Abbott, Diane 181

Abromovich, Roman 197

abuse 207–20, 254

Adams’ Grammar School 172–3, 184

Addrison, John 210

Adonis, Andrew 240–1, 333

Africa 53–4, 314–15

Ahmad, Muhammad 37, 38–9

Aitken, Jonathan 255

Aldridge, Sir Rod 318

Alexander, Danny 148

Alfred the Great, King 14

Allan, Tim 169

Alpha Plus 316–18

Ametistova, Ekaterina 200–1

Ampleforth College 219, 237, 250–1

Anderson, Bruce 146

Andersdon, Dr Eric 105, 106, 115, 137

Anne, HRH Princess 110

Anthony, Vivian 108–9

Apostles Club 306

aristocracy 18, 22, 28

Arkwright, Richard 32

Arnold, Matthew 66

Arnold, Thomas 31, 67

Aspinall, John 156

Asquith, Herbert 64

al-Assad, Bashar 128, 196, 202

Attlee, Clement 87, 88, 89, 99, 180

Augustine, St 13–14

Australia 283

Baddiel, David 263–5

Bailey, Mark 227

Balfour, Arthur 33

Ball, Peter 216–19

banking 295–9

Banks, Arron 163, 164, 165

Bannon, Steve 164, 282

Barrington, Robert 202

Barton, Laura 305

Barttelot, Sir Brian 38, 40–1

Barttelot, Maj Edmund Musgrave 38–40

Barttelot, Sir Walter 40–1, 60–1

Bash camps 212–13, 216

BBC 298–300

beatings 21, 30, 211, 213–14, 215

Beckett, Andy 304–5

Bedales 182–3

Beefsteak Club 291–2

Bellak, Benjamin 138

Benn, Melissa 255, 268, 323–4, 339

Benn, Tony 96–7, 174, 175, 176, 180, 255–6

Bennett, Alan 1, 336–7

Bentham, Jeremy 66

Berezovsky, Boris 199

Beveridge, William 89

Blackadder Goes Forth (TV show) 62

Blair, Tony 103–6, 107, 109, 111, 179, 180–1

Blunkett, David 106–8, 109, 111

Blunt, Anthony 133

Bo Xilai 198

Board of Education 68–9, 69

‘Boarding School Syndrome’ 270–1

Boarding Schools Corporation 98

Boer War 40, 52–4

Bonar Law, Andrew 64

Borwick, Tom 165

Bracken, Brendan 85–6

Brexit 127, 151, 161–3, 164–70; see also Farage, Nigel

Bridgeman, Luke 292–3

British Army 36, 40–2, 55–64, 72–3, 224, 225

British Empire 30, 32, 33–5, 36–7, 38–40, 42–3, 44–5

and Second World War 74–5

British Expeditionary Force (BEF) 52

Brodie, Stanley 116

Brooke, Rupert 62

Brook’s 291

Brooks, Charlie 147

Brougham, Henry 29

Brown, Gordon 107, 287

Bruce, Charles 136

Brunel, Isambard Kingdom 32

Bryant, Chris 128

Buchanan, Mike 119

Buffet, Warren 329

Bullingdon Club 137, 141–2, 306

bullying 271, 273

Burgess, Guy 133

bursaries 226–35, 321–2, 332

Butler, Rab 77, 78–9, 81, 82

Butler, Robin, Lord 193

Byers, Stephen 107–8

Cable, Vince 167

Caldicott prep school 209–10, 215, 219

Callaghan, James 99, 180

Cambridge Analytica (CA) 164–6

Cambridge, HRH Catherine, Duchess of 191

Cambridge Spy Ring 133

Cambridge University 1, 25

Cameron, David 6, 105, 133–8, 139, 140, 274

and ‘big society’ 313, 315

and Conservative Party 143, 144–8

and Eton 119, 190

and EU Referendum 127, 161, 162, 166–7, 169, 170

and government 148–54

