Oh, great. The one time I don’t give my kid undivided attention, I tell him he can have a dog? I didn’t mean that he would get the dog; I meant if he kept interrupting he was going to be in trouble! Nathan took a deep breath and turned back to crush Jeff’s hopes.
“Jeff,” Vanessa said as she entered the pen. She knelt and made direct eye contact with him. “This is all my fault. Your daddy was answering my question. He wasn’t telling you that you could have the puppy.”
Jeff wrapped his arms around the puppy’s neck, hugged it close, and shook his head. His voice went adamant. “My dad is honor’ble. He said I could have my dog.”
“Your daddy is an honorable man, but this was just a misunderstanding. A mistake,” Vanessa tried again.
Nathan took a deep breath. “It’s a fine puppy.”
“See? My dad doesn’t lie!”
Vanessa let out a soundless sigh.
“Why don’t you let us talk about this for a few minutes?” Nathan asked her.
She stood, clasped her hands at her waist, and tilted her head toward the puppy. “The three of you, or the two of you?”
“Three,” Jeff answered promptly. From the way he held onto the little Lab, she suspected a six-point earthquake wouldn’t shake them apart.
Vanessa didn’t say another word. After she let herself out of the enclosure, Nathan noticed she walked away without that cute bounce she’d had earlier.
Several minutes later, she returned. She seemed subdued. Instead of wearing that dazzling smile, she avoided making eye contact.
“Hey,” he called softly. “We’re going to take him. A boy needs a dog.”
“Labs make good pets,” she said as her face brightened a bit, but it still missed that sparkle he’d noticed earlier. “They do well with children.”
“I guess I’d better buy some kibble.” Nathan let himself out of the enclosure. “Jeff, you and Lick play for a few more minutes.”
“Okay, Dad.”
Ten minutes later, Nathan dumped the contents of a red plastic shopping basket onto the counter and shook his head. Two chew toys, a bottle of puppy shampoo, a leash, collar, food and water bowls, all accused him of being a pushover. The large sheepskin bed and the forty-pound bag of puppy kibble leaning against the counter proved he’d done a royal job of painting himself into a very expensive commitment.
Me and my big mouth. I try to teach my son to show integrity and end up buying half of a pet store!
Vanessa caught a jingly ball that started to roll off the counter. From the minute she’d whispered that he’d accidentally agreed to get the dog, she’d changed. She couldn’t seem to meet his eyes.
From their conversation, Nathan knew making a good match was important to her. He strove to find a way to reassure her. “Do you have a good vet you recommend?”
“We have a terrific vet who comes here one Saturday a month to give vaccinations, Dr. Bainbridge. If you buy the puppy shot package, it saves you all of the office visit charges.”
“Good idea.”
She leaned down and pulled out a few leaflets from beneath the counter. As she tucked them into a bag, she said, “I’m giving you the information on that package, as well as one of the vet’s business cards.”
“Thanks. I appreciate it.”
She continued to avoid looking at him. “I’m also giving you a pet ID tag order form. Fill it out, and we’ll order the tags. They’re complimentary.”
He reached over and captured her hand as she reached for one of the toys. “You don’t need to throw in anything. Seriously, this was my choice.”
“Hey, Dad!”
“Just a minute, Sport.”
Vanessa flashed him a strained smile and pulled away from his touch. “We’ve been putting together a new puppy package. The first bag of food, a toy, and the tags are included at no charge.”
The nape of his neck started to prickle. Nathan wheeled around and stared at Vanessa as she quietly walked up to him and asked, “Are you sure you want to do this? I’ll come up with some way to explain it to Jeff.”
“There are two of you. Twins.” He cast a quick look over his shoulder, then concentrated back on Vanessa. Even though her eyes radiated concern, that little spark was still there—both in her eyes and somewhere deep inside of him. He’d missed that with the other gal.
“We’re identical. I’m sorry if you were confused. I didn’t realize Valene had come out and started helping you.”
He glanced down at Amber. “I should have guessed something was wrong. I didn’t see your companion.”
“Daa-aad. Look out. There are two—” Jeff galloped around the corner and skidded to a stop. Licorice didn’t halt. He charged ahead.
“Whoa!” Vanessa dove for the little puppy.
