
Abbott, James Frank, 142

Abrams, Creighton

background, 210

description/traits, 210, 239

Ewell and, 93

on military strength, 127

on Saigon, 178–179

task of “losing war” and, 210

Vietnam, 178, 210

Acheson, Dean, 106

Advanced Individual Training/Chuck Hagel

leave/return to Nebraska and family, 50

Officer Candidate School offer and, 49

Redeye antiaircraft missile training, 49–50

training description, 47–49

Afghanistan/fighting, xii, 265–268

Agent Orange, 157

Agnew, Spiro, 206

Ali, Muhammad, 54, 163

American Civil Liberties Union, 261

American Independent Party, 137, 141

American Spirit Honor Medal, 47

Amin, Mohammed, 267

Amnesty International, 261

Andrews Air Force Base

description, 17–18

as target, 17, 18

anti-war movement, 52

anti-war movement/Vietnam

by 1967 and, 10–11, 51–53

Chicago riots (1968) and, 204, 205–206

college students losing interest in, 254

draft and, 52–53

march on the Pentagon (1967), 52

media and, 85–87

military claims on enemy casualties and, 177

rallies/sayings, 52

Tet Offensive and, 85–87, 145

US people/statistics (1967), 10–11, 145

See also specific individuals

APC (armored personnel carrier)

advantages/disadvantages, 70–72

maintenance and, 102, 117

movements, 161

tanks vs., 71

Apollo 11 astronauts, 248

Apple, R.W., Jr. (“Johnny”), 10, 65

Arapaho, 13

Armstrong, Louis, 138

ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam)

Nixon/Vietnamization and, 254, 255

role of, 7

Tet Offensive and, 86

US military views of, 7, 231

Asterisk, 142

attack (March 28, 1968)

aftermath, 124–125

Claymore explosion/casualties, 120, 121–123

getting to water/using trail, 119–120

helicopter lifts and, 123–124, 129

“measure of success,” 130

night lift/“walking wounded,” 129

US shooting back, 120–121

attack (March 28, 1968) and Hagel brothers

going back/reasons, 122–124

injuries, 121–123, 125

leading others out/trip wire, 125–126, 128–129

medical treatment/rest, 130–131, 134–135

awards system

overview/problems, 200–201

See also specific awards; specific individuals

Bacon, Edward E. (“Gene”), 127–128

Ball, George, 106

Barnes, Brice H.

medal/recognition, 81–82

Tet Offensive, 80, 81–82

Barsanti, Olinto, 104

Bartek, Ronald, 104

basic training

centers for, 40

cleaning/repairs and, 41

evaluations summary, 43

marching/equipment carried, 44–45

marine-style Basic Combat Training overview, 39–40, 43

numbers of privates, 40

overview, 39–40

Tom Hagel/MOS, 50

See also Fort Bliss, Texas

basic training/Chuck Hagel

awards/recognition, 47

description/traits, 37, 40, 42, 43–44

drill sergeants and, 38

as leader, 37, 40–41, 42, 43–44, 45

MOS/Advanced Individual Training, 47

on other recruits, 43

as soldier/skills, 41, 42, 43–44, 45, 46, 47

travels to Fort Bliss, Texas, 37, 38

See also Advanced Individual Training/Chuck Hagel; Fort Bliss, Texas

Beam, James W., 209

Berens, Carlyne, 31

Bergeron, Robert J., 221

“best and the brightest,” 10, 57, 106

Binh Phuoc description/defense, 236–237, 238–239

Binh Son rubber plantation, French Michelin Company, 119

Bivens, Eddie, 221

Black Lives Matter movement, 296n36

Black Panthers

Chicago (1968) and, 205

disbanding in North Omaha, 262

FBI and, 250–251, 252–253, 259

Omaha, Nebraska, and, 139–140, 250–253, 259–261, 262

See also specific individuals

Bockscar, 18–19, 30

Bolden, Eddie, 252

“boonies,” 229

Bowman, Paul H., 169, 170

Bradley, Omar, 106

Breeding, E. J., 254, 256

Bronze Star, 200, 201, 306n60

Brown, James, 150

Buffalo Chip, 142

Bundy, McGeorge, 10, 106

Bush, George W., 55

Butler, William

rank, 127

Tet Offensive/effects, 78–79, 118

VC tunnel network and, 118

Caine Mutiny, The (Wouk), 43

Caldwell, Larry G., 168

Casey, George, 104

“checkerboard” operation, 211, 212

Cheney, Dick, 55

Cheyenne, 13, 83

Chicago (Democratic National Convention, 1968) riot

Daley and, 205–206

description, 204, 205

Vietnam and, 204, 205, 207, 210

civil rights

1960s and, 138–141

blacks in Omaha, Nebraska, and, 137–138

See also specific individuals

Civil Rights Act (1964), 144

Civil War (US)

descriptions, 88, 89–90

paying a substitute, 55

World War II comparisons, 22, 23

See also specific individuals

Clayton, George M., Jr., 221

Clifford, Clark, 107, 146

Clinton, Bill, 55

Cody, Buffalo Bill, 30–31

COINTELPRO (Counterintelligence Program) tactics, FBI, 251, 259–260, 261–262

Cold War

descriptions, 24

FBI and, 250–251

“Looking Glass” and, 19

SAC headquarters and, 17, 18–20

Soviet foreign/military intelligence (KGB/GRU), and, 17, 20, 140, 250–251, 274n17

