From the Dry Creek Tidbits column appearing in the March 17 issue of the Billings newspaper:
The bride, Lizette Baker, and the groom, Judd Bowman, were married in the church in Dry Creek last Saturday, March 14, at two o’clock in the afternoon. The groom’s little cousin, Amanda Strong, was the flower girl and her brother, Bobby Strong, was the ring bearer.
Both children (who take lessons at the Baker School of Ballet along with eight other children) executed perfect pirouettes on their way down the aisle as a special gift to their ballet teacher.
The bride and groom gave special thanks to the pastor of the church, who had baptized them and received their confession of faith several months prior to their marriage.
Doughnuts were served at the reception along with a five-tiered wedding cake, both made by the bride, who offers her baking services at the Dry Creek Café.
Readers of this column who want to send congratulation cards to Mr. and Mrs. Bowman can send cards to the Bowman Ranch, Dry Creek, Montana (the groom assured me there is no need to refer to their place as the Jenkins place any longer and I believe he’s right. It’s now the Bowman family’s place.)
Readers of this column will also remember that the bride and groom were engaged shortly after demonstrating the Hollywood kiss that was diagrammed in this column. Their kiss after the wedding ceremony rivaled the one many readers saw at the Nutcracker ballet performance before Christmas.
The bride was quoted as saying, “Finally, we have that kiss just right.”
The groom offered to keep practicing.