Nathan got to him first. Licorice sniffed his neck and let out a happy sounding yap. Vanessa knelt right next to them. Nathan dipped his chin to keep the puppy from licking the ticklish spot beneath his left ear. “I don’t want to hear another word about not taking this little fellow home. It’s obvious he’s chosen us.”
“Vanessa!” Nathan called as he hastened toward the young woman locking the pet shop door.
She cast a quick glance over her shoulder and grinned. “Hi. How are things going?”
“Not good. We need to talk.” Nathan raked his fingers through his hair in a single, impatient swipe. “I’m going insane.”
“And you think I have the directions to get there?” She finished locking the shop. “Why does everyone think I’m the crazy sister? No, wait. Don’t answer that.”
He eyed her white-and-orange baseball uniform with dismay. “Cleats?”
“They’re a lot more comfortable than heels. My church team is playing across the street tonight.”
A sick feeling churned in his stomach. “And you play.”
Her smile gleamed. “Believe me, if I didn’t, nobody would ever wrangle me into wearing this uniform. I look more like the Great Pumpkin than the shortstop.”
He tilted his head to the side. “Shortstop, huh. No kidding? I would have pegged a bouncy gal like you to be the team mascot.”
“That was back in high school. Valene was the class valedictorian; I was the class clown and mascot. I shouldn’t complain about this uniform. Nothing could ever be as uncomfortable as the shark suit I wore.”
“You wore an outfit made of sharkskin?”
“Worse,” she moaned. “I wore a great big, gray-and-white plush—”
“Plush? A shark?”
“Oh, yes. Fins and all. You’re looking at one of Granite Cliffs’s great whites—retired, of course.”
“Since you’ve retired, you’ll have enough time to help me.” Nathan felt a small spurt of satisfaction that he’d segued this smoothly. “We’re um. . .having some trouble.”
“We are?” She pointed across the street to the ball diamond in a silent invitation to walk along with her.
Nathan automatically stood to her left so he’d be on the outside. “Yeah, well—”
She didn’t follow along. “I’m sorry, Nathan, but Amber walks at heel. You need to be on my right.”
“Oh. Okay.” He shifted.
“Let’s go,” she said, and they fell into step.
“See? That’s what I need. Jeff and Lick are romping everywhere and tearing up the house and yard. I need obedience and control tips. Amber heard you and fell right into step with us.”
“One down, one to go.” She winked and added, “I think you do fine with Jeff. The puppy might take a bit of time.”
“If you saw my place, you wouldn’t say so. My son’s decided wherever he goes, Lick should be there with him. Last night, he waited until my back was turned and decided Lick belonged in the tub with him.”
“Oh, no!”
Nathan rubbed his forehead at the memory of the wet puppy, the soggy bathroom, and the water trail down the hallway. That was just a part of the trials he faced with this new acquisition. “Yes. The dog won’t eat his kibble. Instead, he’s chewed the leg of a dining chair and gnawed on a pillow from the sofa.”
They stopped at the corner and prepared to cross the busy intersection. Amber halted and sat without any cue at all. A cat streaked by, but the dog didn’t react.
“I can’t believe that. I’ve chased after our puppy twice because he can’t leave cats alone. You’ve got to help me.”
“I guess I sort of got you into this.” Vanessa started to cross the street.
“Are you going to get me out of it?” He matched her stride and added on in desperation, “I’m more than willing to pay the going rate.”
“Licorice is too young yet for training, but we can reserve a spot for him in one of the classes I’ll have in a little over a month.”
“My sanity could be measured in milliseconds, not months.”
“Uh-oh. That sounds serious.”
He rubbed his aching temple with his fingertips. “The only pets I ever had were cats. Cats take care of themselves.”
“Ah, yes. Cats train their owners; dogs are trained by their owners.”
“You nailed it on the head. So tell me: What’s available right now to get us through the nightmare stage?”
“You mean something like private puppy lessons?”
He shot her a grateful smile. “I thought you’d never offer!”
Her eyes widened and a hectic flush filled her cheeks. “I didn’t!” He continued to stare at her, and she scrunched her nose. “Let me guess. You bought the Lab because you misspoke and honored your word, so you’re standing there thinking I ought to do the same thing.”
