According to myth, Juno was once so

Enraged against the Thebans over Semele,

That she made King Athamas go insane,

So insane, that when he saw his wife

Stepping towards him, with a child in each hand,

He cried out: ‘Spread the nets,

That I may trap the lioness and her cubs

At the pass!’ And then he spread out his

Crazy hands as if he were the net,

Grabbed one of his sons and battered his brains

Out against a rock. She drowned herself

                       with the other one.

And when Adam Ant, fresh out of the nuthouse,

Thought someone was threatening his daughter,

He lost it completely

Put a brick through the window of

The Dick Turpin, and pulled out a blunderbuss

(For he is a keen collector of antiques);

As the police dragged him off, now out of his mind,

They say he began to howl, like a dog.

The thought of going back inside snapped his mind.

But never in Thebes or London did you see

Crazies as ferocious as the two naked shades

I saw now as I looked back into the ditch:

They charged about madly like wild boar

When hunted, snarling and snapping

At anything in their path.

One, crashing into the comedian,

Fixed his incisors on his neck-joint, dragging

Him off so that his belly was flayed by the tarmac.