See also Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska; specific countries/individuals

Corrilla, John, 78–79

Craig, James B.

Company B appointment/description, 164, 228

injury, 175

Mini-Tet and, 166, 169, 173, 174, 175

Cronin, William B., 200

Cronkite, Walter, 86

Custer, George A., 15

Czajak, Daniel J., 221

Dakota, 13

Daley, Richard J., 205–206

Darnell, George W., 168

Davison, Frederic E., 151

DDT use, 178

Dean, Arthur, 106

DePuy, Bill, 104

Dillon, Douglas, 106

DISCOM and 2-47th, 212

Distinguished Service Cross, 81, 93

draft. See military conscription

drill sergeants

Fort Ord, 48

in movies, 36–37

recruits and, 36–37

See also specific individuals

Duerson, Dave, 163

Dunn, Elizabeth (“Betty”), 31

See also Hagel, Elizabeth (“Betty”)

Duvall, Jerry, 60–61

Dye, Jimmy, 164, 168, 169

Echoes of War (documentary film), 263–264

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 137

Emerson, Henry E. (“Gunfighter”)

death, 199

description, 228

Ewell and, 189

jitterbugging and, 189, 199, 304n26

Enola Gay, 18–19, 30

Enquist, Arthur John, 183

Ewell, George W., 90

Ewell, Julian J.

background/ancestors and, 89–90

description/traits, 89, 91, 93

education, 90

medals/recognition, 93

military background, 90–93

parachutes/paratroopers, 90–92

World War II and, 91–93, 98

Ewell, Julian J./Vietnam

beer and, 232

changes made (overview), 102–104, 129

“checkerboard” and, 211, 212

comparison to other military leaders, 104–105

critics of, 104

on guerrilla foe, 98

Hagel brothers and, 111, 232

jitterbugging and, 190, 197, 211, 212

kill ratio and, 103–104, 177, 179, 183

mechanized units and, 97, 155, 211

Mini-Tet and, 165, 169, 170, 172, 177

new tactics (1968) and troop views, 211, 212

night flights and, 189

“night hunter” and, 211, 212, 213

numbers of men/tasks and, 101–103

personality/applying pressure, 97, 102, 104, 117, 125, 155, 164, 176, 177, 181, 183, 185, 197, 211–212, 222, 223, 225, 228, 232, 239

posting/9th Infantry Division and, 94

report demands and, 103

reputation/killing VC, 88, 89, 103, 104, 107, 118, 164, 181, 185, 197, 211–212, 240, 241, 242

riverine units and, 97, 103, 155

situation on arrival (1968), 94–98

tactics, 115, 117

World War II methods and, 104

Ewell, Jamie Offutt, 90

Ewell, Richard Stoddert, 89–90

Falana, Lola, 150

Fall, Bernard, 237

Fallaci, Oriana, 9

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

Black Panthers and, 250–251, 252–253, 259

COINTELPRO (Counterintelligence Program), 251, 259–260, 261–262

King and, 147

Omaha, Nebraska, and, 140, 143, 250–251

Omaha, Nebraska, bombing (August 1970) and, 259–260, 261–262

See also specific individuals

“flyover country,” 14

Forrest Gump (film), 69–70, 283n23, 304n25

Fort Benning, Georgia, 67, 90, 91, 113, 115, 128, 188, 192, 252

Fort Bliss, Texas

bivouac week/training, 45–46

description, 40

drill sergeants and, 38–39, 40, 41, 42, 50

evaluations summary, 43

fire watch, 42

individual proficiency test, 46

individual skills/evaluation, 43–45

night infiltration course, 46

physical fitness test, 45

recruits work and, 41–42

rifle marksmanship, 45

role/MOS, 46–47

Tom Hagel and, 50

Fort Dix, New Jersey, 50–51, 60–61

Fort Ord, California, 47–49

Fortas, Abe, 106

France and Vietnam, 11, 119, 157, 166, 216

“Freedom Bird,” 244

Freedom of Information Act, 261–262

French Revolution, 53

From Here to Eternity (Jones), 132

Fromson, Martin, 10

Furguson, Ernest B., 5–6

Garcia, Martin M.