“I’m flexible with hours.”
Vanessa leaned her back into the fence. One of her knees crooked outward and her heel fit into the chain link. “We have to have an understanding. I’m not good at minding what I say. Valene—she’s one of those ‘think first, then talk’ kind of people. Me? I’m impulsive. She got the brain, and I got the mouth.” She laughed self-consciously. “If I’m willing to work with you, you have to promise not to use my words against me. I’ll be sunk if you do!”
“Fair enough. When can we start?”
She shrugged. “Tomorrow at seven?”
Vanessa groaned. “Oh, don’t tell me you’re one of those morning people!”
“No.” He watched someone dump several bats and balls out of a canvas sack. “I’d be a night owl if Jeff weren’t such an early riser. He got that from my wife.”
“If she’s a stay-home mom, I could work with her from ten to eleven.”
Pain speared through him. “Evie died five years ago.”
“I’m so sorry, Nathan.”
He nodded his head in acknowledgment of her sympathy.
“Nate? Nate Adams!” Kip Gaterie jogged over and shook his hand. “Did Van talk you into joining the team? We could use a slugger like you!”
“Do you play?” Vanessa gave him an assessing and hopeful look.
“Hang on a second here. I’m trying to get you to train a dog so I won’t have to chase after him. Running after a ball isn’t any more appealing.”
“Pity.” Kit looked at him steadily. “You can always change your mind. We’d be glad to have you, and we’ve got a bunch of rug rats about Jeff’s age who could keep him company on the playground.”
“Thanks, but I’ll have to pass.”
“That’s a shame.” Kip scuffed his foot in the red dirt. “Van, the park messed up on our reservation and only slotted us for an hour and a half. We’re playing sudden death tonight, so we need to get out there.”
As she turned to go, Nathan grabbed her arm. “Hey, if you’re only going to play for a little while, I can go home and get Jeff and Lick. Could you work with us after the game?”
“You’re really desperate, aren’t you?”
“In a word, yes!”
She glanced at her bright yellow Tweety Bird watch. “Be here at seven-thirty. I can’t work miracles, but I’ll try to give you a few starting tips.”
“I gave up hoping for miracles years ago.” He fished in his pocket for his keys, embarrassed by his sharp tone. “Have a good game. We’ll be back later.”
Vanessa wondered at the depth of the bitterness in Nathan’s words, but it was neither the time nor the place to ask him what had caused that shift in him. Instead, she shoved on her mitt and jogged out onto the ball diamond.
After a cursory warm-up, the game began. Valene arrived and sat in the bleachers. She liked individual sports like tennis and badminton, but when it came to team sports, she preferred to be a spectator. By contrast, Vanessa loved all sports. She’d begged and wheedled to have her twin join several teams with her, but their youth pastor once gave a lesson on accepting loved ones instead of trying to change them. His words hit home—Vanessa had spent the whole ride to Seaside Chapel trying to cajole Val into trying out for the junior high volleyball team. She spent the drive home apologizing. Now it all seemed to work out beautifully. Val always brought the team banner and would watch Amber while Van dashed around the bases.
Kip sat down on the bench next to Van in the dugout. He nudged her shoulder playfully. “What’s with you and Nathan Adams?”
Vanessa gave him a startled look. “Nothing. I just sold him a puppy, and it needs a bit of training. Why?”
He shrugged. “He’s a good guy.”
She gave him a piercing look. His tone a message she couldn’t quite interpret. “But?”
“Nate took his wife’s death hard. They used to attend Mercy Springs with me. He stopped attending, and I kinda hoped maybe he was starting back into fellowship.”
“I don’t know a thing about where he stands with the Lord. The only thing I know is, I’m in the doghouse ’cuz he bought a rambunctious puppy from me.” She squinted as a ball sailed through the air. Hopping to her feet, she screamed, “Run! Run, Todd!”
The team cheered as Todd sped across home plate. Kip headed out of the dugout and hefted a bat. He looked back at Vanessa and wagged the end of the bat in her direction. “You never know what God will use to bring a sheep back into the fold. Keep your heart and eyes open.”
“There she is!” Jeff galloped toward the chain-link fence. Lick romped alongside him.
