- Abe, Shinzo, 63, 64, 65
- Achen, Christopher, 95, 97
- Activism and social media, 5, 50–51. See also News activism
- Adatto, Kiku, 61
- Adler, Steve, 208
- Adorno, Theodor, 145
- Adversarial press, 221–228
- collective action in defense of free and, 227–228
- implications of, 225–227
- observations on relationship between executive branch and, 222–225
- Affective news, 74–75
- Affective publics, 129
- After Broadcast News: Media Regimes, Democracy, and the New Information Environment, 18
- Aggression, 9
- Agnew, Spiro, 136
- Allen, George, 19
- Allport, Gordon, 145
- “All the News That’s Fit to Print” tagline, 205
- Alternative facts, 17, 20–22, 41–42
- Amanpour, Christiane, 93, 204
- Amazon, 179
- American Medical Association, 227
- American Political Association
- American Society of Newspaper Editors, 12
- America Online, 179–180
- Amerikadeutscher Volksbund, 144
- Anderson, C. W., 36, 169
- Anger of Trump, 82–84, 205–206
- Anonymous online forums, 49, 53
- Anticipation after the election, 101–108
- industry growth after election of Trump, 105–106
- infrastructure of, 106–107
- institutional conditions of the press and, 102–103
- Trump Time and, 101–104
- Anti-immigrant sentiment, 163–164
- Anti-Semitism, 144
- Apostles of Certainty: Data Journalism and the Politics of Doubt, 36
- Arendt, Hannah, 41, 76
- Arsenio Hall Show, The, 19
- Associated Press, 60, 170, 179, 183
- Atlantic, The, 101, 106, 209
- AT&T, 179
- Attention merchants, 52
- Audience
- campaign journalism benefits for, 217–218
- group-oriented, networked responses in consideration of multiple publics and, 189–193
- institutional distrust among, 188–189
- interactivity with, 167–173
- listening-oriented initiatives and, 184
- share, 155–156
- Austria, 42
- Authoritarian individualism, 146–149
- Authoritarianism
- news activism under, 208
- self-censorship and, 122–124
- Trump not consolidating power in, 119–120
- Trump not creating media system based on, 120–122
- Twitter as mouthpiece for, 143–149
- Awareness, pervasive, 164
- Backstage self, 62–63, 134, 140
- Baldwin, Alec, 106
- Bannon, Steve, 54, 55, 98, 133, 224
- Baquet, Dean, 206
- Barry, Dan, 206
- Bartels, Larry, 95, 97
- Bayer, Herbert, 146
- Benson, Rod, 184
- Berkman, Michael, 84
- Berlin, Isaiah, 114
- Berlusconi, Silvio, 225
- Berners-Lee, Tim, 169
- Bernstein, Carl, 205
- Bezos, Jeff, 216
- Black-and-white thinking, 9
- Blacklisting of news outlets by Trump, 209–210, 226
- Black Lives Matter, 5, 50–51, 97
- Blogging, 50, 55, 181
- Bloomberg News, 63, 107
- Boas, Franz, 145
- Boczkowski, Pablo, 129, 208, 209, 227
- Boston Globe, 113
- Botnets, 53
- Boulding, Kenneth, 9
- Boys on the Bus, The, 154
- Breitbart, 98, 99, 226
- Brexit, 90, 111, 113–115
- Britain, 42. See also Brexit
- Brophy, Enda, 131
- Bryant, William Jennings, 134–135
- Buchanan, Pat, 97–98
- Bush, George H. W., 88
- Bush, George W., 41, 137, 139
- Bush, Jeb, 153
- Business Insider, 64
- Buzzfeed, 65
- Cable news, 30–31, 138–139. See also CNN; Fox News
- Cameron, David, 114
- Campaign journalism, 213–219
- leading, not following, 214–215
- report, repeat, keep it fresh approach, 215–216
- Capitalism, 130
- Capital Times, 191–193
- Carson, Ben, 153, 156–157
- Carter, Jimmy, 42, 136
- CBS News, 30, 105, 152, 196
