All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.

Abulafia, Abraham, 76

Ain, 58, 120

Ain Soph, 58, 120

Ain Soph Aur, 58, 120

Alchemical Keys to Masonic Ritual, The (Hogan), 89–90

animal symbols of the four evangelists, 117

Anson, George, 102

Arcadia, 79–80, 86, 87

Arcadian Shepherds, The

Arcadia, 79–80, 86, 87

defined, 79

detail with harp, 82

illustrated, 80

secret import, 82–83

Argyropoulos, John, 73, 74

Arthur, King, 86

Bacon, Francis

adherents of and successors to, 73

background, 20–21

Bruton Vault and, 30

formation of mind of, 73

Freemasonry and, 21, 41, 60

Lady Ann influence on, 20–21

New Atlantis, 41, 72–73, 77, 87

Rosicrucians and, 21

Shakespeare and, 21–22

tying research back to, 70

Veil template and, 60

Bernstock, Judith, 83

Big Bytes, 55

Birth of Venus, The (Botticelli), 48–49, 52

Blevins, Texas, 2, 4, 7, 27

Botticelli, Sandro, 48–49, 52

Bruton Parish Church

East facade, 24

image of, 19

KGC template and, 24, 25

logo, 24

men of the revolution who attended, 18, 71

original foundations of, 19

potential treasure, 18

underground vault, 19–20

Victorio Peak and, 23, 28, 36

window design, 24

Wren Chapel and, 22–23

Bruton Vault

contents of, 20, 22

discovery of, 19–20

documents and records, 77–78

Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism and, 18, 22, 24

tunnels connecting to, 22

Carr, Peter, 71

Carr, Samuel, 71

Carson National Forest, 128

Caruso, Stephen, 2–3

Cassini, Giovanni Maria, 81, 83

Celestial Globe, 81, 83

Cibola legend, 15–16, 122

Civil War, 5–7

College of William and Mary, 22, 40, 71, 88

Columbus, Christopher, 75, 88

Confederate guerrillas, 6

conjunctions, 51

Coronation Stone, 103

Courtney, James Lafayette. See also James, Jesse

as Freemason, 6–7, 88

identity change to, 6

Dalton, Frank, 9, 10

da Vinci, Leonardo, 73

de Molay, Jacques, 93

Dawkins, Peter, 80–81

Dee, John, 72, 73, 97

diary, 2

DNA findings, 2–3

Dome of the Rock

defined, 66

diagram, 66–67, 68

Stone of Foundation and, 106

with template overlay, 67

Templum Domini, 68

three octagons of, 107

Veil template and, 68–69, 106

double-headed eagle, 32, 35, 36, 45, 106

Dudley, Robert, 20

Duke, Betty Dorsett, 1–3, 70, 88

Egan, Jim, 97

Elizabeth I, Queen, 20, 21, 73

Elizabethan alphabet, 29

Et in Arcadia ego. See Arcadian Shepherds, The

Falconer, Don, 96, 97

fish symbol. See vesica piscis

Fletcher, Audrey, 112–13

fleur-de-lis, 112, 113

Fortune, Dion, 36

Frale, Barbara, 93

Franklin, Benjamin, 71–72


Bruton Vault and, 18, 22, 24

buried treasure and, 30, 32, 88

compass and square, 49

Francis Bacon and, 21, 41, 60

Kabbalah similarities, 34

Knights Templar connection, 90, 110

origins, 90

Stone of Foundation and, 103–4

33 (number) and, 28, 45

Thomas Jefferson and, 71

Fulcanelli, 55–56, 129

gematria, 34

Georgetown, Texas treasure site

connections of, 30

location, 28

seventh sefirah and, 83

Victorio Peak and, 28, 36, 38, 45, 77

Gikatilla, Joseph, 61, 62, 74, 76, 123

gold, Victorio Peak treasure, 12–13, 14–15

Gould, Robert Freke, 110

Great Year, 46

Hagia Sophia symbols, 111, 112

Hall, Manly P., 19, 21

Hall, Marie Bauer, 19, 22, 77, 89

Harp Star, 86

Haywood, H. L., 23

Heaven and Earth, 105–6, 107–8, 116

Hebrew alphabet, 36, 111

Hercules, 84, 85, 86

History of Freemasonry (Gould), 110

History of Freemasonry, The (Mackey), 74

Hogan, Timothy, 76–77, 89–90, 92, 97, 122

Holy Blood, Holy Grail, 79, 94

Holy Grail, 89, 123

hooked X symbol, 65, 66, 69, 123

Houston, Sam, 7

Howk/Hawk, Orvus Lee, 10

Hugh, Count of Champagne, 76, 92

Invisible College, 23

Jacob’s Dream, 103

James, Jesse

alias, 2, 6, 88

as ancestor of author, 1–3

death of, 4

DNA testing of grave, 2–3

faked death, 2, 3

family, 6

as Freemason, 6–7

identity change, 6

Jayhawkers and, 5

mother and stepfather, 5

outlaw years, 6

photograph, 5

real, in hospital, 10

James Farm and Museum, 2, 3

James Gang, 5

Jayhawkers, 5

Jefferson, Thomas, 71–72

Jesse James Lived and Died in Texas (Duke), 4, 27

Jesus, 56, 86–87, 114–16, 117

John II, King, 75


Albert Pike and, 32–34

forms of, 35

Freemasonry similarities, 34

as soul of the Torah, 34–35

Tree of Life and, 36–42

Kemp, Richard, 101

Kensington Runestone, 66

“KGC template”

