Rejoice, Oxford, since you are so powerful

That over sea and fen you beat your wings,

And your name spreads through Hell itself.

I was shocked to find amongst the thieves,

Where those condemned for crimes against literature

Dwell, three of your alumni, a circumstance

That does you little credit.

Not content with taking over parliament

Now you wish to police literature with your

Agents and keep it safe with your unmagnanimous

Authors and their self-important posturings.

But literature is no coterie,

And if history is anything to go by,


                                      do not last.

We quit the pit of thieves,

Zone 8 Area G, making our way

Up some scree down which we had come.

To climb back up we had to get down

On our hands and knees, pursuing our

Solitary way, for here foot without hand sped not.

Once at the top, we took a shortcut up some stairs,

And came via a devious route, past some ducks

Hunkered down in a muddy tyre track,

As in a poem by Thomas Hardy,

To the LTB, where many lost souls

Stood about conversing and smoking.

It filled me with grief, and fills me with grief

Again now, when I think back on what I saw,

And as I write I know I must not indulge