- Citizen journalists, 64–65, 66, 192
- Clinton, Bill, 19, 42
- Clinton, Hillary, 14, 18, 20, 43, 53, 81, 156, 190
- affective news on, 75
- conspiracy theories against, 28
- demobilization of supporters of, 115
- fainting at the 9/11 memorial, 105
- as favored to win, 104, 111, 159, 171
- “Stronger Together” theme, 91
- CNN, 209, 226
- benefits of Trump coverage for, 30–31, 196
- coverage of the Trump inauguration, 82
- coverage of Trump rallies, 139
- international news, 93
- labeled fake news by Trump, 120, 205, 224
- news activism by, 207
- photojournalism and, 64
- time pressures faced by, 136
- tracking analysis of Trump coverage on, 152, 153, 154
- Trump’s questioning of legitimacy of, 54
- Cohen, Nicole, 131
- Colbert Report, The, 19
- Cold War, the, 4, 9, 146
- enmity and journalism in, 10–12
- Collective action in defense of free press, 227–228
- Columbia Journalism Review, 96
- Colvin, Jill, 63
- Comey, James, 210
- Commercialism, 25, 195–201
- competing narratives about journalism and, 198–199
- implications for communication scholars, 200–201
- new forms of journalism and, 199–200
- Trump as symptom of structural media failures and, 196–197
- Committee for National Morale, 145
- Communication research, way forward in, 116–117, 200–201
- Community building process, 193
- Community journalists, 189–190
- CompuServe, 179
- Conspiracy theories, 25
- Consumer sovereignty, 200–201
- Conway, Kellyanne, 17, 22, 226
- Cortelyou, George, 135
- Côté, Rochelle R., 164
- Coughlin, Father, 144
- Coultry, Nicholas, 34
- Counterpublics, 50
- Craigslist, 179
- Cramer, Katherine J., 89
- Criss, Doug, 82
- Cronyism, 12
- Cross-organizational ties, 182–183
- Crowd-based relationships, 183–184, 207–208
- Cruz, Ted, 153
- Daily Cardinal, 84
- Daily Mail, 65
- Daily Mirror, 113, 114
- Daily Show, The, 19
- Data analytics, 153–154
- Data journalism, 112
- “filter bubbles” in, 33
- institutionalization of, 37–39
- interactivity and, 167–173
- long history of, 35–37
- as not value-neutral, 39
- Data-visualization, 167–173
- Dean, Howard, 19, 81
- Deaver, Michael, 136
- Debates, televised, 135–136
- Decentering of mainstream media, 180–182
- relational journalism as a way out of a state of, 182–184
- “Deep mediatization” of society, 34
- Deference and moderation in Cold War journalism, 11
- Deindividualization, 9
- Delli Carpini, Michael X, 18
- What Americans Know about Politics and Why It Matters, 22–23
- Democracy, 42–47, 96, 130
- campaign journalism and, 214–215
- commercialism trumping, 195–201
- folk theory of, 97
- “Democracy Dies in Darkness” tag, 205
- Democracy for Realists, 95
- Democratic Party, 95
- digital inequality and, 161–162
- trust in media and, 214
- use of data analytics and social media targeting, 153–154
- 2016 voters for, 160–162
- Demonization, 9
- Deng, Wendi, 65
- De Peuter, Greig, 131
- Dewey, John, 189, 192
- Digiday, 170
- Digital inequality, 161–162
- Discord, 53
- Distrust, 9
- Division of Labor in Society, The, 129–130
- Douglas, Susan J., 155
- Drudge Report, 137
- Durkheim, Emile, 129–131
- eBay, 179
- Echo chambers, 27, 162–163
- Economics of attention, 75–76
- Edison Research, 160
- Editor and Publisher, 11
- Edwards, George, 17
- Egyptian spring, 143
- 8chan, 49, 53
