“Intergalactic space travel meets outrageous, biting satire in Super Extra Grande.… Its author [Yoss] is one of the most celebrated—and controversial—Cuban writers of science fiction.… Reminiscent of Douglas Adams—but even more so, the satire of Rabelais and Swift.”
Nancy Hightower, The Washington Post
“A lighthearted space-opera adventure by Cuban author Yoss.… This novel’s madcap tone is very similar to Douglas Adams’.… An exceptionally enjoyable comic tale set in a fully realized, firmly science-fictional universe.”
Kirkus, Starred Review
“Science fiction is a place where minority authors have brilliantly mixed the possibilities of the future with the sociopolitical problems of their time. Everything from politics and sexism to racism and the silence of the subaltern (the one Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak wrote about) have been explored within the context of a narrative that takes place in a fictional future. Cuban science fiction author Yoss’ Super Extra Grande does all these things.… [Yoss] marries hard science with wild invention and throws that mix into a hilarious, politically and sexually charged universe where all alien races have stopped being unknown to each other.”
Gabino Iglesias, PANK Magazine
A Planet for Rent
Super Extra Grande
For Susana and Roland,
because this idea for a possible story
came up on their visit to Havana,
and now it is a novel.
For Elizabeth, my little muse.