Acapulco, 147

Albariño, 272–3

alcohol-free drinks, 320–2

americanos, 290

Applebuie, 247

apples, 206–9, 240

apple brandy, 222

apple juice, 84, 206, 209, 270

aquavit, 270–1

Aristotle, 31

Armagnac, 22, 233, 250–1, 317

Armstrong, Kevin, 27–8

Attila the Hun, 206

Bacardi, 161

Baileys, 245, 317

Barham, Peter, 28, 30–1

Beauman, Fran, 166

beef, Thai, 256

beer, 211–12

see also lager

Bellinis, 119–20

Between the sheets, 296, 323

Bibendum Oyster bar, 272

bitters, 16–17, 102, 106, 314

angostura, 17, 231, 311

Aperol, 16, 106

Cynar, 16, 106

Fernet-Branca, 16

Peychaud’s, 17

see also Campari

blackberry liqueur, 199

Blake, Admiral, 156

blenders, 26, 82

bloodhounds, 139

Bloody Mary, 90–1, 321

Blumenthal, Heston, 213, 217

Bollinger, Madame, 282

Bond, James, 107, 288

bourbon, 22, 109–10, 311–15

Buffalo Trace, 109, 312, 315

Woodford Reserve, 109, 312, 315

Boyt, Mr, 40

brandy, 15, 21, 156, 179, 250–1

brandy Alexander, 244

and eggnog, 243–4

and ginger refresher, 237

and sidecars, 295

and wassail cup, 241

see also Armagnac;