- Eisenhower, Dwight, 135
- Elite journalism, 33, 218
- Emotional politics, 79–85
- Emotional regime, 84
- Empirical tribalism, 34
- Enmity
- during the Cold War, 10–12
- politics and, 9–10
- Trump and reemergence of Cold War, 13–16
- Erickson, Bonnie H., 164
- ESPN, 196
- Ethics, professional, 45
- Ethnic intolerance, 9
- Ethos, 6
- Euphemism, 12
- European Union, 90
- Evergrey, The, 190
- Executive orders, 120
- Facebook, 5, 34, 146, 188, 189, 197
- activism and, 50–51
- affective news on, 74
- “fake news” on, 52
- networked solidarity and, 129
- Obama and, 137–138
- photography on, 66
- power of, 55
- public service journalism, 200
- safe spaces on, 192
- Fact-checking, 17, 60, 65–66, 225
- Facts, alternative, 17, 20–22, 41–42
- Fahrenthold, David, 183–184, 207–208
- Failures, journalistic, 33–34
- discursive solution to, 39
- explanations for, 34–35
- Trump as symptom of systemic, 196–197
- Fake news, 43, 52, 71, 96–97, 221. See also Misinformation and manipulation
- institutional distrust and, 188–189
- myths as, 87–92
- public debate over, 87, 97
- Trump’s labeling of news organizations as, 120–122, 139, 205
- Fall of the Berlin Wall, 88, 90
- False equivalences, 12
- FameFlynet Pictures, 65
- Fanlund, Paul, 191
- Fascism, 144
- Federal Bureau of Investigation, 210
- Feelings evoked by headlines, 73–75
- Ferguson protests, 51
- Filter bubbles, 33–35, 38
- “Fireside chats
- FiveThirtyEight, 34, 38, 111, 114, 115, 167, 170
- Flyover zones/middle America, 14, 39
- Folk theory of democracy, 97
- Ford, Gerald, 136
- 4chan, 49, 53
- Fourth Estate, 187, 222–223
- Fox and Friends, 224
- Fox News, 14, 39, 93, 152, 153, 189
- establishment of, 136–137
- validation of white Christian American identity, 93–94, 98–99
- France, 42
- Francis, Pope, 52, 96
- Freedom of Information act, 209
- Freedom of the Press Foundation, 208
- Frontstage personae, 138
- Fundamentalism, 9
- Gallup polls, 188
- Gannett, 170
- Garcia, Hazel Dicken, 36
- Gatekeeping, news, 26–27
- GatewayPundit, 226
- Gawker Media, 225, 227
- GDELT campaign television tracker, 153
- Gergen, David, 136
- Gergen, Kenneth, 185
- Gessen, Masha, 208
- Gest, Justin, 97
- GitHub, 172
- Glasser, Ted, 102
- Goffman, Erving, 61–62, 134, 209
- Google, 50, 179
- cross-organizational ties and, 183
- “fake news” on, 52
- public service journalism, 200
- Graves, Lucas, 96
- Great Depression, the, 135
- Great Recession, 160, 163
- Green, Donald, 95
- Greenwald, Glenn, 14–15
- Group-oriented, networked responses in consideration of multiple publics, 189–193
- Grusin, Richard, 103–104, 112
- Guardian, 209
- Guzman, Monica, 190
- Habermas, Jurgen, 50
- Hacking, 49, 168, 172, 209
- Hagerty, James, 135
- Hallin, Daniel, 108
- Hamby, Peter, 154–155
- Hanna, Mark, 134
- Headlines, 71–72
- economics of attention and, 75–76
- feelings evoked by, 73–75
- presentation of, 72–73
- purpose of, 71
- what to do about, 76–77
- Hearken, 184
- Hepp, Andreas, 34
- Hitler, Adolf, 144
- Hobsbawm, Eric, 127, 128
- Hochschild, Arlie, 80, 93–94, 97, 98
- Hofstadter, Richard, 11, 27
- Hungary, 42
- Hurricane Katrina, 137
- Hussein, Saddam, 137
- Hyperpartisan publics, 32
- Hyperreality, 19, 23
- Identity-based phenomenon, politics as, 95–96, 97, 98–99
- Incivility, mainstreaming of political, 29–30
