Kate Angelella, you’re a supertalented editor who makes every book better than I even imagined it could be. And I’m not saying that just because we did this book’s edit letter over manis and pedis. Nope.
Alyssa Henkin, thank you for working hard on all things Canterwood.
Thanks doesn’t begin to cover it to the amazing team at Simon & Schuster. Thank you, Mara Anastas, Fiona Simpson, and Bethany Buck for backing Canterwood. Thanks to Bess Braswell, Lucille Rettino, and Venessa Williams for their marketing genius. Nicole Russo, I still feel superimportant when I tell people you’re my publicist. Thank you to Brenna Franzitta, production editor extraordinaire. Thanks to Jessica Handelman, Russell Gordon, Monica Stevenson, and the models.
Thanks to my friends who have welcomed me to the city, especially Aly Heller and Liesa Abrams. Mandy Morgan, come visit already! Lauren Barnholdt, “Team Barnhart,” FTW!
Ross, you’re the coolest guy I know and just thinking about our neighborhood adventures makes me smile.
Kate, a better BFF doesn’t exist. Life would be so sparklefree without you. LYSMB!
Finally, to the reader girlies who chat on the forums, e-mail me, send pics, and create videos—I heart you all! Team Canterwood!