Nathan didn’t need his son to point out where Vanessa was. He heard her first. She ran full tilt for third base, screaming like a heat-seeking missile the whole way. Her golden ponytail streamed behind her, and the left half of what had once been white-and-orange-striped baseball leggings now sported a calf-to-waist dusting of red that tattled on what must’ve been a world-class slide. She took a cue from the third-base coach and stopped. Energy high, she bobbed up and down on the base.
Nathan grinned as he continued to watch her. She cheered from third base, “You can do it, Della! Slug it!”
“I don’t have your muscles, Girlfriend!”
Cupping her hands around her mouth, Vanessa yelled back, “Then use your brains. Anyone has more of those than I do!”
Everyone on the diamond chuckled, but Nathan watched as the outfielders drew closer to the infield. The ball whizzed over the plate.
“Strike one!” The second pitch went wide. The third zoomed over the plate again. Della stood there the whole time and didn’t swing at all.
“Della,” Vanessa hollered, “I said to use your brains, not your looks.”
Della lifted the bat off her shoulder and took an awkward stance. “I’m not getting filthy dirty like you do.”
“Don’t worry about that. I already collected all of the loose dirt. You ought to be fine.”
“Do you girls mind if we play ball?” the opposing pitcher asked in a humored tone.
“If you insist.” Della nodded. “I’m as ready as I’m gonna get.”
Nathan’s jaw dropped as he heard the bat crack and the ball sailed far out into center field. Vanessa and the runner on second base both ran home. Vanessa skipped back and forth along the foul line. “You did it, Della! You did it!”
“Pretty clever strategy,” Nathan said through the fence to Kip. “Lulled the other team into complacency.”
Kip shook his head. “Nope. We can’t believe it, either. Della’s never even connected. Van took her to the batting cages this week.”
“What in the world is Della doing on a team if she can’t hit?”
“It’s not about winning—it’s about having a good time.” Kip stared at him. “Though I wasn’t kidding that we could sure use you on our team.”
Vanessa bounced over. “Jeff! Lick! Hiya, guys!”
Licorice jumped up onto the fence with a happy yip.
“Off.” Vanessa’s voice took on a firm quality. She added, “Give the command and jerk back on the leash.”
“Off!” Nathan pulled the leash from Jeff and tugged it. To his surprise, Licorice got all four paws on the grass and gave him a baffled look.
“Good dog, good dog,” Vanessa crooned. She glanced at her watch. “You’re a little early. Val and Amber are over on the bleachers. You can join them, or I can meet you by the playground as soon as the game is done.”
“No playground,” Jeff said morosely. “Dad said I can’t ’cuz I already took my bath.”
“Maybe next time,” Vanessa said.
Nathan watched his son brighten up again. Vanessa had a knack for saying the right thing. Licorice started to drag on the leash. “I guess we’re off to the stands.”
He greeted Valene and took a seat next to her. He leaned forward and read the scoreboard. “The Altar Egos?”
“Vanessa named the team when it got started. She came up with over a dozen possible names, but that one won the vote.”
“Is she always this irrepressible?”
Valene choked back a laugh. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone label her that way, but you’re right.”
The teams swapped positions. Vanessa played shortstop.
“Altar egos. . . ,” Nathan repeated as he spotted the big plastic banner someone had tied to the chain-link dugout. The bold black words on the orange-and-white-striped background intrigued Nathan: ‘But may it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ Galatians 6:14.
Kip said it was a game for fun—not for competition—but the banner’s declaration backed up what might easily have been a politically correct comment.
Nathan watched as the Altar Ego’s players teased each other as much as they congratulated the other team on good plays. Vanessa called, “Nice try!” to one of her teammates when he dropped a pop fly. He picked up the ball, fired it at her, and she snagged it in her glove. “Ned and his nuclear arm!”
She intrigued Nathan. If anyone had room to boast, surely it was Vanessa. A powerhouse hit and a talent for snagging line drives made her impressive to watch. Then again, so did her svelte figure. She’d been almost comical—a one woman cheering squad for her friends. When the clock ran out and her team lost by one run, her grin didn’t fade a speck.
As she came over to the bleachers, Jeff hopped up. “Guess what?” He didn’t even pause to allow her to guess. “I got new spelling words on Monday, and you’ll never in a million years guess what one of the words was. Guide—just like on Amber’s jacket.”
