Case details – predicting mortality for a cardiology practice

The cardiology practice you are working with has two physicians on staff: Dr. Johnson and Dr. Wu. While the practice has many patients, they are interested in identifying which patients who visit are at high risk of all-cause mortality within the next 6 months. Having an outpatient visit sometime in 2016 makes up the inclusion criteria for the analytics. The target variable is whether the patient passed away within 6 months of their visit.

Now that we've reviewed the details of the modeling assignment, let's take a look at the five patients in the database. The preliminary data sent to you by the cardiology practice includes information on five patients, distributed across six tables. The following are case vignettes for each of the patients. Note that this section is heavy on clinical terminology related to cardiovascular diseases. We encourage you to use available online resources to answer your questions about this terminology. A comprehensive clinical reference is Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine (Kasper et al., 2005), the information for which is given at the end of the chapter.

The following is the information about the patients: