Further Reading
Akbar, Muhammad, The Punjab Under the Mughals. Lahore, 1948
Alam, Muzaffar, The Crisis of Empire in Mughal North India: Awadh and the Punjab, 1707–1748. Delhi, 1986
Alexander, Michael, and Sushila Anand, Queen Victoria’s Maharaja Duleep Singh, 1838–93. New York, 1980
Ali, Imran, The Punjab Under Imperialism, 1885–1947. Delhi, 1989
Ali, Shamat, The Sikhs and the Afghans in connection with India and Persia immediately before and after the death of Ranjit Singh from the Journal of an Expedition to Cabool through the Punjab and the Khaibar Pass. Patiala, 1970 (1847)
Babur, Zahiruddin M., Baburnama, trans. A.S. Beveridge. Delhi, 1970 (reprint)
Badaoni, Abdul Qadir, Muntakhab-ut-Tawarikh (3 vols), trans. George S.A. Ranki. Patna, W.H. Lowe & W. Haig, 1973 (reprint)
Bal, S.S., British Policy Towards the Punjab. Calcutta, 1971
Banerjee, Himadri, Agrarian Society of Punjab (1849–1901). Delhi, 1982
Banga, Indu, Agrarian System of the Sikhs: Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century. Delhi, 1978
Barrier, N. Gerald, The Punjab Alienation of Land Bill of 1900. Durham, 1966
———, “The Arya Samaj and Congress Politics in the Punjab, 1894– 1908.” Journal of Asian Studies, vol. xxv, pt. 1, 1966–7
———, “Punjab Government and Communal Politics, 1870–1908.” Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 26, pt. 2, 1968
Batalavi, Ahmad Shah, Tarikh-i-Punjab, trans. Gurbaksh Singh. Patiala, 1971
Bell, Major Evans, The Annexation of the Punjab and Maharaja Duleep Singh. London, 1882
Bhai Gurdas, Varan Bhai Gurdas Ji, ed. Amar Singh Chakar. Amritsar, 1964 (2nd ed.)
Bingley, A.H., Sikhs—A Handbook for Indian Army. Patiala, 1970 (1918)
Brar, Harpreet, “Guru Gobind Singh’s Relations with Aurangzeb.” Patiala, Panjab Past and Present, 1983
Brass, Paul R., Ethnicity and Nationalism. Delhi, 1991
Buist, G., Annals for the year 1848 to the end of the Sikh War in March, 1849. Bombay, 1849
The Cambridge Economic History of India. Cambridge (2 vols), 1982–3
Census of India. Punjab volumes, 1868, 1881–1941
Cohen, Stephen P., The Indian Army: Its Contribution to the Development of a Nation. Berkeley, CA, 1971
Cole, W. Owen, Sikhism and its Indian Context, 1464–1708. Delhi, 1982
Cust, Robert N., Linguistic and Oriental Essays. London, 1906
Datta, V.N., Jallianwala Bagh. Ludhiana, 1969
Davis, Emmett, Press and Politics in British Western Punjab, 1836–1947. Delhi, 1983
Douie, J.M., The Punjab, North Western Frontier Province and Kashmir. Delhi, 1974 (reprint)
Dumont, Louis, Religion/Politics and History in India. Paris, 1970
Dungen, P.H.M. van den, The Punjab Traditions. London, 1972
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Fox, Richard G., Lions of the Punjab: Culture in the Making. Berkeley, CA, 1985
Frankel, Francine R., India’s Green Revolution: Economic Gains and Political Costs. Princeton, NJ, 1971
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