The more mystical counterpart to the Religious School (see page 204), the Spiritualist School takes a non-organized-religious look at the spiritual quest for paradise, perfection, and a symbiotic relationship with the Godhead. Thus, the personal God and personal concerns with God—as in the Jesus Date poems of the Religious School—are dropped in favor of the cosmic.
b. 1962
Enlightenment and transcendent perfection are, of course, the ultimate goals of the mystic. Some, like rocker Tommy Lee, actually find it—and he generously shows us his path.
You must remove one article of clothing
—your pants, your top—
or else you are not allowed in my dressing room.
So in order to come back and dance and party
you gotta take off some clothing.
That gets the fucking party started so quick.
Everyone’s walking around topless,
shit’s going,
music’s bumping,
girls are dancing on the table,
you’re like,
“Okay, this is perfect.”
b. 1983
Sometimes the poet advances his or her own prescriptions for achieving the mystical state, as does actress Kate Bosworth in the following.
It’s amazing.
Because if you, like,
Have everybody taking ten minutes a day
And really focusing on, like,
and a better world
and a better self, like,
Imagine all that,
all that
going out there?
b. 1977
This brief poem by rapper Kanye West packs a powerful spiritual punch. One feels he or she too is “home” at Gucci.
I won’t go into a big spiel
about reincarnation,
But the first time I was in the Gucci store
in Chicago
Was the closest I’ve ever felt
b. 1974
What connotes spirituality? Who better than singer/model/fashion designer Victoria Beckham to tackle this complex yet simple question?
I’m quite spiritual.
I’m very good at visualization.
I was talking to Gordon Ramsay and David about this and they’re the same.
Gordon visualises a meal, then prepares it.
David visualizes the goal.
I’ll lie in bed and think, “What kind of look do I want tomorrow?”