of C.S.Lewis,’ 349

   men. 348–9

Elton, Godfrey, Baron 266

Emmanuel College (Cambridge) 147n, 341, 369n

Empson, William 266

Encyclopedia Boxoniana 89

Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics 276

Endicott, Lizzie 1–2, 3

Endsleigh Palace Hospital (London) 44–7,

English and Medieval Studies Presented to J.R.R. Tolkien see Norman Davis

English Language and Literature, School of 52, 58–9, 62–6, 69, 70, 75–6, 79n, 80–2, 99, 145–53, 157, 224, 339

Epic 182

Epimenides of Crete 209

Episcopalian, The 422–3

Episcopal Radio-TV Foundation 386–9

Equality 261–2

Erasmus, Desiderius 90

Erechtheum 393

Essays and Studies 125, 138–9

Eton College 37, 83n, 167n, 341n

Euripides Bacchae, 50

Helen, 357

Hippolytus, 99

   men. 369, 371

Eurydice 122

Evans, Charles Sheldon 48

Eve 198, 199, 231, 313

Every, George 142

Ewart, Charles Gordon 11n

Ewart, Gundreda see Gundreda Forrest

Ewart, Hope see Hope Harding

Ewart, Kelso ‘Kelsie’ 11n

Ewart, Lily 11n

Ewart, Mary, Lady 11, 11n, 13n

Ewart, Robert Heard 11n

Ewart, Sir William Quartus 11, 13n

Exeter College (Oxford) 59, 62n, 63, 65, 66, 70, 132, 136, 163, 417n

Fablel dou Dieu d’Amours 90

Fafnir 16

Fairy Tales 3, 194, 245, 286, 301–28, 428

Fall of Man, The 191, 221, 222, 261–2

Farnell, L. R. 59

Farrar, Fredrick William Darkness and Dawn, 9

Farrer, Rev. Dr. Austin ‘The Christian Apologist,’ 274

Finite and Infinite, 24n; ‘In His Image,’ 322

Revelation of St John the Divine, 24n

   men. 24, 253, 354n, 374, 375, 376, 383, 399, 405, 406, 412, 428, 429

Farrer, Katharine At Odds with Morning; Cretan Counterfeit; Gownsman’s Gallows; The Missing Link, 354n

   men. 24n, 354, 375, 381, 383, 386, 399, 405, 406, 412, 428, 429

Felix (the cat) 81

Fenn, Rev. Eric 242, 248, 252, 253, 255, 256, 264–6, 267, 286, 296, 297

Field, Walter Ogilvie ‘Wof’ 87

Fielding, Henry 159

Firor, Dr Warfield M. 176, 331–2

Fisher, Archbishop Geoffrey 389

Flanders, Michael 403n

Flannery OP, Austin (ed) Vatican Council The Conciliar and Post-Conciliar Documents, 133

Foch, Field Marshal Ferdinand 42

Forrest, Gundreda Ewart 11n, 13n

Forrest, John 11n

Fouqué, Friedrich 30

Fowler, Alastair (ed) Spenser’s Images of Life, 435

Fox, Rev. Adam ‘At the Breakfast Table,’ 155–6

   Old King Cole,’ 155n

   men. 155, 163

France, Anatole 161

Fraser, George Gordon 21

Frazer, G.S. 348

Frazer, Sir James George Golden Bough, 31, 100

Free Will 221, 324

Freud, Sigmund 129, 275, 388

Frier Bacon and Frier Bongay see Robert Greene

Galsworthy, John 47

Ganymede 163

Gardner, Dame Helen ‘Clive Staples Lewis,’ 157, 340, 344, 347

   men. 342–4

Garrod, H. W. Wordsworth, 71

Gaskell, Jane 358

Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir 28, 88, 149

Gay, John 162

Geach, Peter 289n

Gebbert, Vera 403

General Strike, The 72

Genesis 201, 231

Genius 184–5

Geoffrey of Monmouth History of the Kings of Britain, 209

George V, King 240n

Gibb, Sir Alexander 355n

Gibb, Jocelyn (ed) Light on C.S.Lewis, 68

   men. 355, 373, 396, 407–8, 423

Gibbon, Edward Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 422

Gibson, Strictland 64

Gilbert, Martin First World War, 39n, 226, 238

Gilmore, Rev. Charles James Frederick 242–3, 251–2

Giovanni Calabria, St 293–4, 304, 406

Girton College (Cambridge) 369

Glasgow University 50n

Glenmachan 11

God the Father 47, 83, 100, 101, 102–16, 129–30, 133, 137, 141, 142, 165, 166, 188–9, 192–4, 200, 201, 203, 216, 218–19, 221–24, 227–33, 244, 245, 250, 262–8, 283, 287, 297, 315, 324, 358–9, 384, 421–6

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 30

Gorgons 213

Gortyna (Crete) 396

Gospels, The 100, 101, 116, 243, 245

Gordon, George Stuart 52, 64–5, 66, 76, 87, 91

Graham, Billy Just As I Am, 365

   men. 221

Grahame, Kenneth Dream Days, 93

Wind in the Willows, 10, 301

   men. 322

Graves, Robert 48

Gray, Simon 409

Great Bookham 17, 23–8, 47, 63, 369

‘Greats’ see Literae Humaniores

Greece 1, 147, 390, 392, 393–6, 397, 432

‘Green, Henry’ (Henry Vincent Yorke) Blindness, 83n

   Caught, 83n

   Pack My Bag, 83n

   Party Going, 83n

   men. 83

Green, June Lancelyn 380, 383, 392–6, 406–7

Green, Roger Lancelyn C.S.Lewis, 326

Into Other Worlds, 186

King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, 371

Luck of Troy, 313

Mystery at Mycenae, 356

Theft of the Golden Cat, 310

Wood that Time Forgot, 60, 305– 6

   men. 4, 60, 80, 147, 150, 152, 158, 173–4, 178, 183, 186, 193, 201–2, 210, 211, 213, 219, 305–11, 313–15, 327, 332–3, 339, 346, 356–7, 371, 372, 374–5, 378, 380, 383, 386, 390, 392–6, 397, 405, 406–7, 413–14, 417, 419, 429, 432

Greene, Graham 293, 348

Greene, Robert Frier Bacon and Frier Bongay, 206

Greeves, Arthur 11n, 22–3, 25, 26–7, 30–1, 36–8, 41, 44–5, 55–6, 62, 70, 79, 82, 90, 91, 92–3, 101–2, 103, 104–10, 108–9, 110–14, 115–6, 118–19, 119–20, 127, 130–1, 133–4, 136, 158, 163, 198, 242, 250, 260, 293, 296, 331–2, 338, 346, 373–4, 384, 385–6, 391, 404, 412–13, 425

Greeves, Joseph 23, 119

Gresham David Lindsay 308, 334, 335, 337, 338, 373, 378, 383, 398, 404, 406–7, 414, 418, 419, 429, 430

Gresham, Douglas Howard Lenten Lands, 335n, 337, 398–9, 404

   men. 308, 334, 335, 337, 338, 373, 378, 380, 383, 393, 398, 404, 406–7, 414, 420, 421, 425, 429, 430

Gresham, Meredith 335n

Gresham, William Lindsay Limbo Tower, 334n

   Nightmare Alley, 334

   men. 334–5, 336–7, 338, 348, 353–4, 374, 376, 381, 404, 419–20

Griffiths, Dom Bede Golden String, 127n

   Marriage of East and West, 127n

   New Vision of Reality, 127n

   men. 127, 166, 246, 253, 296, 376, 381, 384

Grundy, G.B. (ed) Murray’s Small Classical Atlas, 306

Guardian, The (church newspaper) 236–7, 259, 282, 284, 285, 288

Guerber, H.M.A. Myths of the Norsemen, 22

Haggard, H. Rider Ghost Kings, 9

Pearl Maiden, 9

When the World Shook, 195, 210, 321; (with Andrew Lang) World’s Desire, 357

   men. 134, 150, 322, 370, 371

Haig, Sir Douglas 42

Haileybury College 132n

Haldane, J.B.S. Possible Worlds, 186, 204

   men. 276

Halder, General Franz 226

Hall, Bishop R.O. 262, 264

Hamilton, Augustus ‘Gussie’ (L’s uncle, 1866–1945) xix Hamilton, Elizabeth 3

Hamilton, Hugh (of Evandale) xix

Hamilton, The Rt. Rev. Hugh I (father of Rev. Thomas Robert Hamilton, 1729–1805) xix

Hamilton, Hugh II (son of Hugh Hamilton I, 1790–1865) xix

Hamilton, Hugh (son of Thomas Robert Hamilton, 1864–1900) xix

Hamilton, Isabella xix

Hamilton, Sir James (d. 1540) xix

Hamilton, Lilian see Lilian Suffern

Hamilton, Mary Warren (L’s grandmother, 1826–1916) xix, xx–xxi

Hamilton. Rev. Thomas Robert (L’s grandfather, 1826–1905) xix–xxii, 119

Hamm, Victor 194

Hardie, Anthony 154n

Hardie, Christian 154n, 354, 412

Hardie, Colin 154, 167, 172, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 354, 411, 432

Hardie, Nicholas 154n

Hardie, William Francis Ross 81, 83

Harding, George 11n, 15, 16

Harding, Hope Ewart 10, 11n, 15, 16

Hardman, Sir Donald 17, 20

Hardy, Thomas 159, 161

Harper, Annie 6, 7

Harris, Percy Gerald Kelsal (‘Pogo’) 13, 40–1

Harrison, G.B. (ed) Major British Writers, 336n

Hartmann, Cyril Hughes The Cavalier Spirit, 51n

   men. 51, 54–5, 57

Harvard University 82n

Harwood, Alfred Cecil 29, 60, 71, 73, 136, 158–9, 207, 385, 417

Harwood, Daphne 29n, 207, 385

Harwood, Laurence 385, 420

Hastings, Adrian History of English Christianity, 421, 422

Hávamál, The 116n

Havard, Dr Robert Emlyn ‘Humphrey’ ‘Philia Jack at Ease,’ 166

   men. 166, 172, 174, 176, 178, 179, 218, 227, 272, 291, 330–1, 374, 381, 411, 417, 427

