Before we reached the foot

            of that         tower

Our eyes had been glued to its tip

Where two flashlights morsed,

And, so far off our peepers could barely see,

Another flashlight signalled back.

‘Don’t tell me,’ I said, turning to Berrigan,

‘We’re nicked.’ ‘No such luck,’ he replied,

‘Feast your eyes on the filthy water,

You’ll see our welcoming party soon enough,

Unless the marsh’s vapours

                              hide            it.’

An SLR never shot a bullet

That cut through flesh faster

Than the coracle, covered in Tesco’s bags,

That skimmed towards us, drawn by the shades

Of Brent geese, culled for the royal visit,

With a solitary helmswoman, who was yelling:

‘Now I’ve got you, you wretched soul!

Prepare to burn!’ ‘Hold your geese,

Boudicca,’ my guide replied,

‘This dude’s just visiting.’ If you’ve seen

Someone looking real pissed when they find

Out they’ve been swindled – that was Boudicca.

As Berrigan stepped into the coracle

         he handed me a pill,


‘You might need one of these,’

And only when I followed

                did the coracle begin to rock.