and Oxford 141–2, 143

and psychology 271, 273

and Russia 132

camps 212–16

Canning, George 33

Card, Tim 61

Cardigan, James Brudenell, 7th Earl of 56

Carey, George, Lord 217

Carpenter, John 17

Carswell, Douglas 161

Cash, Bill 161

Castle House Preparatory School 172

Catling, Susan 95, 96

Chakrabarti, Shami 181–3

Chamberlain, Neville 72

chantry schools 15, 24, 26

Charitable Uses Act (1601) 109

Charities Act (2006) 114–16, 223

charity 17, 47, 88–9, 114–21, 341

and law 109–10, 111

Charles, HRH Prince of Wales 105, 110, 143, 216, 217, 283

Charterhouse School 19–20, 195–6, 233, 257

China 197–8, 200, 203, 204

Christianity 13–14, 15, 24, 215–16

and muscular 35–8, 44, 67, 211

church, the 2, 13–15, 24, 211–19

Churchill, Winston 40, 72, 74, 78, 84, 286

and Bracken 86

and Eden 91

and Harrow 33, 77, 82–3

City, the 4, 292–3, 295–7

City of London School 17, 181

Clarendon, George Villiers, 4th Earl of 48, 49–51

Clark, Alan 62

Clark, Ross 194

Clarke, Kenneth 146, 147

class 22, 65–6, 86–7, 95, 237–8, 315–16

and the army 55–6

and government 91–3

and grammar schools 67–8

and the media 298–300

classics 30–1

Clegg, Nick 147–8, 181, 209–10, 327–8

Clifford, Adm Sir Augustus 34

Clive, Robert 42–3

Comenius, John 27

comprehensive schools 94–5, 255–6

Conrad, Joseph 39–40

conscription 52–3

Conservative Party 69, 86, 90, 92, 99–100, 101–2

and Cameron 143, 144–8

Cook, Henry 169

Cooke, Alistair 143

Coombs, Mark 163

Corbet, Richard 23

Corbyn, Ben 178

Corbyn, Jeremy 17, 121, 171–5, 176–80, 186, 314

Corbyn, Sebastian 178

corporal punishment 21

Cranmer, Thomas 11–12, 14

Crawford, David Lindsay, 27th Earl of 59–60

Crimean War 56

Cromwell, Oliver 27

Crosland, Anthony 95–6, 97, 255

Cruz, Ted 164

Cumberbatch, Benedict 252

Cummings, Dominic 165–6

Cust, Sir Lionel Henry 222

Czerin, Peter 144

Dacre, Paul 147

Daffarn, Edward 318

Dalton, Hugh 180

Damasio, Antonio 276

D’Ancona, Matthew 144

Darwin, Charles 30–1

Davidson, Jim 261–3, 266–7

Davison, Dick 108

De Carvalho, Alexander 168–9

De Freitas, Geoffrey 89

Deakin, Chloe 157, 158

Dean, Victoria 169

Debrett’s 289

Derham, Patrick 120

Dimbleby, David 149, 251

Disraeli, Benjamin 42

Doggart, Simon 215

donations 228–9

Dorries, Nadine 250–1

Dowding, Hugh 83

Duff, Grant 47–9, 50

Duffell, Nick 271, 272–3, 276–7, 284

Dulwich College 90, 156–61, 181–2, 192, 248, 330–1

and overseas franchises 203, 204

and sponsorships 239–42

Duncan, Alan 167

Eden, Anthony 64, 90–2

Edinburgh Academy 47

Edmiston, Robert, Lord 163

education 11–12, 13–15, 27, 321–4, 327–9

and Ragged Schools 37

and reforms 65–6

and rights 337–8

and Scotland 43–4

see also grammar schools; public schools; state schools

Education Acts:

