Sometimes I stumble upon a compelling gambling story accidentally; I get lucky, like a guy trying to make a flush who catches two perfect cards for a backdoor straight. But more often I discover a tale worth telling thanks to a suggestion or hint from friends or colleagues. People like Duncan Christy, Jim and Susan Albrecht, and Steve Forte have steered me toward potential subjects, and I’m thankful for their wisdom and their taste.

I’m also thankful for the consistently good publishing work done by the crew at Huntington Press: Anthony Curtis, Bethany Coffey Rihel, Len Cipkins, and Laurie Shaw, who let my words live in print long after I’ve typed them. I reserve my greatest thanks and admiration for Deke Castleman, a sublime editor who knows when to raise and when to fold, when to dive headlong into the fray and when to merely watch. (I should be so smart.)

To all of you—and to all those interested in risk and reward, professional and amateur alike—I appreciate your contributions.

Michael Konik

February 20, 2001

Los Angeles