Company B and, 111, 127

Hagel brothers and, 111, 191, 207, 209

on staying busy, 239

Get Smart (television), 230–231, 311n17

Giap, Vo Nguyen

Tet Offensive and, 61, 62–63

views on US peace movement, 64

on war deaths, 62–63

war strategy, 9

Gise, Donald R., 221

Gitlin, Todd, 54

Goldberg, Arthur, 106

Grant Park, 204

Grant, Ulysses, 24, 88

Great Society, 144, 206

Groom, Winston, 69–70, 304n25

Gross, John E., 75

“grunts,” 227, 228

Hagel, Bertha, 26

Hagel brothers/after Vietnam

college and, 253, 254

fistfight, 253–254

renting place together, 253

return to Vietnam (1999), 263–264

Vietnam war views, 253–254

Hagel, Charles Dean

alcohol and, 32, 33

American Legion/war remembrances, 25–26, 257

childhood, 26

death, 33

description/traits, 32

marriage/children and, 31–33

relationship with father, 32, 33

role in World War II, 27, 29–30, 31, 71, 98, 176

sons remembering him, 34

work/moves, 30–31, 32, 33

World War II and, 25, 26–30, 31, 67, 71, 98, 136, 176

Hagel, Charles Leo

brothers/parents and, 26

relationship with son, 32, 33

World War I and, 26

Hagel, Chuck/after Vietnam

Afghanistan trip (2013), 265–268

dealing with Vietnam and, 257

Jimmy’s death and, 256–257

“Omaha Two” and, 261, 262

talk radio, 258–259, 261

as US Secretary of Defense, 265–268, 297n48

as US senator, 262, 263

See also Hagel brothers/after Vietnam; Vietnam/Chuck Hagel

Hagel, Chuck/childhood

birth/full name, 31

descriptions, 31–33, 35

education, 34

newspaper delivery and, 31

relationship with brothers, 33

sports and, 32, 34

as “Tim,” 31–32

Hagel, Elizabeth (“Betty”)

children’s births, 31

Chuck/Tom discussing Vietnam and, 254

description/traits, 33

following husband’s death/as mother, 33–34

Jimmy’s death and, 256–257

remarriage, 254

sons volunteering/serving and, 51, 111–112, 130, 203

vacation in Hawaii with family, 208–209

views on war/those avoiding war, 209

wedding/background, 31

work/lifestyle and, 32, 33

Hagel, Herman Christian, 26, 83

Hagel, James

birth, 31

childhood, 33–34

death/effects, 256–257

high school, 256

at home/brothers in Vietnam, 110, 111

vacation in Hawaii with family, 208–209

volunteering for service/medical and, 203

Hagel, Michael

birth, 31

childhood, 33–34

at home/brothers in Vietnam, 110, 111

on parents, 32, 34, 184

vacation in Hawaii with family, 208–209

Hagel, Tom/after Vietnam

dealing with Vietnam and, 257, 258

Jimmy’s death and, 256, 257

law school/as public defender, 258, 263

See also Hagel brothers/after Vietnam; Vietnam/Tom Hagel

Hagel, Tom/childhood

birth/full name, 31

descriptions, 31, 32, 33, 35

personality/traits, 33, 34, 35

relationship with father, 33

Haig, Douglas, 89

Halberstam, David, 10, 297n50

Harriman, Averell

peace talks and, 146

Vietnam and, 106, 146

Hasselbach, Alma, 34

Head Start beginnings, 144

Heatherton, Joey, 150


advantages/disadvantages, 70, 71, 100, 102, 186, 187–188

crashes/US casualties and, 187–189

maintenance/schedule, 102–103

types/descriptions, 187

Van Deusen and, 186

See also jitterbugging

Hell in a Very Small Place (Fall), 237

Hendrix, James Marshall “Jimi,” 150, 297n42

Hitler, 86

Ho Chi Minh, 61

Ho Chi Minh Trail and NVA, 9

Hodges, John, 221

Holoday, Richard K., 195, 197

Homestead Act (US/1862), 14–15

Hoover, J. Edgar, 140, 250–251

Hope, Bob, 188

Huie, Robert A., 78, 82

Humphrey, Hubert

description, 204–205

Johnson and, 204–205, 206

presidential run (1968), 204–205, 222

“humping,” 228–229

Iraq war, xii, 268, 311n22

Jersey, William C., 140

Jezek, Henry, 77, 78, 79

Jim Crow, 138


Chuck Hagel on, 190

continuing/casualties (summary), 199

description, 189–190

Ewell and, 190, 211, 212

helicopters damaged/destroyed, 199

jitterbugging operation (July 1968)

aftermath, 197–199

casualties, 193, 194, 197, 198, 201, 202

fighting description, 192–197

inflating enemy casualties, 197

soldier numbers carried and, 191

staff officers after/souvenirs and, 197–198, 201

Van Deusen and, 190, 195, 197

VC/helicopter shoot-down, 196–197

jitterbugging operation (July 1968) and Tom Hagel

aftermath, 198–199

fighting/injury and, 192, 193–194, 196, 197

Purple Heart and, 199

shooting VC, 197

Johnson, Howard (“Skeets”), 91, 92

Johnson, Jerome (“Skip”)

description/traits, 152, 175, 228

Mini-Tet and, 175–176

Obama and, 297n48

Vietnam/race and, 151–152

Johnson, Lyndon B.

