Introduction to predictive analytics in healthcare

In Chapter 1, Introduction to Healthcare Analytics, we discussed the three subcomponents of analytics: descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, and prescriptive analytics. Predictive and prescriptive analytics form the heart of healthcare's mission to improve care, cost, and outcomes. That is because if we can predict that an adverse event is likely in the future, we can divert our scarce resources toward preventing the adverse event from occurring.

What are some of the adverse events we can predict (and then prevent) in healthcare?

Now that we've answered the "What?" question, the next question is, "How?" In other words, how do we make predictions about which care providers can act?

In the remainder of the chapter, we will go through the "How?" of building a predictive model for healthcare. First, we will describe our mock modeling task. Then, we will describe and obtain the publicly available dataset. After that, we will preprocess the dataset and train predictive models using different machine learning algorithms. Finally, we will assess the performance of our model. While we will not be using our models to make actual predictions on live data, we will describe the steps necessary for doing so.