1902: 69

1918: 65

1944: 82, 87, 93

Education Review Group 117

Edward III, King 16

Edward IV, King 26

11-plus exam 82, 93

Elizabeth I, Queen 18, 19

Elizabeth II, Queen 133

Elliott, Matthew 165

Emms, David 157

employment 341–3

End of the ‘Old School Tie’, The (Worsley) 75–6

Endowed Schools Commission 50

English Civil War 27

entry requirements 18–19

Establishment, the 125–6

Eton College 3, 17, 19, 22, 204, 278–9

and admission 189–90

and alumni 33, 140–1

and bursaries 228–9, 230

and Cameron 119, 136–8, 140

and charity 99, 115, 221–3, 235–6

and Eden 91, 92

and exams 257

and fees 113, 188–9, 227

and foundation boys 50

and Goldsmith 155

and government 134

and grants 238

and international students 198–9

and Leggatt 293

and masters 46–7

and Oxbridge 25, 301

and poor boys 28–9

and Putin 127–32

and reforms 26–7

and Rifles 52, 53, 59

and sponsorships 242

and sport 35

and town 187–8

and Wellington 33, 41–2

see also Old Etonians

EU Referendum 127, 150–1, 161–3, 164–70

Evans, Chris 298–9

exams 82, 93, 257, 267–8

Fabian Society 180

fagging 22, 29, 98, 104

faith schools 180–1

Fallon, Michael 62

Faraday, Michael 32

Farage, Nigel 156–9, 160–1, 162, 163, 167, 169, 248

and the establishment 283

and psychology 273

and Trump 282

Farr, Clarissa 278

Farron, Tim 153

fascism 157, 158

federations 238

fees 13, 19, 67, 69, 111–13, 194

and Eton 188–9

and subsidies 221–2, 224–35, 245–9

and university 260–1

Fettes College 103–6, 211

Finkelstein, Daniel 146

Finland 268, 344

First World War 54–64, 65–6

Fisher, Herbert 68–9

Fleming, David Pinkerton, Lord 79–81, 90

Fletcher, David 200, 201

Fletcher, Frank 68, 69

Foot, Michael 106, 180

Fox, Edward 156

Fox, Laurence 252–3

France 268–9

Fraser, Giles 211, 216

free scholars 16, 17, 18, 23, 50–1

Freemasons 193

French, John 61

French Revolution 28

Freud, Matthew 147

Gaitskell, Hugh 180

Galsworthy, John 66–7

Gascoigne, Michael 104

Gates, Bill 329

Geelong Grammar School 283

GEMS Education 111, 113–14, 204–6

gender pay gap 298, 299

gentlemen’s clubs 143–4, 169, 291–2

Germany 196, 268–9, 344

Ghosh, Helen 149

Gibb, Dame Moira 217, 218

Gill, Ameet 168

Girls’ Public Days School Trust 68

girls’ schools 229

Girls’ Schools Association 108

Gladstone, William 33, 37, 48

Goldsmith, James 155–6

Goodall, Lewis 298–9

Goodhart, David 320–1

Gordon, Gen Charles 36–8, 53

Gordonstoun 110, 211

Goschen, Giles, Viscount 135–6

Gove, Michael 144, 149, 161, 282, 322

and Brexit 166, 168

and psychology 273

and sponsorships 238

and subsidies 247–9

government 4–5, 6, 148–54

Gracie, Carrie 298

grammar schools 14, 15, 24, 30, 44, 56–7

and grants 93–4, 100–1

and Labour 183–5

and reforms 49–50, 67–8

Granville, Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl of 48

Gray, Herbert Branston 45

Grayling, Chris 161

Great Depression 69–70

Green, Francis 307

Green, Michael 145

Greenwood, David 208, 219

Gregory, Pope 13

Grenfell Tower 316, 317–19

Greville, Fulke 22

Guppy, Darius 289–90

Guru-Murthy, Krishnan 234–5

Haberdashers’ Aske’s 263–5, 300

Haig, Gen Douglas 61

Haileybury College 88, 89

Haldane, Richard Burdon 53

Halfon, Robert 249, 311, 333, 336

Halls, Andrew 194

Hammond, Richard 67

Hancock, Matt 342

Hannan, Daniel 161

Hanson, David 219

Harding, David 163, 168

Hardman, Robert 144

Hargreaves, Peter 163

Harman, Harriet 181