cognac; fruit liqueurs and brandies

Brazil, 168–9

Brogdale Farm, 206–9

Buck’s Fizz, 231

Buckingham Palace, 310

Burrough, James, 306

cachaça, 168

cafetières, 25, 66, 70, 150

caipirinhas, 168–9

Calvados, 21, 222

Campari, 16, 22, 102–6, 116–17

and negronis, 289–90

Carter, Jimmy, 284

cava, 182

champagne, 181–2

cocktails, 231–3

demi-sec, 186–8

Chandler, Raymond, 107

Chase, Lorraine, 102

cheesy wafers, 236

cherries, 315

Chez Panisse, 314


Thai chicken, 256

Velma’s stew chicken, 154

China, 254

Churchill, Winston, 248, 284, 287

cider, 210, 326–9

pear, 181–2

and wassail cup, 240–1, 328

Cipriani, Giuseppe, 119

citron pressé, 125–6, 320

Clarence, Duke of, 203

Clark, Sam and Sam, 214

Club 55 restaurant, 177

Coca-Cola, 161, 176, 326

cocktail shakers, 25, 32

cocoa bean liqueur, 244

coffee, 21, 66–74

beans, 72–3

buying, 74

cafetière, 70

espresso, 67

filter, 69–70

iced, 150–1

instant, 150

Irish, 316–17

and milk, 74

moka, 71

coffee liqueur, 317

Cognac, 22, 179, 231, 250–1, 295, 317

Cointreau, 16, 101, 147–8, 179,293

Collins, Joan, 177

Collins glasses, 24, 106, 162 243, 290

Colquhoun, Anna, 314–15

cooking alcohol, 21

cordials, 20, 320

elderflower, 115, 126–9, 175, 320

ginger, 189–90

lime, 107–8, 189–90

Cox, Jennings, 163

cranberry vodka, 270

crème de cacao, 244

crème de cassis, 197–8

Crowley, Martin, 145

Cuba, 161–4

Cuba libres, 162, 322, 323

cucumber martinis, 137

cups and mugs, 76–9

Curaçao, 164, 179

daiquiris, 163–5

damson gin, 198–9

David, Elizabeth, 181

Davidson, Alan, 254

Dejoria, John-Paul, 145

Devlin, Polly, 123

Devon lemonade, 115

DeVoto, Bernard, 283

Dickson Wright, Clarissa, 302–3

Dimbleby, Josceline, 86

Drambuie, 247

Dubonnet, 310

eaux-de-vie, 199–200

egg whites, 292

eggnog, 243–4

elderflower cordial, 115, 126–9, 175, 320

Eliot, T. S., 54

Elizabeth II, Queen, 310

Embury, David A., 284, 286, 295

Épernay, 186

Ezio, General, 206

Fielding, Henry, 302

Florence, 289, 304

Flynn, Errol, 294

Ford, Henry, 168

Foynes, County Limerick, 316

fruit liqueurs and brandies, 198–200

Fry, Stephen, 59

Fryer, Jonathan, 207

fuzzy navels, 170, 326

genever, 303

Gibson martinis, 288

gin, 15, 113–15, 139–40, 283–310

Beefeater, 304–7

Blackwood’s, 304

Bombay Sapphire, 293, 305, 308

brands of, 306–9

definition, 303

and Dubonnet, 310

gin gimlets, 107–8, 327

gin slings, 106

Gordon’s, 201, 288–9, 298,306

Hendrick’s, 138, 308

London gin, 303, 306, 309

and martinis, 283–8

Miller’s, 293, 3°8

and negronis, 289–9°

Plymouth, 115, 201, 287, 304,309

and saketini, 263

sloe gin, 201–2

strength, 305–6

Tanqueray, 15, 114, 263, 293, 298,305–7

and tonic, 297–300, 322

and white ladies, 293–4

Whitley Neill’s, 309

see also Pimm’s

ginger beer, 113–14, 189, 320, 326

ginger cordial, 189–90

ginger infusion, 125

ginger wine, 246–7, 327

glasses, 23–5

Collins glasses, 24, 106, 162, 243, 290

for gin and tonic, 300

old-fashioned, 313

shot glasses, 121

wineglasses, 43–8

Gosford Park, 59

Gow, Ian, 293

Grand Marnier, 179, 317

grapefruit juice, 83, 104, 146, 170, 178

Greene, Graham, 248–9

greengage liqueur and

brandy, 198–200

grenadine, 164

grog, 113, 157

see also strawberry grog

guacamole, 149

Hamilton, Edward, 158

Hammett, Dashiell, 32

Harry, Prince, 266

Harry’s Bar, Paris, 293

Harry’s Bar, Venice, 106, 119

Havana Floridita, 161, 163

Hawthorn strainers, 25–6

Heffer, Simon, 293

Hemingway, Ernest, 163, 164,286

Henderson, Fergus, 202, 204

Hendrick’s, 138, 308

Hogarth, William, 302

hot chocolate, 92–3, 182

hot toddy, 242

hot water, 79

ice, 27–30, 298

Irish coffee, 316–17

Jack Daniel’s, 311

Jamaica, 152, 156, 159

Japan, 258

Jefferson, Thomas, 203

Jerez, 213, 215–16

juicers, 81, 206

juices and smoothies, 81–8, 320

blood-orange, 105, 116–17

frozen berry, 88

grapefruit, 83, 104, 146, 170, 178

kiwi and apple, 84

mango lassi, 87–8

nectarine and mint, 85

orange, 82–3, 86–7, 104, 170

orange and cranberry, 83

orange and grapefruit, 83

pineapple and raspberry, 86

strawberry and orange, 86

strawberry, orange, and

banana, 87

juniper, 303–5

Junor, John, 274

Kelly, Richard, 127

Kentucky, 311–12

Kentucky Derby, 109

Kina Lillet, 288

King, Marjorie, 147

Kinnell, A. J., 67

kir, 197–8

kirsch, 199–200

lager, 181, 211

Laws on, Nigella, 236

Lee, Peggy, 147

lemon balm, 130

lemonade, 100, 113–14, 172, 178, 181, 320

see also Devon lemonade

lemongrass vodka, 255

lemons and lemon juice, 21, 33, 128, 172, 175 295, 297–8, 300

citron pressé, 125–6

lemon, honey, and hot

water, 242

Ligon, Richard, 151

limes and lime juice, 21, 33, 107–8,168–9, 173, 297, 300

lime cordial, 107–8, 189–90

lime soda, 172, 321

London Floridita, 164

Long Island iced tea, 179

Louis XVI, King, 186

Loy, Myrna, 32

lychee “martinis”, 254

Mabey, Richard, 126, 127

MacElhone, Harry, 293

Madeira, 202–4

Madrid, 316

Malibu, 326

Manhattans, 22, 314–15

margaritas, 147–9

Marie Antoinette, Queen, 186

Marrakesh, 140

Marsala, 21, 222–4

martinis, 107, 283–8

melissa tea, 130

melons, 141–3, 326

mescal, 144


and Campari, 103

and coffee, 74

frothing, 74

and tea, 59

mint juleps, 22, 109–10

mint infusions, 21, 130–1, 322

Mitford, Nancy, 59

mojitos, 160–1, 323

mokas, 25, 71, 150

Montgomery, Field Marshal

Bernard, 286

Morgan, Captain Henry, 152

Morris, Jasper, 64

moscato d’Asti, 188

Moscow mules, 190–91, 322, 323

mozzarella and rocket toasts, 117

Mpemba, Erasto P., 30–1

muddlers, 26

mulled wine, 239, 328

muscadet, 273–4

Mykonos, 316

negronis, 289–90, 327

New York, 55

nostalgia, 326

old-fashioneds, 22, 311–13

Omija, Wakana, 258, 261

Oporto, 141

orange juice, 82–3, 86–7, 104,170

blood-orange, 105, 116–17

Orangina, 182

Orvieto, 221

Orwell, George, 55

Paragulgov, Osman, 265

Paris, 33, 56, 90, 293, 295

Parker, Dorothy, 284

Paxman, Jeremy, 248

Payne, Desmond, 304–5

peach schnapps, 170

pear cider, 181–2

Pendennis Club, 312

Perignon, Dom, 44

picnics, 181–2

Pimm’s, 99–101

piña coladas, 166–7, 173, 326

pineapples, 166–7

pisco sours, 292

Pliny, 44

plum liqueur and brandy, 199–200

pomegranate juice, 81, 146, 235

pomegranate seeds, 234

Ponsonby, Rupert, 211

pork, Thai, 256

port, 224–5

tawny, 224–5

white, 141

Porter, Cole, 312

porter, 212

Pousse Radiere, 233

Pouzalgues, Nathalie, 275–6

Powell, William, 32

prawns with garlic, 257

prosecco, 118–20, 182, 328–9

Provence, 275–6

Punt e Mes, 290

Queen Mother, 310

quince liqueur and brandy, 198–200

quinine, 302

Raffles hotel, 106

Ramsay, Gordon, 67

Ransome, Arthur, 113–14

raspberry hounds, 139

raspberry liqueur, 198

raspberry vodka, 171

Red Bull, 102

red wine, 184–5, 221–2

chilled, 184–5

mulled, 239

sangria, 176–7

Reed, Lou, 177

riesling cup, 178

Ribalaigua, Constante, 161, 163

Riedel, Georg, 45

Riley, Mike, 73

Ritz Hotel, 33

Roden, Claudia, 224

Rome, 118, 294

rosé wine, 182, 274–6

Rose’s Lime Cordial, 107–8

rosewater fizz, 140

Royal Navy, 152, 156–7

rum, 15, 151–3, 156–68

aged, 157–160

Appleton, 159, 160