Hazebrouck, Battle of 42–3

Hazlitt, William 158

Head, Alfred 417n

Head, Beatrice 417n

Head, Rev. Canon Ronald Edwin Royal Supremacy, 417

   men. 417, 424, 429

Heard, Robert 14n

Heaven 69, 104, 108, 205, 222, 228, 245, 267, 282, 306, 325, 345

Hebrew University (Jerusalem) 414

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 100, 427

Heinemann, William 47

Helen of Troy 21, 54, 313, 356–7

Hell 108, 115, 216, 221–22, 227–33, 267, 280–3

Henley, William Ernest 159

Henry, Vera 304, 337

Heraclitus 161

Herakleon 395

Herbert, A.P. 266

Herodotus Histories, 26

Herrick, Robert 84

Hertford College (Oxford) 17n, 36, 50n, 340n

Heywood, H.L.C. 266–7

Hichens, Robert A Spirit in Prison, 48

Highgate School (London) 29n

Hill, J.R. 43

Hillegas, Mark R. The Future as Nightmare, 214

‘Hillsboro’ 61, 95

Hitler, Adolf 216, 219, 226, 227

Holberg, Ludwig Nicolai Klimii Iter Subterraneum, 322

Hollywood 334n

Holy Spirit, The 119, 266

Holy Trinity Church (Rome) xix

Holy Trinity Church (Headington Quarry) 216, 227–8, 233–4, 413, 417n

Home Guard, The 235

Homer Iliad, 25, 28, 372n, 432

Odyssey, 25, 28, 141, 322, 372n

   men. 83, 322, 347, 369

Hong Kong 146n, 262

Hook, Mrs 199

Hooker, Richard 114

Hooper, Walter C.S.Lewis A Companion & Guide, 8n, 24n, 29n, 59n, 62n, 82n, 151n, 154n, 155n, 164n, 167n, 209n, 286–7, 337, 363n, 391 ‘Oxford’s Bonny Fighter,’ 276n

   Through Joy and Beyond, 402

   men. 103, 105, 106, 122, 134, 171, 178, 179, 217, 218, 224, 232, 235, 236, 245, 258, 284, 286, 290, 295, 297–8, 306, 316, 326, 340, 345, 370, 376, 385, 388, 390, 392, 397, 426–9

Hopkins, Gerard Manley 183

Horace 26

Horizon 160

Housman, A.E. Last Poems, 63

   men. 91

Humanism 22, 83, 129, 212, 278, 350

Hunter College 334n

Hydra, The 105

Ibsen, Henrik Peer Gynt, 25

   men. 27

Icelandic Sagas 2, 88–9

Icelandic Society see Kolbítar Idealism 85, 100, 101, 129

Ideologies 272, 278–9

Illustrated London Times, The 420

Imagination 65, 85–6, 267, 285, 305, 312

Imperial College (London) 242n

Incarnation, The 192, 267, 289

India xix, 4, 127n, 219n

Inge, William Personal Religion and the Life of Devotion, 113

Inklings, The 55, 62n, 145–79, 195, 205, 220, 225, 282, 411, 432–3

Inner Ring, The 20, 161, 207–8

In Review 362

Irving, Washington Rip Van Winkle, 209

Jacob xxi

James, St 236

James, Henry 158, 159

James, Rev. Canon Sydney Rhodes Seventy Years, 16n

   men. 16, 18

James I, King xix Jason 28, 30

Jenkin, Alfred Kenneth Hamilton Cornish Miner, 61n

   Cornish Seafarers, 61n

   Story of Cornwall, 61n

   men. 61, 62, 63, 105

Jenkins, Anne 323–4

Jensen, Hal 347–8

Jerome, St 142

Jerusalem 9, 335n

Jesuits see Order of Jesus Jesus Christ 9, 15, 31, 100, 103, 111, 113, 115–16, 129, 131, 133, 141, 165, 192, 193, 199, 201, 222, 227, 243, 245, 246, 253, 254, 257, 258, 262, 263–7, 276–7, 288, 294, 315, 323–4, 356, 358–9, 379, 397

Jesus College (Cambridge) 140, 421n

Joad, C.E.M. 238, 237, 274

Job 166

John, St Gospel, 87, 88, 89, 102, 103, 133, 141

Revelation, 14n, 190–1

John Paul II, Pope men. 293n, 297–8

Johns Hopkins University 176

Johnson, Laurence Bertrand 41

Johnson, Dr Samuel 83, 148, 158, 364

Jones, Dr Bob, Jr 295

Joseph, St 288

‘Joy’ (as intense longing) 6, 22, 61, 63, 72, 100, 111–12, 118, 125–7, 129, 330

Joyce, James Ulysses, 368

   men. 83, 159

Jubinal, Achille 98

Judaism 414, 418

Judea 9

Jupiter 146, 185

Juvenal 83

Kamiros 395

Kant, Immanuel Critique of Pure Reason, 100n

Keats, John 3, 26, 64

Keble College (Oxford) 24n, 37–9, 166n, 376n, 406

Keir, Sir David Lindsay 74–5, 177

Kepler, Johann 186

Ker, Neil Ripley 92–3

Ker, W.P. Epic and Romance, 138

Ketley, Martin see Alec King Kilby, Clyde S. 234, 358–9

Kilmer, Hugh 296, 300

Kilns, The 78, 94–5, 99, 105, 112, 120, 121–2, 123, 133, 145, 177, 216–17, 224, 227, 235, 255, 291, 292, 296, 303, 316, 331, 333, 336, 337, 349, 360, 366, 373, 376, 379, 380, 386, 390, 397, 404, 405, 411, 413, 417, 419, 420, 426–7, 429–32

King, Alec (with Martin Ketley) The Control of Language 277–8

King Kong 134, 135

King’s Arms (Oxford) 173

King’s College (Cambridge) 37, 409

King’s College (London) 340n

Kingsmill, Hugh Matthew Arnold, 91

Kinter, William L. 211–12

Kipling, Rudyard ‘The Land,’ xx; Brushwood Boy, 308; ‘On the Gate,’ 310

Puck of Pook’s Hill, xx; Stalky & Co., 162, 321

   men. 106, 158, 347, 368, 369

Kircher, Athanasius Iter Celestre, 186

Mundus Subterraneus, 322

Kirkpatrick, William T. (‘The Great Knock’) xviii, 17, 22, 23–4, 28, 30, 51, 85n, 153, 159, 282, 306, 326

Knight, Gerald H. 389

Knossos 372, 395–6

Knowles, David 341

Kolbítar (Icelandic Society) 82, 88–9, 93, 161

Krafft-Ebing, Richard von 388

Laclos, Choderlos de Liasons Dangereuses, 432

Lady Margaret Hall (Oxford) 63n, 80, 274, 379n

Ladborough, Richard William ‘In Cambridge’, 363–5, 369–70, 390, 412, 432

   men. 363, 415

Lamb, Charles Essays of Elia, 26

Lamb and Flag, The (Oxford) 178, 417, 427, 432–3

Lambeth Palace 389, 390, 412

Lancing College 155n

Lang, Andrew Chronicles of Pantouflia, 311

History of English Literature, 26, 30–1

   Myth, Ritual and Religion, 31; (with S.H.Butcher) Odyssey, 371; (with Rider Haggard) World’s Desire, 357

   men., 159, 305, 322, 328, 372

Lapley Grange School 398

Last Judgement, The 324

Launcelot, Sir 371

Lawlor, John James C.S.Lewis Memories and Reflections, 139, 151, 152; (ed) Patterns of Love and Courtesy, 139n

   Piers Plowman, 139n

   Tragic Sense in Shakespeare, 139n

   men. 139, 151

Lawrence, Brother Practice of the Presence of God, 113

Lawrence, D.H. Lady Chatterley’s Lover, 421

Sons and Lovers, 368

   men. 158, 159, 260

Lawson, Frederick Henry 74–5, 101–2

Laxdale Saga 88–9

Lazarus 429

Lean, Edward Tangye Of Unsound Mind, 162n

   Storm in Oxford, 162n

   Voices in the Darkness, 162n

   men. 162, 163

Leavis, F.R. 141, 148, 366, 371, 408–10

Legal Fiction 261, 262–4

Leslie, Dr Richard Whytock 12

Lewis, Albert James (father of CSL, 1863–1929) birth, xviii at Lurgan College, xviii; law clerk, xviii–xix

   speaking ability, xviii; law practice, xix

   and Hamilton family, xxi; marriage, xxii; politics, 5

   description, 6

   Flora’s death, 7

   his emotions, 7– 8

   and Wynyard School, 10

   and vaudeville, 10

   sends Jack to Campbell College, 11

   to Cherbourg School, 12, 16

   Mr Kirkpatrick’s solicitor, 17

   to send Jack to Mr Kirkpatrick, 19, his character, 21– 2

   told of Jack’s abilities, 28

   Jack’s confirmation, 31

   Jack joins army, 37

   Jack urges him to visit, 40

   tries to get him transferred, 41

   Jack begs for visit, 46

   fails to visit, 46

   commiserates with Mrs Moore, 46– 7

   Jack comes home, 49

   and son’s involvement with Mrs Moore, 52

   quarrel with Jack, 53

   lied to, 55

   finances Jack’s reading of English school, 58– 9

   Jack visits, 61– 2

   Christmas visit from Jack, 64

   offers to finance him another three years, 70– 1

   Jack elected Fellow of Magdalen, 76

   his generosity towards, 76– 7

   last Christmas with sons, 85

   health causes anxiety, 88

   visit from Jack, 89

   lumbago and sciatica, 90

   seriously ill, 91

   death, 92

   Jack’s shame over, 101– 2

   collection of family papers, 118

   on Joseph Greeves, 119

   men. 30, 38–9, 50–2, 54, 56, 58, 66, 75, 103, 134, 145, 150, 174

Lewis, Clive Staples (1898–1963) xvii–xxii; birth, xxii, 1

   brother, 1

   holiday with mother, 1; ‘Archpiggiebotham’ and ‘Smallpiggiebotham,’ 2

   move to Little Lea, 2

   loves Co. Down, 2

   renamed ‘Jack’, 3

   Boxen stories, 4– 5

   experiences ‘Joy’, 6

   mother’s death, 7– 8

   Wynyard School, 8– 10

   Campbell College, 11

   Cherbourg School, 12

   becomes unbeliever, 12

   Pogo’s influence, 13

   Wagner and return of Joy, 14– 15

   and gramophone, 14

   to Malvern College, 16– 21

   difficulty with father, 21– 22

   writes ‘Loki Bound’, 22

   meets Arthur Greeves, 22– 3

   goes to Mr Kirkpatrick, 23–9, 30– 1

   discovers Phantastes, 27

   Mr Kirkpatrick on, 28

   to serve in war, 29

   scholarship to University College, 29

   his atheism, 31

   matriculates at Oxford, 36

   joins Officers’ Training Corps, 36

   Paddy Moore and family, 37– 8

   promise to Paddy, 39

   infatuation for Mrs Moore, 40

   in Somerset Light Infantry, 40

   arrives in France, 40

   hospital, 41

   loves Mrs Moore, 41

   Battle of Hazebrouck, 42– 3

   wounded, 43– 4

   his wounds, 44

   hospital in London, 44– 5

   relationship with Mrs Moore, 45

Spirits in Bondage published, 48

   home for Christmas, 49

   return to University College, 49

   begins Classical Honour Moderations, 50

   Martlets, 50– 1

   father on affair with Mrs Moore, 52

   quarrels with father, 53

   dislike of coteries, 54

   joint-life with Moores, 55– 7

   First in Classical Moderations, 57

   First in Literae Humaniores, 57

   wins Chancellor’s English Essay Prize, 57

   meets W.B.Yeats, 57– 8

   advised to read English, 58– 9

   writing Dymer, 59– 60

   on A.K. Hamilton Jenkin, 61

   friendship of Owen Barfield and A.C.Harwood, 61

   whiff of ‘Joy’, 61; ‘family’ moves to ‘Hillsboro’, 61

   begins English School, 62– 3

   First in English, 66; ‘Domestic drudgery,’ 69

   depression, 70

   advertises for pupils, 71

   applies for Fellowship, 71

   disappointments, 72

   temporary post at University College, 73

   first lecture, 73– 4

   elected Fellow of Magdalen College, 76

   on exchanging Philosophy for English, 76

   thanks father for generosity, 76– 7

   holiday on Exmoor, 77

   college rooms, 77– 8

   first lecture in English School, 80

   women pupils, 80–1l meets J.R.R. Tolkien, 81– 2

   dislikes poetry of T.S.Eliot, 83– 4

   favourite contemporary poets, 84

Dymer published, 84– 5

   last Christmas at home, 85; spiritual worries, 85– 6

   tutors John Betjeman, 86– 7

   visits father, 88

   attempts modern novel, 89

   life during term–time, 89

   Christmas 1929 with father, 90

   father ill, 91

   father’s death, 92

   interest in Christianity, 93

   portrait of Arthur Greeves, 93

   destroys Boxen toys, 93

   buys Kilns, 94– 5

   shame over father, 101

   conversion to Theism, 102– 3

   attending church, 103

   self–examination, 104– 5

   Pride his besetting sin, 105

   William Morris in new light, 106– 7

   on chastity, 107

   a Christian perspective, 108

   poetic ambition given up, 108– 9

   religious poems, 109– 10

   early version of Surprised by Joy, 111

   Warnie returns to Faith, 112

   his ‘expository demon’, 112

   conversion to Christianity, 115

   Tolkien and Dyson influenced conversion, 115– 16

   rereads letters to Greeves, 118– 19

   on Puritanism, 119– 20

   and Fred Paxford, 121–2; ‘Beer and Beowulf’ evenings, 123

   and bawdy stories, 123– 4

   and ‘Personal Heresy’, 124– 5

   tries to tell story of ‘Joy’, 125– 7

   writes Pilgrim’s Regress, 127– 33

   visits Scotland, 134

   walking tour with Warnie, 135

   reads Place of the Lion, 136–7

   Allegory of Love published, 138– 9

   on conflict between Objective and Subjective, 140– 1

   as lecturer, 145– 7

   as tutor, 148– 52

   his manner, 152– 3

   with colleagues, 154– 6

   and English syllabus, 157

   and 19th century literature, 159– 60

   and Ruth Pitter, 160n; ‘Portico,’ 161– 1

   the Inklings, 161– 79

   first ‘biography,’ 169– 70

   meets Roy Campbell, 170– 1

   death of Charles Williams, 171– 2

   T.S.Eliot’s poems, 175

   end of Thursday Inkling meetings, 177

   as literary critic, 182– 3

   inspiration behind science fiction, 184– 91

   development of Christian doctrine, 189– 91

   his ‘Supposal,’ 190

   writes Perelandra, 199– 203

   on interplanetary travel, 203– 4

   writes That Hideous Strength, 204– 11

   influence of Williams on That Hideous Strength, 205

   and British Interplanetary Society, 210– 11

   his space trilogy, 211– 12

   his short stories, 212– 13

   Warnie recalled to active duty, 216– 17

   influence of Charles Williams, 218

   preaches at St Mary the Virgin, 218–19; ‘discovered’ by Ashley Sampson, 220

   a ‘dogmatic Christian,’ 221

   and Problem of Pain, 221– 24

   Williams’s Milton lectures, 224– 6

   idea for Screwtape Letters, 227– 8

   on writing Screwtape, 229– 33

   Mrs Moore on his Faith, 233– 4

   first Confession, 235–6

   Screwtape royalties given away, 236

   success of Screwtape Letters, 237

   his ‘Agape Fund,’ 237

   invited to talk over BBC, 240– 1

   talks to RAF, 242– 4

   preaches ‘Weight of Glory,’ 244– 6

   defines ‘Mere Christianity,’ 246– 7

   BBC talks on ‘Right and Wrong,’ 247– 8

   more talks to RAF, 250– 2

   BBC talks on ‘What Christians Believe,’ 252– 5

   Christ ‘either God or a good man,’ 254

   BBC talks on ‘Christian Behaviour,’ 255– 9

   and ‘Repellent Doctrines,’ 256

   first talk on ‘Miracles,’ 259

   and E.R.Eddison, 260– 1

   misogynist on ‘theoretical level,’ 261

   on democracy, 261– 2

   on equality, 261– 2

   ordination of women and legal fiction, 262– 5

   fourth series of BBC talks, 264– 8

   and ‘originality,’ 268

   and Socratic Club, 271–7

   Abolition of Man, 276–80

   The Great Divorce, 281– 3

   meets T.S.Eliot, 284

   made DD by St Andrews, 285– 6

   interviewed by Ashley Sampson, 286– 7

   writes Miracles, 287– 9

   debate with G.E.M. Anscombe, 289– 90

   problems with Mrs Moore, 291– 2

   problems with Warnie, 292– 3

   on cover of Time, 293

   corresponds with Don Calabria, 293– 4

   accepted by Protestants and Catholics, 295

   his pastoral letters, 296

   generosity to beggars, 296

   his encouragement, 297

   Pope John Paul II on, 297– 8

   on children’s stories, 301– 3

   early attempts at fairy tale, 303

   writes Lion, Witch and Wardrobe, 304– 8

   writes Prince Caspian, 309

   Pauline Baynes as illustrator, 309

   writes Voyage of the ‘Dawn Treader’, 310

   writes Silver Chair, 310– 11

   writes Horse and His Boy, 311– 12

   writes Magician’s Nephew, 313– 14

   and Last Battle, 314

   reasons for writing Chronicles, 314– 15

   order of Narnian books, 320

   literary inspiration, 320– 2

   creates new mythology, 322– 3

   Free Will in Narnia, 324

   and Plato’s Shadowlands, 325

   Narnias read on two levels, 325

   wrote to please himself, 325– 6

   defines Civilisation, 326

   critical reception of Narnian stories, 326– 8

   amongst great writers for children, 328

   fan letter from Joy Davidman, 330; very ill, 330– 1

   touch of Old Age, 331– 2

   Mrs Moore to nursing home, 332

   his health improves, 332

   holiday with Green, 332– 3

   stalked by Kitty Martin, 333

   meets Joy Davidman, 336

   invites her to Kilns, 336

   holiday in Ireland, 337– 8

   visit from Joy, 338

   and English syllabus, 339

   urged to apply for Chair in Cambridge, 340– 1

   turns down Chair, 341– 2

   accepts Cambridge Chair, 343– 5

   Oxford offers Chair, 345

   is Professor of Medieval and Renaissance English at Cambridge, 345

   Fellow of Magdalene College, 345

   publishes O Hell! volume, 346

   Cambridge Inaugural lecture, 350– 1

   residence in Magdalene, 351

   writes Till We Have Faces, 351– 9

   begins After Ten Years, 356– 7

   reception of Till We Have Faces, 358

   replies to interpretations, 358– 9

   likes Magdalene, 363– 5

   meets Billy Graham, 365

   F.R.Leavis as colleague, 366

   happy years at Magdalene, 368– 70

   Cambridge walks, 370

   modern translations of Classics, 371– 3

   marries Joy in registry office, 373– 5

   she has cancer, 375– 6

   she wants Christian marriage, 376– 7

   more trouble with Kitty Martin, 377– 8

   his Christian marriage, 379

   Joy moves to Kilns and cancer is arrested, 380

   his pity led to Eros, 380– 1

   does not tell Tolkien about marriage, 381

   their disagreement on marriage, 382

   worries about Warnie, 383– 4

   Joy’s pains in his body, 384– 5

   honeymoon in Ireland, 485– 6

   his happiness, 386

   records talks on Four Loves, 387– 9

   on Commission to Revise Psalter, 389– 90

   likes T.S.Eliot, 390

   as Family Man, 390

   plans trip to Greece, 390

   supervises Francis Warner, 391

   Joy’s cancer returns, 392

   in Greece, 393– 7

   Joy’s last days, 398

   her death, 399

   his epitaph for her, 400

   meets Donald Swann, 403

   meets Bill Gresham, 404

   writes A Grief Observed, 405– 6

   his ‘Five Sonnets’; kindness of friends, 406– 7

   and ‘Whole Screwtape’, 407– 8

   tussle with Leavisites, 408– 10

   publishes Studies in Words, 411

   prostate and kidney problems, 413

   education of stepsons, 414

Experiment in Criticism published, 415– 17

   too ill to teach, 417– 18

   returns to Cambridge, 418

   sits for portrait, 421

   and Honest to God, 421– 3

   his Letters to Malcolm, 423– 6

   has heart attack, 428

   receives Extreme Unction, 428

   hires Walter Hooper, 428– 9

   resigns Cambridge Chair, 429

   puts affairs in order, 430

   cared for by Warnie, 431

   a farewell to friends, 432– 3

   his death, 433

   BOOKS A Grief Observed, 362, 405–11, 408

The Abolition of Man, 76, 101, 204, 205, 276–80

   The Allegory of Love, 69, 78, 90–1, 124, 125, 128, 135, 137–9, 145, 148, 164, 182, 184, 325, 347