Harrison, Rupert 144, 153, 275

Harrow School 17, 23, 24, 29, 31–2, 68

and alumni 33, 34, 252–3

and bursaries 233–4

and Churchill 83

and foundation boys 50

and overseas franchises 203

and soldiers 52, 53

Hart, Basil Liddel 62

Hasan, Mehdi 327

Hastings, Max 277

Hastings, Warren 43

Haynes, Tim 227

Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC) 51, 119

Healey, Denis 175, 176

Heart of Darkness (Conrad) 39–40

Heath, Edward 99, 287

Heath, Lt Gen Sir Lewis ‘Piggy’ Macclesfield 74

Heatherdown 135–6

Henderson, Simon 235

Hendon County Grammar School 183–5

Henry, Hugh 210

Henry VI, King 19, 26, 221, 301

Henry VIII, King 18, 26

Henty, G.A. 53

Heseltine, Michael 145, 167

Higgins, Matthew James 46–7

Hillman, Nick 99, 100, 255, 302–3

Hilton, Steve 144, 153

Hitler, Adolf 3, 73

Hobsbawm, Eric 34

Hoey, Kate 161

Hogg, Charlotte 295–6

Hogg, Dame Mary 294

Hogg, Douglas 294–5

Hogg, Quintin 97, 294, 295

Hogg, Sarah 294–5

Holle, Arnold 196

homosexuality 35–6

Hong Chin 201

Hosking, Jeremy 163

Howard, Adam 283–4

Howard, Michael 146

Howard, Nicholas 152

Howe, Geoffrey 101–2

Howell, Steve 183–5

Hughes, Billy 90

Hughes, Thomas 35

Huhne, Chris 148

Hunt, Jeremy 271, 273

Hurtwood House 225

Hutton, Will 274

Huxley, Thomas 66

Ibori, James 201

immigration 156, 157, 162, 168, 264

imperialism 33–4, 53–4; see also British Empire

Independent Inquiry into Child Abuse 210–11

Independent Schools Council (ISC) 110, 113, 116, 120, 288, 325–7

and charity 223, 224, 226

and sponsorships 238

India 42–3, 53

industrial revolution 32

inequality 306–12, 314–16, 321–4, 327–9

initiation ceremonies 21

international students 196–202

internships 341–2

Iremonger, William 91

Itoje, Maro 234

Iwerne Trust 212, 214

Jameson, James Sligo 39

Japan 73–4

Jardine, Cassandra 94–5

Johnson, Boris 6, 31, 128, 142, 150–1, 272

and Brexit 162, 166, 167, 168, 169

and bursaries 321–2

and the Establishment 125–6

and Eton 136, 190

and Guppy 289–90

and psychology 271, 273, 276–7

Johnson, Jo 149

Johnson, Stanley 292

Jones, Owen 274–5, 328

Jonson, Ben 23

journalism 274–5, 297–8

Journey’s End (Sherriff) 58

judiciary 5, 292–3

Keir Hardie, James 180

Kensington Aldridge Academy (KAA) 318–19

KGB 132, 133

King Edward’s School 68, 93–4

Kingston Grammar School 56, 57

Kinnock, Neil 180

Kipling, Rudyard 53, 64

Kitchener, Gen Herbert 54–5, 57

Korski, Daniel 168–9

Kynaston, David 328–9, 337

Labour Party 6, 69, 86–8, 99, 100–1

and Corbyn 171, 174–5, 176–80

and education 180–6, 328–9

see also New Labour

Lammy, David 303–4, 343

Lamont, Norman 143, 145

Lampl, Sir Peter 116

Landale, James 150

language 20–1, 277

Lansman, Jon 175–6, 178–9

Lansman, Max 178

Latin 14, 30

Laws, David 148

Leach, Arthur 14, 27

Leach, Sir John 109–10

league tables 267–8

Leanders, Rocky 214–15

Leather, Suzi 114–15, 117

Leggatt, George 292–3

Lenon, Barnaby 226–7, 228, 233–4, 258–61, 279, 303, 325–7

Leonard, Richard 186

Leslie, Chris 179

Letwin, Oliver 148, 149, 271

Levellers 27

Lewis, Sir George 48–9

Li Wei Gao 201

Liddle, Rod 299–300

Lineker, Gary 195, 298–9

literacy 14, 15, 43

Little, Steven 231–2

Little, Tony 190, 193–4, 198, 199, 205–6, 278–9

and assisted places 226, 230, 235

and parents 256

Litvinenko, Alexander 128

Livingstone, David 43, 44

Llewellyn, Ed 144, 148, 152

Lloyd George, David 65

local education authorities (LEAs) 80–1, 89–90, 98

Lockwood, Chris 144

London 316–19, 334; see also City, the

London Oratory 180–1

Loom of Youth, The (Waugh) 63, 70

Lyon, John 17

Macdonald, Ramsay 180

McDonnell, John 174–5, 178–9, 186

McGovern, Steph 298

McKenna, Alison 116

Maclean, Donald 133

Macmillan, Harold 92

McNeil, Rosamund 120

Madders, Justin 185, 311–12

Made in Chelsea (TV show) 325

Magnitsky, Sergei 128

Major, John 321

Major, Lee Elliott 305

Mallinckrodt, Edward 135

Manchester Grammar School 27–8, 68

Mandelson, Peter 88, 183

Marathon Asset Management 292–3

Marlborough College 52, 55, 79, 192, 232

Marshall, Patrick 209

Marshall, Sir Paul 167–8

Marxism 177–8

Mason, A.E.W. 53

Masonic lodges 145, 193

May, Theresa 69, 118–19, 121, 127, 129

and internships 341–2

and ‘shared society’ 313–14, 322–3

and sponsorships 243

Meacher, Michael 176

media 297–300

Mercer, Robert 163, 164

Merchant Taylors’ School 17, 21, 28, 42–3, 140, 300–1

Merivale, Charles 22–3

Middleton, Kate, see Cambridge, Duchess of

Milburn, Alan 315, 336

Military Cross 59

Millar, Fiona 109, 185–6, 324

Millfield School 247–8

Milne, Seumas 17, 177–9

Milton, John 27

Mitchell, Andrew 237, 271

Momentum 175–7, 178–9

monasteries 14, 15, 18, 24, 25, 26–7

money-laundering 201–2

Montgomery, Bernard 83

Moore, Thomas 42

morality 273–4

Morrison, Herbert 88

Mosley, Oswald 143, 158, 159

Mount, Ferdinand 139, 143

Mount, Harry 328

Mulcaster, Richard 20

Mumsnet 258

Murdoch, Rupert 147, 282–3

Murray, Andrew 178–9

Murray, Charles 334

Murray, Laura 178

Nash, Eric ‘Bash’ 212–13

Nash, Paul 62

National Front 157, 158

Neile, Richard 23

Nelson, Lord Horatio 44

New Labour 105, 106–7, 111

New York Military Academy (NYMA) 280–2

Newbolt, Sir Henry 55

Newmark, Brooks 292

Newsom, Sir John 97, 246

Newsome, David 273

newspapers 46–7, 297–8

Nix, Alexander 164, 165

non-cognitive skills 276

North Foreland Lodge 110

north–south divide 310–11

Norwood, Cyril 67, 70

Notting Hill Prep 316–18

Nyachuru, Guide 215

Oakes, Alex 163, 164

Oakes, Nigel 163–4

O’Brien, James 237, 250–1

Odey, Crispin 163, 167, 193

O’Dowda, Brendan 198

Office of Fair Trading (OFT) 112, 113

Officer Training Corps (OTC) 52, 53, 55, 62

old boys’ networks 21–2, 289–91

Old Etonians (OEs) 136, 140–1, 149, 192, 224, 228–9

Oldfield, Bruce 68

oligarchs 129–30, 140, 194, 197, 199, 202

Olympic Games 36

Onyeama, Dillibe 254

Operation Winthorpe 209

Organ, Bill 111–12

Orwell, George 3, 74, 76, 77, 254

and democracy 286, 309

Osborne, George 6, 144, 146, 147, 148, 153

and Brexit 162

and politics 274–5

and psychology 273

overseas franchises 202–6, 329

Oxbridge 1–2, 5, 264–5, 279, 300–6, 342–3; see also Cambridge University; Oxford University

Oxford University 2, 16, 17, 18, 25, 107

and Cameron 141–2

and Union 125–6

Pakenham, Frank 180

Palmerston, Lord 33, 48

parents 194–6, 251–6, 257–8, 261–3, 265–7

and failure 278

and rights 337–8

Parker, Peter 62–3

Parris, Matthew 306, 314–15

Pasha, Emin 39

Patel, Priti 162

Patrick, Andrew 277

Paxman, Jeremy 223–4, 273

pay 298–9, 306–7

Peasants’ Revolt 16

Peat, Sir Michael 205

Peel, Robert 33

Percival, Arthur Ernest 73–4

Perry, Tom 210

Philby, Kim 133

Piers Gaveston Club 137, 141, 142–3

Pitt the Elder, William 28

Plato 313

Pleming, Richard 195

politics 91–3, 271–3, 274–5, 303–5; see also Conservative Party; government; Labour Party