- Individualism, authoritarian, 146–149
- In-groups, 13
- Institutional distrust, 188–189
- Institutionalization of data journalism, 37–39
- Interactivity, 167–173
- Internet Archive, 153
- Intervention, media projections as form of, 112–116
- Intolerance, 163–164, 165–166
- Investigative reporting, 213
- Iran-Contra affair, 136
- Iraq War, 137
- ISIS, 28
- Jacobs, Jill, 63
- James, William, 38
- Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, 66
- Jefferson, Thomas, 41
- Jobs, Steve, 146
- Jones, Alex, 27
- Journalists. See also News media/journalism
- citizen, 64–65, 66, 192
- community, 189–190
- interactive, 167–173
- paparazzi, 65, 66
- photo-, 63–64
- Karpf, Dave, 155–156
- Kazin, Michael, 156
- Keeter, Scott, 22–23
- Kelly, Megyn, 14
- Kennedy, John F., 135–136
- Kennedy family, 88
- King, Martin Luther Jr., 45
- Klein, Ezra, 171, 205
- Knight Foundation, 96, 168–169, 221
- Knight-Ridder, 179
- Kovaleski, Serge, 81
- Kranzberg, Melvin, 4
- Krauss, Kate, 209
- Kushner, Jared, 43, 65, 224
- Ladd, Jonathan, 96
- Larry King Live, 19
- Last Week Tonight, 217
- Lauer, Matt, 14
- Lavrov, Sergey, 64
- Leonhardt, David, 170
- Le Pen, Jean-Marie, 218
- Levin, Mark, 27
- Lewinsky, Monica, 137
- Lewis, Seth, 208, 209, 227
- Libération, 216, 218
- Limbaugh, Rush, 27
- Liptak, Kevin, 63
- Listening-oriented initiatives, 184
- Literary features in journalism, 45–46
- Look magazine, 11
- Los Angeles Times, 17, 67, 179, 207
- Lule, Jack, 88
- Lull, James, 67
- Lynch, Loretta, 105
- Machado, Alicia, 30
- Mainstreaming
- of conspiracy theory, 27–28
- of political incivility, 29–30
- Mainstream media, the. See also Campaign journalism; News media/journalism
- accused of liberal bias, 137
- decentering of, 180–182
- interactivity of, 167–173
- news activism by (see News activism)
- populists’ use of, 156–157
- Trump and, 30–31, 43–44, 46, 54, 120–122, 187–188
- unhooking from power, 207–208
- “Make America Great Again” theme, 80–81, 88–89, 97–98, 152, 189
- Malsin, Jared, 208
- Marien, Mary Warner, 63
- Marshall Plan, 90
- Marshall Project, 38
- Marx, Karl, 130
- Matassi, Mora, 129
- McAfee, Tierney, 65
- McCain, John, 19
- McCarthy, Joseph, 12, 41
- McCarthyism, 10, 12
- McClatchy, 170
- McKinley, William, 134–135
- Mead, Margaret, 145
- Media Cloud, 153
- Media Matter, 209–210
- Meet the Press, 17
- Meyer, Philip, 36–38
- Miami Herald, The, 179
- MinnPost, 218
- Misinformation and manipulation, 52–53. See also Fake news
- media pathologies and rise of, 195–201
- Mitchelstein, Eugenia, 129
- Mobility and echo chambers, 163
- Modern Art, 146
- Moonves, Leslie, 30, 105, 196
- Morris, Christopher, 59
- Morris, James McGrath, 215
- Mother Jones, 225
- Moveon.org, 209–210
- Mozilla, 168
- MSNBC, 152, 153
- Muckrock, 209
- Mueller, Jan-Werner, 151
- Multiaxiality, 19, 23
- Multiple publics, 189–193
- Murdoch, Rupert, 65
- Myths, 87–92
- Narratives about journalism, competing, 198–199
- National Election Pool, 160
- National Press Club, 224
- National Security Agency, 208
- Nazi Germany, 144–146
- NBC News, 14, 17, 120, 152
- Negative stereotyping, 9
- Netherlands, the, 42
- Networked solidarity, 127–132
- Network news. See ABC News; CBS News; NBC News
- New Deal, 135
- New media regime, 18–23
- News activism, 203–210