anti-poverty legislation/results, 252

Chinese-intervention and, 6

civil rights and, 137, 143–144


global conflicts (1968) and, 105

Humphrey and, 204–205, 206

Kerner Commission, 143–144

National Guard and, 55, 105, 127

political rivals/decision on 1968 presidential race, 145–147

public views on, 145–146

riots and, 143, 144

Tet Offensive and, 144

Vietnam counsel/advice and, 106–107, 146

Vietnam peace speech, 146–147, 153

Vietnam War and, 6, 7–8, 10, 51, 105, 143, 144, 145–147, 153

Westmoreland and, 6, 7–8, 105–107, 146

Jones, James, 132–133

Joyce, William

background, 38–39

Chuck Hagel and, 43–44, 47, 50, 72, 163, 268

as drill sergeant, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43–44, 50, 72

on staying busy, 239

Julius Caesar, 94

Keane, Jack, 69

Keats, Robert G.

death, 82, 151

description, 228

Tet Offensive, 74, 75, 79

Kennedy, John F., 93, 145, 180

Kennedy, Robert F.

murder/effects, 180, 248

presidential run, 145

views, 148

Kerner Commission

findings, 143–144

purpose/representation, 143

Kerner, Otto, Jr., 6, 143

Kerry, John, 56

King, Ernest J., 94

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

assassination/effects, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, 248, 293n1

civil rights and, 139

FBI/KGB and, 147

Vietnam and, 136, 144, 293n1

King, Rodney, 296n36

Kinnard, Harry W. O., 93

Kipling, Rudyard, 119

Korean War

description, 67

as limited war, 67

results/effects, 10

US “regiments” and, 96

US weaponry and, 99

Kudzu operation, 212

La Chapelle, Gary G., 221

Lakota, 13, 16

land mine explosion (April 22, 1968)

explosion/aftermath, 161–163

report from village chief, 155

return to base, 160–161

searching village/houses, 159–160

travels to village/plan, 156–158

village/location, 155

land mine explosion (April 22, 1968) and Hagel Brothers

explosion/injuries and, 161–163, 184

medevac chopper and, 163

recovering, 163–164

trip/search and, 158–161

Lee, Robert E., 88, 89

LeMay, Curtis

Andrews Air Force Base and, 17–18

background, 21

description/traits, 17, 20, 24, 106, 222, 239

SAC/Offutt Air Force Base and, 17, 18–19, 31, 137

Wallace’s presidential campaign and, 136, 222

World War II and, 21–22, 23–24, 25, 30, 98

Lincoln, Abraham, 88

Little Big Horn River battle, 15

Little, Malcolm (Malcolm X), 139

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 106

Logan Fontenelle public housing complex, Omaha, Nebraska, 249

Long An Province operation/deaths, 181–182

Long Binh base

Tet Offensive and, 60–61, 63, 65–66, 74–76, 77–82

as VC target, 66

See also specific individuals

Louis, Joe, 163

Ludendorff, Erich, 63–64, 285–286n1

M*A*S*H (film/television), 77

McCarthy, Eugene, 145

McGovern, George, 52, 256

McKenzie, Scott, 47

McNair, Leslie J., 68

McNamara, Robert

Johnson and, 10

Vietnam War and, 68, 105–106, 149

MacPherson, Myra, 31, 57

MACV. See Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV)

Malcolm X (Malcolm Little), 139

Mao Zedong, 8, 72

map reading skill, 115

Marine Corps methods, Paris Island, South Carolina, 39

Marshall, George C., 24–25

Matchee, Donald, 78–79

Medicaid beginnings, 144

Medicare beginnings, 144

Mekong Delta

importance in Vietnam War, 94, 95

rice and, 94

Michaelis, John (“Mike”), 93

Middle East conflict (1968), 105

Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV)

description, 5

See also Vietnam War; specific events; specific individuals

military conscription

French Revolution and, 53

Soviet Union (World War II), 53

military conscription/US

Civil War/paying a substitute, 55

history overview, 53–54

voluntary history vs., 53

military conscription/US Vietnam War

arbitrariness of, 53–54

avoiding, 54–56

draft/draftees, 52–53

ending draft, 255

other armed services and, 55–56, 280n39

resistance/jail and, 54

Selective Service categories, 54

statistics on, 53–54

student deferment, 55

volunteers and, 54, 56

military serving in Vietnam

age and, 57

economic class and, 57–58

education and, 58

overview, 56–57

senior people and, 56–57

shortages, 83, 126–127, 288n31, 292n33

statistics on, 57–58

See also military conscription/US Vietnam War


administrative problems and, 108–109, 110

attrition strategy and, 51

brothers killed, 108, 290n50

“butchers” overview, 88–89

combat rifleman phases, 224–226

getting hit by the enemy/meaning, 132–133

individual vs. unit replacement, 66–69

“limited war,” 67

picking leaders and, 37–38, 50

“regiment” changes, 96

soldiers returning after injuries, 133–134

staying busy and, 239

terminology/acronyms, 227–232

US weapons/enemy kills ratio over time, 99

See also anti-war movement; specific events; specific individuals

Minard, Larry D., 259


air power and, 170, 172–173, 301n48

ARVN and, 165

civilians moving out/deaths, 166, 167, 173, 178

comparison to Tet Offensive, 165

enemy casualties claims, 177–178

fighting descriptions, 168–176

Hagel brothers and, 164, 167, 170, 174

helicopter observation and, 169, 170

location/Saigon and, 165

miscommunication/results, 171

South Vietnam police and, 168, 174

timing of, 164, 165, 179

US casualties, 168, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176–177, 179

US fighters involved/plan, 164–165

VC after, 181

VC/NVA fighters involved, 165

Mondo We Langa, 261, 295n16

 See also Rice, David

moon/walking on moon, 248

Morrison, Frank

background, 139, 259

as governor, 139

Hagel brothers and, 259

“Omaha Two” and, 261

as public defender, 259, 261

Murphy, Robert, 106

My Lai massacre, 242, 313n53

Nakota, 13

napalm use, 172, 178, 190, 232, 243

National Advisory Commission on Civil Disobedience. See Kerner Commission

National Guard

Johnson and, 55, 105, 127

Omaha, Nebraska and, 139, 142, 147, 249

training/obligations, 55

Vietnam War and, 55

Navarre, Henri Eugène, 1, 11

Nebraska, xiii (map)

before Civil War, 14

European settlers and, 14–17

following Civil War, 14–15

Great Plains Indians history overview, 13–17

Indian reservations, 273n9

See also specific individuals; specific locations

New York Times, 10, 144–145

Newsweek, 35

Newton, Wayne, 150

“night hunter” operation

description, 215–216

Ewell and, 211, 212, 213, 222

October 1968 operation/casualties, 220–221

October (1968), 222

soldiers for, 213–214

Viet Cong/night and, 215, 216

“night hunter” tactic/Chuck Hagel leading

description/VC and, 215–220

equipment/preparation, 214–215

radio/messages, 217

selecting men, 214

9th Infantry Division

Area of Operations (1968), xv (map), 103

avoiding atrocities, 242

casualties summary (2-47th), 200

components, 96

“Old Reliables” nickname, 66, 283n23

patch, 82–83

as regional division, 96

See also specific individuals

Nixon, Richard M.

background, 206


election (1972) and, 256

presidential run, 145, 206, 222–223, 251

“Tricky Dick”/“new Nixon,” 206

Vietnam and, 206, 254–255

views, 148, 206, 251

North Koreans

conflict/violence (1968), 105

See also Korean War

North Vietnam Army (NVA)

ending war, 263

going south and, 6, 9

Obama, Barack, 297n48

O’Brien, Tim, 204, 306–307n1

Officer Candidate School

Chuck Hagel and, 49

Tom Hagel and, 50

Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska

atomic bombers, 18–19

LeMay and, 17, 18–19, 31, 137

Nebraskans and, 19–20

riot (1966) and, 139, 140

SAC headquarters, 18–19, 250

Offutt, Jarvis J., 90

Omaha, Nebraska

National Guard and, 139, 142, 147, 249

race riot (1966), 139

race riot before 1960s, 138

racial tension/conflict, 134–135, 137–139, 140–141, 147–148, 247–250, 259–262

riot/looting with Wallace visit, 134–135, 137, 141–143, 248, 250–251, 252

See also Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska, bombing (August 1970) and aftermath

Black Panthers and, 259–261

description/casualties, 259

FBI/COINTELPRO and, 259–260, 261–262

trial/verdict of “Omaha Two,” 260–261

white males leaving scene and, 260

Omaha, Nebraska, riot (1969)

