We pulled into an overgrown field. The morning sun cast a peachy glow through the trees and over the landscape. I admired the beauty and magic in the view. Rolling down the window of Zane’s truck, I stuck my hand out. The wind blew through my fingers. Magic kissed my skin as we slowly rolled through the field.
A several yards from the entrance, the barn-like building came into view. The natural magic I felt when we turned onto the property shifted to something stronger, more electrifying. My pulse increased and I brought my hand back into the truck.
“There’s a protection spell around the barn.” The hairs on the back of my neck stood on ends. I didn’t like it.
Trevor sat up and leaned in between mine and Zane’s seats. “Will we be able to get in?”
“Not sure. It could be part of the trap.” I glanced to Zane. “Do you feel it?”
He gave a short nod and parked the truck. “It was the same when I followed the councilman here.”
Hmm. Opening my door, I slid out and stared at the building. “Could be there to keep unwanted guests out. Since we assume the councilman led us here on purpose…maybe it’s safe to enter.”
“Maybe?” Wyatt asked as he came around the from the back of the truck.
Zane growled when he stopped next to me. “I went inside when I was here. The wards were up then. Like you said, ‘unwanted guests.’”
I nodded. “Since the man you followed wants us here, we should be good.”
Trevor let out a nervous laugh. “Then why don’t you sound more confident?”
I met his gaze, grabbed his shirt, and pulled him to me. “I have trust issues.” Then I kissed him quickly before releasing his shirt. “Let’s go get ourselves trapped.”
Zane took my hand and stepped through the wards. Other than a slight prickle on my skin, nothing else happened. No magical shock that put us all on our asses, or worse, killed us. The latter was something I didn’t share with the guys as a possibility.
We entered the building through a door a couple of feet from the large garage door. A peaceful calm came over me, which nipped at my panic. I wasn’t used to being around a lot of witches, especially ones as powerful as those on the council.
Sure, I was just as powerful, probably more, but other signatures mixed in made me restless.
The garage only had one car in it. I assumed it belonged to the councilman waiting for us at the magical traveling mansion.
The garage was slightly bigger than I imagined. I pictured a rundown shack big enough for one car. That was not the case.
The building was a ten-car garage with a room in the back that could easily house the whole council comfortably. A little too comfy with the full-size leather couch and matching loveseat and armchair. There was even an area rug in the center of the room.
“Looks like this used to be the meeting place.” Trevor’s tone was low, almost a growl. His tension and anxiety drifted toward me.
I wrapped my arm around his and leaned into him. Instantly he relaxed, then snaked his arm around my waist. His body heat seeped into my side, comforting. I leaned into him and linked my fingers with Wyatt, who stood on my other side. A thousand butterflies swarmed in my belly while my heart beat rapidly. I wasn’t sure why I was so nervous.
It wasn’t like the council couldn’t hurt me. That was a lie. They could hurt me more than they could when I was younger, weaker. They could kill any one or all my guys.
Wyatt squeezed my hand and Trevor’s arm tightened around my waist.
“They still might use this place for meetings.” Zane stepped into my line of sight and glared. “Are you with us?”
I nodded. “I’m fine.” But I didn’t move. I stared at the room while fear crawled up my spine with its icy fingers.
Suddenly, a ripple of energy formed in the middle of room. No, not formed. It was already there. The room was spelled. An illusion.
I focused on Zane’s sharp features. His upper lip curled as if he was about to snarl at me. Narrowing my gaze, I released Wyatt’s hand and stepped out of Trevor’s arms. I didn’t want to be touching them when I broke the illusion spell on the room.
The council was hiding something and I wanted to know what.
When I pushed past Zane, he grabbed my arm. Whirling to face him, I snatched out of his hold. “There is an illusion spell on this room.”
“We know. We sense it,” Wyatt said from behind me.
“Don’t you want to know what they are hiding?”
Zane hardened his stare. His Alpha power brushed against me. I pushed back with my own power. After a few moments of staring each other down, he broke the eye contact and lunged for me, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tight.
Sometimes his behavior confused me.
Zane kissed my temple then spoke in a calm, soft voice. “If you break the spell, they know we were here.”
“They’ll know we went to the mansion.”
Trevor spoke up. “They already know we’re here. At least the one Zane followed does. What if the spell is hiding the portal?”
Glancing at him over my shoulder, I nodded, then turned to Trevor and kissed his cheek. “The council are clever, egotistical and paranoid jerks. So yeah, they know. And I agree, I think the portal is in there.”
I stepped closer to the meeting room opening. There wasn’t a door, just a half-wall that separated it from the rest of the garage with an opening wide enough for two people to walk through side by side.
The guys stepped up behind me. None of them touched me while Zane said, “She’s right. They might have this place wired. I don’t see a camera, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any.”
“We have to move fast,” Wyatt added.
A smile lifted my lips. My guys were a team with two missing members. It reminded me they’d been friends since before grade school. I wished I knew them back then. Before my father and the council ruined their lives.
Which was why I was doing this. For their freedom and mine.
Taking a deep, cleansing breath, I walked into the meeting room, right through the illusion spell. It was empty. No table or chairs or file cabinets. In the center of the space was the portal. A hum of energy vibrated in the air.
I stared at the iridescent portal. Something wasn’t right. “This is too easy. There should be a lock or password or wards or something.”
Zane came up behind me and placed his hands on my hips. “It’s a trap, remember. They want us to go through it.”
He had a point. I took a deep breath and released it slowly. “Let’s do this.”
I advanced toward the portal, feeling my guys at my back.
After a moment of gathering up my nerves, I stepped through the portal. I emerged onto a beach with water so clear you could see the sandy bottom. The guys filed out of the portal one by one behind me.
The smell of the salty air filled my senses and warmed my soul. Then I turned and gasped. “Wow.”
The large mansion sat on a hill looming over the sand dunes and ocean. It was twice the size as Dimitri’s house with four stories. Red brick covered the exterior and black shutters accented the windows. White columns were evenly spaced around the front of the mansion, holding up the second floor balcony.
“That’s a big house,” Trevor said.
I laughed, mostly because of nerves. “Yeah, well it does have to house the entire council at one time.”
“The one I followed is still here. I smell him.” Zane stepped in front of me as if he was going to protect me from a powerful witch.
I sighed and let him. After all, it was his nature to protect his mate. As his strong-willed half-demon mate, I’d get his back. “Shall we go greet the councilman?”
I also sensed another witch. But there was just one. A male about the same age as my mother would be if she were still alive. His magical signature was familiar to me for some reason.
Shaking it off, I straightened my spine and followed Zane to the house.
Whoever this councilman was, he lured us here for a reason. We were about to find out why.