poor, the 16–17, 19–20, 22, 24, 28–9

and subsidised places 221–2, 224–7

Portillo, Michael 146

Portland Communications 169

‘posh bashing’ 252–3

Powell, Enoch 93, 156–7

Powell, Hugh 138–40

prefects 21

Price, Leolin 115–16

Priestley, J.B. 76–7

private education, see public schools

Profumo, John 92

property 310

psychology 270–3, 275–7

Public School Lodges’ Council 145, 193

public schools 2–7, 66–7, 258–61, 286–9, 324–5

and abolition 336–44

and abuse 207–20

and actors 252–3

and alumni 1–2, 140

and assisted places 87–8, 90, 101, 321–2, 329–33

and beginnings 15–20

and Brexit 161–2, 163, 165–6, 167, 170

and British Empire 33–4, 41, 42–3, 44–5

and business rates 243–4

and charity 88–9, 107–11, 114–21, 221–35

and class 22–4

and criticism 46–7

and demand 70–1

and entitlement 283–5

and espionage 132–3

and Europe 268–9

and facilities 193–4

and fees 111–14, 245–9

and funding 68–70

and government 91–3

and inequality 306–9

and international students 196–202

and Labour Party 180–3, 185–6

and London 316–18

and the media 297–300

and networks 21–2, 191–3, 289–91

and overseas franchises 202–6

and Oxbridge 300–6

and parents 194–6, 251–2, 253–6, 257–8, 261–3, 265–7

and psychology 270–3, 275–7

and reforms 25–7, 29–32, 47–51, 79–82, 95–100

and revolts 27–9

and Second World War 75–9

and slang 20–1

and society 334–6

and soldiers 52–64

and state schools 236–43, 326–7

Public Schools Act (1868) 51

Public Schools Commission 97–100

Puritans 27

Putin, Vladimir 127–32, 133, 154

Pyper, Mark 110

Queen’s Scholarship 19

Raab, Dominic 322

racism 156, 157, 162

Rae, John 101, 274, 302

Ragged School movement 29, 37, 38

Ranger, Terence 34

Rawls, John 5

Ray, Christopher 115

Reay, Diane 268, 269, 284–5, 335

Reckless, Mark 161

Redwood, John 161

Rees-Mogg, Jacob 31, 154, 161, 193, 251, 282

Referendum Party 155, 156

Reform Act (1832) 47

Reformation, the 26

Remain Vote 162, 163, 166, 168

Renton, Alex 219–20, 254

Repton School 302–3

Reznikov, Peter 131

Rhodes, Cecil 33, 43

Rich, Richard 11–12, 14

Richards, Amy 169

Richardson, Ed 197

Ripon Grammar School 67–8

Roberts, Frederick, Field Marshal Lord 52–3

Rock, Patrick 151–2

Roman Empire 13

Romilly, Peter 135

Rooney, Wayne 191

Rothermere, Jonathan Harmsworth, Lord 147

royal family 133, 134

Royal Military Academy Sandhurst 36, 38, 40, 56

Royal Military Academy Woolwich 36, 56

Royal Navy 44, 73

rugby 35

Rugby School 28, 31, 52, 53, 73

Ruskin, John 66

Russia 127–34, 139–40, 199–200, 202

Ruston, Mark 214

Sainsbury, David 163

St Paul’s School 14, 17, 18, 209, 227

Sandel, Michael J. 315–16

Sandhurst, see Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

Sansom-Mallett, David 209

Sassoon, Siegfried 62

Sawar, Anas 186

Schaverien, Joy 270–1

Schellenberg, Walter Friedrich 3

Schneider, James 17, 177

scholarships 226–8, 240

School Teachers Superannuation Act (1918) 68

science 30

Scotland 43–4, 47, 186, 211, 341

Second World War 3, 40–1, 72–9, 82–4, 86–7

secondary schools 82, 90, 94–5

Sedbergh School 85

segregation 316

Seldon, Sir Anthony 192, 230, 242, 261, 331–3

serfdom 15

Sevenoaks School 111–12

sexual assault 207–20

Shaw, George Bernard 66

Shawcross, Hartley 99

Shawcross, William 117

Sherborne School 55, 70

Sherriff, Robert 56–7, 58

Shevkunov, Father Tikhon 130–1

