Chapter Sixteen



I couldn’t contain my surprise at Mia’s burst of confidence. My overwhelming sense to protect her raged within me, especially with this other werewolf around. I couldn’t help it. It was as if he thought she was my mate. Clenching my fists, I kept them concealed in my jacket, as we approached the Eternally Magick shop.

I’d known Mia forever, and yet she’d hidden this magic and potion crafting part of herself from everyone. She really was a witch. I doubted even her parents knew, and that was probably for the better.

I shuddered to think what they’d say if they found out their girl was an actual witch with powers. They strongly disapproved of the fact she was Wiccan. I didn’t have a problem because people had their own beliefs and disbeliefs. If this was hers, then I’d have to accept it. However, this went far beyond a belief system to something completely different.

Mia rang her friend again, but she shoved the phone back in her pocket. She tapped on the door, then tried the handle, but it was no use.

The werewolf looked increasingly agitated. That’s the last thing I wanted from him because if he hurt Mia, I’d have to rip into him.

“Is there another number you can try for your friend?” She’d probably called all of them, but I wanted to help.

“I’ve tried them all, including texting her and calling her shop. I’m worried, Ethan. The other werewolf said if I didn’t get a poisonous potion to him by six today, he’d kill her.”

“What? Why didn’t you tell me?” The other werewolf took a step toward her, but I blocked him.

“Is there another store that would have what you need?” I knew we wouldn’t find her friend someplace else, but if there was any chance of getting this werewolf off her back, I’d take it. I would help her find her friend, if it was the last thing I did, but we needed to deal with one problem at a time.

“No, not that I know of.” She bit her lower lip and looked down at her phone. “I could check, but I do all of my purchases either here or online. I’ve never had a reason to shop anywhere else.” A few older women walked by staring at us and the shop we hovered in front of. “I think that might indicate just how rare a shop like this is.” She put her cell phone away and went to the door trying the handle again. Glancing around, she scoped out our surroundings, then looked at me. “Watch my back?”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “What do you have planned?” She pulled out a couple of bent paperclips, and I raised my eyebrows. “You’re serious?”

“I’ll watch your back, chick,” the werewolf said. “Just hurry. There are people around. We should do this later, but I don’t know if my dad will last that long.” He stood near her, leaning up against the wall. “You’re clear.”

Shit, we were really going to do this. I’d done it a few times in the Army, but I’d had the proper tools. Besides, what we were doing was trespassing. I didn’t feel comfortable with committing a crime, even if Mia knew the owner, but these were unusual circumstances.

“Yeah, all clear for now.” A few people walked along the sidewalk toward us. Mia only had a certain amount of time before they’d find out we weren’t supposed to be there. If they saw Mia wasn’t looking for her keys to enter the shop, then we’d be screwed. I only hoped Mia had honed her breaking and entering skills before this.

“There are people coming,” the werewolf said. “Hurry up.”

“Don’t pressure me! It’s not like I do this all the time. Geez.” She took a deep breath, then let it out and continued wiggling the two paperclips in the lock.

Damn, they were almost on top of us now.

“Mia, I’m not trying to rush you, but—” The soft click of the lock opening had me relaxing.

She walked inside, holding the door open for me and the werewolf. It shut just as the people walked by, and she stood with her back to the door holding her hand over her chest. “Oh, God. That was so close.”

“Yeah. What ingredients do you need?” I sniffed the room, and the scent of all kinds of herbs and spices—some pleasant and some not—drifted through my nostrils. However, underneath it all was something that didn’t sit right with me. Something coppery. On the floor were a few droplets of crimson trailing toward the back. “Shit.”

The werewolf met my gaze before we headed for the back, knowing that something was wrong. Lying on her back on the floor was a woman in a black skirt, with a purple silky top and a black corset over the blouse.

“Oh, my God, Jessa!” Mia dropped to her knees beside her friend, shaking Jessa’s shoulders. “No....”

Jessa cracked her eyes open, groaning in pain. “Mia. You’re here. I...I heard the phone ring, but...oh, goddess...I hurt so badly. I couldn’t move.” She turned her gaze toward the back room, and from the shadows, another figure moved into the area, knocking the werewolf back.

“You! How could you do this?” The werewolf and the new guy tumbled through a display of dragon statues. I couldn’t stand by and let them wreck the shop. Besides, this new guy had hurt Mia’s friend.

I leapt at the men, but the new guy shoved me away without any effort. Something about him was so familiar, but I couldn’t place it. No, wait. Those distinct green eyes were the wolf’s, the one who’d attacked us at the airport parking garage.