All My Road Before Me, 56, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69–70, 73, 74–5, 80, 81–2, 85–7, 101, 155n, 206, 321, 352

Arthurian Torso, 284

Beyond Personality, 265–8

   Boxen, 4–5, 10, 22, 88, 93, 169–70, 255

Broadcast Talks, 248–50, 252–5, 266, 276, 303

C.S.Lewis Essay Collection, 221

Christian Behaviour, 255–9, 267, 382

Christian Reflections, 48n, 141

Christian Reunion, 238

Chronicles of Narnia, 4, 190, 197, 223–4, 245, 301–28, 330, 332, 346, 348, 349, 391, 433

Collected Poems, 26, 31–2, 72, 78n, 110–11, 291, 399–400

   The Dark Tower and Other Stories, 195–7, 303, 356–7

   The Discarded Image, 146, 182, 419, 430

Dymer, 2, 30, 48, 57–8, 59–60, 69–70, 72, 82, 84–5, 107, 108, 116, 124, 357

English Literature in the Sixteenth Century, 135, 173, 304, 332, 336, 346–8

   (ed) Essays Presented to Charles Williams, 136, 165, 171–2, 295, 405

Experiment in Criticism, 3, 51, 189, 408, 415–17

   Family Letters, 10, 11n, 12, 17–19, 25, 27, 29, 30–1, 36–7; 40, 41, 44–5, 47–8, 49, 50–1, 53–4, 55–6, 58–9, 66, 70, 74, 75, 76–7, 79–80, 81, 82, 88–9, 90–4, 102, 103, 104–10, 112–16, 120, 123, 154, 158, 188, 213, 405

Fern–seed and Elephants, 219

First and Second Things, 98n

   The Four Loves, 295n, 353, 359, 373, 387–9

   (ed) George MacDonald An Anthology, 27

God in the Dock Essays on Theology and Ethics (Fount), 98n, 269

The Great Divorce, 168, 212, 280–4, 289, 349, 380, 424

The Horse and His Boy, 310, 311–12, 315, 320, 324

The Last Battle, 78, 313, 314, 320, 321, 324, 326, 336, 337, 433

Letters C.S.Lewis–Don Giovanni Calabria, 294, 304

Letters of C.S.Lewis, 5, 19, 165–6, 172, 187–8, 198, 199, 220, 224–5, 227–8, 234, 236, 267, 296, 332, 345, 358–9, 367, 378, 381, 384, 385, 403, 423, 429–30

   Letters to an American Lady, 235, 239, 296, 297, 414–15, 418, 428

Letters to Children, 324

Letters to Malcolm, 336, 421, 423–6, 430

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, xx; 224, 303–8, 309n, 310, 313, 315, 320, 323, 324, 327, 330

Magician’s Nephew, 2, 20n, 308–9, 313–14, 316, 320, 324, 325

Mere Christianity, 105, 159n, 247–50, 252–59, 265–8, 276, 278, 289, 296

Miracles, 150, 188–9, 259, 285, 287–9, 373

The Nameless Isle, 109, 110

Narrative Poems, 85, 109

Of This and Other Worlds, 13, 33, 187, 301

Out of the Silent Planet, 54, 164, 184, 185, 186, 187n, 188, 190, 191–5, 197, 198, 199, 203, 207, 212, 302

Perelandra, 43, 77, 169, 184, 185, 190, 194, 195, 198–203, 205, 210, 212, 231, 302, 322, 357, 403–4, 427; (with E.M.W.Tillyard) The Personal Heresy, 138–9, 140, 411

The Pilgrim’s Regress, 83, 110, 127–33, 188, 212, 220, 281, 323

Poems, 95

A Preface to ‘Paradise Lost’, 152, 182–3, 225–6, 230, 284, 347

Prince Caspian, 308, 310, 313, 315, 316, 320, 324, 331, 332

The Problem of Pain, 164, 166, 167, 198, 205, 220, 221–24, 240, 254, 324, 423

The Queen of Drum, 85, 109

Reflections on the Psalms, 386, 389, 412

Rehabilitations, 51, 141, 156–7

   The Screwtape Letters, 28, 167, 194, 206, 212, 227–33, 240, 251, 254, 259, 280, 282, 283, 294, 349, 364, 377, 378, 407, 423

The Screwtape Letters and Screwtape Proposes a Toast, 229, 233, 407–8

   Screwtape Proposes a Toast and other pieces, 18, 34, 189, 216

Selected Literary Essays, 159, 314, 329

The Silver Chair, 122, 154n, 310–11, 312, 315, 320, 322, 324, 326

Spenser’s Images of Life, 412, 435

Spirits in Bondage, 32–3, 48, 54, 57, 69, 101, 108, 139

Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature, 336n

   Studies in Words, 365, 411

Surprised by Joy, xx, 2–3, 6, 7–8, 10–11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19–20, 21, 22, 24, 36, 40, 41, 42, 45, 61, 65, 70, 86, 99, 100, 102–3, 111, 115, 153–4, 304, 330

That Hideous Strength, 17, 58, 77, 123, 154, 169, 185, 187, 197, 204–11, 212, 261, 280, 302, 368

They Stand Together, 131, 133, 136, 163, 198, 242, 250, 255, 260, 293, 296, 332, 346, 374, 384, 405, 413

Till We Have Faces, 201, 234, 351–9, 387

Timeless at Heart, 18

Transposition and Other Addresses, 219

The Voyage of the ‘Dawn Treader’, 310, 315, 320, 324, 327

   OTHER ‘After Ten Year’, 54, 356–7, 359, 397; ‘The Anthropological Approach’, 420

A Series of Ten Talks on Love, 402; ‘Ballade of a Winter’s Morning,’ 26; ‘Bleheris,’ (unpublished), 32; ‘Bulverism,’ 273, 275; ‘Caught,’ 110–11; ‘Christian Apologetics,’ 256; ‘Christianity and Culture,’, 48n, 142, 218; ‘Christianity and Literature,’ 141; ‘Couplets,’ 31–2; ‘Dangers of National Repentance,’ 236; ‘The Day with a White Mark,’ 291; ‘Death in Battle,’ 45

De Descriptione Temporum, 314, 350–1; ‘Divine Justice,’ 281; ‘Dogma and the Universe,’ 267; ‘Edmund Spenser 1552–99,’ 336n; ‘The Empty Universe’, 140; ‘Equality,’ 261–2; ‘Five Sonnets’; Foreword to Smoke on the Mountain, 335; ‘Forms of Things Unknown,’ 212–13; ‘Four Talks on Love’ (tape–recordings), 389; ‘God in the Dock,’ 244; ‘Hamlet the Prince or the Poem?’ 182; ‘Interim Report’, 365–6, 408; ‘Is Theology Poetry?’, 15, 189, 273; ‘It All Began with a Picture …’ 197, 302, 304–5; ‘Joy’, 72; ‘Kipling’s World,’ 159; ‘Learning in War–Time,’ 219, 286–7; ‘Loki Bound’ (unpublished), 22; ‘Membership,’ 262; ‘Ministering Angels,’ 212; ‘Miracles,’ 259, 285, 288; ‘Must Our Image of God Go?’ 422; ‘Nearly They Stood,’ 281; ‘On Obstinacy in Belief,’ 273; ‘On Stories,’ 51, 187; ‘On the Reading of Old Books,’ 98n, 221, 247; ‘On Three Ways of Writing for Children,’ 10, 301, 302, 327; ‘Our English Syllabus’, 156–7; ‘Outline of Narnian History,’ 316–20; ‘Priestesses in the Church?’ 263–4; ‘Religion and Rocketry,’ 204; ‘Religion without Dogma?’, 15; ‘Screwtape Proposes a Toast,’ 216, 229, 407–8; ‘To Roy Campbell,’ 171; ‘The Seeing Eye,’ 190; ‘The Shoddy Lands,’ 212; ‘Sometimes Fairy Stories May Say Best What’s to be Said,’ 314–15, 323; ‘Unreal Estates,’ 124; ‘The Vision of John Bunyan’, 128, 419, 435; ‘We Have No “Right to Happiness”’, 430–1, 432; ‘The Weight of Glory,’ 244–6, 256; ‘What Chaucer Really Did to Il Filostrato’, 125; ‘What the Bird Said Early in the Year,’ 78n; ‘Willing Slaves of the Welfare State’, 385;