Bruton Parish Church and, 25

closest properties, 31

defined, 8

illustrated, 9

scale, 10–11, 31, 36

Tree of Life template and, 42, 45

King Arthur story, 86

Knights of Christ, 75, 93

Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC). See also KGC template

defined, 7

initiation into, 5–6

as pro-Southern organization, 7

Texans joining, 7

treasure caches, 8

treasure hunters, 10

treasures buried by, 8

Tree of Life and Veil templates and, 60

Victorio Peak treasure and, 14–15

Knights Templar

cross of, 94

Dome of the Rock and, 67–68

fate of, 89, 93

formation of, 76

founding of, 89, 90

in France (1307), 94

Freemasonry connection, 90

Holy Grail and, 89

hooked X symbol and, 69

as international banking corporation, 93

line of succession, 77

mission of, 89

Newport Tower and, 97, 98

safeguarding sacred items and documents, 92

St. Clair family and, 99

suspected course of fleet, 95, 96

in Switzerland, 95

treasure, hidden in Rennes-le-Château, 94

treasures hidden by, 88

tying research back to, 70

wealth, 110

Kritzler, Edward, 65

Kunow, Deventer von, 20

Lake Belton, 28

large Veil template, 46, 59

Lethaby, W. R., 66–67, 68

Little River-Academy, Texas treasure site, 29

Los Lunas Decalogue Stone, 127

lotus lilies, 113

Luria, Yitzchak, 47

Lyra, 81, 83, 85–86

lyre, 81, 83–84, 85

Mack, Charles R., 48–49

Mackey, Albert Gallatin, 74, 104, 105, 106

Mary Magdalene, 52–53, 86

masons’ marks, 110, 111

Metonic cycle, 52

Meton of Athens, 51

Mogg, Gordon, 120–22

Money Pit, 98

Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (Pike), 32, 35, 36

Narváez Expedition, 15–16

Navigators, 19

New Atlantis, 41, 72–73, 77, 80, 87

New Atlantis (Bacon), 22, 23, 24, 34, 40

New Jerusalem, 34

Newport Tower, 97, 98

Newton, Isaac, 72

Niza, Marcos de, 15–16

Norvell, David, 17

Noss, Milton Ernest “Doc,” 12, 13, 15, 17

Noss, Ova “Babe,” 12, 13, 17


5 (number), 37, 38

7 (number), 37, 38

11 (number), 54

12 (number), 53

13 (number), 53

22 (number), 36, 40, 46, 50

33 (number), 28, 30, 45, 46, 47

52 (number), 52

66 (number), 47

91 (number), 59–60

137 (number), 38

161 (number), 46–47

231 (number), 40

322 (number), 47

548 (number), 28, 36, 38, 40

666 (number), 47

777 (number), 37

924 (number), 40

1,715 (number), 22–23, 36, 37, 38

signatures in, 31–42

Oak Island, 80, 83, 98–99

occult pole, 67