“Mia, I’m sorry,” Jessa said, her voice cracking. “I wish I could’ve warned you not to come. I’ve put you in so much danger, hon. I only wanted you to grow and get experience to be the powerful witch you are.”

“Just hang in there, Jessa. I’m right here with you.” Mia stood and looked at me. While I wasn’t sure what she would do, I had a feeling. She wasn’t about to get herself hurt on my watch. If she even thought about—

A massive fireball flew past me and struck the bad werewolf, who was in the process of shape shifting. He let out a half-scream-half-howl.

Mia took a few steps toward them, muttering under her breath. She looked like the ultimate badass female, and I’d seen my fair share of those, but she was absolutely strong, confident and beautiful. She threw her hands at him, striking the bad werewolf with one fireball after the other. Each dissipated as they struck their mark, making certain the store wouldn’t burn down around them.

“Stop.” The werewolf grabbed the new guy by the throat. “Please, witch. I know who this is.” He curled his lips in disgust as he said it. “This dirt bag is my father’s second in command. He’s betrayed the man who trusted him most. Your friend will have her justice, but most importantly, for betraying the Pack.” His breath was coming in harsh pants. “Please, construct the potion to heal my father. I need to go take care of him, but I will meet you back here to pick up the potion. Get your friend to the hospital. I’m afraid she might be hurt worse than either you or I can see. Something doesn’t smell right with her.” He finally looked at me. “We’ll meet again. I won’t make you go through this process by yourself. I can help.”

I nodded. A weight lifted from my chest. Even though I was going through this crazy change, I wouldn’t be alone. Someone would be there to explain things. I just hoped the rest of his Pack agreed to this.

Mia straightened her spine. “I’ll have it ready in a few hours.” She turned to me once the two werewolves were gone, worry in her gaze.

If Mia were to make the potion and get it to the werewolf, then I needed to get her friend help. There was no one else to do it. “Will you be okay? I’ll take your friend to the hospital. I just need to borrow your car.”

Mia nodded, but she wavered on her feet a little. “I’ll have to drop you two off, since I need to return to my place to concoct the potion. Thank you for taking care of Jessa. It means a lot.” She lowered her gaze, brushing tears aside, but she went to the wall lined with all the spices that I’d smelled.

I couldn’t believe I’d held back from getting to know more about her and from being in her life. She was more than I’d ever dreamed. I walked up behind her, pulling her in my arms. “Everything’s going to be okay. We’re going to get through this together.”

She looked up at me. “Thank you. For everything. I’m surprised you showed up at my door after Greg was such a total jerk. I’d thought I scared you off. I’m so over him. Can’t believe I ever—”

I held my finger to her lips. “We’ll talk about it more later. I showed up because I needed to tell you how I felt. I love you, Mia.”

Her jaw dropped, and she stared at me wide-eyed. Had I done something wrong? “You l-love me? You really do?”

I nodded.

“Are you sure it’s not the love potion talking?”

I leaned back, raising an eyebrow. I’d been suspicious but knowing for sure rocked me. “What love potion?”

“The accidental ingredient. It wasn’t intentional. I didn’t mean to—”

“I don’t think the way I feel is because of a love potion. I’ve felt this way for you for a long time, Mia. I want you to be mine.” I walked back to Jessa, knowing she needed to focus while I got her friend to the car.

A few hours later, I sat in the hospital’s waiting room, trying to breathe as shallowly as possible. The overwhelming scent of blood, urine, and bleach to a fledgling werewolf was nearly enough to make me vomit. The men’s magazine had several articles on buffing up my arms. It didn’t distract me as much as I’d hoped it would.

I didn’t want to think about what condition Jessa was in, or if Mia was able to make her potion. Was she okay? Why hadn’t she called yet?

I shouldn’t have let her go alone. The werewolf had said the guy who attacked us was their second in command. There could be others following him. Danger still might be out there. Besides, I had a big problem with people not honoring the chain of command. In the military, you had a chain of command drilled into you, and you followed it.

My phone vibrated, and I looked to see Mia calling. I headed outside before answering. Hopefully she was okay.

“Ethan, I dropped it off. I’m so tired. How is Jessa?” She sighed. “Have you heard anything yet?”

“She’s stable. It’s a good thing we brought her here. She’ll need to be monitored for a week or two to make sure everything is alright.” I was glad Mia was okay. I’d been worried.

“I’ll come by and pick you up, I guess. I’d like if we could finish our conversation from the shop and talk...about us.”

Concern nagged at me. “Sure. Sounds fine. Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I just...never mind. I’ll be there soon.”

“See you then.” I blew out a breath, not willing to lose her.