cocktails, 160–7

dark, 157

El Dorado, 159

golden, 157, 160

Goslings Black Seal, 22, 159

Havana Club, 15, 164, 165

hot buttered, 242

and old-fashioneds, 313

Pyrat Cask, 23, 159

Ron Zacapa Centenario, 159

and soda, 153, 328

white, 157, 160–2

Russian Revolution, 267

St. Lucia, 103

sake, 258–63

and food, 261–2

salmon, 262

and fennel toasts, 117

saltimbocca alia romana, 223

salty dogs, 170

Sames, Margaret, 147

San Francisco, 258, 314–15

San Pellegrino, 181

sangria, 177–8

Sanlucar de Barrameda, 215–16

Sao Paulo, 169

Scott Thomas, Kristin, 59

sea breezes, 177

Sheridan, Joseph, 316

sherry, 21, 213–18, 261

amontillado and palo

cortado, 217

cream, 218–19

fino, 216, 240, 329

manzanilla, 215–16, 329

olorosso, 217

pedro ximénez, 218

and wassail cup, 240–1

sidecars, 295

Simone, Nina, 316

simple syrup, 20

Singapore, 106

sipping spirits, 22

slammers, 144

sloe gin, 199, 201–2

Smirnov, Vladimir, 267

smoothies, see juices and


stout, 212

strawberry grog, 113–14, 320

Sturges, Jeremy, 57

Taj Mahal hotel, 48

Talion, Billy, 310 21, 55–64

Assam, 61

Ceylon, 62

Darjeeling, 61

Earl Grey, 62

green, 60, 322

Lapsang Souchong, 62, 78, 173

leaves, 60–4

loose-leaf, 63–4

and milk, 59

mint (infusions), 21, 130–1, 322

oolong, 62, 322

white, 63, 322

tea bags, 57, 59, 60–1, 63

tea strainers, 25

teapots, 25, 57

tequila, 22, 144–9

and margaritas, 147–9

Patrón, 145, 146, 159

Thai wraps, 255–7

Thermos flasks, 56, 182

Thomas, Dylan, 248

Thompson, William, 156

Tom Collins, 299

tonic water, 16, 20, 99, 102

elderflower and, 129, 320

gin and, 297–300, 302, 322

Hendrick’s and, 138

port and, 141

sloe gin and, 202

vermouth and, 101, 327

vodka and, 14, 268

trifle, Grandma Moore’s, 219

Trinidad, 153

Valparaiso, 121

Venice, 106, 118, 119

vermouth, 16, 101, 139

Cinzano, 16

and Manhattans, 314–15

martini, 16

and martinis, 283–8

and negronis, 289–90

Noilly Prat, 16, 287

and tonic, 327

Villeneuve-sur-Vère, 200

Vitaliev, Vitali, 265–7

vodka, 14, 176, 265–71

Belvedere, 22, 268–9, 287

and Bloody Marys, 90–1

cranberry vodka, 270

definition and purity, 266–7

flavored, 269

and food, 271

fruit drinks (“martinis”), 14, 22, 137, 141–3, 170–1,178, 254, 270, 326

infusions, 255

and Moscow mules, 189–90

and pomegranate, 234–5

Russian Standard, 14, 268

raspberry vodka, 171

and salty dogs, 170

sloe vodka, 201–2

Smirnoff, 14, 267–8

tasting, 268

and tonic, 14, 268

Zubröwka, 137, 269–70

vodkatinis, 287–8, 329

Wadsack, Joe, 46–7

wassail cup, Robbie’s, 240–1, 328


and coffee, 71–2

freezing and

supercooling, 30–I

hot, 79

sparkling, 20–1

and tea, 57–8

watermelon “martinis,” 142–3, 147

whiskey, 22, 245, 311–15

and Irish coffee, 316–17

whiskey sours, 291–2

whiskey, 15, 22, 248–50, 317

Ardbeg, 22, 250

Chivas Regal, 291

Highland Park, 249

and hot toddies, 242

Macallan, 250

and water, 327

whiskey mac, 246–7

and whiskey sours, 291–2

white ladies, 292–4

white wine, 121–4, 175, 183, 220–1

and kir, 197–8

and peach, 188

Reisling cup, 179–80

Sancerre and alternatives, 122–4

and seafood, 272–4

white-wine spritzer, 112–13

see also cava; champagne;


William, Prince, 166

Wilton, Countess of, 294

wine, 17, 34–41

autumn, 220–2

choosing, 37–41

color of, 275

corked, 34–6

leftover, 41

oxidized, 37

reduction in, 36

sparkling, 116–17

storage, 37, 41

see also red wine; rosé

wine; white wine

wineglasses, 43–8

Woodstock, 207

Wyatt, Petronella, 294

Wymore, Patrice, 294

zabaglione, 223