Lewis, Elizabeth xix

Lewis, Florence Augusta ‘Flora’ (L’s mother, 1862–1908) ancestry, xix

   birth, xxi; education, xxi; marriage, xxii; last holiday with boys, 6

   move to Little Lea, 2

   taste in literature, 3

   death, 7–8, and Ewart family, 11

   men. 45, 134

Lewis, Joseph (L’s great –

   grandfather, 1803?–1890) xvii

Lewis, Joseph (son of Richard II, 1856–1908) xviii

Lewis, Martha (daughter of Richard I, 1854–1860) xviii

Lewis Martha Gee (wife of Richard II, 1831–1903) xviii

Lewis, Richard I (L’s great –

   great –

   grandfather, c. 1775–1845) xvii

Lewis, Richard II (L’s grandfather, 1832–1908) xvii –

   xviii, xix, 7

Lewis, Richard III (son of Richard II, 1861– ?) xviii, xix, 134

Lewis, Sarah Jane (daughter of Richard II, 1856?–1901) xviii

Lewis, Warren Hamilton ‘Warnie’ (L’s brother, 1895–1973) his maternal grandmother, xx –

   xxi; birth, xxii; and brother, 1

   holiday with mother, 1; ‘Archpiggiebotham,’ 2

   move to Little Lea, 2

   and Boxen, 4– 5

   to Wynyard School, 6

   mother’s death, 7– 8

   at Wynyard, 8– 9

   to Malvern College, 10– 12

   tutored by W.T.Kirkpatrick, 17

   visits Malvern, 18

   wins cadetship to Sandhurst, 22

   on Arthur Greeves, 23

   to Sandhurst, 23

   joins Army Service Corps, 23

   sent to France, 23

   on Jack’s affair with Mrs Moore, 45– 6

   on father’s failure to visit Jack, 46

   Little Lea for Christmas, 49

   on father’s quarrel with Jack, 53

   on Jack’s establishment with Moores, 56

   Owen Barfield contests his account, 57

   he and Jack visit father, 61– 2

   at Colchester, 73, last Christmas with father, 85

   sails for Shanghai, 87

   father’s death, 91– 2

   invited to join Jack’s household, 93

   arrives home, 93

   he and Jack buy ‘The Kilns,’ 94– 5

   convinced Christianity true, 112

   returns to Oxford, 112

   trip to Whipsnade Zoo, 115

   edits ‘Lewis Papers,’ 118

   re –

   enlists for duty in China, 120

   retires from Army, 133

   to Scotland, 134

   on walking tour, 135

   his brother’s memory, 150

   John Wain on, 168

   reads Splendid Century to Inklings, 169

   Tolkien on, 171

   as member of Inklings, 171

   on Inkling meetings, 172– 77

   and J.A.W.Bennett, 173

   called to active duty beginning World War II, 216

   in French hospital, 226

   rescue from Dunkirk, 227

   and Mrs Moore, 233– 4

   home for good, 235

   joins Upper Thames Patrol, 255

   meets E.R.Eddison, 261

   with Jack to Durham, 277

   essay for Charles Williams, 284– 5

   with Jack to St Andrews, 285

   hospitalised in Drogheda, 292– 3

   holiday in Drogheda, 293

   goes on binge, 304

   and Narnian title, 311

   Jack’s illness, 330– 1

   another binge, 331

   on Mrs Moore, 332

   Jack’s letters from Joy Davidman, 334

   meets Joy, 336

   with Jack to Ireland, 337– 8

   Jack afraid of leaving, 340, 342

   encourages Jack to accept Cambridge chair, 343

   with Jack in Ireland, 346

   on Jack’s civil marriage, 375

   talks to Daily Mail, 378

   at brother’s wedding, 379

   on Joy, 382–3

   Sunset of the Splendid Century published, 383

   heart damaged, 383– 4

   helps Joy with biography, 389

   last words with Joy, 398

   her death, 399

   in hospital, 404

   on A Grief Observed; in Ireland, 406– 7

   completes Scandalous Regent, 412

   on Jack’s health, 414– 15

   and Alcoholics Anonymous, 418

   his drinking, 418– 19

   to Ireland, 425

   returns home, 431

   looks after brother, 431– 3

   men. 52, 58, 58, 71, 75, 88, 89, 90, 103, 121, 123, 145, 158, 164, 165–6, 220, 224–5, 250, 280, 303, 351, 353, 429, 430

Assault on Olympus, 383, 389

Brothers and Friends, 93, 112, 172–77, 234, 277, 281, 292, 304, 330–1, 334, 336, 350, 375, 379–80, 383, 398, 399, 412, 418–19, 433; ‘C.S.Lewis 1898–1963’ (unpublished), 1, 2, 5, 16, 18, 40, 49, 56, 203, 431

Levantine Adventurer, 414

Louis XIV, 412; ‘Memoir,’ 5, 19, 46, 57, 150

Scandalous Regent, 412

Splendid Century, 169, 282, 338

Sunset of the Splendid Century, 383;

Lewis, William (son of Richard II 1859–1946) xviii, 134

Lewis Papers, The 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 28, 29, 47, 52, 53, 63–4, 77, 87, 89, 118, 119, 301, 352–3

Liaisons Dangereuses, Les see Choderlos de Laclos

Lincoln College (Oxford) 48n

Lindos 395

Lindsay, David Voyage to Arcturus, 187, 211, 212

Listener, The 410

Literae Humaniores (‘Greats’) 24n, 49–50, 57, 58–9, 66n, 69, 71, 74n, 86n, 154n, 167, 175n, 219n, 289n

Literary Criticism 124–5, 140–2, 148, 183, 284, 347–8, 366, 408–11,

Little End Room (Little Lea) 23, 78, 80

Little Lea 2–3, 5, 6, 11, 21–2, 23, 38, 55, 61–2, 64, 70, 88, 91–4, 103, 113, 134, 150

Living Church, The 387–8

Logres 3, 209

London Magazine 9

Lloyd, Harold 81

Lloyd, Roger The Mastery of Evil, 220

Lloyd George, David 41–2

Locke, John 87

Lodge, Kenneth Ernest 17

Logic xxi, 23–4

Loki 22

London College of Music 391n

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 6

Lord Haw Haw 247 L’Osservatore Romano 293n

Lot 205

Louis XIV, King 169, 175n, 282, 383, 389, 412

Loutit, Bishop H.I. 387

Lovelace, Richard 51n

Lowes, John Livingston Road to Xanadu, 138

Lucian 186, 211

Lucifer see Satan Lucretius 46, 161

Lucy of Narnia, Blessed 306–7

Ludendorff, General Erich 42

Ludlow 66

Luke, St Gospel, 103, 142, 359

Lurgan College (Co. Armagh) xviii, 17

Lytton, Edward Bulwer The Coming Race, 322

McCallum, Ronald Buchanan 177, 178, 179

Macan, Reginald W. 29, 30, 51

MacDonald, George Collected Poems, 150

Diary of an Old Soul, 104

Golden Key, 303

Phantastes, 27, 53, 104, 109, 133

Princess and Curdie, 107, 303

Princess and the Goblin, 107, 303

What’s Mine’s Mine, 112

Wilfred Cumbermede, 114

Wise Woman, 303

Within and Without, 150

   men. 28, 108, 113, 133–4, 282–3

McEldowney, M.M. 133–4

MacIlwaine, John H. xviii

MacIlwaine and Lewis Boiler Makers, Engineers, and Iron Ship Builders xviii

McKenna, Stephen Confessions of a Well-Meaning Woman, 232–3

Mackenzie, Donald A. Teutonic Myth and Legend, 22

Maclean, Boyle, and Maclean (Dublin) xviii

McNeice, Louis Blind Fireworks, 86n

   The Earth Compels, 86n

   Poems, 86n

   Springboard, 86n

   Visitations, 86n

   men. 86–7

McNeill, James Adams 209n

McNeill, Jane ‘Janie’ 209, 386

Macown, Edie xviii Maenads 21

Maeve 23

Magdalen College (Oxford) 52n, 59, 60, 62, 64, 69, 75–81, 83, 87, 91, 92–3, 100–1, 104, 120, 122–3, 127n, 139n, 145, 146, 147–8, 151–8, 163, 167, 168, 173, 175, 201, 209, 217, 233, 242–3, 251, 307, 308, 310, 313, 322, 336, 342, 349, 363, 366, 367, 368, 386, 406, 431

Magdalen College Archives 238

Magdalen College School (Oxford) 335n, 398, 406–7, 414, 418, 420

Magdalene College (Cambridge) 78, 251, 252, 341, 344–5, 351, 363–5, 367, 368, 377, 386, 390, 391, 397, 412, 415, 431

Magdalene College Magazine and Record 368–9, 401

Maintenon, Françoise d’Aubigné 383, 389

Mallet, Paul Henri Northern Antiquities, 22

Malory, Sir Thomas Le Morte D’Arthur, 26, 27, 131, 148, 371, 430

Malvern College 10, 12, 16–22, 170, 209, 292, 363n

Mann, Erika 373–4

Mann, Thomas 374

Mark, King 48

Marlborough College 86n, 87n, 421n

Marlowe, Christopher 83

Mars 185, 191, 212

Marsh, David 403–4, 427

Martin, Kitty 333, 377, 378

Martin, Mother Mary 292, 384, 404

Martlets, The 50–1, 105, 124, 162

Marx, Karl 275

Mary, Blessed Virgin 187b, 218

Mary Magdalene, St 345

Masefield, John 65, 84, 85, 159, 183

Mason, A. E. W. At the Villa Rose, 9

Mathew, Archbishop David (with Gervase Mathew) Reformation and Contemplative Life, 167n

Mathew OP, Fr Gervase Byzantine Painting, 167n

   Court of Richard II, 167n; (with David Mathew) Reformation and Contemplative Life, 167n

   men. 167, 172, 174, 178. 195, 260

Matthew, St Gospel, 120, 142, 165, 201, 324

Matthews, Very Rev. Walter Robert 242

Maucroix, François 363n

May, Ronald 414

Medea 30

Medical Missionaries of Mary 292–3

Medusa 213

Megara 393, 394

Mendelssohn, Felix 153

Menelaus 313, 356–7, 359

Merchant Taylor’s School 47n

Mercury 185, 310

Merlin 53, 207–9

Mermaid Club 89

Merton, Thomas No Man is an Island, 417

Merton College (Oxford) 52n, 62n, 74n, 76n, 78, 81, 82n, 102, 146n, 155, 163, 173n, 219n, 305, 339, 340, 341n, 363, 367, 385

