
This book has benefitted greatly from detailed comments from Yahya Alshamy, Diana Thomas, and two anonymous referees. We thank Alan Harvey and Caroline McKusick at Stanford University Press for their guidance on this project.

Portions of this book were presented at the Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University, the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, the Institute for Economic Inquiry at Creighton University, and Bellarmine University. Parts of this manuscript were also presented at the Southern Economic Association and the Association of Private Enterprise Education Annual Conferences as well as a special meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society. We are grateful to the organizers and participants for their feedback, comments, and suggestions, which undoubtedly improved the work.

We would like thank Jordan Hurwitz for research assistance and Matthew Alford and Tom Secker for correspondence related to chapter 7.

Chris would like to thank his wife, Rachel, and daughters, Charlotte and Cordelia, for their love and support. He also thanks his colleagues in the F. A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University for creating a supportive intellectual environment. Finally, he would like to express gratitude to the Institute for Humane Studies, where he was a Senior Fellow during the final stages of this project.

Abby would like to thank her husband Edgar and her daughter Elizabeth for their support and encouragement. She would also like to thank Jerod Hassell, whose interest and queries into the project provided a wonderful source of motivation. She is grateful to her former colleagues at the University of Tampa for their support.