Caresse in the Twenties with her friend and companion,
Narcesse Noir.

Caresse with Harry in Lebanon in 1927.

Hart Crane, lifelong friend of Caresse. His last letter, before he took his life, was written to Caresse.

Salvador Dali at Caresse’s estate in Hampton, Virginia.

Hampton Manor estate in Virginia.

Caresse with Professor Piccionis at Delphi, projected site of the World Man Center.

Caresse with Ezra Pound.

Caresse’s world-citizen passport.

Caresse Crosby at Le Moulin de Soleil.
(© Southern Illinois University Carbondale Digital Collection)

Caresse Crosby aboard the SS Champlain.
(© Southern Illinois University Carbondale Digital Collection)

Caresse Crosby at Singing Beach in Manchester.
(© Southern Illinois University Carbondale Digital Collection)

Caresse Crosby napping in the sun at Le Moulin de Soleil.
(© Southern Illinois University Carbondale Digital Collection)

The Black Sun Press in Paris.
(© Southern Illinois University Carbondale Digital Collection)

Painting of Caresse Crosby by Frans de Geetere.

(© Southern Illinois University Carbondale Digital Collection)