Methodist Church xvii, xviii, 253

Methodist College (Belfast) xxi

Michael, St 191, 230

Michael Hall School 56

Michaelmas Club 93

Middle English 64, 147

Milford, Sir Humphrey 137

Milford, Rev. Theodore Richard 218

Military Cross 41, 46n, 100n, 341n

Millar, H.R. 3

Miller, Maude ‘Molly’ 224, 382, 429

Milne, A.A. Winnie-the-Pooh, 307, 326

Milton, John Comus, 28, 224–5

   Paradise Lost, 6, 7, 28, 149, 182–3, 184, 198, 230–1

   Samson Agonistes, 65

   men. 74, 83, 142, 147, 225–6, 351, 371

Minos 395–6

Miracles 259, 273

Modern Philology 361

Modern Poetry 54–5, 83–4

Molière Tartuffe, 368

Monteith, Charles 406

Moore, Edward Francis Courtney 38

Moore, Francis Edward Courtney ‘Paddy’ L’s roommate at Keble College, 37

   L meets family, 38

   promise to L, 39

   to France with Rifle Brigade, 39

   killed in battle, 46

   his mother on, 47

   L’s promise, 106

   men. 233

Moore, Mrs Janie King Askins meets Lewis, 38

   he visits Bristol, 39

   Lewis’s promise to Paddy, 39

   Paddy to France, 39

   Lewis to France, 40

   Lewis loves, 41

   their relationship, 45– 6

   Paddy killed, 46

   on Paddy, 46– 7

   visits Oxford, 50

   moves to Oxford, 52

   joint –

   life with Lewis, 55– 6

   Owen Barfield on, 57

   reads L’s diary, 58; ‘domestic drudgery,’ 69

   brother’s madness, 70

   financial worries, 72

   holiday in Exmoor, 77

   holiday in Cornwall, 88

   Warnie invited to join household, 93

   moves to Kilns, 95

   sees less of L, 120

   and Paxford, 121– 2

   and evacuated children, 217

   Tolkien on, 217

   her atheism, 233– 4

   arthritis, 255

   lameness, 291

   Maureen helps, 292

   friction with Vera Henry, 304

   needs constant watching, 330

   Warnie will not help, 331

   in nursing home, 332

   her death, 332

   men. 64, 88, 216, 337, 360

Moore, Maureen Daisy Helen see Dunbar of Hempriggs, Lady

More, Paul Elmer 83–4

Morris, Clifford ‘A Christian Gentleman,’ 367– 8

   men. 399

Morris, William Grettir the Strong, 26

Life and Death of Jason, 28

Love is Enough, 106–7

   Well At the World’s End, 27, 371

   men. 26, 27, 30, 51, 78, 113, 131, 158, 371

Mount Bernenchon 43

Murray, Gilbert 50, 54, 371, 372

Mycenae 393, 397

Mythology 15, 22, 31, 65, 86, 92, 103, 114, 116, 130, 164, 175, 185–6, 188–91, 194, 322, 327

Mythopoeia (and Mythopoeic) 164, 211, 327

Narnia/Narni (Italy) 306–7

Nature (and Naturalism) 273, 279, 288, 290

Natural Law 101, 160, 161, 241, 248–50, 276–80

Nesbit, E. ‘Aunt and Amabel,’ 321

Five Children – and It, 3

Harding’s Luck, 9

House of Arden, 9

Phoenix and the Carpet, 3

Story of the Amulet, 3, 322

Treasure Seekers, 308; ‘Unlikely Tales,’ 308

   men. 10, 150, 301, 304, 305, 308, 313, 314, 322–3, 327, 328

Nero 9

Newbolt, Sir Henry John 37

New College (Oxford) 12n, 29, 74n, 86n, 164, 175n, 339

New English Bible, The 390

New Masses 334n

New Statesman and Nation 237

New Testament 287

New York 334, 337 New York Times 314

New Zealand 173n

Newman, John Henry Development of Christian Doctrine, 189–9

   Dream of Gerontius, 425– 6

   men. 142

Newton, Sir Isaac 87

Neylan, Mary 172

Nicea 251

Nicholson, Marjorie Voyages to the Moon, 194

‘Northernness’ 14, 15, 22

North West London Talmudical College 335n, 418, 429

Norse Sagas 22, 82, 92

Norton, Thomas (with T. Sackville) Gorboduc, 64

Nott, Kathleen Emperor’s Clothes, 348

Noyes, Alfred 84, 267

Nuffield, Viscount (William Richard Morris) 367

Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre see Wingfield-Morris Hospital

Numbers 269

Numinor 209, 210

Observer, The 385, 421–2

Odin 116n

Officers’ Training Corps 29, 30, 36,

Old Icelandic 82

Old Inn (Crawfordsburn) 386, 391

Old Norse 82, 116n, 147

Old Testament 287

O’Neill, Joseph Land Under England, 322

Onions, Charles Talbut Advanced English Syntax, 64n

   men. 64, 154

Only Toys! see F. Anstey Order of Jesus (Jesuits) 289

Oriel College (Oxford) 29, 66n, 76n, 154n, 413n

Original Sin 189–90, 222

Originality 28, 141, 183, 207, 267, 321

Orleans, Phillipe de France, Duc d’ 412

Orpheus 122

Orthodox Church 263, 395, 397

Orwell, George 267

Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital (Drogheda) 292–3, 384, 404

Ovid Pars Estis Pauci, 20– 1

   men. 69

Oxford Cathedral 379n

Oxford Crematorium 399–400

Oxford Dante Society 167

Oxford High School 235 Oxford Magazine, The 91, 124, 163, 170, 177n

Oxford Mail 378

Oxford Summer Diversions 75

Oxford Union 37

Oxford Times, The 62–3

Oxford University Dramatic Society (OUDS) 62n, 75

Paganism 13, 114, 116, 119, 175, 188, 189, 356, 397

Pannett, Juliet 421

Papworth, Mr (Lewis’s dog) 95, 122

Paradise 203, 281, 282

Pargny 46

Paris 42, 84, 280

Parkin, Col. Herbert Denis 292

Parnell, Thomas 162

Parson’s Pleasure 37

Parthenon, The 196, 393

Partridge, Sir Bernard 3

Pasley, (Sir) Rodney 51, 54, 57

Pastor Pastorum 165

Patmore, Coventry The Angel in the House, 105–6, 107

Patroklos 26

Paul, St Ephesians, 258

   men. 116, 142, 416

Paul VI, Pope 264–5

Paxford, Alice Sophia 121n

Paxford, Frederick ‘Fred’ 121–2, 123, 241, 244–5, 255, 326, 340, 341, 342, 382, 392, 429

