Part III

About the AP European History Exam


The AP European History Exam, which was redesigned for the May 2018 administration of the test, is 3 hours and 15 minutes long and broken up into two sections, each of which consists of two parts. Your performance on these four parts, outlined in the table below, is compiled and weighted to find your overall exam score.

  Question Type (#) Time
Section I Part A: Multiple Choice (55 questions) 55 minutes
Part B: Short Answer (3 questions) 40 minutes
Section II Part A: Document-Based Question (1 question) 60 minutes (includes a reading period with a suggested time of 15 minutes)
Part B: Long Essay (1 question, chosen from a pair) 40 minutes

Here’s what to expect in each of these parts:


Each of the four parts is weighted differently to determine your overall score.

Test Section Percentage of Overall Score
Multiple Choice 40%
Short Answer 20%
DBQ 25%
Long Essay 15%

As you can see, the writing portions of the exam count a little more heavily toward your total score (a combined total of 60 percent) than the multiple-choice section (40 percent). The DBQ and long essay are scored according to separate rubrics. You can earn a maximum of 6 points on the DBQ and 5 points on the long essay.

Here’s how those points are earned:


The AP European History course is broken down into four key time periods:

Period 1: c. 1450 to c. 1648

Period 2: c. 1648 to c. 1815

Period 3: c. 1815 to c. 1914

Period 4: c. 1914 to present

We’ve organized the chapters in this book to reflect this periodization.

In addition, the course focuses on five major themes: (1) interaction of Europe and the world, (2) poverty and prosperity, (3) objective knowledge and subjective visions, (4) states and other institutions of power, and (5) the individual and society. The goal of the course is to get you to think conceptually about European history and understand how these themes are manifested throughout history. The questions on the exam will also be rooted in these five themes, which, like the time periods listed above, will receive about equal coverage on the test. While there is no rigid set of topics that fall into each of these theme categories, the following table highlights some topics that will likely be addressed. (Please keep in mind that this list is not in chronological order, nor is it a comprehensive list. This is just a small sampling of the kinds of topics that fall under these thematic umbrellas. There are many, many more topics!)

Additionally, the AP European History course emphasizes key historical thinking skills, which will also be tested on the exam in how you grasp the source material presented throughout the test, as well as how demonstrate your ability to make historical connections in writing for the DBQ and long essay. The historical thinking skills you will develop in the course and be tested on are grouped into four main areas: (1) analyzing historical sources and evidence; (2) making historical connections; (3) chronological reasoning; and (4) creating and supporting a historical argument.

If you can’t get enough AP European History and want to review this material with an expert, we also offer an online Cram Course that you can sign up for here:​college/​ap-test-prep.


Different colleges use AP Exams in different ways, so it is important that you go to a particular college’s website to determine how it uses AP Exams. The three items below represent the main ways in which AP Exam scores can be used:

Want to know which colleges are best for you?

Check out The Princeton Review’s College Advisor app to build your ideal college list and find your perfect college fit! Available for free in the iOS App Store and Google Play Store.


There are many resources available to help you improve your score on the AP European History Exam, not the least of which are your teachers. If you are taking an AP class, you may be able to get extra attention from your teacher, such as obtaining feedback on your essays. If you are not in an AP course, reach out to a teacher who teaches European history and ask if the teacher will review your essays or otherwise help you with content.

Another wonderful resource is AP Students, the official site of the AP Exams. The scope of the information at this site is quite broad and includes the following items:

The AP Students home page for the AP European History Exam can be found here:​apcourse/​ap-european-history.

Finally, The Princeton Review offers tutoring for the AP European History Exam. Our expert instructors can help you refine your strategic approach and add to your content knowledge. For more information, call 1-800-2REVIEW.

Go Online!

Head over to the AP European History AP Students home page for information on the exam, including sample questions, scoring details, and any late-breaking updates.


As part of the Introduction, you identified some areas of potential improvement. Let’s now delve further into your performance on Practice Test 1, with the goal of developing a study plan appropriate to your needs and time commitment.

Read the answers and explanations associated with the multiple-choice questions (starting at this page). After you have done so, think about the following items:

Prep Like a Pro

Need some help devising a plan of action for your studying? Check out our free AP European History Exam study guide on AP Connect. See the “Register Your Book Online!” page for details about accessing your online tools.