Offerus, 55–56


Tarbone Mountain, 126

templates in, 43

treasure stories, 43

Order of the Knights Templar. See

Knights Templar

Orpheus, 85

Osiris, 113

Paine, Thomas, 71

Panther-Yates, Donald, 127

Parchment, Chinon, 93

Parry, Louis Buff, 101–2, 127

Parzival, 122

Peters, Gregory H., 36, 45

Petroglyph National Monument, 126–27

Philip IV, King, 94, 95

Pike, Albert, 7, 32, 53

Pillow Stone, 102–3

Pius III, Pope, 12, 15, 16, 17

Portae Lucis

defined, 61

frontispiece of, 62, 124

hidden map in illustration from, 63

hooked X symbol, 65

illustration on last page, 123, 124

Latin translation of, 74

rain symbolism in map, 63

Poussin, Nicolas, 79, 81–82, 83, 86

precession of equinoxes, 52

Priestess card, 56–57

Pythagoras, 32–33

Quantrill’s Partisan Rangers, 5

Ralls, Karen, 90

Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, 71

Randolph, Thomas M., 71

Rashi, Rabbi, 76–77, 92

Red Legs, 5

Rendering of the Veil, 118

Reuchlin, Johann, 73–74

Riccio, Jerome, 74

Riccio, Paolo, 61, 66, 74, 75, 123

Riccius, Augustinus, 75

Rivera, David Allen, 21

Roming, George, 27–28, 30, 88

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 99

Rose Cross Order, 77

Rosicrucianism, 23, 24, 25–26, 60, 72–73


Arcadia as land of, 80, 87

defined, 18–19

Francis Bacon and, 21

as invisible Brethren, 19

as Navigators, 19

treasures hidden by, 88

Rosslyn Chapel, 95, 97, 99, 102, 111

Royal Arch Mason ceremony, 121

Sangreal, 91

Scott, William Bell, 118

Seal of Hermes, 129

Secret Teachings of All Ages, The (Hall), 21–22

Seven Cities of Gold, 15–17

777 and other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley, 37

Shepard’s Monument, 101, 102

Shugborough Hall, 101, 106

Smart, George, 95

Soledad, 15

Solomon’s Temple, 33, 45, 68, 90

Spanish gold, 28

star symbol, 109

Stone of Foundation

between Ark of the Covenant and Holy of Holies, 116

defined, 103–4

Dome of the Rock and, 106

emblem, 104–5

illustrated, 105

as sacred treasure, 107

Veil template and, 104, 105

Swooping Eagle, 86

Symbola Architectonica, 33

Symbolism of Freemasonry, The, 104

symbols. See also specific symbols

dual meanings of, 53–54, 86

in Hagia Sophia, 111, 112

Masonic and Kabbalistic, 55

masons’ marks, 110, 111

Poussin, 86

use of, 104

in Veil template, 59, 60, 109–10

Tarbone Mountain, 126

templates. See also KGC template;