Black Panthers and, 250–253

casualties/damage, 249

causes/underlying conditions, 249

Chuck Hagel on, 248

description, 247–250

“outside agitators” and, 250

Omaha Star, 251–252

Omaha World-Herald, 31

Palumbo, Antony P., 176

Patton, George S., 69, 190, 210

Patton, George S., III, 100, 285n41

Patyani, Aminullah, 267

Pawnee, 13

Peace, Charles N., 221

peace talks, Paris (1968), 153, 154

Penner, Brad, 263

Pentagon, march on the Pentagon (1967), 52

“people sniffer,” 189, 304n27

Philippine Insurrection, 24–25

“pile on” tactic, 100, 165

Plains Indians

defeat reasons, 16–17

description/groups, 13

European settlers and, 15–17

history overview, 13–17

reservations/culture and, 15, 16–17

Platte River

description, 14

railroads and, 15

Poindexter, Edward

Black Panthers and, 252

Omaha bombing (1970) and, 260–261

prison and, 261

post-traumatic stress/PTSD, 257

Powell, Colin

individual vs. unit replacement and, 69

Vietnam and, 56–57, 69, 151

presidential campaign (1968)

Johnson and, 204–205

See also Chicago (Democratic National Convention, 1968) riot; specific individuals

Project 100,000, 149

Pugh, Lawrence E., 127

Purple Hearts, 93, 132, 163, 184, 191, 199, 200–201, 203, 221, 232, 235, 246

PX descriptions, 232

Quayle, Dan, 55

racial tension/conflict

blacks shot by white police (in 2000s), 296n36

King’s assassination and, 147–148, 152

Omaha, Nebraska, and, 134–135, 137–139, 140–141, 147–148, 247–250

Rodney King and, 296n36

urban riots, 134–135, 139, 141–143, 147–148, 152

Vietnam War/US and, 148–152, 297n41

See also civil rights

railroads history, 15

Ray, James Earl, 147

Redding, Otis, 226

Redeye antiaircraft missile training, 49–50

“REMFs,” 228

Rice, David (Mondo we Langa)

background, 142, 252

Black Panthers and, 252

Omaha bombing (1970) and, 260–261

prison/death, 261

rice growing importance, Vietnam, 94

Ridgway, Matthew, 106


Omaha (1966), 139

Omaha before 1960s, 138

urban riots, 134–135, 139, 141–143, 147–148, 152

Wallace visiting Omaha (1968), 134–135, 137, 141–143, 248, 250–251, 252

See also Chicago (Democratic National Convention, 1968) riot; Omaha, Nebraska, riot (1969); racial tension/conflict

Robinson, Jackie, 138

Rogers, Philip (“Doc”)

attack (March 28, 1968) and, 121–122, 123–124

death, 185

injury, 173, 175, 185

Mini-Tet and, 170, 173, 175

rank/description, 127, 228

Roth, Eric, 69–70

rubber plantation, French Michelin Company, 119


saving from violence and, 170, 174

See also Mini-Tet

Saigon battle (starting May 1968). See Mini-Tet

“San Francisco” (song), 47

Schall, Charles N., 221

Schwarzkopf, Norman

individual vs. unit replacement and, 69

Vietnam and, 69

Scovel, James L., 200, 211, 212, 222

“search and destroy”/“search and clear” strategy, 98

Seau, Junior, 163

Selective Service. See military conscription/US


Company B and, 127

shortages in Vietnam, 126–127

training time, 127

Shepoka, Richard, 256

Sheridan, Philip H., 22, 24

Sherman tank, 26

Sherman, William T., 22, 24

Sioux, 13–14

Smith, Rudy, 252

Smith, William E.

death, 182

description/traits, 127, 228

land mine explosion (April 22, 1968) and, 158, 161, 162–163, 164

Mini-Tet and, 167

Sole Survivor Policy (Sullivan Rule), 108

Sorenson, Axel (“Al”), 139, 141

Sorley, Lewis S., 5–6

South Vietnam, xiv (map)

Central Highlands summary, 95

Mekong Delta summary, 95

northern area summary, 94–95

Saigon summary, 95

zones/ARVN overview, 94–95

South Vietnam people

clothing/VC clothing, 158

poverty and, 158, 231

selling to US military, 231

US racism and, 230–232

US terminology/language and, 230–231

VC/communist opposition and, 231

South Vietnamese army. See ARVN

Southeast Asia (1968), xiv (map)