Shrewsbury School 21–2, 30, 58

Shrosbree, Colin 31

Sidney, Sir Philip 21–2

Singapore 73–5

Sked, Alan 155

Smith, Ian Duncan 146, 161

Smith, Zadie 328

Smyth, John 211–12, 213–15, 216, 219

Soames, Nicholas 167

social media 165, 166

social mobility 93–4, 196, 311, 315, 321–2, 330–3

and Commission 336

socialism 86–7, 88, 95–6, 177–8

Socrates 313

song schools 14, 15

Spence, Dr Joseph 159, 160, 204, 241–2, 330–1

Spencer, Charles, 9th Earl 317

Spencer, Herbert 66

Spender, Stephen 70

Spielman, Amanda 252

spies 132–3

sponsorships 238–43

sport 20, 35–6, 233–4, 236–8

Stanley, Henry Morton 39, 40

Starkie, James 169

state schools 2, 6, 68, 83–4, 149, 318–20

and business rates 244

and Europe 268–9

and exams 257

and funds 265, 267

and Oxbridge 301–2

and parents 255–6

and public schools 120, 236–43, 326–7

Stephenson, George 32

Stephenson, Paul 168

Stewart, Rory 292

Stoics Club 142

Stowe School 233

Strachey, Lytton 38

Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) 164

Sudan 37, 38–40

Suez Crisis 91–2

super-rich 196–7

Sutton, Thomas 19, 233

Sutton Trust 116, 287, 296, 297, 303

Sweden 344

Taunton Commission 50

Tawney, R.H. 66, 89

taxation 243, 244–7, 248–9, 338–9; see also VAT

teachers 257, 340

Thatcher, Margaret 93, 100, 101–2, 136, 138–9, 323

Thorn, John 213, 214

Timothy, Nick 121, 326

Titus Trust 215–16

Tom Brown’s School Days (Hughes) 35

Trades Union Congress 81

Transparency International 201–2

Trump, Donald 127, 163, 164, 280–2, 329

Turner, Andrew 233

Uber 151

UK Independence Party (UKIP) 155, 156, 157, 161

Ukraine 127, 128, 139–40

Ummuna, Chuka 179

United States of America 84, 164, 229, 280–2, 329

universities 260–1, 306, 308, 342–3; see also Oxbridge

Utley, Tom 265–6

Vaizey, Ed 99

VAT (value added tax) 69, 107, 121, 183, 243, 247

Vereker, John 72–3

Victoria Cross (VC) 58–9

Villiers, Barbara 91

Villiers, Theresa 161–2

Viner, Katharine 67

Vote Leave 161–3, 164–6, 167–8

Vunipola, Billy 234

Wade, Rebekah 147

Waldegrave, William 342

Wang Sicong 198

Warre, Edmond 53

Warre-Dymond, Capt Godfrey 58

Warren, Justice 116

Wasserman, Gordon, Lord 102

Waterloo, Battle of 33, 42

Watson, Andrew 213

Waugh, Alec 55, 58, 59, 63, 67, 70, 254

wealth gap 309–10

Webb, Sidney 66

Welby, Justin, Archbishiop of Canterbury 79, 193, 212, 214, 216

Weller, Paul 136, 251–2

Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of 33, 41–2, 53

Wellington College 242

Westminster, Gerald Grosvenor, 6th Duke of 254

Westminster School 17, 18–19, 23, 43, 204

and Oxbridge 300, 302

Whetstone, Rachel 144, 145

Whitehouse, Mary 212

White’s 143–4, 169

Whittingdale, John 161, 177

Who’s Who 289, 292

Wilkinson, Ellen 87–8, 90

Willetts, David 93–4, 307–8

Wilshaw, Sir Michael 120, 205, 240, 340

Wilson, Harold 25, 95, 99, 180, 287

Winchester College 15–17, 23, 28, 81, 257

and abuse 212–14, 215

and bursaries 229, 230–2

and fees 111–12, 113

and international students 199–200

and Oxford 25, 301

and soldiers 52, 53

Witheridge, Rev. John 195

women 142, 159–60, 272, 298, 299, 307

Woolwich, see Royal Military Academy Woolwich

Worsley, Terence Cuthbert 75–6, 77

Wright, Charles Jefferson 280

Wright, Helen 117–18

Wright, Roland Peter 210

Wykeham, William of 15–16, 18, 23

Wyld, Laura 153

Yiannopoulos, Milo 159–60

Zimbabwe 214–15