Kiental (Ramslauenen: 1409m) – Chüeweid (1475m) – Aris (862m) – Kiental (958m)
Start Kiental (Ramslauenen: 1409m)
Distance 11km
Height gain 640m
Height loss 1090m
Grade 2–3
Time 4hrs
Location Southwest of Kiental

A variation of Route 61 above, this walk is a little less demanding than its predecessor, since most of the way is either downhill or along a steady contour. It makes good use of the chairlift from Kiental to Ramslauenen, crosses the northern shoulder of the Gehrihorn and descends to the hamlet of Aris. From there a return is made to the Kiental proper by way of an easy lane and a forest track. Refreshments are available at Ober Geerene, above Chüeweid.

From the top of the chairlift take the uphill path heading west towards the Gehrihorn. Climbing steeply in places, you gain the shoulder of the mountain and go up the ridge a short way. Veer right when the path forks, and descend towards the clutch of buildings of Ober Geerene (1769m accommodation, refreshments). Now continue down on the trail marked Chüeweid (or Kühweide), and from there all the way to Aris (862m), a hamlet near the foot of the slope on the left bank of the Kiene river. A narrow road passes through Aris. On coming to this road turn right and walk along it (and the track that continues from its end), through forest and alongside the river all the way back to Kiental.