Peacock, Thomas Love Misfortunes of Elphin, 371

   men. 66

Pearson’s 9

Pelagius 190

Pelham Downs Camp (Ludgershall) 47

Pelleas, Sir 371

Pellinore, Sir 371

Pembroke College (Cambridge) 355n

Pembroke College (Oxford) 177, 220

Penelope, Sister (A Religious of C.S.M.V.) Meditation of a Caterpillar, 187n

   Wood for the Trees, 187n

   men. 187–8, 198, 221, 235–6, 243–4, 247, 284, 285, 332, 345, 384, 419, 429–30

Pepys, Samuel 363n, 412

Peto, Michael 385

Petronius 161

Phaistos 396

Philosophy 70–1, 73–4, 76, 81n, 86, 100, 152

Philosophy, Politics and Economics 92n, 162n

Pierce, Claude 334, 337, 338

Pierce, Renée 334–5, 336–7, 338, 348

Pisa 396

Pitt, Valerie 274

Pitt, William 178

Pitter, Ruth First Poems, 160n

   A Mad Woman’s Garland, 160n

   Poems, 160n

   Pitter on Cats, 160n

   A Trophy of Arms, 160n

   men. 159–60, 292, 338, 419

Pius XII, Pope 293n

Plato Republic, 325

Symposium, 109

   men. 86, 136, 276

Platonism 356

Plotz, Dick 172

Plymouth Brethren 119

Pocock, Guy 84

Poe, Edgar Allan 206

Poetic Diction 372

Politian see Poliziano Poliziano, Angelo 212

Pontifical Council for the Family 349

Poor Servants of Divine Providence 293n, 294

Pope, Alexander 148, 162

Pornography 160

Potter, Beatrice Peter Rabbit, 301

Samuel Whiskers, 301

Squirrel Nutkin, 3, 6

   men. 170, 322

Pound, Ezra 82n, 84, 260

Powell, Dilys 84

Powell, Frederick York Powell (with G.Vigfússon) Corpus Poeticum Boreale, 22

Poynton, Arthur Blackburne 50, 51, 74

Prentki, Tim Francis Warner, 391n

Pre –

   Raphaelites, The 76

Presbyterian Church 17, 242, 253, 334

Preseau 41

Price, Cormell 78

Pride 105

Princeton University 74n

Prinknash Abbey 127n, 253

Procrustes 253

Prodigal Son, The 102 Prose Edda 22

Protestants 294, 295, 334n, 397

Protestant Evangelicals 222, 295

Proust, Marcel 370

Prudentius (Aurelius Prudentius Clemens) Liber Cathemerinon, 281

   men. 135

Pseudo Apuleius Asclepius, 185

Psalms, The 82n, 177, 281, 304, 364, 389–90, 418, 419

Psyche 321, 351–9

Psychoanalysis 70n, 85, 287, 334n

Psychotherapy 409

Punch 3

Purgatory 424–6, 430

Puritanism 119

Pursglove, Glyn Francis Warner, 391n

Pusey House (Oxford) 154

Quakers 119

Queen’s College, The (Oxford) 146n, 164n, 166n, 173, 376n

Queen’s University (Belfast) xxi, 74n, 76n, 177

Queenstown (Co. Cork) xxi

Quennel, William Eyre Hamilton 20

Quiller-Couch, A. T. 84–5

Rabelais, François 211

Rachel xxi

Racine, Jean 83, 368

Rackham, Arthur 14, 15

Radcliffe Infirmary, The 166n, 171, 399

Radio Times, The 214

Radley College 155n

Raine, Kathleen 84, 415

Rakestraw, Dr Carolina 387–9

Raleigh, Sir Walter 64

Ramsey, A.M. The Resurrection of Christ, 220

Ransome, Arthur 308, 326

Rationalism 85, 93

Raven, C.E. 289

Rawlence, A.G. 43

Rayner, Karl 267

Reason 161, 267, 273, 287, 290

Reformation, The 351, 424–5

Refrigerium 280–1, 282

Renault, Mary The Bull from the Sea; The King Must Die, 372

Reporter, The (Cambridge) 364–5

Repton School 37

Responsions (Oxford University) 30, 36, 49

Restholme 332, 346

Resurrection, The 267, 324

Reveille 48

Revised Psalter, The 390

Reynolds, Barbara 193n, 215, 299

Rhodes 392, 394–5, 397

Rice-Oxley, Leonard 182

Richards, I.A. Principles of Literary Criticism, 140

Science and Poetry, 140– 1

   men. 148

Riddell Memorial Lectures 276–7

Ridler, Anne 166n

Rieu, Emile Victor 372

Riez du Vinage 42–3

Rifle Brigade, The 37n, 39 Ring of the Nibelung see Richard Wagner

Roanoke College 295n

Robinson, Rt. Rev. J.A.T. Honest to God, 421–4

   Redating of the New Testament, 421n

Roland, The Song of 27

Rolph, C.H. (ed) Trial of Lady Chatterley, 421, 435

Romanes, George John 431n

Romanes Lecture, The 431

Romanticism 28–9

Romantic Movement 71

Romantic Theology 136n, 137

Rome xix, xxi, 9, 139, 154n, 306

Romsey Abbey 134

Ros, Amanda McKittrick Irene Iddlesleigh; Poems of Puncture, 174

   Ross, Alec 428

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 91

Rostrevor 337

Rowlings, J.K. 328

Rowse, Alfred Leslie 81, 432

Royal 9

Royal Air Force 168, 242–4, 250–2, 253, 255

Royal Army Medical Corps 70n

Royal Army Service Corps see Army Service Corps

Royal Corps of Signals 29n

Royal Field Artillery 100n, 341n

Royal Flying Corps 59n

Royal Fort Hotel (Rathmullan) 386, 391

Royal Magazine, The 12

Royal Military College (Sandhurst) 22, 62n

Royal Naval College (Dartmouth) 62n

Royal Navy xix, 242n

Royal Society of Literature Report, 218n, 431

Royal University of Ireland see Queen’s University (Belfast)

Rugby 413n

Rundstedt, General Gerd von 226

Ruskin, John 26

Sackville, Thomas see Thomas Norton

Sadism 161

Sadler, Sir Michael Ernest 71, 73

Sagas 65, 82m 88–9, 92–3

St Aldate’s Church (Oxford) 271n

St Anne’s Church (London) 348

St Anne’s College (Oxford) 271n, 354n

St Bartholomew’s Hospital (London) 20n

St Benedict’s Al Monte(Verona) 293n

St Catharine’s College (Cambridge) 391, 412

St Catherine’s College (Oxford) 64n, 378n, 379

St Cross Church (Oxford) 172

St Edmund Hall (Oxford) 24n

St Hilda’s College (Oxford) 342

St Hugh’s College (Oxford) 63, 289n

St John the Divine, Cathedral of (New York) 337

St John’s Church (Watford) 119

St John’s College (Oxford) 50n, 70, 151n, 167, 242n

St Jude on the Hill (London) 259

St Jude’s Gazette 259

St Leger, Warham ‘False Gallop of Analogies,’ 326

St Mark’s Church, Dundela xix –

   xxii, 31, 132n, 134

St Mary Magdalen Church (Oxford) 428

St Mary the Virgin, University Church of (Oxford) 218–19, 244–6, 286–7

St Paul’s Cathedral 218n, 240n, 242, 389

St Peter’s College (Oxford) 391n

St Philip’s School (Birmingham) 62n

Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman History of English Literature, 63–4

Salisbury, fourth Marquess of 291

Salisbury Plain 87

Sambourne, Edwin Linley 3

Sampson, Ashley ‘The Crusading Intellect,’ 286–7

   Famous English Sermons, 218n

   From the Ashes Poems, 218n

   Ghost of Mrs Brown, 218n

   Wolsey, 218n

   men. 218, 219–20, 236

San Zeno Orphanage (Verona) 293n

Sandeman, Austin 71

Sandhurst see Royal Military College

Sargent, Paul 377

Sartre, Jean-Paul 273

Sassoon, Siegfried 48

Satan (Devil or Lucifer) xx, 105, 191, 192, 193–4, 199, 200, 201, 222, 229–32, 254, 287

Saturday Evening Post, The 407, 430–1

Saturn 16, 185

Satyrs 21

Sayer, George Jack, 160n, 170, 374, 375–6, 428– 9

   men. 131–2, 175, 311, 375, 417

Sayers, Dorothy L. The Letters of Dorothy L. Sayers, Vol. III, 211, 263

The Man Born to be King, 193n

   The Mind of the Maker, 193n

   Whose Body?, 193n

   men. 193, 285, 293, 348, 378, 381

Schliemann, Heinrich 393

School Certificates 70

Science 272

Scot, Reginald Discoverie of Witchcraft, 306

Scotsman 48

Scott, Sir Walter 150, 159, 178, 350

Scriblerus Club 162

Scrutiny 141, 142, 409

Seafarer, The 63

Seaton, Ethel 182

Selly Oak College (Birmingham) 242n

Selwyn College (Cambridge) 392

Seven Sleepers of Ephesus 209

Seymour, William W. History of the Rifle Brigade, 46n

Shadowlands (Plato’s) 325

Shakespeare, William As You Like It, 73

Hamlet, 86, 100, 182

King Lear, 64

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 124, 158

Tempest, 4

Winter’s Tale, 114

   men. 16, 28, 124, 147, 151, 178, 350

Shanghai 87, 92

Shelburne, Mary Willis 239, 296, 414–15, 417, 427

Shelley, Percy Bysshe 3, 95

Sherlock Holmes 9, 175, 302, 313, 371

Shmeruk, Chone 414

Sidney, Sir Philip 28

Sidney Sussex College (Cambridge) 240n

Sidonius Apollinaris 175n

Sienkiewicz, Henryk Quo Vadis?, 9

Siegfried 14–15, 127

Sieglinde 23

Silenus 322

Simon Magus 54

Sisam, Kenneth 135

Sleeping Beauty, The 303

Smith, David Nichol 64, 305

Smith, G.D. 255

Smith, Harry Wakelyn (‘Smewgy’) 20–1, 51

Smith, John Alexander 154, 155, 156

Smith, Lyn (ed) Swann’s Way, 434

Smithers, Geoffrey Victor Early English Verse and Prose (with J.A.W.Bennett and N. Davis); Havelok; Kyng Alisaunder, men. 340–1, 342, 343

Smollett, Tobias George 159

Society of St John the Evangelist 235

Socratic Club, The Oxford University 15, 24n, 166n, 167, 209, 271–7, 289–91 Socratic Digest, The 271–2, Somerset Light Infantry 40–4

Somerville, Martin Ashworth 37, 38

Somerville College (Oxford) 193n, 271, 272, 289, 369

Somnium Scipionis 186

Soper, David Wesley (ed) These Found the Way, 334n

Sophocles 51, 63, 83

Soundbox, The 15

South Africa 62n

Sparrow, John Hanbury Angus 86–7

Speaight, Robert 259

Spectator, The 283, 289, 410

Spenser, Sir Edmund The Faerie Queene, 26, 60n, 138, 370, 412, 418

   men. 51, 69, 135, 148

Spirit of the Age 257

Spiritualism 70n

Staples, Rt. Hon. John xix

Stapleton, Olaf Last and First Men, 186, 198, 204

Star Gazer, 204

   men. 211

Statius 369

Steiner, Rudolf 29n, 59n, 87n

Stein, Gertrude 84

Sthenno 213

Stephen, St 429

Stephen, Henry 96n

Stephens, James 3, 51

Sterne, Laurence Tristram Shandy, 25, 6, 94, 109

Stesichorus Palinodia, 357

Stevens, Courtney Edward ‘Tom Brown’ Sidonius Apollinaris, 175n

   men. 175

Stevens, J.E. 369

Stevenson, Robert Louis Wrong Box, 364

   men. 150, 371

Stevenson, Victoria Clover Magic; Magic Broom; Magic Footstool, 309n

Stock, Thomas 153

Stonehenge 75

Stopes, Marie 388

Strand Magazine, The 3, 9, 301, 302

Student Christian Movement 242n

Studley Priory 383, 399

Styx 281

Suffern, Lilian Hamilton (L’s aunt, 1860–1934) xix

Sunday Times, The 84

Supholme, A.C. 289

Sutter, Julie 28

Sutton, Alexander Gordon 37

Swann, Donald Swann’s Way, 403–4, 427

   men. 403–4, 427

Swift, Jonathan 148, 162

Swinburne, Algernon Charles Atalanta in Calydon, 21

Symbolism 325

Tablet, The 254–5, 259, 416

Taylor, Jeremy ‘Christ’s Advent to Judgement,’ 280–1

   Whole Works, 290

   men. 113

Tegner, Esaias Drapa, 6

Tenniel, Sir John 3

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord Locksley Hall Sixty Years After, 202, 203

Tithonus, 385

Tennyson, G.B. ed. Owen Barfield on C.S.Lewis, 29n

Tertullian 177

Textual Criticism 92

Thackeray, William Makepeace Rose and the Ring, 308

   men. 159

Theism 88, 96

Theology 142, 266–7, 289

Theosophy 70n

Thisted, Valdemar Adolph Letters from Hell, 28, 282

Thomas, D. Winton 389, 412, 418

Thomas Aquinas, St Collationes in Decem Praeceptis, 248

Thomson, James 79

Thor 22

Tibullus, Albius 16

Till, Dr Anthony Stedman 399

Tillich, Paul 268

Tillyard, E.M.W. Milton, 124; (with C.S.Lewis) The Personal Heresy, 138–9, 140

   men. 138–9, 341, 410

Time (magazine) 293

Time and Tide 237, 255, 263

Times, The 29, 48, 76, 155, 252, 345, 371–2, 377, 378

Times Literary Supplement, The (TLS) 131, 138, 265, 283, 347–8, 410

Tindal, Martin 255

Tolkien, Arthur 62n

Tolkien, Christopher Reuel 168–9, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 282