- adopting technology tools for, 208–209
- banding together in, 209–210
- changing rules and need for, 204–206
- guideposts for, 210
- telling it like it is, 206–207
- unhooking from power, 207–208
- News media/journalism. See also Data journalism; Headlines; Mainstream media, the; Photojournalism; Projections, media; Public communication
- as adversarial press in age of Trump, 221–228
- cable news and, 30–31, 138–139 (see also CNN; Fox News)
- campaign journalism, 213–219
- during the Cold War, 10–12
- commercialism in, 195–201
- competing narratives about, 198–199
- complexities of news gatekeeping and, 26–27
- cross-organizational ties in, 182–183
- crowd-based relationships in, 183–184
- culture, markets, and structure of, 178–180
- discursive solution to failures in, 39
- dismantling the standing of news media, 54–55
- earmarks of evidentiary quality in, 45–46
- elite, 33, 218
- embrace of Cold War tools in contemporary, 14
- emergence of digital culture and, 5
- explanations for failures of, 34–35
- filter bubbles in, 33–35, 38
- group-oriented, networked responses in consideration of multiple publics, 189–193
- hollowing out of American news, 35
- institutional conditions in, 102–103, 180–182
- interactivity and trust in, 167–173
- kept in anticipation with Trump, 101–102, 104
- listening-oriented initiatives, 184
- long history of data, 35–37
- new forms of, 199–200
- new “media regime” in, 18–23
- news activism by (See News activism)
- predictability in age of Trump, 16
- public service, 200
- relational, 182–184
- restricted access by Trump, 59
- rise of news activism in, 203–210
- role in democracy, 43–47, 96
- self-centeredness in, 177–185
- social media and, 4–5
- spheres model of, 108
- Trump and mainstream, 30–31
- Trump as symptom of structural media failures in, 196–197
- trust in (See Trust in news media)
- undermined authority of, 15
- understanding of flyover zones/middle America, 14, 39
- vulnerability of, 53–54
- weakened strength of, 177–178, 184–185
- Newspapers, 102, 103, 113
- News Photographer, 60
- New Yorker, 14, 76, 80, 189
- New York magazine, 22
- New York Review of Books, 208
- New York Times, 102, 106, 111, 170
- “All the News That’s Fit to Print” tagline, 205
- called fake news by Trump, 54, 120
- campaign journalism by, 217, 218
- cross-organizational ties, 183
- estimate of Trump’s free airtime, 30
- “ideas” section, 169
- interactivity online, 167
- labeled as evil by Trump, 224
- news activism by, 206, 207
- photographs of Trump in, 63, 64
- Upshot, The, 38, 114, 167, 170
- use of word “lie” regarding Trump, 206
- NICAR (the National Institute for Computer Assisted Reporting), 37
- Nielsen, Rasmus Kleis, 38
- Nieman Lab, 96
- Nixon, Richard, 135–136, 139, 205
- NowCast (Silver), 171
- NPR, 167
- Obama, Barack, 63, 81, 88, 122
- inauguration of, 41–42, 46
- social media and, 137–138
- Trump on ISIS and, 28
- viral releases of comments by, 19–20
- voters who defected to Trump, 34, 160–161
- Obermaier, Frederik, 209
- Obermayer, Bastian, 209
- O’Keefe, Ed, 59
- Okrent, Daniel, 102
- Oliver, John, 157, 217
- Online News Association, 172, 227
- “On the Function of the United States Paparazzi: Mosquito Swarm or Watchdogs of Celebrity Image Control and Power?