Soviet Union

Czechoslovakia and, 105

foreign/military intelligence (KGB/GRU) and, 17, 20, 140, 250–251, 274n17

See also Cold War

Stars and Stripes, 134–135, 207

Stepp, John P., 221

Stevenson, Howard L. (“Butch”), 134, 142

Streuding, Philip, 168

Strong, Vivian, 249, 251

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 140

Sullivan brothers, 108, 290n50

Sullivan Rule (Sole Survivor Policy), 108

Summer of Love (1967), 47, 48

Summers, John T., III

death, 120, 121, 122, 124, 130, 133, 134

funeral, 151

Swierczek, Joe, 37

Taylor, Maxwell

Ewell and, 91, 92, 93

Johnson and, 106

Tet holiday, 61, 64

Tet Offensive

aftermath, 107

American public and, 85–87

APC use, 71–72, 77, 78–79, 80

beginnings, 61

casualties/statistics, 86

Cobra gunships, 81

communists hopes for, 63

description/targets, 60–63, 64–65, 84–85

helicopter use, 77, 79, 81

house clearing, 77

Long Binh base/Chuck Hagel and, 60–61, 63, 65–66, 74–76, 77–82

reasons for, 62

Saigon and, 65

US surprise and, 65, 282n11

VC/NVA response to failure, 152–153

Widows Village fighting/Chuck Hagel and, 77–82, 100–101

They Were Expendable (film), 27

Thin Red Line, The (Jones), 132

Time, 35

Time for Burning, A (documentary), 140–141

Tower, John B.

Chuck Hagel on, 130

Ewell and, 117, 155

helicopter use, 77, 79, 81

landmine explosion (April 22, 1968) and, 155

Mini-Tet and, 164, 169, 170, 171, 172

position, 181

Tet Offensive and, 74–75, 77, 79, 81

toxic chemicals use, 157

See also specific chemicals

Tran Do, 64

traumatic brain injuries, 163

Truman, Harry S., 137

Trump, Donald, 55

Tucker, Reuben, 93

Unforgiven (film), 13, 273n1

USO troupe, 150, 188

USS Juneau, 108

USS Pueblo, 105

USS The Sullivans, 108, 290n50

Van Deusen, Frederick French “Fritz”

background, 185–186

death effects, 199

helicopters/jitterbugging and, 189, 190

jitterbugging operation/death, 190, 195, 197

Vietnam posting (June 1968), 185

Westmoreland relationship, 186

Vance, Cyrus, 106

VC (Viet Cong)

American troops names for, 74, 229

attacks and, 8–9

“Charlie worship,” 229

description/traits, 229–230

night and, 213, 215, 216

strategies, 8–9, 99–100, 117, 225

as targets, 8–9

Tom Hagel on, 229

tunnels/Bear Cat, 117–118

weapons, 218, 308–309n38

See also specific operations

Veterans Administration, 246


jungle description, 1–2, 3–4, 72, 99, 114, 115–117, 229

weather/climate, 40, 101, 114, 154, 155, 157, 181, 182, 233, 298n2

Vietnam/Chuck Hagel

9th Infantry Division/patch, 83

background summary/arrival in Vietnam, 66–67

bet on 1968 presidential election, 207

Camp Martin Cox, Bear Cat, 66, 107

comparisons with father/World War II, 71

descriptions, 128–129

individual replacement and, 66–67, 68, 102

on intelligence sharing, 118–119

King’s assassination and, 149, 151

last month of service, 223

as leader, 3, 156

letters home, 130, 131–132

on Project 100,000, 149

Reliable NCO Academy course and, 191

replacing Smith and, 182–183

roadrunner operation/VC and, 69, 72–74

on VC, 174

views on war/fighting, 3, 203, 226

volunteering/expectations and, 34–35

on war/deaths, 182, 242

on weapons/APC, 71

See also Vietnam/Hagel brothers; specific operations/events

Vietnam/Hagel brothers

9th Infantry Division/patch and, 82–83

attempting to serve together, 108–109

becoming sergeants, 209–210

correspondence/phone calls between, 83–84

correspondence/phone calls home, 131–132, 184, 303n14

as leaders, 127–128, 183, 214

planned departures, 223

Purple Hearts, 132, 163, 184, 191, 199, 200, 203, 221, 232, 235, 246

questions about serving together and, 3, 108

relationship, 3, 202–203

reunion/serving together, 109–111

sleep and, 114

vacation in Hawaii with family, 208–209

volunteering for, 50–51

walking point, 1–3, 113–117, 119

See also Vietnam/Chuck Hagel; Vietnam/Tom Hagel; specific operations/events

Vietnam/Tom Hagel

on Agent Orange effects, 157

arrival in Vietnam/9th Infantry Division, 83

Bronze Star, 200, 201, 306n60

Camp Martin Cox, Bear Cat, 82

descriptions, 1, 2, 128

DMZ area and, 84, 107

individual replacement and, 67, 68

killing foe one on one/effects, 197, 201, 202–203

as leader, 3

Reliable NCO Academy course and, 191

Silver Star and, 200

Sullivan Rule and, 108

unit nomenclature, 83

views on war, 2, 191–192, 203, 226

volunteering/expectations and, 34–35

on war/people, 159, 229, 231

See also Vietnam/Hagel brothers; specific operations/events

Vietnam/Tom Hagel last days

beer/marijuana and, 237, 240

building his own bunker/shell fragments and, 238–239

leaving/process, 245–246

nights/remembering violence and, 235–239, 240–241, 242–244

PX description, 232

timing, 224, 226

trip for supplies, 232–235

Vietnam veterans and American society, 258

Vietnam War/US

9th Infantry Division Area of Operations (1968), xv (map)