Tree of Life template; Veil template

dimensions and scales of, 54

in grid formation, 44, 54–55

large, dimensions, 46

large, locations, 59

large, with medium and small template placements, 50

medium, dimensions, 51

medium, locations, 59, 126–27

Oklahoma, 43

scale and dimension of, 44

small, dimensions, 52, 53

small, locations, 59, 126

three veils and, 58

Temple Church, 68, 69

Temple Mount, 66, 90, 92

Temple of Jerusalem, 97

Temple of Solomon, 33, 45, 68, 90

Teresa (author’s sister), 1, 3, 4

Texas, 43. See also specific sites in Texas

three veils, 58–59, 108, 120–21

Tow, Texas treasure site, 29

treasure caches, 4, 8

treasure maps

coded messages on, 4

Frank Dalton and, 10

left by Jesse James, 3

treasure sites

Bruton Parish Church, Virginia, 18–26, 77–78

Carson National Forest, New Mexico, 128

Cibola, 15–16

Georgetown, Texas, 28, 30

Lake Belton, Texas, 27–28

Little River-Academy, Texas, 29

Seven Cities of Gold, 15, 122, 129

Tarbone Mountain, Oklahoma, 126

Petroglyph National Monument, New Mexico, 126 27

Victorio Peak, New Mexico, 12–17, 23, 28, 63, 83–84

Tree of Life

Abyss, 54

ancient glyph symbol of, 114

astronomical correspondences, 53

Boaz and Jachin in, 58

connection to world religions, 84–85

Crown to Kingdom, 38

division into parts, 122

double-headed eagle symbol, 106

fleur-de-lis, 112, 113

illustrated, 39

Knowledge, 125

Path of the Flaming Sword in, 37, 38, 39

sefiroth, 36, 38, 39, 46, 54, 122

symbol for traveling spiritual path, 62

three pillars, 40–41, 58

three veils, 58–59, 108

twenty-two paths, 36, 50

Tree of Life template

illustrated, 41, 125

KGC template and, 42, 45

locations, 40, 41, 125

sefiroth correspondence, 40, 83, 125

superimposed on map of United States, 125

theory, 37

two types of treasures, 129

Veil template and, 129

viewing pillars of, 40–41

Truth About Jesse James, The (Duke), 9

turkey-track symbol, 8–9, 109, 111

Union guerrillas, 5

Vega, 86


defined, 119

three, 58–59, 108, 120–21

Veil template

application of, 125

Carson National Forest and, 128

cells, 114, 125

Dome of the Rock and, 67, 68–69, 106

inner and outer circles of, 105–6

knowledge of locations prior to founding of U.S., 100

location on public lands, 125–27

orientation, 67

outer circle diameter, 118

Petroglyph National Monument and, 126–27

placed over a map, 128

representation of various aspects, 116

shape, 66

sites on private property, 123, 128

Stone of Foundation and, 104, 105

symbols in, 59, 60, 109–10

Tarbone Mountain and, 126

Tree of Life template and, 129

turkey-track symbol, 109, 111

vesica piscis, 114, 115–16

Venus, 47–49, 52, 58, 114

Verrazzano, Giovanni da, 79, 81

vesica piscis, 114, 115–16, 117

Victorio Peak

army and, 13

Bruton Parish Church and, 28, 36

excavation, 13

four airmen and, 13, 17

Georgetown site and, 28, 36, 38, 45, 77

location of, 12

Lyre and, 83–84

photograph of, 14

Victorio Peak treasure

contents of, 12–13

discovery of, 12

gold, 12–13, 14–15

KGC and, 14–15

KGC template and, 11

lure of, 17

source of, 14–17

Voorhis, Harold V. B., 20

Washington, George, 71

Wayne, John, 99

Wichita Mountains National

Wildlife Refuge, 126

Winthrop, John, Jr., 72, 87

Winthrop, John, Sr., 87

Wolter, Scott, 65, 66, 69

world map (1544), 64

Wren, Christopher, 23, 24, 72

Wren Building, 22–24

YHWH, 37, 105

Zeus, 84, 85, 86

Zohar, 122–23