Stechelberg (910m) – Obersteinberg (1778m)
Start Stechelberg (910m)
Distance 5km (one way)
Height gain 868m
Grade 2
Time 2½hrs
Location Southwest of Stechelberg

Obersteinberg has a wonderfully remote location in the upper basin of the Lauterbrunnen Valley, nestling among an amphitheatre of peaks that crowd the valley head. To the northeast there’s the Jungfrau, to the south the Breithorn and southwest the Tschingelhorn with the rock towers of the Lauterbrunnen Wetterhorn standing proud. The outlook is one of glacier and rock; moraine tip, pine and alpenrose; a raw land tamed and tended only in rare patches. Berghotel Obersteinberg (with a small farm nearby) commands some of the best views, and a night spent there would be one to remember.

Although rather steep in places, the walk is given a Grade 2 since there are no difficulties, nor is the route too long, and there are opportunities for refreshment along the way. From the roadhead, wander upvalley to the left of the Weisse Lütschine on a paved footpath. Rising between meadow and woodland, it soon brings you to a bridge across the river. Over this come to a broad crossing track where the path continues ahead, meets the track again, then follows it uphill to the right until after about 200m another path breaks to the right, signed to Trachsellauenen. This is the one to take.


Berghotel Obersteinberg, at the head of the Lauterbrunnental

Crossing rough pasture with a small farm, 20mins later come to Berghaus Trachsellauenen (1203m accommodation, refreshments) – this is about 45mins from Stechelberg. At a major crossing track, turn right and when it ends 5mins later, a footpath continues ahead, rising among trees. Wandering through woods the path forks by a water trough (1260m). Both options lead to Obersteinberg. (The right-hand path climbs steeply in zig-zags, the left-hand trail is less demanding.) Bear left and continue on the path which becomes almost a stairway of rocks among damp and lush vegetation.

At the next junction continue straight ahead and leave the woods to cross an open area littered with avalanche debris, following the stream into an amphitheatre of mountains – the Schmadri Falls look particularly splendid as they spray down the hillside ahead. After passing the farm of Scheuerboden (1379m) a long and steepish climb through more woods brings the path to another junction at Wildegg (1560m) where you branch right for Obersteinberg. The final section of the walk (about 40mins) brings you into the open on a steeply winding path with Berghotel Obersteinberg seen above.

Berghotel Obersteinberg is a romantic old mountain inn, dating from the 1880s, whose rooms have neither electricity nor running water. After dark candlelight is a necessity, not an effect. Dormitory accommodation is also available here in an adjacent building. The seemingly remote location within the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Region is magnificent. (For reservations Tel 033 855 20 33