- Open source culture, 172
- O’Reilly, Bill, 224
- Out-groups, 13
- Outrage, 29
- “Overton window
- Palin, Sarah, 19
- Palmquist, Bradley, 95
- Panama Papers, 182–183, 209
- Papacharissi, Zizi, 90, 129, 138
- Paparazzi, 65, 66
- Paranoid spokesman, 27–28
- Pariser, Eli, 35
- Participatory culture, 50–51
- Partisan Hearts and Minds, 95
- Pence, Mike, 106
- People, 65
- Perot, Ross, 19
- Persistent contact, 165
- Pew Research Center, 162, 199
- Photography: A Cultural History, 63
- Photojournalism. See also News media/journalism
- asserting control and pushing backstage, 62–63
- deconstructing political news, 60–62
- fact-checking and, 65–66
- restricted access to Trump, 59–60
- Pickard, Victor, 154
- Picture Perfect: Life in the Age of the Photo Op, 61
- Pizzagate, 122
- Planned Parenthood, 101, 106
- Plouffe, David, 138
- Polarization, 9, 214–215
- Politico, 43, 64
- news activism by, 206, 207
- Politics
- democracy and, 42–43
- enmity and, 9–10
- as identity-based phenomenon, 95–96, 98–99
- mainstreaming of incivility in
- as multiaxial and hyperreal, 19, 23
- post-truth, 32, 34, 76–77
- Trump and emotional, 79–85
- Trump’s successes and miscalculations in breaking the rules of communication in, 133–140
- Politics of Resentment, The, 89
- PolitiFact, 17, 60
- Populism, 2–3, 151–152
- appeals to emotions, 79–80
- defined, 151–152
- novel descriptors for, 15
- plutocracy and, 41
- use of mass media, 156–157
- worldwide rise of, 42, 71
- Postman, Neil, 129
- Post-truth era, 32, 34, 35, 76–77
- Pre-mediation, 74, 103–104, 108
- Presentation of headlines, 72–73
- Presentation of self, 62, 134
- Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, The, 62
- Presidential debates, 135–136
- Press Effect: Politicians, Journalists, and the Stories That Shape the Political World, The, 66
- Proactive reporting, 213
- Process of community building, 193
- Professional ethics, 45
- Projections, media, 111–112, 171. See also Data journalism
- as form of intervention, 112–116
- mobilization and demobilization of voters by, 115–116
- way forward in communication research, 116–117
- Pro-Publica, 38, 106, 183
- Public and Its Problems, The, 189, 192
- Public communication, 25–26
- complexity of news gatekeeping and, 26–27
- emotional politics in, 79–85
- mainstreaming of conspiracy theory in, 27–28
- mainstreaming of political incivility and, 29–30
- mainstream media and Trump’s, 30–31
- myths in, 87–92
- networked solidarity in, 127–132
- Trump and a new environment for, 31–32
- Public displays of disaffection by Trump, 79–85
- Public-powered journalism, 184
- Publics, multiple, 189–193
- Public service journalism, 200
- Public sphere, 50
- Pulitzer, Joseph, 215–216
- Putin, Vladimir, 225
- Racism, 9
- Radio Free Europe, 12
- Rahn, Wendy M., 157
- Reagan, Ronald, 43, 88, 90, 136
- Real Clear Politics, 167, 171
- Reddit, 53, 74
- Reddy, William, 84
- Relational journalism, 182–184
- Relativism, 44–45
- Remnick, David, 80
- Reporters Committee, 227