alcohol/marijuana and, 214, 232

brothers serving together, 111

continuing Vietnam War mistakes, xii, 268

“enemy” behavior and, 241–242

enemy casualties claims/counting and, 177–178, 185, 197, 199, 211, 241, 297–298n50, 302n63

generals views of intensity, 225

inbound/outbound soldiers meeting, 244–245

individual replacement system/problems and, 67–69, 101, 126

infantry branch color, 302–303n7

King’s assassination and, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155

legacy, xi–xii

losing war and, 210–211

“maneuver and fire” tactic, 99–100

news effects on soldiers (summary), 180

number of shells/VC death, 99

punishment and, 214

racism and, 148–152, 297n41

“regiments” and, 96

regional vs. national divisions, 96

riflemen carrying machine gun/ammunition, 158, 299n10

terminology/acronyms, 227–232, 310n9, 311n16

units usefulness (Ewell), 96–97

as war of attrition and, 6–7, 12, 22, 51, 62, 65, 73–74, 86, 98, 106, 129–130, 184, 272n11

withdrawal and, 254–255

See also military serving in Vietnam; specific individuals/groups; specific operations/events

“Vietnamization,” 255

village/house searches

description, 158–159

effects on South Vietnamese, 158

hidden weapons, 159–160

prisoners of war and, 160

tunnels/tunnel rats, 159

Vivian Strong Liberation School, 252–253

Voting Rights Act (1965), 144

walking point

description, 113–116

items carried/weight, 116

See also Vietnam/Hagel brothers

Wallace, George

background, 136–137, 293n2

description/views and, 137, 144, 147, 148, 206–207, 251

in Omaha, Nebraska/riot, 134–135, 137, 141–143, 248, 250–251, 252

presidential run, 134–135, 136, 137, 206–207, 222

Walt, Lew, 104

war. See anti-war movement; military/war; specific wars

War Bonnet Creek battle, Nebraska, 30–31, 83

Ware, Keith, 104

Washington, George, 69

water in Vietnam

microbes and, 119

purification and, 119

See also attack (March 28, 1968)

Westmoreland: The General Who Lost Vietnam (Sorley), 5–6

Westmoreland: The Inevitable General (Furguson), 5–6

Westmoreland, Katherine Van Deusen, 199, 247

Westmoreland, William

background, 6, 24, 271n5

US Army chief of staff position (1968), 146

World War II/Korea and, 6, 24, 50, 67, 94

Westmoreland, William/Vietnam War

artillery calculations and, 8–9

books on, 5–6

departure, 146, 153, 178

description/traits, 5, 6, 20, 84, 85, 179

enemy casualties and, 177

Ewell and, 94

forecast (1968), 11, 12

man-by-man rotation/tour, 67

National Press Club talk (1967), 4–5, 11

New York Times article on, 10

phases/American numbers and, 7

position, 5

speaking about Vietnam, 4–5, 11

Tet Offensive and, 65, 84–85, 86, 282n11

troop request/plans (1968), 105, 107, 144–145

views on, 4, 5, 10, 51

on war strategy, 6–7, 62

weapons/APC and, 71

Weyand, Frederick C.

criticism of war/Westmoreland, 10, 65

military background, 10, 65, 93

Mini-Tet and, 169

Tet Offensive and, 65, 77

Vietnam War, 10, 65, 77, 104

“White Mice” meaning, 168

White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, 49–50

Widows Village

creation/description, 77–78

fight casualties, 82

fighting description, 77–82, 100–101

Williams, Danny, 221

Wooten, Philip M., 176

World War I

casualties and, 199

drafting soldiers and, 53

Haig/battle descriptions, 89

Ludendorff’s strategy and, 63–64, 285–286n1

Offutt and, 90

See also specific individuals

World War II

B-24s (US) and, 27–30, 31, 275n32

Battle of the Bulge/effects, 86, 98

Civil War comparisons and, 22, 23

death statistics, 22

firebombing/atomic weapons use (US), 18–19, 22–24, 30

German surrender, 22

Japan continuing (1945), 22–24

Japanese Zero pilots, 27–28, 275n34

Pearl Harbor bombing/Japan and, 26–30

US “regiments” and, 96

US weaponry and, 98, 99

Vietnam War comparisons, 86

See also specific individuals

Young, Paul, 252

Zamperini, Louis, 28