“Betcha you ace that test,” Vanessa said. “Val, we’re going to work a little with Licorice to see if we can find a few ways to calm him a bit. You can stay if you’d like, or you can take my car home. Amber and I could use the walk.”
“I’d rather go work on my résumé. I saw a few positions in the career section that looked promising.” Val squinted at the distance. “I have enough light to walk home. You keep the car.”
“Not a chance,” Nathan interrupted. “Jeff and I will give Vanessa a ride. We’re messing up your schedule. It’s the least we can do.”
“Really, I can walk,” Valene insisted. “I walk or jog four miles every day.”
Nathan saw the worried look she shot Vanessa.
“We won’t stay very long, Valene. Jeff has school tomorrow, and I need to have him in bed by eight-thirty. After chasing him and Lick around this evening, I’ll probably crash all of five minutes later.”
“See? Pumpkin time isn’t midnight; it’s eight.” Vanessa handed the keys to her sister. “Now promise me you’ll juice up your résumé. It was too modest and bland.”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
“What kind of job are you looking for?”
Valene shrugged. “I have my business degree. I kind of thought maybe a hospital business office.”
“The minute you interview, you’ll have every single hospital in Southern California after you,” Vanessa declared. She stooped and said to Jeff, “My sister is a total brain. She’s terrific at spelling words and math.”
“Did you ever switch places for tests?” Jeff asked in a stage whisper.
Nathan wondered the same thing, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear the answer—and he certainly didn’t want Jeff to.
Vanessa wrinkled her nose. “It wouldn’t have been right for us to swap places at school. We each got the grades we deserved. We did trade places at summer camp once so I could play baseball more and Valene got to swim.”
“Van slid into second base and ruined my new jeans that day,” Valene recalled.
“You look alike, but you’re really different,” Jeff decided.
Vanessa winked at Nathan. “That’s one smart kid you have there. If your dog is half as clever, training him will be a piece of cake.”
They spent about half an hour working with Licorice. Jeff started out like gangbusters, wanting to do everything. Licorice decided to yank free and make a mad dash across the park.
“Oh, no,” Nathan groaned. He started to run after the puppy. It was the last thing he wanted to do.
“Nathan, clap and shout his name, but run the opposite way. He’ll come chase you.”
Less than a minute later, Licorice wiggled in Nathan’s arms. “I can’t believe it. That’s all it takes? I’ve practically run a marathon twice today, catching this hairy little beast!”
Jeff plopped down on the grass and started to laugh. “Daddy needs to be trained more than the dog!”
Vanessa bit her lip and turned away, but from the way her shoulders shook, he knew she was thoroughly entertained. He bumped her hip with his and said in mock outrage, “Now look what you’ve done!”
“Saved you shoe leather?” she shot back.
“Who are you kidding?” He held up Licorice. “Knowing my luck, this little energetic four-legged headache is going to end up chewing on my shoes, anyway.”
Something in Jeff’s tone made Nathan freeze. “What?”
Jeff ducked his head and lifted both shoulders. He said to his lap in a small voice, “He already did.”
Nathan groaned. He turned back to Vanessa. “Shoes, a pillow, and a chair leg. Tell me the list of casualties ends there.”
“You’re in it for the long haul. It’s not a three-strikes-and-he’s-out proposition.”
“You’re the puppy pro.” He couldn’t help responding to her gentle humor and common sense. “Now what do I do?”
“Give him the chew toys. I don’t have anything scheduled tomorrow evening. Bring him by the shop after closing, and we’ll come up with some strategies.”
“Okay. You’re on. I can hold out that long.”
The door to Whiskers, Wings, and Wags flew open. “Vanessa!” Jeff’s shout almost covered the chimes. A split second later, Vanessa heard Nathan’s low scold, “You’re not a Scud missile, Son. Use your indoor voice and your manners.”
“ ’Kay, Dad. Where is she?”
“I’m down here,” Vanessa called. She lifted a hand and waved over the counter.
“Hey, Van,” Nathan said, “about ready to go?”
Embarrassed to the core of her being, she looked up at Nathan and shook her head.
“I’m um. . .stuck.”