- “Representation gap
- Republican Party, 17, 30, 95, 120, 135, 152, 157
- digital inequality and, 161–162
- Fox News and, 224
- trust in media and, 214
- 2016 voters for, 160–162
- Retractions, 45
- Reuters, 208
- Rheingold, Howard, 50
- Road to Victory, 146
- Robinson, Sue, 184
- Romney, Mitt, 19
- Roosevelt, Franklin, 42, 135
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 135
- Rosen, Jay, 13, 203
- Rosenbaum, Claudia, 65
- Ross, Wilbur, 65
- RSS, 50
- Rubin, Jennifer, 83
- Rubio, Marco, 153
- Rucker, Philip, 59
- Russell, Adrienne, 183, 210, 227
- Russian interference in the 2016 election, 18, 43, 143
- Safe spaces, 192
- Salomon, Erich, 62–63
- Sanders, Bernie, 151, 156
- Sanford, Mark, 163
- Saturday Night Live, 19, 101, 106, 107
- Schickler, Eric, 95
- Schiller, Keith, 63
- Schudson, Michael, 217
- SecureDrop, 209
- Self-censorship, 122–124
- Self-centeredness in journalism, 177–178
- culture, markets, and structure of, 178–180
- relational journalism as way out of decentering and, 182–184
- SEO (search engine optimization), 52
- Sevareid, Eric, 12
- Shafer, Jack, 35
- Silver, Nate, 38, 167, 170–171
- Slack, 209
- Snapchat, 66
- Snowden, Edward, 143, 208–209
- Social media, 4–5, 19–20
- activism and, 5, 50–51
- affective news on, 74
- anonymous online forums, 49, 53
- community and, 162–163
- crowd-based relationships on, 183–184
- data analytics and, 153–154
- economics of attention and, 75–76
- “filter bubbles” created by, 34
- incivility on, 29–30
- increasing centrality of, 51
- interactivity with, 167–173
- listening-oriented initiatives on, 184
- misinformation and manipulation, 52–53
- myths spread through, 90–91
- networked solidarity and, 129
- news gatekeeping and, 26–27
- Obama and, 137–138
- participatory culture and, 50–51
- persistent contact through, 165
- pervasive awareness through, 164
- photography on, 66
- power of, 55
- Trump’s mastery of, 41, 138, 140
- vulnerability of news media to
- World War II and the roots of, 144–146
- Sociology, 37
- Somodevilla, Chip, 64
- Soviet Union, the. See Cold War, the
- Spheres Model of the Media, 108
- Spicer, Sean, 17, 226
- St. Louis Post and Dispatch, 215–216, 217
- State of the News Media, 199
- Steichen, Edward, 146
- Stone, Shepard, 145
- Storytelling, news, 74, 75, 170
- Strangers in Their Own Land, 93
- “Stronger Together” theme, 91
- Süddeutsche Zeitung, 209
- Sullivan, Margaret, 65
- Sulzberger, Arthur, Jr., 217, 218
- Sun, The, 113
- Sunlight Foundation, 59
- Tapper, Jake, 139
- Tea Party Movement, 80, 93–94, 98
- Technology
- data analytics, 153–154
- first law of, 4
- news activism and adoption of, 208–209
- Televised debates, 135–136
- Tetlock, Philip, 114
- Texas Tribune, 189–190, 218
- Thiel, Peter, 224–225, 227
- Tillerson, Rex, 226
- Time magazine, 45, 50, 64, 208
- Time Warner, 180
- Tocqueville, Alexis de, 42
- Tomasky, M., 154
- Transparency and interactivity, 167–173
- Tribune Corporation, 179
- Trotter, J. K., 167
- Truman, Harry, 42
- Trump, Donald J.