Tolkien, Edith 62n, 398

Tolkien, Hilary 62n

Tolkien, Father John 430

Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel Adventures of Tom Bombadil, 309n; ‘Errantry,’ 163

Farmer Giles of Ham, 309

Hobbit, 62n, 133, 163, 327

Fellowship of the Ring, 62n, 421

Letters of J.R.R.Tolkien, 162, 164, 168–9, 170, 171, 172, 190, 205, 381, 382

Lord of the Rings, 62n, 78, 165, 168, 174, 178, 205, 210, 220, 328, 371

Lost Road, 164

Return of the King, 62n; (with Donald Swann) Road Goes Ever On, 403n

   Silmarillion, 162, 210

Smith of Wootton Major, 309n

   Two Towers, 62n

   Biography, 62; first meets L, 81– 2

   and Norse mythology, 92

   influences Lewis’s conversion, 101

   and doctrine, 105

   instrument of L’s conversion, 114–16, 188

   sees him often, 120

   Monday meetings, 123

   writes The Hobbit, 133

   helps establish English syllabus, 157

   plans for Ring cycle, 158

   beginning of Inklings, 161– 5

   he and L to write thrillers, 164

   reads part of Lord of the Rings to Inklings, 165; Problem of Pain dedicated to, 166

   writing Lord of the Rings, 168– 9

   describes Inkling meeting, 169

   and Roy Campbell, 170– 1

   on Charles Williams, 172

   introduces J.A.W.Bennett to Inklings, 173

   Warnie Lewis on his Lord of the Rings, 174

   L’s development of Christian doctrine, 190

   Inklings vital period, 205

   regrets influence of Williams on L, 205

   L and Numinor, 210

   L ‘always been taken in,’ 217

   dines with E.R.Eddison, 261

   on Great Divorce, 282

   essay for Charles Williams, 285

   dislikes Narnian stories, 307

   and English syllabus, 339

   Oxford’s prejudice, 340

   elector of Cambridge chair of English, 341

   determined L should have Chair, 342– 3

   L fails to tell about marriage, 381– 2

   disagrees with L on marriage and divorce, 382

   meets Joy Davidman, 398

   invites L to dinner, 420

   visits L in hospital, 428

   visits him at home, 430

   men. 146, 174, 176, 178, 184, 186, 367

Tolkien, Mabel 56n

Tolkien, Michael Reuel 205, 381

Tolstoy, Leo War and Peace, 159, 417

Touche, George Lawrence Capel 74

Tower of Babel 205

Traherne, Thomas Centuries of Meditation, 113

Tribune, The 266

Trinity, The Holy 265, 267

Trinity College (Cambridge) 341n, 409

Trinity College (Dublin) xix, 70n

Trinity College (Oxford) 24n, 71n, 72–3, 87n, 139n, 168, 253, 260n

Tristram, Sir 48

Trolls 75

Trout, The (Godstow) 218, 367, 417

Troy 54, 126, 356–7

Turner, F.McD.C. 369

Twain, Mark A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, 3

Tynan, Kathleen Life of Kenneth Tynan, 151n

Tynan, Kenneth Peacock Curtains, 151n

   Tynan Right and Left, 151n

   men. 151, 417

Underhill, Evelyn Letters, 222– 3

   men. 222–3

University College (Oxford) 29, 30, 36–7, 49–52, 59, 61n, 71–2, 76, 99, 100, 105, 155n, 162, 366–7, 431

University College (London) 341n

University College of North Wales 182

University College of Southampton 363n

University of Birmingham 61n, 147n

University of Durham 164n, 204, 205, 276–7, 341n

University of Hong Kong 146n

University of Keele 139n

University of Kentucky 426

University of Leeds 71n, 82n, 164n, 166n

University of London 8n, 82n, 164n

University of Manchester 71n, 431

University of Michigan 294n

University of Pittsburgh 295n

University of Reading 61n, 62n, 151n, 163, 166

University of St Andrews 285–6, 431

University of Virginia 294n

Valkyries 16m 89 Vanbrugh, Sir John 160n

Van Deusen, Mary 297

Vann, Fr Gerald The Heart of Man, 220

Varsity 409–10

Vatican, The 349

Vatican Council II 133

Vauban, Marquis Sébastien Le Prestre de 175

Venus 54, 185, 198–202, 351–2, 388

Verchain 41

Verne, Jules Voyage au Centre de la Terre, 322

   men. 186

Verona 293n

Vers libre 50

Victoria College (Belfast) 209n

Vigfússon, G. see Frederick York Powell

Virgil 13, 82, 154n, 167, 174, 282, 350, 372

Vivisection 208

Volsung Saga 88–9

Voltaire Micromégas, 186

   men. 161

Waddell, Helen 209n

Waddington, Conrad Hal Science and Ethics, 204

Wade Center, Marion E. 6n, 96n, 300

Wadham College (Oxford) 29, 59–60, 163–4

Wagner, Richard Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods), 14–15, 20

Rhinegold, 18

Ring of the Nibelung, 15, 158–9

   Siegfried, 14–15, 127

Valkyrie, 18, 158

The Rhinegold and the Valkyries, translated by Margaret Armour, with illustrations by Arthur Rackham, 18

Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods, translated by Margaret Armour, with illustrations by Arthur Rackham, 14

Wain, John A Winter in the Hills, 151n

   Contenders, 151n

   Hurry on Down, 151n

   Sprightly Running, 151n, 168, 176, 274

   men. 151, 167–8, 174, 178, 417

Wakeman, Jean 383, 413

Walking Tours 87–8, 91, 135

Wallace, Lew Ben Hur, 9

Walmsley, Lesley (ed) C.S. Lewis Essay Collection, 238

Walpole, Webb and Bewly Shipbuilders xviii

Walsh, Chad Afterword to A Grief Observed, 360

C.S.Lewis Apostle to the Skeptics, 91, 178, 295, 303–4, 334

   men. 178, 294–5, 334, 336, 337, 350–1, 360, 380, 387, 388, 392, 397

Walsh, Eva 295n, 360

Walsh, John ‘Reminiscences,’ 368–9

Wanderer, The 63

War Office 86n

Wardale, Edith Elizabeth An Old English Grammar, 63

   men. 63

Ware, Robert Remington 74

Warner, Francis King Francis I; Living Creation; Madrigals; Maquettes; Meeting Ends; Nightingales; Rembrandt’s Mirror; Spring Harvest, 391n

   men. 391, 415

Warner, Nancy 415

Warren, Sir Herbert 62, 76, 87

Warren, Sir John Borlase xix Watling, Edward Fairchild 51, 59

Watson, Dorothy 332

Watson, George (ed) Critical Essays on C.S.Lewis, 180

Watt, Mrs John 385

Watts, Rev. Michael 428

Waugh, Evelyn Rossetti, 91

Webb, Clement Charles Julian 154, 185

Webb, Kaye 433

Webster, John; 83

Welch, Rev. James William 240–1, 248

Weldon, Thomas Dewar Introduction to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason; States and Morals; Vocabulary of Politics, 100n

   men. 100–1

Wellington, 1st Duke of 178

Wells 75, 77

Wells, H.G. First Men in the Moon, 186, 187, 211

   men. 10, 186, 310

Westminster College (Cambridge) 242n

Wetherbee, Winthrop (trans.) ‘Cosmographia’ of Bernardus Silvestris, 184–5

Wheaton College 295n

Whipsnade Zoo 115, 120

Whistler, Sir Laurence Sir John Vanbrugh, 160n

   men. 160–1, 291

White, T.H. Mistress Masham’s Repose; Sword in the Stone, 371

White Horse Hotel (Drogheda) 293, 331, 383–4

Whyte-Melville, George Gladiators, 9

Wide World Magazine The 9

Wilde, Oscar 161

Willey, Basil 340, 341, 343, 366, 431

Williams, Charles Walter Stansby All Hallows’ Eve, 78, 136n, 205

Descent into Hell, 136n

   Forgiveness of Sins, 220

Greater Trumps, 136n

   He Came Down from Heaven, 136n

   House by the Stable, 165–6

   Many Dimensions, 136n

   Place of the Lion, 136–7; ‘Preface’ to World Classics Milton, 225–6

   Seed of Adam and Other Plays, 166n

   Shadows of Ecstasy, 136n

   Taliessin Through Logres, 371

War in Heaven, 136n

   men. 84, 135–8, 164–6, 169, 171–2, 204–5, 206, 217–18, 220, 224–5, 237, 261, 284, 381, 384, 405

Williams, Florence Conway 135n, 165

Williams, Michael Stansby 135n, 165

Williams, Phyllis 336

Willink, Sir Henry 341–5

Wilmart, Dom André 135

Wilson, Frank Percy 52, 62–3, 69, 71, 79, 135, 339, 341, 345

Winchester College 86n, 175n

Wingfield-Morris Hospital (later Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre) 375, 379

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 289n

Woburn Park 367–8

Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal 218n

Women’s Auxiliary Air Force 243

Wood, Hans Widman xix Woolf, Virginia 26

Worcester College (Oxford) 177n

Wordsworth, William The Prelude, 17

   men. 71, 148

Wormwood Scrubbs Prison 242n

Wren-Lewis, John ‘The Chester-Lewis,’ 362

Wrenn, Charles Leslie 164, 165, 178

Wulfstan 87

Wycherley, William 83

Wycliffe Hall (Oxford) 242n

Wynyard School (‘Belsen’) 6, 8–10, 11, 12, 73, 119

Wyrall, Everard History of the Somerset Light Infantry, 42–3

Xenophon 25

Yeats, W.B. 3, 57–8, 159

Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin 429

Yiddish 414

Yoga 70n

Young, Andrew Collected Poems, 160n

   Green Man, 160n

   Out of the World, 160n

   men. 160, 161, 291

Young, G.M. 267

Young, Rabbi M.Y. 418

Younger Edda 88–9

Zacchaeus 243

Zernov, Militza 397, 402

Zernov, Nicholas 397

Zeus 54

Ziman, Herbert David 74