The poet as seer . . . this is the mantle accepted and worn by the Visionary Poets. The Visionaries predict, prophesy, and foresee. Some of them are Cassandras, futilely warning of impending doom, others are Don Quixotes, dreaming of a different, more idealized, world.
b. 1930
Polymath Pat Robertson is host of a national TV show, the inventor of a special age-defying protein shake (filled with energy-producing nutrients) that promises vibrant health, and—as the following demonstrates—a prophetic poet. In his “Warning,” Robertson graphically warns us of current scourges to be visited upon our planet by a loving redemptive God in vengeful wrath for our love and tolerance of gay people.
I would warn Orlando that
you’re right in the way of some serious hurricanes,
and I don’t think I’d be waving those flags in God’s face if I were you.
This is not a message
of hate
This is a message
of redemption.
But a condition like this will bring about the destruction of your nation.
It’ll bring about terrorist bombs;
it’ll bring earthquakes,
and possibly
a meteor.
b. 1961
The Emily Dickinson of the conservative set, pundit Ann Coulter does not follow the typical Dickinsonian ABCB rhyme schemes in this short poem, but maintains the melancholic acceptance of sad inevitability found in Dickinson’s later works.
If we took away women’s right to vote,—
we’d never have to worry
about another Democrat president.
It’s kind of a Pipe Dream,—
it’s a personal fantasy of mine,
I don’t think it’s Going to Happen.
b. 1942
Former California Governor Gray Davis’s poetic dream for California is ultimately so . . . Californian.
My vision is to make the most diverse state on earth
and we have people from every planet on the earth in this state
We have the sons and daughters of every,
of people from every planet,
of every country on earth.
b. 1985
Here the poet, actress Keira Knightley, imagines the unimaginable—nuclear apocalypse. Moreover, she boldly proposes a personal solution, one from which we can all learn or at least carefully ponder.
I’d like to be a skilled laborer and
not be left behind at a campfire
making gruel.
My friend’s looking for a job
and we found out you can get £15 to £30 an hour
for bricklaying.
I’ve found the courses
and the moment I have some spare time
I want to do it.
I’m sure I can find a positive experience
in laying bricks.
b. 1949
What if one is blessed—or cursed—with the ability to foretell one’s own future? Speaker of the House John Boehner explains.
A fella taking a thousand photos of
I didn’t know who he was. And
I just gave him
That Frown.
Of course, that’s the one they’re gonna use. And I told him.
I said,
“This is the one you’re gonna use.”
I told him.
Ed note: That was indeed the photo that was used.