- alternative facts and, 17, 20–22, 41–42
- anger of, 82–84, 205–206
- authoritarianism and, 119–124, 143–149
- blacklisting of news outlets, 209–210, 226
- campaign use of Twitter, 151–157
- candidacy announcement, 151
- changes in public communication and, 25–26
- comments about the press, 120–121
- conspiracies and, 28
- demonstrations against, 22
- as “emotions candidate
- first 100 days in office, 83–84
- frontstage personae, 138
- as “great disrupter
- keeping journalists in anticipation, 101–108
- labeling of news organizations as evil, 214
- labeling of news organizations as fake news, 120–122, 139, 205
- leadership style of, 2, 223–224
- mainstream media and, 30–31, 43–44, 46, 54, 120–122, 187–188
- “Make America Great Again” theme, 80–81, 88–89, 97–98, 152, 189
- media projections about, 111–117
- need for adversarial press in age of, 221–228
- new communication environment and, 31–32
- new media regime and, 20
- as outsider, 152
- political paparazzi approach to
- as populist, 2–3, 151–152
- predictability of journalism in age of, 16
- press conferences, 139
- promises made by, 88–89
- public displays of disaffection by, 79–85
- reemergence of Cold War enmity with, 13–16
- restricted access of journalists to, 59
- successes and miscalculations in breaking the rules of political communication, 133–140
- as symptom of structural media failures, 196–197
- uncivil discourse by, 29–30
- unexpected election of, 1–2, 6, 9, 159–166
- uniqueness of, 41–42
- validation of white Christian American identity, 93–94, 97
- Trump, Ivanka, 65, 107
- Trump bump, 198–199
- “Trumpism,” 18, 82
- Trump Time, 101–104
- Trust in news media, 187–188, 214
- group-oriented, networked responses in consideration of multiple publics as solution for, 189–193
- institutional distrust and, 188–189
- interactivity and, 167–173
- Twitter, 1, 4, 20, 41, 79, 133, 146
- activism and, 50–51
- affective news on, 74
- audience share and, 155–156
- contents of Trump’s messages on
- crowd-based relationships on, 183–184
- “fake news” on, 52
- incivility on, 29–30
- as mouthpiece for authoritarianism, 143–149
- photography on, 66
- as public sphere, 50
- safe spaces on, 192
- Trump campaign’s use of, 151–157
- Trumps’ support mobilized through, 82, 138
- Trumps’ tweets violating prohibitions against bullying and harassment on, 107
- Tyranny of the majority, 42
- Understatement, 12
- Unexpected election of Trump, the, 1–2, 6, 9, 159–166
- community and, 162–163
- context of, 160
- digital inequality and, 161–162
- escaping the echo chamber and, 164–165
- the left behind and, 165–166
- roots of intolerance and, 163–164
- vote switchers and, 34, 160–161
- Upshot, The (New York Times), 38, 114, 167, 170
- US News, 207
- Validation of white Christian American identity, 93–94, 97
- VanderSloot, Frank, 225
- Viewtron, 179
- Voat, 53
- Voice of America, 12
- Voice of San Diego, 218
- Vote switchers, 34, 160–161
- Vox, 171, 205
- Vucci, Evan, 60
- Waldman, Paul, 66
- Wall Street Journal, 106
- Walsh, Ken, 207
- Washington, George, 41
- Washington Post, 59, 60, 63–65, 111, 189, 209, 217, 226
- campaign journalism by, 216, 218
- crowd-based relationships, 183
- “Democracy Dies in Darkness” tag, 205
- election prediction, 171
- news activism by, 207, 210
- Watergate, 205
- Weber, Max, 130
- What Americans Know about Politics and Why It Matters, 22
- White Christian American identity, 93–94, 97
- White House Correspondents Association, 227
- WikiLeaks, 18
- Wikipedia, 52
- Williams, Bruce, 18
- Wilson, Woodrow, 135
- Wired, 208–209
- Women’s March (2017), 5
- World War I, 127
- World War II, 128, 156
- and the roots of social media, 144–146
- Yiannopoulos, Milo, 54
- YouTube, 49, 192
- Zucker, Jeff, 30–31, 154, 196